Hello! Thank you all for hanging on to read this story! It is finally over. I very much enjoyed writing it. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Let me know your final thoughts in the comments!

Everyone Knows Yet Doesn't

Tsu quickly closed the door to her room. Her eyes were still fixated on the pair of blue flowers on her desk. She walked over and pulled the card from the vase. She opened it.

To my beloved Tsu,

That smile

I want it to haunt my dreams.

It's an everlasting memory of joy.

I hope to always see you so happy,

Especially when the joy is brought by me.

cast away your distress in a pile.

All I want is to see you smile.

Yours Truly,

Your secret admirer

She didn't need any more evidence. The poetry, the pendent, the fact that he was the only one to ask about a second note. Now, the fact that these flowers were some of the only things Iida could not mark off. She knew there was only one possible person who had an eloquent manner of speaking and was able to fall in line with all her evidence. Tokoyami was her secret admirer.

Tsu smiled and hopped around the room. She kept the poem in her hand. What a wonderful note, and what a wonderful thing to hear. Tokoyami liked her, and knowing this brought her even more joy. As she collapsed on her bed, her mind spun around all the possible ways the quiet, crow headed boy had been courting her in secret.

Secret. That thought filled Tsu's head. "He still thinks I don't know it's him," she said out loud.

That made her pause. How was she supposed to react to this? Would she want to tell him? Should she just continue to lay low? Should she go down to his room right now? The questions pondered Tsu's head. She closed her eyes, and while pondering her next actions, fell asleep with the poem in her arms.

Knock Knock!

Tsu's eyes shot open. She must have dozed off. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she walked over to the door and opened it up. Jirio was on the other side of the door.

"Hey! We're all getting together to discuss decorations for the par...ty…" Jirou's voice drifted off her eyes locked on the bouquet of flowers sitting on Tsu's desk.

Tsu followed her eyes to her desk. "Ribbit."

"Where did you get those flowers?" Jirou asked.

"My secret admirer sent them with a note."

Jirou's face began to turn red. She held her breath as Tsu's aloof eyes looked her up and down. She wasn't sure what to do. As she debated any words to say, her face grew more red. Sweat began to drip down her face.

Tsu took a step towards Jirou. "Are you alright?" She placed a hand on Jirou's head. "You're not sick are you?"

"Nope, I'm fine," Jirou said. "Just wondering if you knew who your admirer was yet."

Tsu's eyes widened. She smirked. "You know, don't you?"

Jirou's legs wobbled in place, as she tried to run. Tsu pulled Jirou into the room and closed the door. Jirou placed her hand over her mouth. "I won't say!" Her voice was muffled.

"It's okay, " Tsu said. "I know it's Tokoyami."

Jirou collapsed to the ground like a deflated balloon. " Oh thank God! He finally told you."

"He didn't tell me. " Tsu lifted a brow.

"Oh." Jirou's hands clasped over her mouth.

"How long have you known?" Tsu asked

"Since he gave you the necklace," Jirou admitted.

Tsu instinctively took hold of the necklace with one hand. She smiled, a dreamy look in her eye. "He got a very nice necklace."

Jirou began stomping around the room. She pulled at her earphone jacks. "Uhg! You have to tell him you know! I can't keep this secret any longer! You know I'm bad at secrets! You told Tokoyami that!"

Tsu snapped back out of her starry eyed look. "How did you know I told him that?"

Jirou had her earphone jacks pulled tightly and started to wrap them around her neck. "Ah! I was spying you hoping Tokoyami would tell you! Then I found out that he is now turning Hagakure's party into a Hagakure and Ojiro party! And we are supposed to meet with Hagakure to go over party stuff! Ah!"

"I'm actually impressed you held in all that information so long, Ribbit." Tsu patted Jirou on the back. "On the bright side, the party is now just four days away."

"I have to hold this in for four more days!" Jirou began to spin. She took a seat on the floor.

"Well, since you already know about the party, I may be able to give you a distraction."


Tsu nodded her head. "We were going to ask you to make a playlist later, since you struggle with secrets. Why don't you work on that and any time someone wants to meet them you are working on the play list."

Jirou sighed. "I can do that. I know Hagakure's taste in music as well. I don't know what kind of music Ojiro likes, though."

"I don't know either, but I bet you could ask Tokoyami what music he likes."

"I thought I was going to hide from him so I don't spill the beans!"

"Ribbit, surely you can make it through a conversation with him. Besides, it wouldn't be fair to him or me. I might want to tell Tokoyami, I know."

Jirou tilted her head and twirled an earphone rack in her fingers. "Are you?" Tsu nodded her head. Jirou smirked. "When are you going to tell him?"

Tsu shrugged. "I'm not sure. I guess when the time is right, I will do it."

"That sounds right." Jirou tapped her earphone jacks together. "So… I don't trust I'm going to not spill the beans if I head to Momo's room."

"Go start making the playlist. Do you have Tokoyami's number? You can text him and I'm sure he will answer what Ojiro likes."

"You're really level headed, Tsu," Jirou said.

"Ribbit. Thanks. I'll go to Momo's room and explain where you are."

Jirou stood up and started for the door. She paused as she grabbed the handle. "Are you happy that it's Tokoyami?"

Tsu smiled. "I don't know how I couldn't be happy with someone who has only done nice things for me."

The next three days in class, Tokoymai couldn't help but notice he was getting more looks. Looks from Hagakure. Looks from Ojiro. Looks from Tsu. Each was staring, and he feared each was for a different reason. It was very uncomfortable.

He didn't necessarily see these looks. Dark Shadow was always on guard for onlookers. Something they had done since early childhood. People would often stare and make comments. This kept Tokoyami away from those classmates who would mock them behind their back; why Tokoyami always avoided having really any friends until entering UA.

"What do they all want?" He wondered.

"They are probably all wondering about the party. It is tomorrow. How are you going to get it ready?" Dark Shadow replied in his head.

It was true, the party was tomorrow. It was also true that Tokoyami had not discussed with either party when and how the party would be set up. "I really need to figure out how to get everything set up."

Of their entire class, four people knew what was happening. Sato, who had finished making and decorating the cake a long with all prep work needed for other snacks until they could be baked tomorrow. Jirou, who through texts Tokoyami figured out learned about the plan through Tsu and had created an epic play list. Finally, this left Tsu. Tokoyami's heart was torn. She was such a great friend especially with all of her assistance. He needed to get together with these four to figure out what he could do to set up a distraction.

The class bell rang and the three people who had bee staring at Tokoyami each stood up. All six eyes were locked on him.

Tokoyami gulped. "This is a mad banquet of darkness."

"Tokoyami, Iida, Yaoyorozo," Aizawa's voice called over the bell, "stay for a moment. We need to discuss something."

"Yes, sir." Tokoyami had never felt so relieved. He stayed in his seat as all the other students filed out of the room.

The three remaining students approached Aizawa's desk. "I wanted to discuss that party you are having tomorrow."

"I'm sorry Aizawa sensei, but there is no party as far as I am aware."

"Then why did Tokoyami come to me and request permission for a party this Saturday?"

Both Aizawa and Iida turned to Tokoyami with a very stern look at Tokoyami. Momo raised her hand. "Tokoyami asked on behalf of us girls," she said.

Aizawa and Iida turned their heads curiously towards Momo. "Why wouldn't you just ask, Yaoyorozo?"

Momo sighed as she fiddled with her fingers. "Because the party is supposed to be a love confession party for Hagakure. She is going to confess her feelings for Ojiro."

"A love confession? In our class?" Iida pondered the ethical nature of dating a classmate.

"That still doesn't explain why Tokoyami was the one to ask me," said Aizawa. "I feel that something more is up."

"No, really Aizawa sensei. It's just a party for-"

"That's not the complete reason." Tokoyami sighed. Now that half the truth was out, the whole story may as well be told. "I was originally asked by Hagakure to find out if Ojiro would like a party. In my quest, he too decided that he would like to confess to Hagakure through a class party."

"Both classmates share mutual feelings?" Iida gasped.

"Tokoyami, you didn't tell us that," Momo said.

Aizawa chuckled. "I think I'm getting teh whole picture. Tokoyami, did you try to set two parties up at once?"

"Almost," Tokoyami confessed. "In truth, since I knew both members wanted to confess to each other, I have been secretly manipulating each party to share a single theme. Both parties will be one larger party."

"And you have been orchestrating this on your own?" Iida asked. "I'm quite impressed Tokoyami."

"Well, I have had some great assistance from Asui with preparations and activities. And Sato has agreed to make all confectionaries needed. Jirou also has been working on combining both individuals' favorite songs into music."

Momo whipped a tear from her eye. "Tokoyami, this is the sweetest thing I have heard of."

"It's still not fully planned. I was hoping to figure out a way to get Hagakure and Ojirio away so we could set up the common area tomorrow morning for the celebration."

"Well, I've been meaning to review some of Hagakure's latest essays with her," Aizawa said with a serious tone. "I could probably tell her we need to meet to review her work for at least an hour."

Tokoyami's eyes widened. "You would really do that, sensei?"

"I can help you start the set up and gather materials. I'm sure we could have Ochaco take Hagakure to the store for a missing item to stall for more time." Momo bounced as she spoke.

Iida placed both hands on his fists. "I bet I could get the day started with an early sparring match with Ojiro. That should keep him distracted for a while."

Tokoyami smiled. "My heart is truly warmed by your assistance. Thank you."

"This still leaves me with my initial question," Aizawa said. "Can I bring Eri?"

The next morning, Hagakure rushed out of her room. Momo walked her to Aizawa's office, giving a head nod to Tokoyami and Tsu as they ate breakfast. As he nodded back, Tokoyami received a text from Iida. He had successfully taken Ojiro to spar. They had until eleven to set up the common room.

"I need everyone's attention," Tokoyami said standing up. Tsu, Sato, and Jirou quietly exited the common room as everyone's eyes fell to Tokoyami. He closed his eyes as he stood. Knowing he would need to talk to everyone, he rehearsed what he needed to say last night with Dark Shadow.

The remaining class members all stopped what they were doing and turned to their usually quiet classmate. Midoriya slurped down a spoonful of soup before answering. "What is it Tokoyami?"

Tokoyami cleared his throat. "I need everyone's help. I have been working on something all week." He glanced around the room. Mina and Ochaco were both pumped. The pair were ready for him to announce Hagakure's party. They would only be half correct. "I was entrusted with the knowledge that a classmate of ours has strong feelings for another. She wanted to throw him a party to confess her feelings to him. Upon further investigation. I learned that this other classmate shared similar feelings for her. He too asked me to help set up a party for him to confess to her."

Mina's jaw hit the floor. She was barely standing, only being supported by Ochaco. "He did what?"

Tokoyami smirked. "To the best of my abilities, I have worked in the shadows to unleash a banquet for both of them to confess their love to each other. Hagakure and Ojiro can finally confess their love for each other, but both are surprised. I never had many friends in middle school, but now that I have so many I wish to bring them all the most celebration there can be. I need your help to set up." At that moment, Tsu entered with decorations. Jirou brought her music station to set up. Sato carried as many cooking supplies as he could. "Let us revelry in the love of Hagakure and Ojiro. Please help me set up this surprise party."

He bowed to the rest of the class. It was immediately followed with cheer. "Absolutely."

The class began to get to work. Each dividing up and listening to the other's directions. They quickly had the common room set up.

"You knew Ojiro was in love with Hagakure the whole time!" Mina shook Tokoyami by the collar of his shirt.

"Wow, Tokoyami! I can't believe you planned this party," said Koda.

"It will be sure to be dazzling." Aoyama chimed in. "Sato, do you need any cheese plates or decor?"

"I could not have done it alone," Tokoyami said. He nodded towards Tsu, then Sato and Jirou.

"They're coming!" Ochaco raced into the front door.

From inside the class could see the silhouettes of Iida and Momo pushing both Hagakure and Ojiro towards the door. The two awkwardly stared at the doorway before Iida and Momo opened the doors at once.


Ojiro and Hagakure stood in awe. The common room was decorated with streamers, signs, and balloons. A large banner above the table with a large two layered cake said "Tailman and Invisible Girl: An Eternal Love."

Ojiro and Hagakure turned to each other as they spoke at the same time. "Does this mean? Do you really? And you told Tokoyami too!" The pair kissed and everyone cheered. The party began with dancing and celebration. Everyone gathered around the pair to celebrate.

Tokoyami was grabbed by both Ojiro and Hagakure. "Man, you really are the greatest," Ojiro said.

"I'm so glad we both hate mushrooms!" Hagakure wrapped her arms around Tokoyami's neck.

As he accepted his thanks, Tokoyami walked off to the side of the party. He was able to see Aizawa walk in with Eri. The cute, and confused girl shouted "Happy Valentines Day," to which everyone agreed it was close enough. The party continued like this for a long while. Tokoyami watched from the back, quite pleased.

Suddenly, Tokoyami felt a set of fingers intertwine with his. He looked to his left to see Tsu tightening her grip on his hand and smiling brightly at Tokoyami. She stood on her tippy toes and kissed the side of his beak. "Thank you for the flowers."

Tokoyami's beak fell as he blushed. "You know?" he whispered.

Tsu nodded her head. "I've had a hunch from the beginning. Not many guys in our class like poetry, but the flowers were truly what told me it was you."

"And you are not disappointed," Tokoyami asked, still stunned that Tsu figured out it was him.

To this Tsu wrapped herself up in Tokoyami's arms. "How could I be disappointed when all you have done is make me happy?"

"Oh my GOD! FINALLY" Jirou exhaled loudly as she stood beside the two. "You both wouldn't tell each other! That was the hardest secret I've ever kept!"

"You did great, Jirou." Tsu laughed.

Jirou smiled. "So when are you going to tell everyone?" Jriou asked.

Tokoyami and Tsu looked at each other before looking at Jirou. Tokoyami spoke. "We'll tell after the party. I worked hard to make this work."

Jirou nodded. "Works for me."

The three went on to enjoy the celebration into the evening. So many friends, coming together to help each other. Who would