Jennifer opened her eyes and found herself alone in her room at Avenger's tower as alone as she ever truly was. The Monster was sitting on the baseboard of her bed watching her. She was perched on it like a bird watching its prey.

"What are you doing here," Jennifer asked, gritting her teeth.

"What did you think you were rid of me. Especially after that stunt, you pulled in Sokovia." The Monster smiled. "No, my dear, you and I both know that you should be mad." Jennifer pushed herself up to a sitting position.

"Why if you are so insistent not tell me why I'm still here, and you are there." The Monster leaned forward their face's inches apart.

"Because my dear the time has not come for you to fail. I need you a little longer. Now, if you test me again, I will not only take your life but the lives of everyone else. In an instant, your lives will be changed, and you will have the knowledge that today you were warned and there is nothing you can do to prevent it."Jennifer spat at her.

"You could try, but they are far stronger than you." The Monster threw her head back, laughing.

"Together maybe but divided, they will be easy prey."

Jennifer shot up in the bed, gasping for air. She looked around the unfamiliar room. It was small with white walls around her. She moved to get up, but her hands were tied down. Jennifer pulled at the restraints her breath starting to come in gasps. Trapped she was trapped again they had found her.

"Hello, someone help…please get me out…help…help!" It started as a whisper but quickly turned into a panicked scream. Tears were streaming down her face, and she was beginning to choke on them. Air she couldn't get it into her lungs fast enough. The door opened, and Clint ran over to her, wrapping his arms around her.

"Jennifer, I knew you could do it." He said in her ear. She couldn't respond; she had worked herself into a fit. She was convulsing, and Clint clamped his hands on her face. "Jennifer breathe you're alright we did it. The team is waiting on the other side of that door for you." She looked into his eyes.

"Get them off." She said he grabbed the restraints. Jennifer noticed him stop for just a moment before he removed them. She pushed them away and pulled back, pressing against the back of the bed.

"Can we go home?" She asked, looking at him, her voice wavering slightly. He held his hand out.

"Sure, I can take you back to Avengers Tower." She shook her head.

"No, I want to go home." Clint nodded his head.

"Yes, Jennifer, we can go home."

A/N: Since today is my birthday, I decided to post this chapter the Interludes like normal along with the first two chapters of the next part. I am also thinking that I'll post 2 chapters a week so that the story will be fully posted by the end of the year and not a year from now. Thank you for giving this story a chance its been a joy having others read it.

To those of you that have left reviews I thank you. I never thought that anyone would leave a review and I appreciate all of you.