A/N: Thank all of you for reading this one-shot that turned into 4 chapters. It felt so great to see how much you enjoyed this. I enjoyed the heck out of writing it and I am eternally grateful for all the love.

Without further ado, the final chapter for Would U Mind.



Rope Burn

After a mundane ten-hour shift, Rick pulled up at the new venue where Michonne and her team had rehearsal. He was twenty minutes late because he took extra time to shower at the precinct and trimmed his beard.

He left his hair alone because she said she liked it longer.

Michonne told him she wanted to try her new routine on him first. She wouldn't say what it all entailed, so he wore one of his better suits. Just in case it wasn't what he expected.

Plus, he wanted to look nice for her.

He thought about the brief confrontation with Lori that happened the day before. Shaking his head for a moment, he almost couldn't believe how desperate the woman became, how she outright lied. All of that for what, so she could claim some sort of high status in the county.

Thank god he dodged that bullet.

He couldn't be prouder than to have a girlfriend who could hold her own and didn't put up with any bullshit. After the first day they met, they've practically been inseparable. Not that they were in each other's ass twenty-four-seven, it just felt he was always with her and she with him.

Her current tour wasn't even finished, yet, she and her team set to work on her next album and plans for the follow-up tour. Luckily, her studio was based in Atlanta. Since it was only an hour drive from one location to the other, she practically moved in with him.

He'd never met someone as hardworking and as dedicated to something they loved. Her enthusiasm over her career was so contagious it made him believe that if he applied himself, he could do what he always wanted to do but thought it was something that would never be considered "acceptable". During college, he'd taken courses in Graphic Arts and had been practicing and working on his technique ever since.

Working for the department was an easier route, most of his childhood friends worked there, and it was a faster check, so he only created and designed video game characters for fun. Michonne saw his work and point blank asked him why was he being a sheriff's deputy when he'd been creating phenomenal art all that time?

He really couldn't give her an answer.

He held up his VIP badge Michonne had given him before he left for work early that morning. The guard pointed to where they were rehearsing and when he came to another guarded door, none other than Shane Walsh stood there.

Rick greeted him, "Hey, what's up. What are you doing here?"

Shane reached out to clasp Rick's hand and they gave each other a brief hug before replying, "I should be asking you the same thang. You'd know why I was here if y'all'd of come out of that cave you call an apartment."

Surprised to realize he'd been an isolationist, "What are you talking about? I see you at work."

"You changed shifts remember? We don't work at the same time anymore. It's cool, though. I get why you needed your nights free." Shane gave him some slack, "To answer your question, I'm making a little extra cash by doing security. Off-duty. Leon hooked me up and Sash put in a good word."

Rick grinned, "Oh yeah, Sasha," he waggled his finger at Shane, "I get it." He quieted a little awkwardly before coming back to a subject he'd been meaning to talk about, "Speaking of Sasha, I kept wanting to thank you for settin' up me and Michonne."

Shane pushed him playfully on the shoulder, "First of all, there's nothin' wrong wanting to be able to do a little more for my girl."

Rick held up both hands, "I didn't say there was anything wrong," he laughed.

Shane chuckled with him, "Anyway, you're welcome. Look man, I've been following you ever since we were kids and you being my best friend, it was my turn to step up and take lead for once." He leaned onto the door and rubbed the back of his head and gave him his classic Shane smirk, "Growing up in a small town is great. But when you're grown, it isn't. I knew if something didn't happen, you'd have settled and wouldn't have been happy."

As he spoke, Rick looked on his boy with newfound respect. He put his hands on his hips and shook his head in resignation, "I don't know. Maybe I would have and I'm sorry that I'd been so about myself that I didn't see you weren't feelin' great about everythan' and that I had no clue you started seeing Sasha. I failed as a best friend for that."

Shane shrugged that off with a wave of his hand, "Nah, I didn't take it like that. I didn't know how bad off I was until Sasha tripped me that day. She put me in check, quick, showed me there were other ways to live. I realized I found my slice of paradise and that's when I knew you could get yours too. You just needed a little push."

With that said, Shane opened the door to let him through and gave him a brief shove into a long dark hallway.

Rick squinted down into the darkness, "What's down there?"

His best friend laughed, "Man, go on. I'm not sending you into hell."

Rick gave him one last parting wave of thanks when he started cautiously walking down the darkened corridor. He turned back when he heard Shane mumble, "Maybe heaven," then he shut the door.

A glowing yellow light was the only thing visible all the way at the end. Muffled music could be heard filtering through the double doors when he finally reached it. He took precaution and only opened one side and stuck his head through, so not to disturb whatever was going on.

When everything looked all clear, he opened the door wide, he stepped out onto a stage littered with wires, electronic equipment, and lighting fixtures aligned along the back. Michonne and her crew were busy practicing their choreography in the middle space that was clear. The glowing light that guided him down the hallway happened to be natural coming straight from the sun. Most of the arena filled with rows empty seats sat out in the open under a retractable roof.

The sun was starting to set, bathing everything in rays of golden orange. Maggie spotted him first and pointed him out to a busy, talking Michonne. When she turned, he took in that she wore black loose slacks and scoop neck tank top. Her feet were bare, and her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail. She gave him one of her dazzling smiles and murmured something to her crew.

They all scrambled about, setting out two matching chairs facing each other, except one had a pole going through the middle with a weighted base to keep it grounded. The rest of the dancers rushed past Rick with knowing grins and some with sly comments.

"Bye, Rick."

"See ya later, dude."

"You in for it, buddy."

"Lucky, bastard."

Rick's head whipped around and glared at the male dancer who made the comment. He didn't stare at him for long because Michonne had called him over. Rick didn't know what she was about to do and why everyone was leaving, "Where's everyone going?"

Sasha and Maggie stayed standing behind the chair.

Michonne threw her arms around his shoulders and gave him an enthusiastic kiss, "I'm so glad you're here. We just finished and I'm ready to try this new choreo. It's one of a kind." Someone came out from the back and handed her a jet-black Fedora and a white and ebony men's jacket.

Michonne gave her thanks then pulled out the band holding up her hair, rested the hat on her head and pulled on the jacket.

'One of a kind?' His thoughts were all over the place when his brows dropped in confusion at how conservative she was dressed.

'Maybe this wasn't going to be what I hoped it would be.'

Maggie and Sasha stepped on either side of him and suggestively pulled him over to sit down on the chair. He was still staring at his girl, still trying to understand why all the other dancers and crew left the stage when the girls began tying silky scarves around his wrists, securing him to the arms of the chair.

"Michonne, wha-?" Rick's excitement escalated.

'Maybe it is what I thought.'

She only gave him, "I love your suit, babe," before heading over to where the drums were located and picked up a bottle of water, took a sip and picked up something dark. Maggie and Sasha walked toward the exit, stopped at a stereo and waited on Michonne. When she gave them a nod, Sasha pushed a button and Maggie hit the switch on a panel located on the wall near the door, before walking out.

The bright lights on the stage went dark. Only a soft blue spotlight showcased Rick and Michonne's position. At Rick's back, the sun's glow faded almost at the point of disappearing under the horizon.

Michonne set herself in front of Rick, her profile facing him. With one hand holding lightly on the brim of her Fedora and the other raised behind her, she waited for the tune of piano keys and the snares to begin coming from the speakers on both sides. With the blue fluorescent lighting reflecting off her lustrous skin, Rick kept his focus on Michonne.

When the beat of the drums and bass guitar began playing, she snapped her fingers in tandem and sashayed her hips while stepping sensuously toward him. As the musical notes continued to play, Michonne pulled that mysterious dark fabric from out of an inside pocket of her blazer and began swinging it around with the beat of the music.

Rick could tell as she came closer that is was a fine silver and onyx braided rope. His eyebrows shot to the ceiling when her singing voice came over the speakers.

"Tie me up, tie me down."

Michonne only mouthed the words as she began tapping the knotted end of the rope into the palm of her hand. Each time it hit, Michonne's hip swayed left. It hit again, they swayed right. Every movement had her circling around Rick like a hunter after its prey.

Rick, tied up… could only turn his head to keep track of her location. He couldn't focus on the words, her muscled abdominals, contracting and unclenching with each movement and that mesmerizing rope being whirled to hit her ass, wrap around her waist, circle in the air and then swung between her thighs had him enthralled.

Her breathy, sweet voice enveloped and ensorcelled him to forget any and everything outside their cerulean circle of light.

"Wanna feel a… rope burn."

As the last word echoed past Rick and out into the arena, said rope was being used to glide up Michonne's torso, the knotted end sliding between her breasts. His eyes followed to meet hers, giving him a sensual smile, keeping eye contact as she draped the rope around her hair and shoulders. With a calculated move and short shimmy, her jacket fell to her elbows.

The bulge in his pants began to rise.

Still swaying and dancing to the music, she spun slowly sliding the jacket all the way off. With a flick of her hand, she sent it flying to the side.

The chorus of the song continued around them.

"Take off my clothes…"

With only her top and dark slacks, she reached out and grabbed the silver pole, her foot lifted to rest in the seat of the chair. She grabbed the end of the rope and whipped it from around her neck to swing and hit between the inside of her thighs, her head falling back, and her mouth parted with a satisfied sigh.

The small sound of the end hitting Michonne's vagina, forced Rick's mouth to drop open and his cock to spring to full hard-on status. "Fuckkk..."

"No one has to know…."

He didn't notice before but her loose slacks carted rows of snap on buttons. She grabbed the waist and slowly peeled off her pants, then tossed them to the floor, leaving her wearing the scoop neck top and high-waist bikini bottoms.

And that damn rope.

She dipped one leg, then lifted herself to fully stand on the chair. Michonne, behind the pole, faced Rick, looking down at him, her legs wrapped around it. With one arm raised, her grip kept her steady. The straining and pulling of her sinewy flesh contrasted within the blazing blue lighting. Her red, full lips mouthed the lyrics and her lowered-lid gaze told Rick explicitly he's about to get fucked.

"… tell me your fantasies…"

Michonne snatched off the hat and threw it. The elegant muscles in her arms stood out as she gripped the metal above her head, did a little jump and lifted herself several feet in the air above the chair. With a swing of one leg, she spun around the silver pole ever so slowly, moaning and licking her lips as the other limb hugged the metal to keep her balance, floating back down to land on her tippy toe like a graceful angel.

She continued moving down until crouched, with the pole behind her, her thighs spread wide open for Rick to get a glimpse of heaven covered in black lace.

Rick chuckled without humor, "Oh, ho… you are so gonna get it Michonne." He looked down at his bound wrists and gave them a slight tug. Maggie and Sasha tied him tight. He couldn't even reach his dick to do some much-needed adjusting. He tried lifting his bottom and wiggled a little to help put his stuff in a better position.

To no avail.

Beads of sweat started to fall down his temples and he was regretting putting on the suit.

The tie felt like it was strangling him, his pants were too tight, the jacket was burning him up. The only relief he could get was to toe his socks and shoes off.

While Rick was concerned about melting into a puddle of goo with a now rock-hard dick, Michonne had slithered back up the pole, singing and waving her body like a snake as she slid back down to the seat and then down to the floor.

Rick forgot all about his global warming, only to focus on the provocative, stunning goddess making her way over to him.

Keeping her eyes on him, she crawled on her hands and knees the short distance to reach him, then stood… slowly.

Rick's eyes wide and exceptionally bluer in the spotlight, followed her every move. Mouth open, his heart skipped a beat when she softly kicked his feet, one after the other, spreading his legs wider for her to move in closer.

The sexy melody of the song continued to play as he gazed up into her lovely face, her hair haloed by the azure light. Michonne remained motionless. Her chest rising and falling with each breath.

Her silence continued and Rick felt compelled to talk above the music, "Michonne, please let me loose. I need you. I have to put my hands on you right now…"

Michonne only watched him, a small smile quirked her mouth, yet she stayed quiet. Rick continued to beg, he even at one point dropped his head to lay it against her stomach, twisting it back and forth, trying to touch as much of her as he could. When he tried to kiss her or run his tongue along her belly button, she stepped back.

"You can't keep me sitting here like this, you know how I get. I don't care if anyone is watching. Ah, come on, babe. You know I need this. I need you. Now."

Michonne held up a finger to her lips, miming for Rick to be silent.

He couldn't help himself, "But… "

With that hand, she swiped her thumb across his mouth. He desperately tried to suck it in, but she was too quick. With the other, she pulled the rope off her shoulders and guided its end along Rick's thigh then tapped the knot onto his crotch and slid it up his chest.

"Can you feel the warmth of the fire."

Desperate, Rick shouted, "Yes!"

She tossed the rope and began the last of the chorus…

"You wanna know what my tongue feels like?"

He nodded enthusiastically.

Michonne swayed her hips closer, undulating between his legs and ran her hands through his thick beard to slide them into his curls. She leaned in and placed her lips against his, making him open up to allow her tongue to slip inside so he could.

Rick's hand gripped the arms then loosened, his need to get his hands on her growing more frantic. He nearly cried when she pulled back when the lyrics flowed into his brain.

"Tie me up, tie me down

Make me moan real loud

Take off my clothes

No one has to know."

As the words spilled out onto the stage, Michonne had loosened his tie, unbuttoned his shirt, unclasped his belt and pants and pulled down his zipper to free his member from his boxers. She carefully draped her thighs over the arms of the chair and with a flick of her wrist, the ripped the crouch of her panties.

As she raised herself above Rick's standing straight up cock, he heard the last words of the song as she lowered her tight sheath around him.

"Wanna feel a…

Rope Burn"

Michonne had full control over Rick and it felt glorious. Her legs were draped over his bound arms on the sides of the chair. She kept her balance by placing her hands behind her on his knees and lowered her ass slowly, taking him one inch at a time.

Both let out a moan of pleasure when she was fully seated.

The music continued to play in the background, the singing verses finished.

She sat still reveling in his fullness when a breathing harsh and sweating Rick gasped, "Please."

Michonne began swirling her hips in small circles, making Rick fling his head back, groaning louder, "Oh, god… yes! That right there."

He began lifting his hips trying to thrust more of his cock inside. She helped him along by spreading her thighs a little wider and tilting her hips further.

"Like this, baby?" Michonne watched him close his eyes and concentrate, lick his lips as he enjoyed her new position.

"Gahh… you are so wet, Michonne," he gasped as he thrust deep.

She took the opportunity to pull the knot on one wrist quickly and did the same for the other.

It was so fast, Rick didn't seem to notice.

She pulled up and wrapped a hand around his neck while the other stayed on his knee, using him as leverage for her raise up and down faster.

'He'll figure it out soon enough that he's free,' she thought.

All around them, the music continued to play, yet the stadium was empty. Shane, Sasha, Maggie, and the latest guest to show up, Glenn, all had a job to do; make sure everyone in the building left and no personnel hung around to see what their star and her boyfriend were up to.

Soon enough, Rick's hands were under her ass, squeezing the firm flesh before he began powerlifting her up and down on his dick.

Because she was so fit and flexible, he used his forearms to push her calves up to rest on his shoulders. He slid his hands under her locs and cupped her shoulders to hold her in his lap and began pounding her from his sitting position.

Michonne hurriedly held onto the back of his head as Rick planted his feet so he could deepen his thrusts.

Locking his mouth onto hers, Rick stood straight out the chair with Michonne fully impaled on his dick and gingerly walked over to one the crew's gym mats they used for rehearsals and lay her down on her back. He lowered her legs off his shoulders, stood quickly and shucked his pants, jacket, that stupid tie, and his shirt before kneeling back down and placing his forearms under her knees.

He eased back inside her pussy with a groan, "This 'one of a kind' routine is only for me, yeah?" He punctuated each word by slamming into her. "No one else is going see you tapping my pussy with the bit of rope, will they?"

He rocked her with his cock by giving her short strokes then pushing to give it all to her.

Michonne moaned, "Noo… this was just for you."

Rick fused his mouth again to hers before pulling back, "Good. And, this is just for you," he raised on his knees still pistoning in and out. He licked his thumb and began pressing small circles on her clit as he slowed his stroking, pulling out until the tip set just outside her core. He grabbed a hold of his shaft covered with her cream and swirled it around her labia and her warm entrance. He moved his thumb out of the way to tap the head of his cock on her hardening bundle of nerves.

They were still within the circle of the blue spotlight and Rick could clearly see everything. "Michonne you have such a pretty pussy."

Michonne's hips jerked with each tap. She needed to do something with her hands and Rick was too far away for her to grab his hair, so she pulled down the straps of her top and began pinching her nipples as Rick continued to torture her with the pussy slaps.

She squealed when he took two of his fingers and inserted them while still tapping, "Oh, shit… Rick!" She ground her ass in time with his movements, chasing after the orgasm that was just around the corner, "I'mma bout to cum… faster," she demanded.

She released a breast and let her hand creep down to help aid Rick's thumb to get her there. Rick slapped it away. "My pussy," he admonished her. "You tied me up, made my dick hard with your pretty voice, amazing body and you wouldn't let me fuck you when I wanted."

He pulled his fingers from her pussy and slid them into his mouth, licking off every ounce of her juices before sticking them back inside, "You will lay there and take my fucking you until I tell you when you can cum for me.

"That sound fair?"

Michonne covered her face as she growled, "No, that's not fair! I'm ready to go… you can't keep that from me. I need it… now!"

Rick had no desire to postpone the inevitable.

He dropped one of her legs and kneed it between his, grab her raised thigh with both hands then proceed to plunge deep into her pussy to the hilt. The different angle of penetration forced Michonne to draw in a loud gratifying breath while Rick hunched over and delivered pound after pound… each slap of wet flesh overtaking the sound of music.

His high-speed drilling set Michonne's fire in motion. The smoldering erotic buzz she'd been on from the first time seeing Rick tied to that chair, ignited and began to grow in her belly, to spread out and encompass her entire body. With her leg trapped between Ricks', she had no choice but to accept his pleasure.

The feel of Michonne's heated walls squeezing him as she came, unmade him. His smooth pummeling became erratic, his coordination was off, he nearly lost his balance as his balls began to tighten, ready to explode. Any technique he was using crumbled down into raw instinct to fuck Michonne into oblivion. He let go of her leg to lay on her fully, his hands grabbed, kneaded and separated her firm cheeks to move in as close as possible.

Michonne instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist to allow him further access. He rested his head on her chest as his hips continued to pump between her thighs. He moaned long and hard as Michonne drained him of all his nut and his sanity, nearly crushing her as he weakly collapsed onto her body. Her warm haven still tightening gently around his softening shaft. When her legs dropped to the mat, Rick had the sense to lift his weight with his forearms and began to pull his cock from her pussy, protesting the entire way.

He fell to the side and gathered her in his arms. He kissed her forehead, "How did I get so lucky finding you?"

She chuckled as she snuggled more into his arms, "With the help of friends looking out for us, we were both lucky."

"I love you, Michonne."

"I love you too, Rick."

A/N: And, this concludes Would U Mind. Thank you all again for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Please if you like this, leave me a comment and let me know what you think. I would really appreciate it.

Have a wonderful weekend!