Author's Note: Hellooooo Everyone, I am sorry I haven't uploaded in a long time, so before I begin, here is a quick update on all of my other fanfics. MHA: Life Foundation is coming along great, I'm having a hard time trying to figure out where to go beyond the beginning, but i swear I shall have it out soon. Berserk: The Black Wolf is currently on Hiatus due to the fact that I wrote myself into a corner and now I'm focusing on both this story and finishing the next chapter of Life Foundation at the moment, same is going on with Child of Darkness. As for my Goblin Slayer x D&D and Naruto Fanfictions that i promised, they are also being put on hiatus until I can get out of my funk with them. In any case, again I am sorry for the delay but I shall get back to work as soon as possible on my other fics as soon as I find my spark of inspiration for them. Anyway, a big shout-out to Longclaw 1-6 for encouraging me and helping me set this story up. Now just a little bit of information on the story, this will be a Jonerys fanfiction, but I also intend on placing an Oc in this one as Jon and Daenerys's expert on magic, but this story will mostly focus on the main cast with my Oc being somewhat of a supportive role while having plenty of dialogue with the main cast. I won't reveal his name just yet, but I am going to ask you guys who I should pair him up with, so I will leave out a poll who to pair my oc up with. Remember he is going to be playing a huge role in the story, but the focus is on the main cast, as best as I can manage it anyways. I won't reveal who this person is, but I shall reveal the choices for the Poll, which I will reveal at the end of this chapter. Anyway enjoy yourselves, you're awesome, and thank you all for supporting me, I'll catch you on the flipside! DRACARYS!

Chapter 1: The Beginning

The sun reaches it's apex over the Smoking Sea, a region of water thought to be haunted by demons, ghosts and monsters of the most terrifying kind, however, unlike what most believe, these superstitions are unfounded. The only thing about these seas that are truly dangerous are the geysers situated across the positions where the Fourteen Fires once stood, and where they occasionally erupt, sending spouts of water high into the air, and raining down nutrient rich waters back into the sea. The great vapors that flow off the surface of this warm sea are not toxic, but they do disorient unwanted visitors into the many reefs that surround the islands, and it is at high noon that these vapors are at their thickest. It is here that, at the edge of the sea, a group of women come to the waters to bathe, and amongst them is a single woman in which who is more beautiful than the rest, though those beside her are no slouches in the beauty department themselves. This one woman is Daenerys Targaryen, Crown Princess to the Seven Kingdoms, and rightful Queen of the Andals, Roynar, and the First Men. Daenerys has been year nearly a year, and thanks to her great benefactors, she has grown into a beautiful and strong young woman, and amongst the most respected of her community.

The women beside her are the Natives of Valyria, the descendants of those that survived the doom thanks to the aid of her ancestor, Daenys the Dreamer, and lived to rebuild their homeland, not above ground, but within the mountains of her homeland. These women are responsible for hatching the dragons that now soar through the skies above them, and Daenerys is amongst their number, happily aiding in the hatching and rearing of dragons. The women smile as they had each brought their supplies to bathe, all of them smiling and laughing as they talk of the rumors and gossip going about the city, the princess remaining quiet as she listens in. It has been months, but she had indeed lost her brother and had buried herself in her work to try and forget her pain. Months ago, her brother had become ill with the Plague, and as their benefactors and his healers had attempted to save Viserys, unexpected complications had caused things to turn sour faster than they could recover from, and Viserys died.

His death had hit her hard, but thanks to her Hatching Sisters, she managed to work her way out of her depression, and thanks to them, she can now concentrate on the dream that Viserys left behind, to return to the 7 Kingdoms and reclaim it, though that wouldn't be for a while yet. The young princess washes herself and her Hatching Sisters as they clean one another, all of them sitting in the waters and talking about the news from across the sea in Essos. "Oh I think you should know this Daenerys…" One woman named Saera says, grabbing Daenerys' attention. "I've been informed that one of the sons of Lord Eddard Stark of Westeros is on his way here to Valyria!"

"Oh, and why would one of the Direwolf's sons make his way here?"

"It seems Lord Direwolf had a debt he needed to repay to one Illryio Mopatis, as well as discuss a business transaction of some kind, as such, Lord Direwolf sent his son to assure the purchase of Medicine, Gems, and Dragonbone to be transported to Pentos as a show of good faith." Saera explains, "However, Lord Direwolf also wished to have his son see more of the world before he made his final decision to go to the Wall."

"Why the Wall?" Daenerys asks.

"Jon Snow is a Bastard…" Saera says, with disgust in her voice, the term "Bastard" is something Valyrians do not tolerate, for a child is deserving of the love of his parents, no matter the circumstances of his birth. "Yet his father loves him like the rest of his children, only his father's wife and his sister, Sansa, do not treat him fairly, due to his station. Westerosi swine…"

"I could not agree more…" Daenerys says, thinking about this, "I truly hope he is not like the monster my brother made his father out to be."

"A bastard is shown no love in Westeros…" A woman named Rhaenys says, "If you show him respect, he will respect you as well, all the illegitimate children of the world seek acknowledgement from their parents, and few ever receive it." The women nod as they share solemn looks, but they all return to relaxing in the water, that is until they notice a shadow in the mists. "It looks like our guest is here…" Daenerys stands, carefully walking to the edge and wipes off the water from her body. "Your grace?"

"I shall go greet our guests, you ladies continue to enjoy the Smoking Sea, I shall see you all later!"

"Good luck, your grace!" One of the women says, in which Daenerys moves to a stone outcropping, smiling as she picks up her fresh clothes and begins to dress herself, the Targaryen Princess first putting on her unmentionables before moving to the leather pants and shirt that are custom of the Valyrians. In Valyria, men and women dress identically, as to prove they are all equals and deserve equal respect, with only minor differences separating them, and even these differences are personal touches. Once the shirt and pants are on, Daenerys picks up her belt, which carries her sword in it's scabbard, a Valyrian Style sword known as a saber, a sword that combined the best of the Westerosi Martial Arts with the Braavosi Water Dancing. Finally, the Princess places around her shoulders a long flowing cloak made from the hide of a dragon, one that had died of old age, in which it's hide, bones, horns, and fangs were collected, with the blood given to the Maegi, and the Flesh burned to ash, used to fertilize the the crops.

A ship moves through the mists of the Smoking Sea, many of the crewmen, though having made this journey several times before, are terrified, and frantically move to provide as much light as possible, as to show the Dragon Riders that could be scouring the area that they mean no harm. Jon Snow looking at the sailors around him, knows the kind of dangers that just about everyone else knows, the Stonemen, the Doom that still clings to the once proud Freehold, but more than anything, the dangers that are said to still live within the boundaries of the islands. The ship slowly pulls into the estuaries that lead to the mountains. The great wildlands flow right on by as the ship continues into the estuaries, the waters deep enough for it to sail through, and wide enough that no roots would be able to harm the ship. However, what was truly odd is the fact that the ship is able to sail up river, and there are no signs of the stone men, something Jon finds rather odd.

However, the question isn't allowed to linger long as nearby, a fire erupts, just on the shore, and the sounds of screaming, along with the beating of what can only be described as the beating of a drum, and the sound of an ear piercing screech, to which Jon looks to the skies above him, only shock filling his eyes. A massive winged creature burning the surrounding landscape with it's flame, and from the flames, Stonemen can be seen as their ashes fill the river. "My thanks, Dragonrider!" The captain says.

"Just doing our job, sir! Protecting our people from the Stonemen, as well as our clients and guests!" The Dragon Rider says, before his dragon, with scales of gleaming silver with gold in the frills and wings, flies away, screeching. Jon regains his wits as he looks to the Captain of the Ship, a look on his face saying it all.

"That's right lad… That… Was a dragon." The Captain says, "There are plenty here in Valyria, enough to conquer the entirety of Slaver's Bay, but Valyria does not seek to reclaim it's lost territories… Yet…"

"If the Targaryens are here, then they-"

"Will not attack Westeros… Besides, there is only one Targaryen left… Princess Daenerys, and from what I know, she recently lost her brother to the Plague, so right now, she is in mourning."

"I… I see…" Jon says, lowering his head, knowing he would do the same if his siblings or father were to die, and he can certainly empathize with the Princess. However, everything he has heard about the Targaryens still festers in his mind, but as his father had told him "a child is innocent of the crimes of it's parents, lest they commit them themselves", a quote that Jon very much likes and decides to keep in the back of his mind, to keep himself humble until the innocent is proven guilty. That is when suddenly he hears something, gates opening as he notices they are arriving at the mountain, with what appear to be gates of rock opening with the, revealing a dark cavern inside.

"Alright boys, prepare for the trade, and once we have completed business, you may have some shore leave before we head back home!" The Captain says, the men cheering. The cavern begins to swallow them into the darkness, and as they enter, the gates close and the bright light of a thousand Glass Candles illuminates the docks carved into the stone around them, hand carved and polished as with great care and finesse. Whats more, there were men and women working a crank, Jon wondering what they could be doing. "Lord Snow, you might want to stay away from the edge!" Taking the man at his word, he backs away from the edge, only to feel a rough jolt, and the ship begins to make it's way to be placed at the docks.

"What is going on?"

"The Valyrians were not just masters at magic, they are also rather technologically advanced, compared to the other free cities. What you are feeling is the lifting of a crane, it is lifting our ship out of the water and onto a platform in which it can rest until we decide to leave. After that, they will tend to any barnacles and other such parasitic creatures that attached to our ship." The Captain says, "Thats part of their hospitality!"

"Amazing!" Jon says, his opinion on the Valyrian's changing as he sees the ship being lifted out of the water, and along a pulley system, is carefully guided to a maintenance platform, set down, with a platform perfectly aligned with that of the lip of the ship's edge, now bringing into the perspective the steps built into the side. Walking up to the platform, a beautiful woman, more beautiful than Jon had ever laid eyes upon, steps into view, wearing a sword on her belt, and before she steps onto the ship, she bows twice in respect.

"Greetings, visitors, I am Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, it is a pleasure to meet you!" She says, smiling at the sailors and their guest.

"Your highness…!" The men say, kneeling to the Princess, and Jon Snow, unwilling to show disrespect, bows to show his respect.

"Rise, I am not a Queen yet, and I will not be for sometime, but your respect is duly noted!" The woman says, "Is there one amongst you named Jon Snow?"

"I am Jon Snow, Princess…" Jon speaks up.

"Welcome to Valyria, Jon Snow of the House Stark, Son of the Warden of the North, Direwolf of the Trident!" Daenerys says, shocking the Northerner with her display of respect. "Though I wish I could meet your father myself, I would be honored to show you around Valyria."

"I am honored, and my father is currently dealing with some transactions in Pentos, but he said he would be here not a few days after we arrive." Jon says, speaking to Daenerys with respect and honor.

"That is appreciated...! Varyn…!" One of the men walks over, "Please inform the Triumvirate we will be entertaining another guest very soon, inform them that the Direwolf seeks an Audience with the High Dragons."

"Right away!" One of the Workers says, rushing off.

"The rest of you, you all know what you are here for, move through your work quickly, then please enjoy yourselves! I shall be giving the young Lord a tour through Valyria!" Daenerys says, smiling, to which the men and the bastard all can swear the room grows several times brighter thanks to such a radiant smile on her face. Jon bows and slowly follows the Princess down the platform to the docks. "Lord Snow, tell me of the North, I am truly interested to hear about the largest region in the Seven Kingdoms!"

"The North is, as you said, the largest of the Seven Kingdoms, and it's cold is still present even in the height of summer. The Land is cold, wet, but it's due to those natural defenses that only horses and soldiers who grew up in the North know how to adapt to it's conditions in battle." Jon speaks truthfully, unsure of why but standing near her, he does not feel the oppressive aura that Lady Catelyn has when it concerns him. "But what makes the North beautiful in our eyes is how it helps us understand how the other lands have it easy, and how the cold brings family togethers, as much as it tears them apart."

"Fascinating…!" Daenerys says, smiling as she hears it, imagining the North. "Tell me, is what they say about my father true?"

"I wouldn't know as I don't have personal experience of the events…" Jon says, "However, there were many witnesses to Aerys II's atrocities, so I can only say that they may very well be true."

"I… I see…" Daenerys says, looking down, but hides her pain, "Anyway, allow me to show you the Market!" She brings him into a square where there are merchants who are selling fruits, flowers, medicines, meat, among other things, and Jon is stunned at the variety, "This is one of many markets throughout the city. Unlike most cities, we prefer to keep as many places where we can have our people purchase food and other commodities, but more than that it makes it easier for the more common folk to have markets near them."

"I see…!" He then notices a strange fruit on a stand, it looks reddish-pink in color with yellow green leaves flowing off of it.

"That's a Dragonfruit, they are amongst our sweetest commodities here, it is very delicious, despite the number of seeds inside!" Daenerys says, bringing out a silver coin with a sapphire in the center of it, and gives it to the vendor, who bows and thanks Daenerys for her business. Dany shows Jon how to peel it, the sweet scent flowing from the flesh enticing the Northerner, who, once given permission, partakes of it. The fruit is sweet, but subtly so, and the flesh is soft, and seeds be damned, it's delectable. "Delicious, is it not?"

"Very much so! I don't think I've ever tasted something so unique…" Jon says, the two of them continuing on as Jon continues to eat, to which she then shows Jon the Dragonforge, a forge that utilizes dragon fire to forge Valyrian Steel, as well as a smelter that takes dragonbone and a strange black stone, not dragon glass but something different. "What is that?"

"Those are Dragonhearts, or Black Diamonds as they are commonly called, they are a vital ingredient in making Valyrian Steel. The alchemists here in Valyria have discovered that excess carbon in a dragon's food and bile cause them to form in the gallbladders of dragons, the pressure of which causes the carbon to form into these diamonds. Due to their high concentration of carbon, they are a key ingredient of making our newer and stronger valyrian steel." Daenerys explains. "The old Valyrian steel that most of the world recognizes was made using only dragon fire, in which the flames burned out the impurities in the steel, and leaving behind magical residue, followed by being cooled by sea water that made the steel lighter and stronger."

"And by mixing in these carbon rich Gallstones, you're able to make a more advanced Valyrian Steel?" Jon asks, looking at Daenerys.

"Correct, this new Valyrian Steel, which we have coined as Dragonsteel, is much lighter, stronger, and doesn't lose it's magic when being reforged." Daenerys explains. "Would you like to see how this Valyrian Steel is smelted?"

"I would, and I swear by the Old Gods and the New, your secret shall remain safe with me!" Jon says, excitement in his voice. Despite having just met him, Daenerys cannot help but feel like she can trust his word, though she doesn't know why, and as such, she takes him to the refinery, where she reveals that in it, there are people saying prayers for a dragon that had died of sickness, and begging their gods to grant this poor creature peace. After this, the men begin to disassemble the dragon, taking out out it's bones and cleaning them. "Is this how you gather the ingredients for your Dragonsteel?"

"Yes, however, the bones of this dragon must be cleaned before they can be either shipped or turned into dragonsteel." She then leads him further into the refinery, where the men are taking bones that have been cleaned and are examining each individual inch of the bones carefully, determining whether a bone should be sold on the market or used to make Dragonsteel, however, there is a single person is examining dragon teeth, and nodding.

"This one is good! Take it to be refined!"

"Sir!" a group of men call, lifting the tooth and placing it on a cart.

"Dragon Teeth make the finest of our swords, which are saved for the nobility and our dragon riders, the highest quality bones are saved for the military and the smallfolk, whilst the ones that do not make the cut are sold on the market, where they fetch a handsome price." Daenerys says. "We carefully preserve the teeth for the future, as well as our highest quality Dragonhearts…" She then shows him the actually forging process of dragonsteel, where they use a furnace powered by dragon fire to melt down the Dragonhearts and the Dragonbone/Dragon Teeth, and use rods made of valyrian steel to carefully mix the molten ingredients. After several minutes, they pour the molten metal a large number of casts for ingots, and slowly allow them to cool as men in protective robes begin to sing songs as the metal cools. "Amazing is it not?"

"It truly is…" Jon says, "To think such a simple method created the Valyrian Steel we know today, and this new alloy, Dragonsteel I think you called it, is vastly superior to Valyrian Steel."

"It truly is…!" Daenerys says, looking at her Saber and drawing it. "This Saber, that I have named Jelmazma (Storm), was of the first four Dragonsteel blades ever forged." She gently hands it to Jon, who can certainly feel the difference, he can barely feel it in his hand, almost as if it were literally an extension of his arm, no weight to it, but his heart tells him not to test it's edge. He gently returns the sword to Daenerys, and the young woman returns the blade to it's scabbard, then takes him back out in the streets, where it is much cooler.

However, as the two continue to make their way down the streets once more, they find a familiar silver and gold dragon making it's way down the streets, it's rider on it's back. "Daeron! Vermithrax!" Daenerys says.

"Your majesty, a fine day to you!"

"How was the patrol?"

"It was rather dull, aside from a pack of stonemen nearly attacking a group of merchants!" Daeron says, turning to see Jon Snow. "Speaking of which, I do believe this is the young Lord Snow!"

"I am no lord… I am a Bastard, as such I don't inherit any titles or lands from my father." Jon says.

"That is too bad, even bastard children deserve the love of their families…!" Daeron says, "In any case, I need to go make my report to the Triumvirate so-" He is then jolted as his Dragon, Vermithrax, turns to Jon. "Vermithrax? Whats wrong girl?" The dragon growls low as it leans in towards Jon, who looks at the creature in front of him. With a slow and shaking hand, he slowly reaches towards the scaled being, and his hand gently touches it's maw, the aggressive look on the dragon fading as she seems to relax. The people of Valyria stand in awe as they look at this, but most stunned of all are Daenerys and Daeron, who cannot believe what they are seeing. Jon Snow, a stranger without the blood of Valyria, has tamed Vermithrax, one of the most aggressive dragonesses in Valyria.

On a ship arriving at the edge of the Smoking Sea, Lord Eddard Stark feels a shiver run up his spine, with a pit forming in his stomach, as if something has happened. He then feels as if a pair of familiar hands are placed on his shoulders, and though it seems his mind is playing tricks on him, the mists of Valyria take the form of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Ned's dearly departed sister, Lyana Stark. In Ned Stark's hands, instead of ice, he is holding a book in his hand, one that contains his confession to Jon, and beside him are the gifts he had prepared for Jon's Nameday which will arrive in just a few short days. He then begins to breathe as he looks into one of the gifts he had promised, something he had been given by Lyana to give to her son, his nephew. A dark gray dragon egg, one that Ghost seems to be guarding very seriously, even getting somewhat aggressive with Ned himself, but remains calm. Petting Ghost and rewarding his vigil with some food, Ned smiles at the Direwolf as he slowly closes the chest. 'Soon…'

Author's note: Phew... That was a lot of hard work, thanks again to Longclaw 1-6 senpai for helping me set this and for encouraging me to actually throw my hat into the ring in this particular fanfiction. Funny story, this was supposed to be an Skyrim x Game of Thrones Crossover Fanfiction, but he convinced me to use the Pure Version with my minor tweaking. Anyway, as I had said earlier, I have 3 choices for my Oc to be paired up with, and like I said earlier, he shall have a supporting role amongst the main cast, but he will be important to the story, though I will put in chapters that focus specifically on him from time to time, mostly to fill in any gaps I or you guys happen to find in the story's lore so I can stay with my canon (thanks guys). Anyway his three choices will be: 1) Sansa Stark, 2) Margaery Tyrell, or 3) Tyene Sand. I cannot make up my mind about these girls, but whoever you choose shall become paired with my oc, but I will introduce him in the next chapter, and if you guys can guess who he is at the end of his next chapter, then you guys will earn my undying respect. To leave you a hint though, here is a quote from one of my favorite youtube videos which, i hope, will not give it away too much: "You're fucking with the most triumphant third of the Triumvirate". Hopefully that will at least give you a hint to who it is in the next chapter, or at least who he is related to =^.^= Anyway I'll catch you guys on the Flipside, DRACARYS!