Chapter 12 To Unite all Peoples Within Our Nation!

"Hold it right there!"

Just when Ash was struggling and about to give in to take the badge, a roar from the audience stand nearly shocked him falling into the pool.

By the audience stand, a girl with ginger tilted short ponytail, yellow tank top and hot pants, jump off the stand with aggressive manner, and speaks loudly toward Daisy. "Alright, Daisy. If you don't want to battle him, then I will."

"Huh, Misty?", Ash confuses by the situation. "What do you mean?"

"Humph, I'm a Cerulean trainer too", Mistey replies proudly. "I'm the fourth sensational sisters!"

"*Cough* There're only three sensational sisters and one runt." Lily, the red hair sister sharkly corrected her.

It's super effective!

"Shut Up!" Misty starting to rage.

"And you made excuses on leaving the gym to train your Pokemon because you can't handle the others always comparing you to us..." Lily continued her wicked tongue.

"AAAah!" Misty bursts in rage. "THAT'S NOT TRUE!"

"Anyway!" Misty points her finger on the stunned Ash. "To hold the reputation of Cerulean gym, and as a member of the gym. You'll have to go through me to get the badge!"

"And you!" Misty turned her finger to Yui. "You too, if you want the badge, you'll need to win me fair and square!"

"Sure, I don't have any problem with that...", Yui indifferently shrugs his shoulders, and points behind Misty. "See? I even prepared my Pokemon."

"Huh?" Misty turn around and sees a Haunter giggling with its tongue out and lick her...

"Hau, Hau, Hau!" Haunter was hiding in the wall throughout their conversation, and get behind Misty secretly under Yui's signal.

"EEEEEEEKYAAAAAAAAAA!" A high pitch shriek break through the whole gym building.

"Eh? She supposed to see the Pokedex cartoon version, right?", Yui unexpectedly watches Misty rolled her eyes and fainted- exactly how he reacted when he first saw Ghastly. But he has to admit, seeing others got scared by Haunter really does makes him feels...


"I suppose she's just simply scared of ghost type Pokemon."He exclaimed.

After a quick rescue by her sisters, Misty slowly wakes up. The first thing she does is to look around, and quickly hides herself behind Ash the moment she saw Haunter, who's following behind Yui now.

"Wh- what is that thing? Is it a ghost?" She asked in tremble.

"This is a ghost-type Pokemon, Haunter.", Yui replied as he watches Misty pale face, while in his mind he couldn't get any more sadistic pleasure from her terrifying reaction. "Just an uncommon Pokemon, and I'm using Haunter in our battle."

"No!" Misty disapproves subconsciously.

"Eh, Why not?" Something pretty bad probably awaken in Yui, as he brings his Haunter closer toward her. "Haunter may look a bit scary, but when you get used to it, it wasn't that bad."

(Well, at least in your perspective.) Yui thought.

Then he watches with satisfaction as Misty crawls behind her sisters, who are even further away from him- In fact, the moment Haunter shows up, the sensational sister already secretly backing off.

"I- I- I- I mean", Misty barely able to talk. "Ta- take turns. Yes, take turns! Even we are going to battle, I'll take on Ash first!"

"Are you sure?" Yui asked purposely. "You're going against two persons in the roll, are you sure you going to have enough Pokemon?"

"No problem!" Misty slow down her pace and says. "If it's only just Ash, I'm not breaking a sweat!"

"Hey, what do you mean by that!" Ash exclaims, he was almost getting forgotten by everyone because of Haunter. "I'm not weak at all!"

"Oh, try me." Misty taunted desperately, needing someone to drag the time to battle a Haunter.

"Bring it!" Ash gets all pump out.

Cerulean Gym Pokemon battle location stand on the swimming pool water arena. As Ash and Misty standing on the big pool float for trainers, and with some smaller pool floats on the middle for Pokemon to land- In short, this arena has a huge advantage toward water-type Pokemon.

Things get worsen for Ash when his main Pokemon, Pikachu, an electric-type Pokemon that counter water-type, refuses to battle against an acquaintance. So, Ash can only send out his Butterfree.

As for Misty, she sent out a Staryu- A huge yellow- brown starfish with huge ruby mosaic in the middle, but in Yui's perspective, it's a creature with five huge tentacles with even more tiny tentacles on its whole body...

"Even water-type Pokemon too..." Yui cries in his heart.

As for the battle, everything is under Yui's expectation, the water arena gave water-type Pokemon good advantage- Facing Butterfree's powder attacks, all Staryu did is to soak into the pool and wash it off. On the other side, Butterfree needs to avoid Staryu's Water Gun to prevent falling into the water. With one side nothing to fear, and the other be bound hands and feets, the result is obvious...

As expected, after a few rounds, Butterfree got careless and got hit by Staryu's Rapid Spin and fall into the water. Ash forced to bring back Butterfree and sends out Pidgeotto. While Misty intending to save Staryu's stamina and swap her Pokemon to Starmie- a purple starfish with double the tentacles...

And the round 2 continues-


That's not the sound of any Pokemon using a big move, instead the wall of the gym was break in by an ice-breaker like machine, and three of Yui's familiar faces standing on the 'ice-breaker's bow-

"Prepare for trouble!"

"And make it double!"

"..." Yui calmly watching the trio doing their entrance, while Ash's face starts acting no look so good, with an obvious sign of visual fatigue with the Team Rocket's entrance.

After a quick publication on some theory about water-type Pokemons are useless without water, Meowth pulls a level and the 'ice breaker' draws a huge pipe into the pool and start draining water...

"..." Yui watches Team Rocket speechlessly, by the look of these machinery, he gets the idea who are the culprits on the burglary case in the shopping street last night. But what is this idiocy? Draining the water to completely weaken all water-type Pokemon? Not just that there's two tentacle starfish that's clearly amphibian species in this world, but they also didn't research that all the Pokemon in the gym are in the Pokemon Center now, so the only thing they're stealing is water...

(Too reckless.) Yui shakes his head, and sends out his Spearow and commands. "These three probably getting another flight later, go catch up to them, and bring me their location."

As expected, Pikachu fells into the pool and uses Thunder Bolt and fries the Team Rocket to crisp as they fell into the pool and get pump into the sky by their own machine. So, Yui starts shouting 'Hold on!', 'Haunter, let's get them' and pretending to chase after them.

*Beep* Side Quest: Cerulean Badge! Complete. Reward: Defend +1, Sp. Defend +1, Stat Point +3

"As expected, the moment Team Rocket is settled, the quest is completed. There's no Pokemon battle required." Yui muttered as he receives the system notification.

He runs out of the building in chaos.

"Spearow, lead me to the Team Rocket!"

End of Chapter 12