These little pieces were supposed to be Drabbles, but most of them are much to long , so they are now little Storys about my favorite Couple Sullyvandy. The others are mostly just mendtioned, I´m open to Ideas from you, if you want something special to happen to them, just write me and i will see to it.
I am from Germany, so please don´t cut my head of, if I´m not writing in plain English.
I´m still learning.
The last firefighting operation had gone well once again, but Andy and Sullivan were silent.
He was mad at her, because she risked her life for an animal, wich was forgotten in an Building that was heavily on fire.
„I´m Sorry." Andy said softly and drove the Aid Car back to the Station.
It was one in the Morning and they were both tired and exhausted.
Robert was scared when everyone exept Andy where at the Street when the fire swallowed the House down, he couldn´t see her, couldn´t reach her or contact her.
„That does not make it better, Andy." he told her, and she heard the worry that was in his voice.
„I know that."
„Than don´t risk your life just because of an animal.
It was out before you and we couldn´t contact you, we were scared, I was for sure.
I don´t want to lose you, damn it." Andy sighed, since the beginning of their Relationship he was overly protecting her.
„I love you, too." he couldn´t say this words right now, but he showed her every day.