It was silent riding in space. Well, not really. Things were quiet. It was just the whining and complaining of a certain blue feathered bird that was annoying on the radio.
"This is freaking useless! If I wanted to be bored, I'll be in my room listening to Slippy play his stupid game!"
Leader of the mercenary group, Star Fox, Fox McCloud was bored as well, but annoyed by his partner, Falco Lombardi's complaints every second he breathes.
"Falco, do me a favor?"
"Go fuc-" said his partners, but he was interrupted by the Arwing's radio that went off with static.
"Hello? Hello? This is Fox McCloud of Star Fox. Can you hear me?"
"Help. [static]. Please [static] ...lp us..."
"You hear that?" Falco asked Fox.
"Yes. Let's go!"
Retrieving the location of the transmission, the two Star Fox members fly off to the request of help.
Traveling in space, Red and Rosalina sipped on some tea as the auto pilot ia being used.
Sitting on a gold throne in the middle of the luxurious living room with a couple of treasure chest, rectangle red carpet and the dinning room set behind the throne when Rosalina is sitting.
"So Rosalina, how did you get to the Pirate Sector of Fadok?"
Rosalina look down at her cup, swirling the liquid with a little silver spoon. "I was taken by that pirate and his friends."
"Thank you, genius. And now tell me the weather. How did you get taken?"
Ignoring the sarcasm, the Mother of Lumas sighed. "A ship of pirates invade my home. I thought they were nice people from the Mushroom Kingdom. I was wrong. I hope Polari and the Lumas are okay."
Stopping her tale, she saw a blinking red light on a large black radio. "What is this thing?"
Looking at what Rosalina was looking at and saw the blinking light. Getting up, Red walk to the radio, wiping the dusk off the front.
"My old radio. I haven't use this thing since..." Red stop to shake his head as a bad memory play in his head. "The only person I get in contact with is
The Merchant. Must be a transmission."
Turning the dial, the Masked Pirate tried to figure out where he can hear the transmission. It was all static until he hear a man crying for help.
"To anyone who hears [static] I am Captain Miller of [static]. Our ship broke down and we are in need [static]. Please help us!"
The message went back to static. Rosalina stood up, looking at Red to see what he thinks of the situation.
"No wonder I don't pay attention to this thing. Well, we'll continuing our primary journey."
The Cosmic Witch drop her jaw at the carefree tone of the Pirate. "Red, we need to save these people."
"The thing I can do is take your ass home, get paid, and stay alive. Their problem is not mine."
"People lives could be in danger. What if we were just the ones who heard their cry for help."
Red fold his arms, looking at Rosalina. "Not. My. Problem. This could be an old message. Are we the only ones who heard that message? Nope."
"Rosalina, get this through your head. I am no hero. I'm not risking my life to battle a large turtle who can't take the answer no from his crush. I'm not the "knight in shining armor" bullshit.
"Plus, this ship doesn't fly without my touch. If any stranger touches that wheel, the ship self-destruct. You're fucked without me."
"You, you, you. All about you! Can you think others than just yourself?" The Star Lady said, raising her voice. With a sigh, an idea went through her head "If you save those people, I'll pay you more."
A smile form on Red's face in the mask. "Okay then. By the way, if there no people, you double that payment for wasting our time. Deal?"
Spitting in his right hand, the Pirate reach out for an agreement handshake. Disgusted, Rosalina finish the agreement, shaking the hand.
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's save some people!"
Taking out a phone-like device out of his coat pocket, he search for the location that the transmission came from. Looking on the map, a red dot show the planet the ship was over was the location.
"Planet Glaxtion. Fucking great..." said an unenthused Red. Heading to the Cockpit, he took the controls and flew down to the planet.
Following the map, Red lower his ship in front a large ship that look like it's abandoned with mold, holes, and rusted steel.
"Glaxtion is a storm planet. A storm that can fuck up my ship's engine. It's on the other side of the planet. We're on a time crunch. Let's go" Red ordered.
The two jump down off the ship to the large old ship. Taking out a grappling hook and wrapping in around an large faded stripe exhaust pipe.
"Slowly lower yourself down the rope. Keep your hands on the rope this your feet are on something solid" Red ordered Rosalina.
The Pirate leap down the large hole inside the ship. The Cosmic Witch held the rope, slowly lowering herself into the hole.
Once watching the Mother Luma down, Red pressed the eyes of his mask and a large red spot on the gated floor.
"We need to find these people and move bef-"
Red pull out his pistols, turning around quickly behind him, aiming at the two people who aim their weapons at him.
"Well, well. Who knew who's early to the furry convention" said Red.
Rosalina, who was hiding behind Red's back, stick her head out. "Don't hurt them!"
"My ear much?! Why?"
"Because they're my friends. Fox and Falco."
Red kept his guns on the two Star Fox members as they did the same, fingers on the trigger. There was no way this situation cannot get ugly