Hello readers. I am sarting a crossover between Ratchet and Clank and Destiny. There will be violence, language and even some slight sexua content. I do not own anything.

The Hunter and the Ranger

Ch. 1

The Speaker: The stories tell of a golden age long ago, when our civilization spanned the system. It was a bright and hopeful time. But it didn't last. Something hit us. Knocked us down and tried to stamp us out. No one knows exactly what, but we do know this: very few of us survived, and those that did owe their lives to the The Traveler. Legends say The Traveler sacrificed itself to save us. The mysterious sphere still hangs where it made its last stand, low above the Earth, keeping silent watch. The years that followed the collapse of the golden age were hard, but slowly we joined together to build a city beneath The Traveler. And now we've begun to venture back into the wild, only to find that we're not alone. Strange and deadly creatures have occupied our old worlds. And they're pressing hard against The City, probing for a weakness, trying to stamp us out for good. Your story begins at this moment of great adventure and peril. You are a Guardian of The City; a soldier able to wield some of The Traveler's incredible power.

Earth, or what's left of it. The world was used to be good before war and invasion of the Fallen turned it into a wasteland. Now all there is are ruined cities, and skeletons. Though the only civilized city is known as the Last City on Earth.

Floating across the desert of Old Russia, a Ghost searches for signs of the Light. It sees a skeleton with a hole on its skull.

"Oh dear." It said before moving on. As it searches, three Fallen scouts observes the little floating shell.

It then stops scanning at a skeleton with a hood on it.

"It is possible?" Then it flashes and it scans it. "There you are."

Then it unleashes a flash.

Jason's POV

I see nothing but darkness around me. Then I see a flash of light and it devours me. I've begun to regain conciouness before I heard a voice.

"Guardian. Guardian? Eyes up, Guardian."

I look up and see a floating white robot with a spiked shell. In the center is blue eye. I could feel pain all over me as I slowly recover. I look at my hands and see that they are gloved. I see a mirror and look at my reflection. I am wearing some kind of armor with a blue hood on me.

"It worked! You're alive!" It said with excitement. "You don't know how I have been looking for you."

"Who are you?" I asked the floating shell.

"I'm a Ghost. Actually, now I'm your Ghost." The Ghost informed.

"Ghost. Right. What happened?" I asked.

"Well, you've been dead for a long time. So you're going to see a lot of things you don't understand." Ghost said.

Then all of a sudden, there was a roar in the distance and the Ghost turns to the sound knowing there is trouble.

"This is Fallen Territory. We aren't safe here. I have to get you to the City." Ghost said.

I slowly get up to my feet. And I see the Ghost.

"Can you take me there?" I asked.

"Yes, but hold still." The Ghost said before disappearing. I look around to see where it went. I then heard his voice from my helmet. "Don't worry I'm still with you. We need to move. Fast!"

"You don't have to tell me twice." I said as I make a run for the wall.

(2 months later...)

2 months after the resurection, Jason is now an experienced Hunter Guardian after defeating the Darkness at the Black Garden. You are sitting on a box in the flight hangar as your ship is getting prepared for its next flight.

He had fought alone against the Fallen, the Cabal, and the Vex. He is fearless and with confidence. Then Amanda Holiday shows up, rubbing her hands after finishing up his ship.

"Well, she's all good and ready to go." Amanda said.

"Thanks, Amanda." Jason said, fist bumping her. He then turn to his Ghost. "You ready to go?"

"Ready when you are, Guardian." He replied.

Jason boarded his fighter and fired up the engines. The ship takes off and departs from the hangar. After leaving Earth, the young Hunter stared at the sea of stars. He sighs before slumping down on his chair.

"You alright?" The Ghost asked him.

"Yeah, buddy. How close are we towards Mars?" Jason asked.

"We should be arriving within an hour." Ghost replied.

Then all a sudden, alarms blared out and Jason quickly look around and see a wormhole opening.

"Ghost, send an SOS! Now!" Jason shouted.

"Tower. This is Ghost. We're being pulled into a wormhole! We need help!" Ghost said before the ship gets sucked in. The force of the pull makes Jason hit his head on the dashboard before losing consciousness.

Where did the wormhole come from and where did Jason and his Ghost go? Find out more soon.