Welcome to the next chapter!

In this chapter, the Varia make their move and Drake discovers something very interesting.

Now, I'm changing Tsuna so he's more like a 'carnivore' in Kyoya's words and grew up as Kyoya's childhood friend and is actually a good fighter and I'm making Lambo a secondary lighting guardian for Tsuna while his first guardian will be Mochida who after a 'humbling beatdown' to correct his attitude by Tsuna he later came to respect the boy and slowly became his lightning guardian.


The winner of the Poll is Dom-Xanxus and Sub-Drake with 35 votes! The taking turns came in at 29 votes as a close second with the Sub-Xanxus and Dom-Drake coming in last place with 4 votes.

Sorry for those who really wanted Xanxus to be the submissive one, I might do a story with Xanxus being the bottom and Drake on top but I'll let you guys inspire me, think of this as a challenge from me to you! Tell me your ideas and I'll pick the winner out of these categories.

1: Drake must be Xanxus's cloud one way or another.

2: The idea must be creative but not over the top.

Simple, now let those imaginations run wild! I look forward to seeing what you lot come up with. :)

I do NOT own Harry Potter or Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Just my Oc's and story idea!

Off we go!

CHAPTER 4: To Japan and Ring battles



It was early in the morning when the Varia arrived in Japan, after Squalo's failed attempt at getting the rings which turned out to be fake duplicates so the Varia were now in Japan to find the real ones. Drake grins as he was sent on ahead to scout out their opponents, so here he was hidden in plain view in a cafe in some casual clothing.

He had on a black t-shirt with light blue jeans, brown shoes, a black leather belt, and a brown leather jacket with a plain grey scarf around his neck in a stylish way without his eye-patch which was tucked into his jeans pocket with his hair styled in just the right way to cover his right eye.

'Thank you Lussuria' Drake thought as he read a newspaper while spying on Nana Sawada, the wife of Iemitsu.

She was a kind woman and was shopping at the moment but Drake could feel that she was hiding something, deciding to test something out he made it look like he was annoyed with his newspaper before flaring his magic in an irritating way. He sensed three other magicals in the area respond with sympathy at his 'irritation' over the news which made him chuckle and 'ease' his magic as he eyed Nana and grinned at her reaction.

She had paused in checking out some fruit, her eyes had dilated slightly before snapping out of it as she looked around before smiling and returning to her shopping. Drake nods as he stood up and placed his money on the table for the drink he ordered early and left, he put the newspaper in a bin as he walked away.

'Looks like Nana is an Invert, interesting, does this mean her son has magic as well?' Drake thought as he began his search for the Decimo candidate.

An invert is a person who has magic but is unable to use it outside their bodies, this would label them as 'Squibs' in England or any area that is still stuck in the past, it was quite common in some places. If Nana had magic then it was highly possible that her son would have it as well, things were starting to get very interesting around here.

After looking around Drake managed to find the Decimo candidate and his guardians and set about watching them for the evening, he gathered as much intel as he could before the baby hitman known as Reborn became aware of his presence. Drake left but satisfied as he made his way back to the hotel that the Varia were staying at, he had a report to do.

He made sure to show the receptionist his ID, the desk lady quickly gave him the room his boss and fellow guardians were using as a meeting room and made his way over. He decided to cut down on time by using the elevator, which turned out to be a mistake when a female staff member joined him with a bottle of wine. She began flirting with him and Drake got the urge to hit her but held back since it would not be worth the energy, in the end, the lift stops at his floor and he got out with the staff member called Kate following him.

"So, how long are you going to be in Japan for handsome?" Kate asked with a flirty smile as they arrived at the room the rest of the Varia were in.

"Until my job is complete," Drake answered a tic mark slowing forming at flirting since it was starting to annoy him while knocking on the door four times.

The door soon opens to show Squalo, he was about to start yelling when he saw how annoyed Drake looked and the staff member beside him hold the drink the boss ordered.

"Voi! Get in here, the boss is waiting for your report!" Squalo said as he moved to let the cloud inside, he sent a glare at Kate who shivers before going in herself.

Drake greeted his fellow guardians while trying to ignore the female who suddenly was in his personal space, she was close to his back and trying to use him as a shield. Lussuria directed him to Xanxus who was by the window, said male was looking out the window. Drake flared his flames slightly making Xanxus look over, the wraths flames flared back before pausing then they flared in anger.

'Who the hell is that trash?' Xanxus thought as he saw a woman trying to glue herself to Drake's back while clutching a wine bottle.

Xanxus's gut twisted as his chest tightened, he felt the urge to rip the woman away from his cloud and destroy her for even touching his Drake! The boss held back a jolt as those words registered in his head, why was he getting jealous that a woman was so close to Drake? He fought back the urge to whip out his gun and shoot the woman and instead chose to glare at her, he can figure his feelings out later.

"Trash, give me my wine," Xanxus ordered as the woman jumps at his gaze on her.

When she did not move Drake sighs moving he pushed her forward making her stumble but she quickly recovered and gave Xanxus his wine, she then ran back to Drake who made a gesture to Lussuria nearby who came over and guided *AhemdraggedAhem* her out of the room letting Drake relax and pull his eye-patch out of his pocket and put it on.

"Report," Xanxus said as he poured himself a drink.

"I found the Decimo candidate, Tsunayoshi Sawada, training with his guardians and from observing them it appears that he has a full set," Drake started as he finished tightening his eye-patch before taking his scarf off.

This also drew Xanxus's eyes to his outfit, he had to admit that Drake looked good in that get-up and despite his 'tastes' Lussuria was very good with fashion. Xanxus looked back up at Drake's face as he continued with his report.

"Tsuna, as he is known as to his friends, appears to be a good fighter since he was in a spar with his cloud when I found them, he has good instincts and reflexes but his flames felt a little off but I could not tell way without getting closer," Drake said as he stood straight.

"His guardians?" Xanxus asked taking a sip of his drink.

"His lightning guardian and rain guardian are both swordsmen with the rain being a natural born hitman and swordsman, his lighting appears to be a good swordsman and martial artists on the side with his style it appeared to be a mix when he was fighting the storm guardian," Drake said as he listed off what he saw.

"The storm guardian was Hayato Gokudera, he seems to have improved from his days on hits and I saw him getting lessons on poisons with his sister thought she was wearing a mask for some reason," Drake said as he remembered seeing the siblings working on something.

"The sun guardian is a boxer and a rather loud youth but is passionate about protecting his sister and friends, I dare say he could give Lussuria a challenge if he puts his mind to it," Drake said with a little wince remembering how loud the kid was.

"His cloud guardian is a force to be reckoned with, he is skilled with those tonfa's of his and some martial arts skills and reflexes and I'll be honest I'm looking forward to fighting him in the ring battles," Drake said with a smirk growing on his face.

"Lastly his mist guardian confused me until I realized the two mists were bonded to each other, he has Muruko Rokudo as his main mist guardian with a young girl called Chrome Dokuro as his secondary mist, I would be on guard Mammon!" Drake said yelling the last bit over his shoulder making the small mist yell a 'Noted!' back before going back to their money.

"If I remember correctly the brat has Reborn training him," Xanxus said as Drake nods.

"He is, he is also the reason I couldn't get any closer to observe them more," Drake said even he wouldn't piss off the worlds greatest hitman.

"Anything else to report?" Xanxus asked as he moved and refilled his glass.

"Yes actually, Nana, Tsunayoshi's mother, is an invert magical and I sensed other magical in the city," Drake said as he ducked a dagger that Belphegor threw as a fight started in the background between the prince and Levi.

Xanxus sat forward at this asking "Really? So the brat has magic?"

"Yes, I could sense the magic in him but it felt...blocked somehow," Drake said as he glanced at his fellow guardians before looking back at Xanxus a clear sign he wanted some privacy.

Xanxus nods as he flared his flames towards his other guardians in a clear sign that he wanted them out of the room, the others complied since Xanxus did this whenever he needed secrecy or if the information was solely for Xanxus's ears alone. They left after bidding Xanxus and Drake a good night, once they were gone Drake turned serious as he looked at Xanxus.

"After having my magic brush against Tsunayoshi's I felt not only a seal on his magic but his flames as well, there were cracks in the seal though," Drake said as he braced himself.

He held back a wince as Xanxus's flames flared in anger to a dangerous level, by some miracle his chair was undamaged but he did destroy the wine glass he was holding covering the carpet in glass and wine.

"The trash is sealed!? How is he still alive? And can it be removed?" Xanxus asked a growl in his words as anger danced in his eyes.

He would not be able to test the Decmio's full worth if he was sealed! It would be like a house cat going up against a tiger, but this did raise some red flags inside Xanxus's head. Who sealed the kid? Why? And lastly, how the hell was he still alive!? The last record of a Sky flame user being sealed ended with the poor bastard being given a mercy killing!

Drake frowns saying "I think so, the seal from what I could feel was weak most thanks to his magic since I could feel it actively trying to attack what it could of the seal, with a strong enough Sky flame the seal could be broken,"

Drake then paused to gather his thoughts as Xanxus forced himself to calm down, his flames still flared in anger though.

"I suggest we alert his tutor, Reborn, of the seal, hopefully he will be able to deal with it while everyone is busy with the ring battles, that way he will be at full strength for you to fight," Drake said as he moved and went over to a nearby table and picked up a glass.

He then went over to Xanxus and poured him another drink, the wrathful sky accepted the drink and took a swig as he thought about his clouds words. If he was to fight the kid still sealed then it would be a hollow victory, the younger sky would only be at half power and Xanxus would not get any satisfaction from beating him and the kid would not be able to show his true worth to Xanxus as a Decmio candidate. But if he was unsealed then the wrathful sky would be able to go all out and really give the kid a run for his money, his mind made up Xanxus looked at Drake.

"Give Reborn the information regarding the seal, make sure it is anonymous and can't be traced back to us, I want to see the trash's full power when we fight," Xanxus ordered making Drake nod.

"I will see that it gets done right away," Drake said before taking note of the time.

"Ah, it's gotten so late already, man, time sure does fly when you're chatting about things," Drake said as he reached up and rubbed his neck.

Xanxus eyed his cloud as he did this, why did he have the sudden urge to bite his neck? The fair skin looked so smooth and empty, a nice purple mark would look good there. Xanxus quickly shook his head, what in the actual hell was getting into him!? It must be the alcohol making him think this way, it must be or he was tired either one worked for him.

Xanxus looked away from Drake as he finished his drink and set the glass down maybe it was time for bed, he ignored the heated and tight feeling in his chest as he looks back at his cloud.

"Head to bed Drake, you can do my order in the morning," Xanxus said making Drake nod and smile at him.

"Okay, night Xanxus, don't let the monsters bite," Drake said with a joking tone as he made his way towards the door.

"As if I'd let them bite me," Xanxus said making Drake chuckle as he opened the door.

"Night Drake," Xanxus said as Drake waved before leaving and closing the door behind him.

Xanxus then got up and walked to the window, he stares out at the city as it went about its nightly routine.

'What out Tsunayoshi Sawada, I'm coming for you and you better not disappoint me' Xanxus thought as he glanced at his half of the Sky Vongola ring, he looked back at the city before turning away.

Xanxus went about his nightly routine before he settled down for bed himself, the next few days would prove to be very interesting indeed.

Done! I know not much action yet but a bit of jealous Xanxus makes an appearance.

The romance between them will be hinted at but it won't trigger fully until the last few ring battles.

Okay, in the next chapter, the Varia and 10th generation finally meet!

Until then, SaberbladePrime signing out!