"All Hail Jon the Brave, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Six Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm!" Tyrion announced.

"All Hail Jon the Brave!" the lords and ladies in the Great Hall replied.

Jon was sitting on the Iron Throne and he had never felt more out of place. He shouldn't be here. He didn't want to be here. Once again he hoped that the whole thing was nothing more than a big misunderstanding. The doors would open and Daenerys would walk in, taking her rightful place as the Queen. Jon would be free. He could leave King's Landing and never look back.

Sadly the doors remained closed. Daenerys wasn't coming back. She was gone. Gone. Jon hadn't been able to save her. She had died protecting Drogon. The furious dragon had destroyed almost the whole Lannister army before flying away with Daenerys' body. Cersei and Jaime Lannister were dead. The war was finally over.

According to Tyrion, people needed a strong leader now more than ever before. Jon had never wanted to become that leader. Maybe his father had been a Targaryen, but Jon had never had any desire to become the King. Yet he was the King now. If he would have refused, the lords would have started to fight for power, probably causing another war.

People of Westeros had already suffered more than enough; they didn't need any more bloodshed. Tyrion had assured that the people needed a king like Jon. Jon wasn't so sure about that. He glanced at Sansa and Arya who were smiling at him. At least he had been able to give the North independence.

"Also Hail Lady Helena, our future Queen!" Tyrion continued.

"All Hail Lady Helena!"

For a moment Jon had almost forgotten the woman standing beside the Iron Throne. She had a polite smile on her face and she had greeted all the lords and ladies with kind words. If Jon wouldn't have known that she had spent the last years in a prison cell, he would have never guessed it. As Tyrion had said, she would be a perfect Queen. Her manners were flawless and she understood politics. She would be able to advice Jon.

Not to mention marrying her would help reuniting people after the long wars and many rulers. She was the only trueborn daughter of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister. Yes, she should have been perfect, but Jon didn't want to marry her. How could he be a good husband after everything he had lost? Somehow he doubted that she really wanted to marry him either.

Yet they would be wed soon. She had agreed to that and Tyrion had assured Jon that it would be the smartest thing to do. Everyone needed to see that the Throne was in steady hands now. There would be no more fighting. They had won, but Jon didn't feel like a winner. He felt trapped and exhausted. The worst part was that he would remain trapped for the rest of his life. How could he ever be happy about that?