Wow, thank you for the PMs and reviews. I am happy to know I'm doing this right and that you like it and enjoy the ride with me. So this is the last chapter as I think the storyline is over. But as I'm becoming more and more addicted to this Station 19 universe I think I might write more stories. You happy? As I surely am excited :D

Andy arrived home and felt quite at ease. It was strange as in the morning she felt like somebody had punched her in the stomach and now she was somewhat lightheaded. She felt like she could smile freely. Her lips still tangled from their kiss. Who would have thought this man could kiss like that.

Well she was sure he was full of surprises.

Opening the door to her apartment she realized she actually had no idea about where she stood with her Captain. Did they resolve anything?

"Hey." Maya greeted her friend from the couch where she was sitting with Gibson, watching TV.


"You okay?" Maya asked and looked at her curiously.

Andy stopped to take off her shoes and jacket. At first she didn't answer but then she smiled.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"So why are you here so early?" Maya wouldn't let it go.

"Why are you two here?" She asked back.

"Dean got a call from Nikki so…"

"I understand." Andy said then as she could imagine how awkward that would have been.

"So? You're home early." Maya pushed her back on track.

"I'm tired so you know what? I'll head to bed." Andy told her instead of giving her a proper answer.

"What's going on?" Jack asked. Before Andy could say something Maya turned to look back at him.

"That's none of your business, Gibson."

"What do you mean it's none of my business?"

"It's a women's thing." She told him and Andy actually grinned. Oh yeah, it was none of his business for sure. She couldn't even imagine how he would react to this.

"I'm letting you off the hook but you're gonna tell me later." Maya told Andy with a smirk.

"Night."Andy smiled at her knowing well that once she gets the chance Maya will ask for details.

"Night." Both Maya and Jack wished her and watched her go.

Maya was curious like hell about the conversation but from the way Andy looked it seemed they at least talked about the incident from this morning. Gosh she couldn't wait for some details. This was so much fun.

"You're really not going to tell me, are you?" Jack asked Maya.


"Do I have to worry?"

"About what?"

"About Andy." He said and Maya knew he actually would. Those two would probably always be close. It was a bit awkward but knowing them she could accept it. But there were boundaries and she would make sure those were not crossed.

"No, you don't have to worry about her. I've got this." She told him and kissed him before she took back the position by his side to finish the movie they were watching.

Jack wasn't exactly happy , he had a strange feeling about this. But there was nothing he could do. At least those two had each other.

Back in her room Andy lied on her bed and watched the ceiling for a while. She was trying to recall all they said to each other but still she couldn't figure out where they stood.

But what she knew for sure was that she might have a thing for Robert Sullivan – and that the feeling was mutual. Which was scary and yet exciting. So what if he was right? What if becoming something more was actually a good idea?

But could it really be? He was her boss. They worked together. And especially now after Vic and the Chief that was not actually ideal setting. Did she even like him that much to risk all for him? She could lose 19, she could anger her father and lose her friends. On the other hand she could get someone that truly cares about her. He was different from her previous boyfriends, that was for sure. But was he worth it?

Remembering all the moments she cherished in her mind she decided to stop thinking and just wait and see what tomorrow would bring.

Robert Sullivan lied wide awake in his bunk and wished yet again his best friend was alive. He desperately needed to talk to him. He would have to get used to it. But it was difficult. He could imagine very well what Hughes was going through. And he felt a pang of deep sorrow.

When he lost his wife his world turned dark and there was no light to see. In a couple of weeks he left for Montana, severed all the contact he had with his family and friends, he cut Lucas from his life and never meant to go back. Seattle was a place where his life ended.

And so he worked more, tried harder and soon he was climbing up the ladder on ranks and teaching at the academy, leading his own station in Montana, he travelled quite a lot around the States helping with the recruits. He was tough and he was rough, he made them realize who really had it in him to become a firefighter and who should rather change course.

And never during those years had he thought about coming back to Seattle. Not till he got a call from the Chief. Lucas. He didn't want to pick up but he did. And so he got the offer to come back to Seattle and lead a Station here. He took his time to think about it and when he accepted he didn't think he would stay. He was the ruthless tough Captain 19 needed to get back into shape after everything that happened to them. And he was ready to shape them.

He was so wrong…

Although it was not his intention he actually started to care about the people here. He challenged them and made them work harder and do better and he could see the results soon. One by one they were becoming better firefighters and he felt like he was doing his job well.

He even found the strength to talk to Luke. Briefly at first and with no need to go deeper but he was his boss and so he couldn't avoid him.

Then there was Pruitt Herrera who disliked him since the very first moment – but actually was the one who suggested him for this position as he needed someone to lead his people firmly.

And then he was on that call with Andy and his worst memory hit him square in the chest. That road, that bridge, that spot. That one spot where everything went to hell and he was back there and another woman was lying there on the road. Life had a weird sense of humor.

And before he could comprehend what happened he woke up in the Aid Car and couldn't move his legs. That day changed a lot for him. And not only for him it seemed. It was difficult to tell though. But that storm seemed to change everyone. Along with all those small steps he managed to take the weeks prior the storm he actually started to enjoy working with the people of 19. For the first time in years he had the sense of belonging somewhere. And it was scary.

And now? Now he was lying here awake thinking about Andrea Herrera. She was such a pain in the ass in the beginning, so upset for not getting the Captain's post, so determined to show him he wasn't needed. It took him a lot of willpower and inner strength to find a way how to lead her to be better. And it worked. But it worked a little too well as he found himself drawn to her. So was it him helping her to be better or the other way around?

He groaned in frustration. What the hell was he doing? She was his Lieutenant. He had no right…

But then he remembered how she came into his arms, how she kissed him, touched him, how she moaned… And of course the courage she had to come to him this evening and let him explain. She actually gave him a second chance even though she didn't have to. He had heard before she was one of a kind but it all had bright new perspective now.

So… what if this was a good idea? Could it really work? She was a strong amazing woman. That much he knew. And he liked her. He liked spending time with her. And he started to care – a little too much. Would that be a problem? Well on the other hand he'd been feeling like this for awhile now and it hadn't affected their work. Except the incident in the pool but he refused to think about that. That one didn't count.

Oh Luke would have a good laugh about this. Especially after the talk he gave him about Hughes.

It was late when he finally fell asleep, hoping his leg would be okay and that he would find a way how to get to know Andy better. But he had a feeling she would surprise him anyway.

In the morning Sullivan was the first at the Station from the day shift. Mark texted him and was on his way. His people would be in soon too.

Changing into his uniform he felt better than in the evening. The uniform gave him borders, lines he wouldn't cross. Well almost never. He wanted to think never but well… he could at least be honest with himself.

Mark came and saw Sully in his office.

"Morning, Rob."

"Morning." He smiled at his brother and got up to meet him. He felt his leg a bit, there was a strange tingling in it but he could feel it and that was good. It also corresponded with what the doctor said about healing neuropaths.

"So here you go. Go through it, sign it, let your people sign as well. I will stop by after lunch."

"Okay, thank you."

"Think nothing of it. It's not over yet." He warned him not to get false hopes up.

"I know. But still. Thank you." He told his brother and Mark just smiled at him.

"Lunch on Saturday? Jane said she'd make your favorite lasagna." Mark suggested and Robert had to grin at that. Did she really remember?

"Sure. That sounds good." He agreed and his brother seemed satisfied.

"You were worried I would say no."

"A little bit, yeah. But I'm glad I was wrong." He admitted and Sullivan couldn't blame him.

"I'll be back later for those papers." Mark reminded him and after a brief chat he left.

Sullivan took the papers to his table and went through them. He signed where he was asked to and had to admit that his brother did a good job. He truly believed Montgomery had a huge chance to win this.

He totally missed his people coming to the Station. So when he got up and walked up to the beanery to leave the paperwork there he was kind of surprised to find everyone there, chatting away, having breakfast together.

"Morning, Sir." Maya greeted him like it was a natural thing for him to be there.

"Morning. Listen people, I have the papers from Mark so I just wanted to leave them here. He'll be back after lunch." He told them and put the folder on the counter so it wouldn't get dirty on the table.

He wanted to leave when Andy turned from the coffee machine.

"Morning, Sir. Coffee?" She asked him then and he didn't know what to answer. He would swear he could feel all the eyes upon him.

"I don't want to intrude." He replied then.

"Waffles?" Hughes asked him and handed him a plate. And so he found himself standing there with cup of coffee in one hand and a plate of waffles in the other.

Well with a deep breath – why was he so worried anyway? – he sat down to a free spot at the table and although it was a bit weird to be there he just stayed.

When everyone was sitting down Gibson looked at him.

"So what about today, Sir? We all know our chores but are you changing anything? How's your leg?" And they all fell silent and waited for him to answer. Sullivan had to swallow first. Could he do this? Could he be the kind of Captain to have breakfast with his people and instead of a line-up talk to them over food?

He looked around swiftly and his look lingered at Andy. She smiled at him over her cup and took a sip of her coffee. And so he answered Gibson.