Thea watched as Oliver stumbled into the dining room for breakfast. Just on the short walk from the walk to the table, he'd stopped to have a quick conversation with Rasia in Russian, he also started flirting with several of the newer staff.

"Could the sexual harassment at least wait until after we've had breakfast?" Thea questioned, causing the new maid to jump and scurry away.

"Thea, behave." Moira reprimanded, today was too important to have her children bickering about God knows what. Moira needed to get her company in shape before the end of the week.

"He's the one flirting with the staff and whatever her name is she's probably naive enough to jump into bed with him.

"Fine Raisa fire the girl, there, are you happy now?" Moira ordered putting down the quarterly report, she still didn't know where to get a quarter of a billion-dollar from, but the spreadsheet had the answers somewhere.

"Of course I'm not happy but how would you know that you are so busy with work that I've barely seen you. And Oliver is so busy sleeping with anything with a pulse that he's barely been home in the last three days."

"Okay, you've made your point."

Thea threw her napkin down on her plate then stood up glowering over at the other two occupants in the room, the maids had made themselves scarce at the first sign of trouble like they'd been trained to do. "This family is falling apart, and I'm the only one noticing but guess what I'm done caring." Thea strolled out, ignoring Oliver's attempt at making her stay.

Moira paused for a second, allowing herself to regret what she was doing before pushing the emotion away, now wasn't the time to waver. "Finish eating breakfast we have the meetings with the head of departments today."

"Shouldn't we go after her?" Oliver questioned staring at the doorway Thea had stormed out through, he wasn't sure why his mom seemed so unconcerned about what just happened. The last time Thea had thought her life was falling apart, she'd turned to drugs and had wrapped her car around a lamp post.

"And say what, I assume you don't plan on sleeping with fewer women."

"Mom" Oliver frowned at her response.

"And I can't spend any more time away from work, with Walter missing I'm having to do both our jobs while helping with a police investigation. I can't promise her to spend more time at home, so there is really no use in chasing after her and offering up empty promises just to let her down again."

Oliver stunned by how callous she sounded, she hadn't even reacted to how upset Thea was.

"I'm going to work, hope I see you there before the meeting, I'll be announcing a new partnership, and we will be talking about where to find the money. Don't be late." Moira finished sternly, she just hoped that for once Oliver could make it into work on time. Gathering up the documents she signalled to the men to get the car ready and walked away, leaving her half-eaten breakfast behind.

"Hold on you can't just-"

"Invite Tommy over for dinner maybe that would appease her." Moira threw out just before stepping across the threshold.

"Mom, mom!" Oliver called out and was ignored was once more. Oliver was now the only one sat at the breakfast table surrounded by a family-sized breakfast and various empty seats.

"You need to do better," Raisa informed walking back in, she had the other staff waiting in the kitchen.


"She's spent more nights by herself now than when you were stranded on that island, do better." At least when Moira hadn't been at home before Walter had been there, stepping in so, Thea hadn't been as lonely.

"How bad is it?" He was afraid of what the answer would be, he couldn't save this city just to fail Thea.

Raisa hesitated in answering, it wasn't bad. Thea had yet to do anything, she snuck a friend up into the house two nights ago, but the boy had just spent some time watching tv downstairs and making fun of the fact that Thea was still in school before going home.

Nothing terrible had happened, but Raisa had raised both Queen children she knew when each of them was starting to feel self-destructive. Thea was holding on for now; however, it was only a matter of time before the girl turned to a more destructive form of entertaining herself, "Я скажу ей, что ты будешь дома сегодня вечером."


Moira took the opportunity of being chauffeured around to think about this morning. It wasn't that she didn't care about what Thea was going through. Still, between running Queen Consolidated, being in a Kabul planning the undertaking and trying to reassure the investors and the board that she had a handle of things, she simply had no time left to give.

And time was something she needed a lot of, things were happening way too quickly for Moira taste, she only had twenty-two hours and counting for her men to infiltrate Meryln Manson and find any information about where Walter was hidden.

Moira had expected Malcolm to put the fear of God into her husband and stop him looking into what happened to the Queen's Gambit not to outright kidnap the man.

Malcolm was clearly losing his mind to paranoia, it hadn't taken long for Moira's men to notice how some of Malcolm's men were tailing her son.

For once Oliver's predilection for partying and clubbing actually helped, Malcolm's men weren't interested in following Oliver into Verdant; not when page six had a step by step account of Oliver's every movement the next day.

And if all that wasn't enough Wayne Enterprise and reached out; they were looking for someone to partner up within their latest line of home security and had chosen her company. The project was literally in its inception stage, and already Moira could tell that it was going to be a tremendous undertaking hence the meeting with all the head of departments this morning.


Laurel wasn't sure what to do with the additional information Phillip Days presented with earlier on in the week. The fact that Oliver went on a double date with her key witness should have no bearing on her case against Krane, the fact that Oliver was jealous that he stalked and crashed another man's date was irrelevant to her case.

The defendant's team won't care unless they did.

Unless they called Oliver up as a witness to testify to Phillip's state of mind just before he walked into a police station only to confess. According to Phillip's testimony, Oliver, his date and Felicity Smoak had been some of the last people to see him before he 'willing' walked into a police station to confess to his crimes. Oliver could be called to testify about Phillips state of mind that night, so Laurel had to get ahead of this.

She needed to cover all her bases, she would also need to talk to Felicity Smoak as well, the woman would have a greater insight into her date's mind than Oliver.

Convincing herself, it was the right thing to do Laurel informed her boss that she needed to step away from the office to run down another lead before she made her way to Queen Consolidated.


"This is so creepy," Felicity announced her voice bouncing around the empty space and echoing back to her. She'd force Diggle to use his security badge to sneak her onto the eleventh floor there were loads of rumours flying around about what happened to the eleventh floor.

Felicity didn't think it was haunted by a ghost, and she didn't believe the asbestos story, but they had to be a reason why the entire floor had been emptied out. An entire department displaced forced to move into Tower B while their original 'home' was torn apart.

Everything had been removed; the only thing left was literally the building blocks, there wasn't even a pin in place, all the carpets had been ripped out as well giving the site a dystopian vibe. "What do you think happened here?" She asked standing in the middle of the floor and looking around. "Why would they clear out an entire floor."

"I'm sure you will find out soon now let's go." Diggle sighed, he still had the elevator door opened, "I want to get some lunch."

Felicity looked around once more before making her way to Diggle, "Does this have anything to do with why all the heads of the department have been stuck in a meeting since this morning?"

Diggle ignored the question and pressed the button for the cafeteria, "It's your turn to get lunch."


"So when do you think you will be back?" Diggle asked broaching the subject with as much sensitivity as he could. He didn't want to pressure Felicity in returning or even rush her, but they needed her.

With Felicity not able to be on comms, the job had naturally fallen on Diggle so he couldn't be out there providing back-up for Oliver.

Plus there was the vital detail of Diggle being useless at the computer, he couldn't do a quarter of the things Felicity could, he couldn't hack into mainframes or download things let alone get the blueprint for a building. Because of Diggle's lack of computer skills, Oliver had been out-numbered and nearly got killed the other night.

"I was thinking tonight," Felicity confessed chewing on her bottom lip and pushing her plate away. The salad had already lost its appeal before she'd even sat down, she should have gone for the curly fries and barbecue chicken pizza like she wanted. "If you'll have me that is, I know I kinda left you in the lurch, but I'm ready to make up for it."

"You didn't leave us in the lurch" he denied. "You needed some time away, and that's okay."

"I kinda miss the lair and the computers and the crime fighting."

"Are you sure you are ready to come back?" Diggle believed in Oliver's mission there were corrupt people in their city making it worse for everyone and they needed to be stopped, but he also didn't want it to be at the cost of Felicity's happiness.

"Yeah… it's funny the whole getting over someone by getting under someone else is really true. I'm not saying I'm over Oliver, but I'm ready to move on."

"So you…"

"No, NO!" Felicity blushed, she didn't mean it like that. She hadn't slept with anyone, "I meant him, Oliver. Reading about him sleeping with all these women it kinda just… I'm sure half the stories are made up, and I'm not trying to slut-shame him, but he's been partying a lot lately."

Diggle didn't have much to contribute to that so allowed Felicity to keep going. Yes, Oliver had been clubbing almost every single night this week, but it wasn't his place to speculate as to why. Oliver was a grown man and if he wanted to sleep through dozens of women just to work out his feelings that was up to him. Hopefully, with Felicity coming back, Oliver would take a step back from the party scene, "I for one would be glad to have you back, the lair feels a little lonelier without you."

"Thanks Dig." Felicity really appreciated the sentiment, she hoped Oliver felt the same way tonight. "So how was your date with Carly?"


Laurel struck out at Queen Consolidated, she's managed to get to Oliver's office, but that was where her journey ended. According to Stephanie Olivers' secretary 'Mr Queen wasn't available to see her', 'Mr Queen didn't have a minute to spare'. And 'Mr Queen would be busy all week' however if Laurel needed Stephanie could book an appointment or take a message.

After twenty minutes of arguing Laurel had gotten tired of getting the run around and had tried playing the DA card which Stephanie swiftly countered by calling QC's lawyers. Therefore Laurel couldn't even talk to Oliver or Felicity Smoak without them trying to get her disbarred.


Moira's already exhausting day was made even longer an email telling her that ADA Laurel Lance wanted to talk to Oliver and Felicity Smoak.

Moira had cut the meet short and had pulled Oliver into her office and swiftly closed all the blinds. "Do you want to tell me why the DA is interested in your and Ms Smoak."

"Felicity?" Oliver asked, confused, wondering how and why his mum even knew of her, "Wait did you say the DA."

"Yes, Oliver I said D.A. Laurel came to your office wanting to question you and she happened to mention Ms Smoak's name." Moira informed walking over to the bar and pouring herself two fingers of top-shelf vodka and drinking it in one gulp before repeating the action two more times. She couldn't be sober when she asked what she was about to ask next "Please tell me you didn't sleep with this girl."

"No! Felicity is a friend."

"I'm sure she is" Moira scoffed, she'd seen a picture of the girl, in fact, Moira had seen everything the company had on this girl from her date of employment to her next of kin.

"She really is a friend, Tommy knows her."

"This isn't the first time Tommy's known one of your 'friends'"


"If your dick causes us this partnership, I will cut it off and ship it back to Lian Yu myself."

Before Moira could continue any further, someone knocked on the door, and a group of the company lawyers walked in.

Writer's note:

I think this is the first time I've written about 's been a long time since Moira was on the show so I don't quite have her voice down, I know she's ruthless but she was also loving, she just wanted the best for her kids. Moira seems to still be on the chessboard, she's still actively participating in the undertaking even if she wants her husband back.

LL is just something, a part of me wants to believe she is truly going over to Queen Consolidated because of the potential of the defence team to call up Oliver and Felicity as witness but I don't believe it quite yet.

Also, Yaaaay Felicity is going back to the lair and Bruce Wayne is coming or at least his company is coming into town does anyone else smell an opportunity for Felicity to get to know someone else or is it just me.

Last but not least Arrow is officially over, I have to say I am bummed but I do love the Olicity of it all, although the fact that she chose to die and leave Mia behind just doesn't sit right with me... I don't know it's just my opinion.