"Hey Tommy." Felicity called out watching the barman restock his fridge with the copious amount of alcohol that was to be consumed during the space of eight hours.

Tommy nodded back to the blond IT girl as he went back to restocking the shelves. Ignoring the fact that her footsteps was leading to the pit of destruction, he briefly mused that someone as beautiful as her shouldn't be in be in such a dark place, mixed up with Oliver's stupidity.

Felicity stood there for a moment staring at Tommy Merlyn and made a split second decision not to head down right away but to try to help Oliver and Tommy's relationship.

Tommy was briefly startled when he noticed a hand on the counter, following that appendages he saw the blond attached to it looking slightly lost. "Hi- eh' I thought I should come say hi. I am Felicity by the way." She greeted offering her hand .

"O...K" Tommy replied hesitantly, he was unsure why Oliver's sidekick or whatever wanted with him, thinking about the amount of times she and the body guard had just walked past without saying a single word.

"I can see that you are confused but I just thought you should at least know my name before I shouted at you" Felicity replied honestly.

"You are going to shout at me?" Tommy asked slightly amused, he had to admit that she was the first girl ever to give him a warning about what she was about to do, others normally just went on with the slapping or shouting.

"Yes, I think you need someone to do that for you." her voice was bolder than before, "I should be that person."

"So this is for my benefit?" he questioned wondering where this conversation was going.

"Yes because someone has to tell you that even though you are completely justified in being angry with Oliver and horrified that he kills he is still your best friend. You have know him since you were four or something - I actually don't know how you guys met, someone should really tell me." she mused aloud. "But the point is you and Oliver are best friend you shouldn't just cut him off because he has one bad habit and yeah that habit is murder and technically you could have called the police on him and told everyone he's the vigilante running around, also thank you for not saying anything cause then they will investigate and find out about me and if anyone finds out that I hacked into the DMV to change my weight then it will be a travesty not to mention I would go to jail for all that illegal hacking, not that there is a legal hacking… well there is but the government just tends to label every hack against them as illegal which is totally unfair like what if they are the only one with the information you need, Am I just meant to sit there doing nothing?" Felicity asked

Oliver stood in the shadow quietly watching Tommy and Felicity converse catching a few of the words of their conversation, as far as he could tell they were talking about hacking, if Oliver thought his presence would be appreciated he would have joined in.

"Sorry went off track there" Felicity apologised realising she had been rumbling. "I was against it too but the men Oliver 'puts down they are all bad guys and they destroy lives."

"So he can just go kill them because they are bad? Isn't that what exactly prison is for. What gives him the right to go around killing people?"

"It's not like that. He changed."

"I get it when he was on the island he changes adapted to survive but he is back and he can't just keep doing what he wants like he is still on Lian Yu... and unless you can tell me that he kills them in self defence I don't want to hear it." Tommy finished ready to take the half empty crate back upstairs he would continue filling up the fridge later when he wasn't getting lecture by 'Girl Friday'. "Also stop hacking into things if you don't want to get arrested."

"Wait does that mean you want me to leave your speeding tickets alone?"

"My what?" Tommy asked placing the crate back down.

"Once you found out I decided to follow you" Felicity said aloud before hearing what that sounded like. "Not being a stalker or anything I promise." she could actually feel herself blushing. "I just meant use a little traffic camera here and there to track your car to see where you go like 'oh is Tommy turning left to go to the police and spill his guts' not become some creepy stalker that follows your every move. I just wanted a little heads up to… you know pack up my things and head out of town"


"No, it was just a basic algorithm that followed you licence plate if it went any where near one police plaza or any where near any police station in the city. I was following your car and not you, not that you aren't more interesting than your car because you are, very interesting and it is a nice car."

"Felicity" Tommy interrupted, in the brief three minute conversation he could already tell that if he didn't get her back on track that she would probably start talking about something else. Tommy found himself not being annoyed or irritated by her, maybe it was the ramblings or the fact that she was trying to look out for Oliver or the fact that she seemed like a good person -minus the whole working with someone who kills people.

"Yeah sorry about that, I was saying..what was I saying?" Felicity asked forgetting her original point.

"Speeding tickets." Tommy prompted.

"Oh yeah right, so you speed a lot, like a lot of a lot and I know you drive like a super fast car and my mini in all it's wonderful glory can't compare to yours in speed but seriously think of slowing down, you got like three speeding ticket in one day and I removed it from the system but then again if you had to pay the fines maybe you will learn to slow down. But you are super rich so I doubt these fines even affect your day not like when I got fined I had to budget whether I wanted to eat or if I needed electricity that month…. but I was a poor college student at the time and every penny counted. That's what made me hack into the DMV in the first place, I couldn't eat anymore ramen noodles."

"I think you should have a drink" Tommy said sliding a bottle across the counter to where Felicity sat.

"I, no. I don't drink beer. Do you have a mojito?"

"It's a bar." Tommy pointed out. "I'll make you a mojito and you can sit and tell me all about hacking into various government website." Tommy found himself offering, he wasn't even sure why, maybe he was lonely.

He wasn't talking to Oliver, couldn't tell Laurel why he has done a one eight on their friendship after defending Ollie so much when he first came back and he hadn't been to see Thea or Moria for weeks since finding out.

"I can do that or I can help you stack the shelves with an ungodly amount of alcohol instead of giving you a laundry list of the crimes I've committed."

"You could do that, but I mean at this point my why stop." Tommy teased, it took a few seconds for Felicity to realise that he was only making fun of her and the glare she tried to level at him was only half effective giving the way she was blushing. "Don't worry, bar tender confidentially has been invoke the moment I offered you the drink, what's said here doesn't leave my lips" Tommy chuckled.

"Okay a story for a story Thomas Merlyn, son of Rebecca and Malcolm Merlyn whose GPA is actually good for a guy who partied as much as you did and who spent a semester going to culinary school."

"Are you sure you aren't a stalker, Felicity?" Tommy asked raising one eyebrow. "Cause it's okay if you are, you won't be the first stalker I shared a drink with."

"Not a stalker just a really good hacker Mr. Merlyn, a very good one who happens to know of ways to tank someone's credit" Felicity faux threatened watching as Tommy went about making her the mojito she requested.

"Okay got it don't piss off the genius" Tommy waited for Felicity to take a sip before adding "Stalker" to his sentence.

"Embarrassing story time" Felicity demanded. "Oh and there better be some type of crime."

"I am an open book all my exploits are in the papers"

"I doubt all your exploits are. Stories, I've already confessed to hacking the government."

She wasn't due to go downstairs for another hour so she had time to relax and talk, plus Tommy made a really good mojito.