Vlad King ran to the door and used his blood control quirk to quickly cover the door with a thick layer of blood to barricade themselves in.
"Oh no…" Shoji stumbled away from the group, "They're inside…"
"Shoji, mind my profanity, but what the fuck is going on?" Kaminari was feeling nothing but dread, and that jester laugh that echoed through the hallways made it no better.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Shoji mumbled while walking to the still Uraraka. "Uraraka is in shock, she can't help us."
"Not a good time to be a vegetable, no offense," Monoma's voice lost its sarcastic nature.
Shoji looked to the smaller man with little aggression, "From the shit we've seen, I wouldn't blame her." Shoji looked down and shook his head. "We can't stay here. They'll find a way in."
"Agreed." Vlad King said, "But we can't get out. It's too dangerous."
"Then what do we do?" Mina trembled lightly as Kirishima gently held her shoulders for moral support and to keep her from falling.
Vlad King burrowed his bushy white eyelashes in thought before looking out the window, "We have to wait for Aizawa or the Wild, Wild, Pussycats to call for evac and rescue us. In the meantime, get those windows covered."
"Is everyone okay?" Tenya Iida asked to the three others next to him. When the villains attacked, everyone was separated, but luckily for quadruple here, they have not had the displeasure of meeting the villains. Everyone was doing fine until they heard screams of pain then silence. It was eerie for a while until the "demons cry" roared through the trees. It froze everyone solid for a minute before Iida finally broke out his frozen state and got the others calmed.
"Yeah, I think we are." Came the voice of Mashirao Ojiro. Ojiro looked to his left to see Koji Koda nod his head with visible fear and sweat on his face.
Iida confirmed their status and looked to the last member who hadn't verified his state: Minoru Mineta. "Mineta, are you okay?"
"I-I-I-I don't know!" Minta cried out, "What the heck was that…yell?!" Mineta's legs were scrambling in place hastily as he pointed everywhere as he tried to figure out where the origin of the scream came from.
Iida shivered lightly, "I have no clue, but it must have been a villain's quirk."
"But the screams of pain though…" Ojiro quietly said, "Could they be from students?"
"I hope not." Iida balled up his fist for the mere thought of villains hurting his friends made him angry. A villain already hurt his older brother, he did not want anyone else to suffer the same fate as he. Iida relived the pressure from his hand and looked to the others, "But we need to go regroup with the others, and we're not that far from the safehouse."
"But what about the students in the forest?" Ojiro asked with worry.
"Leave that to the pro heroes." Iida said with confidence, "USJ was different. We had two heroes, but only one was active while the other was protecting us. We have more pro heroes here now, including the Wild, Wild, Pussycats, who are a very respectable and accomplished team." Iida then added in, "Also, we can't just look for danger because we have permission to fight back for if we get into trouble, we'll just add more to the heroes already list of problems."
Koda and Mineta were okay with Iida's answer as both just wanted to get to safety. Ojiro was not fully satisfied but knew Iida had a point. "Alright, lead the way then Iida."
"Excellent." Iida walked in front to lead them, "Follow me and stay in an orderly fashion. We do not want to lose each other, but in case one of us loses sight of the others, call out to me and I will quickly grab you." Normally, Iida would have a full set of instructions prepared, but seeing as time is limited, a simple set would suffice. With that being said, the group of four set out towards the cabin, completely unaware of a set of red eyes stalking them from behind.
Hagakure and Jiro were huddled together and hiding deep in the woods. The two were knocked out by a gas earlier from the villains attack, but both came too abruptly, with gas masks suddenly over their faces, when a horrifying scream filled the air around them. Both girls eyed each other and realized their situation, they ran away from the noise as fast as they could with pounding hearts. Neither one wanted to go face-to-face with whatever made that noise.
"Jiro," Hagakure whispered to her, "I won't lie, but I'm pretty damn terrified right now."
"I know, I am too," Jiro replied and held onto her classmate a little tighter. Jiro usually wasn't one to show her emotions, but that shriek destroyed the teen's facade in an instant. "But we need to get back to the others…" Jiro and Hagakure looked around the forest, "Somehow…"
Hagakure was the first to let go of the hold and silently walk around the area. "I don't see anyone." Hagakure looked back to Jiro. "Can your earplugs sense footsteps when they're in the ground?"
"Check for any and hopefully it's friendly when we approach them." Hagakure suggested to her friend. Jiro quickly planted both of her earplugs into the ground and tried to listen in for any sounds.
"I don't hear any footprints." Jiro said before she placed her hand up, "Wait a minute…." Jiro looked to her left, "I hear something faint in that direction. I don't know what it is, but it is something at least." Jiro retracted her earplugs as both girls made their way left in hopes of finding an ally.
Aizawa had no idea what the hell was happening now. At first, villains had appeared and began to attack his students. Okay, another day on the job for him except one, how the hell did the villains find them, and two, why are they after Bakugo? Aizawa got into a tangle with a fake fire-quirk user a few times before running into the problem child that is Midoriya. When he saw Midoriya, the kid had been through a fight that he somehow came out on top of. He was holding Kota, one of the Wild, Wild, Pussycats nephew. Aizawa didn't even have time to ask or order Midoriya to stay put as the kid gave Kota to him and ran straight into danger. Aizawa will have a few words with Midoriya after this, but right now, Kota needs to be taken to the safe house.
Aizawa carried Kota on his back as he swiftly ran in the direction of the cabin, but then came that god awful smell. A stench he never smelled before, and it made him want to puke out his dinner.
"God damn, what the heck is that smell?" Aizawa asked himself as covered his nose with his scarf.
"It's horrible!" Kota used one hand to block his nostrils with the other clung onto the back of Aizawa's scarf.
"Just don't fall off, kid," Aizawa saw a small light in through the thick forest. They were finally arriving at the cabin. Aizawa slowed his pace as he came closer to shelter, but then he saw multiple red lights around the area. Aizawa jumped into the trees quietly as many of the red lights turned their attention to the trees. Aizawa and Kota were frozen still as the eyes seemed to pierce theirs for a moment. The sound of a door being busted down was then heard coming from the cabin along with a laugh that shot fear into both the adult and child. The red lights looked away and immediately sped off in the direction of the noise with snarls and groans that filled the air. Aizawa looked around for any signs of the lights and declared it safe before jumping down.
"We're not going in there, are we?" Kota hesitantly asked.
"Not with those things, no." Aizawa did not want to leave his students behind, but he had full confidence in their abilities and not to mention that Vlad King was there to lead them. "We have to get back to the freeway…somehow." Aizawa and Kota heard rustling behind them as the pro hero turned around and was ready to face a possible threat.
Out from the bushes quietly came three Class 1-B students: Juzo Honenuki, Ibara Shiozaki, and Yui Kodai.
"Mr. Aizawa," Ibarra loudly whispered, "Come here. It's not safe there, not with those things. We're headed to the freeway. I went above the trees and saw that it should be at least twenty minutes East from our position."
Aizawa walked to the students before giving Kota to Ibarra, "You take him to safety. I'll stay and help take care of those villains."
"Those aren't villains." Honenuki interrupted Aizawa.
The Pro Hero raised an eyebrow in curiosity, "Then what are they?"
"You don't know?" Juzo almost sounded as though he pitied Aizawa's lack of awareness of the situation.
"No, I don't and I'd rather know now instead of you wasting my time by not explaining what you are talking about when I could be helping my students." Another loud crash was heard followed the sounds of screams coming from the cabin. Everyone looked towards the cabin and saw the wall be completely destroyed by Sato and Kirishima. Shoji ran out with Uraraka in his arms and Mina riding on his back throwing acid into the hole. Aizawa snapped his head back to the four kids beside him, "Get Kota to safety and call for help! There is an emergency telephone on the freeway nearby! Go!" Aizawa placed his goggles back over his eyes and dashed away while leaving behind the four children.
Kodai, a rather quiet girl, looked to her classmates with distress, "He's going to die. We should have stopped him!"
Ibarra lowered her head and looked to the equally frightened Kota. The boy was too scared to even muster movement. Ibarra gently wrapped him in her vines and held him close to her. "We have to go and call for help. The situation will be under control if more pro heroes arrive. If we don't do as he says, those undead flesh-eaters could reach the city. They need to be stopped here." Juzo and Kodai looked at Ibarra dismayed but knew she was right. If the undead reached the city, it could spell disaster unlike any other. Wasting no more time, the trio, with Ibarra carrying Kota, ran East.
Sato and Kirishima had ripped the legs off most of the tables and placed the flat pieces of wood over the windows. Sero used his tape to seal the tables to the windows. When that was done, Vlad King ordered them to do the same for the door so he can retract his blood. The students did so and all the openings were closed off.
"Okay, now that's over with." Vlad King said as everyone heard the sounds of rapid footprints running through the halls. "Everyone, huddle together behind me and away from the door." Vlad King commanded them as they did so. Shoji walked to Uraraka and lifted her up.
"Uraraka…" Shoji mumbled to her but Uraraka would not respond.
"Shoji," Mina spoke, "Do you mind telling us what happened out there?" Mina's voice became anguish, "And what happened to our friends?"
Shoji looked around to everyone with heavy eyes before looking back down to the paralyzed girl in his arms. "As I said earlier, you wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"Shoji we need to know." Kirishima said, "We have to know what happened. What did you go through out there?"
Vlad King and the other students looked to Shoji and waited for the big man to speak. Shoji felt all the stares on him as his mind was replaying the events that happened before Shoji carried Uraraka to safety. Letting out a huge sigh, Shoji looked up to meet them all, "We-"
Everyone shot their focus to the doors as a loud bang was heard.
"Oh! So there are some?!" A feminine voice came from behind. More bangs were heard as the tables trembled lightly without splintering, "But they blocked the door!"
"Oh shit…" Kaminari whispered and activated his quirk in the palms of his hands out of instinct and fear.
The doors were being pounded on like crazy as if some crazed creature was trying to breakthrough. "Oh come on out! We just want to talk about your flesh!"
Dread settled into everyone in the room as Mina, Sero, and Kaminari backed up to the wall behind them.
"What about our flesh?!" Sero quietly shouted, "Why talk about that?!"
"Sato, Kirishima," Vlad King looked towards the two brutes, "Break the wall down behind us, we need to leave!"
"But sir," Monoma spoke up, "As you said, there could be more out there!"
"I know that, but if we stay here, we're as good as dead!" Vlad King said and had some blood flowing in front of him, "Also, those doors won't hold for long." Everyone turned to the doors and saw the tables were finally giving in. The wood was starting to splinter and break apart under the immense pounding they were receiving. Vlad King twisted his head to Kirishima and Sato, "Hurry up!"
Sato and Kirishima nodded their heads and were about to knock the wall down when the battering stopped. The survivors looked to the door in curiosity when out of nowhere a large hand blasted itself through the door and destroyed anything in its path with dust shooting through the air. Vlad King and Monoma were shocked as they knew whose Quirk that was. Not a moment later, Kendo suddenly charged from the dust with her mouth wide open and craving for food. Vlad King stopped Kendo by having his blood act as a shield and blocking her from attacking them.
"What the fuck!?" Mina shouted as she climbed onto Shoji out of fright.
"Sato!" Kirishima shouted as Sato consumed some sugar he had in a capsule in his pocket. The sugar man buffed up and the duo broke the wall down together.
Vlad King looked to the students, "Get out of here, now! I'll hold them off!" Vlad King said, but suddenly, from under his feet, Toga popped up with her face now even more disfigured. Her left eye was hanging out of its socket with her nose smashed into her skull and part of her jaw looked as though it was disconnected.
"You look yummy!" Toga said as she bit down onto the Pro Heroes arm. Vlad King grunted in pain and tried to pry Toga away with one arm, but with his focus now elsewhere, the blood shield weakened. Tetsutetsu and Kendo both slammed through the shield and poured in with a few other behind them: Kojiro Bondo, Sen Kaibara, Togaru Kamakiri, and Reiko Yanagi. Bondo, with his gong-like head, opened his mouth as wide as he could, and in one bite, swallowed Vlad King's head whole. The flesh-eaters proceeded to make little work of tearing Vlad King to shreds as the Class 1-A students and Monoma exited the hole with Mina throwing acid at random to stop them. Sero shot tape at the nearest tree and swung himself and Kaminari away while the bigger men fled.
"Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!" Mina kept repeating aloud, "What the fuck was that?! What the absolute hell just transpired?!"
"They killed him!" Kirishima was wiping off blood, that wasn't his, from his face.
"Killed him!?" Sero replied, "They ate him!" Sero turned to Shoji, "Is this what happened?!"
"Yes!" Shoji replied, "This is exactly what happened! It started with Tetsutetsu! He just suddenly attacked that girl who got Vlad King and ripped her to shreds! But it only got worse from there!"
"Who else is like them?!" Sato asked.
"All I know is one more," Shoji's voice trailed off for a moment before answering, "Yaoyorozu. She was the only we didn't see."
"Momo is one of them!?" Mina was the verge of tears just seeing this horrorfest take place, "Oh god please wake me up from this nightmare!"
Monoma looked to Mina with a sorrowful look, "I…I…" Monoma went silent for he wanted to be alone with his thoughts.
"Everyone, stop running!" All of the children stopped running to see Aizawa running towards them.
"Stay back!" Mina screeched and threw acid at him which Aizawa swiftly dodged.
"Ashido! I'm not infected! Look at me!" Aizawa quickly said as Mina studied Aizawa's appearance before a hopeful smile appeared over her face.
"Mr. Aizawa!" Mina jumped off Shoji's shoulders and gave her teacher a big hug, "Oh goodness it really is you!"
Aizawa wasn't one for personal contact, but he'll let this one slide seeing the predicament they're in. "Ashido, everyone, listen to me and listen well." Aizawa firmly said as Mina let go and backed up to listen to directions. Aizawa pointed East, "The freeway is that way. It should be a twenty-minute run. You need to get out of here!"
"But what about you?" Sato asked.
"I'm going to find any survivors and point them in the right direction," Aizawa explained to them.
Kirishima stepped forward, "Then let me help you!"
"No!" Aizawa glared at the red-head and caused him to back-up, "It's too dangerous, and I don't want anyone getting killed." Aizawa then noticed Uraraka in Shoji's arms and ran to her to check on her, "What happened to Uraraka?"
Shoji somely looked down to his teacher, "She…Uraraka saw too many deaths…"
For the first time in a long while, Aizawa felt his heart jump, "Who died?"
Shoji looked ready to break down again, "Asui, Todoroki, and…Midoriya." Shoji forced the words out of his mouth and looked away to hide his feelings. "We were all running together, but only Uraraka and I survived. Asui was the first to go...Yaoyorozu swiped her away and just tore her throat out…" Shoji's breath started to stagger from recollection, "Todoroki sacrificed himself in order to stop the undead from chasing us. He created an ice dome around them and enclosed himself in it, but it didn't work for long because one of them dug under and dragged Midoriya into the hole she created right in front of Uraraka."
Aizawa went wide-eyed at the news and stumbled back a bit in disbelief. Three of his students had succumbed to death, and Yaoyorozu was one of the reasons why. The rest of the students were having a hard time grasping onto that reality as well for most of them looked ready to pass out or wanted to burst into tears.
Their moment of silence was broken when they heard a familiar screech from a distance followed by the screams of two girls. "That's Yaoyorozu's scream!" Shoji yelled out in fear, "She must have gotten two others!"
Aizawa looked to the students, "Get out of here, go! That's an order!" Aizawa sped deep into the forest as the students looked at one another with each of them praying to get out of this nightmare alive. With haste, all of them fled the scene while narrowingly avoiding a horde of zombies that were running in the direction of Yaoyorozu's screech. Three of the walking dead paused and looked East.
"Did you see that?" Kendo asked.
"I did," Tetsutetsu replied, "They were running that way."
"I can smell them too," Toga giggled, "We should chase them instead. There will be more food in that direction, and we won't have to share!" Tetsutetsu and Kendo both agreed with Toga and went on the hunt.
Hagakure and Jiro walked for what seemed like an eternity through the forest. Every tree and bush seemed to look exactly like every other shrub that surrounded the two lost females. They made short random pauses for Jiro to check for any signs of life nearby, but could only hear the same odd noise as before.
Jiro pulled her earplug back to her ear and rolled her shoulders, "It's so unusual. I'm not picking up any other sound other than that specific one."
Hagakure sighed, "Maybe all of them are already back at camp?"
"Then why does it feel like no one is looking for us?" Jiro asked with slight concern. There was no way the heroes lost, right?
Hagakure and Jiro continued their walking till they simultaneously covered their noses.
"Oh my lord! What the heck is that smell?" Jiro coughed from the thick scent.
"Smells like the boy's locker room if they left their PE clothes in the lockers unwashed for weeks!" Hagakure gagged. As both girls hastened their pace to escape the stink, they began to hear an unfamiliar noise. With curiosity, both girls hid behind a large tree that felt colder than usual.
"Why is this tree freezing?" Jiro whispered and looked around the bark. Jiro's eyes widen slightly in surprise when she found small ice particles on the tree. "Is that ice?"
"Let me see," Hagakure got next to Jiro and examined the bark, "Yes, that is ice. Was Todoroki here?"
"Maybe." Jiro turned her head away and did a double-take on what she saw next. "Hagakure, look." Jiro pointed to a large ice wall that stood idle in the middle of nowhere. "Todoroki was here, but why make the ice wall?"
"Maybe he was attacked?" Hagakure suggested then noticed something was off about the ice, "Wait, what is that at the top of it?"
Jiro and Hagakure approached the ice wall and looked to the tip of it where the moon was visible to them. In the moonlight showed a large splat of red everywhere on the ice, and scarlet lines streaming down the ice with some going as far as to the ground. Jiro and Hagakure felt uneasy by the sight and took a couple of steps back.
"Don't tell me that's blood." Hagakure gulped and shook.
Jiro looked to her classmate with unsure eyes, "I...I think it is."
"That is way too much blood." Hagakure responded, "What did Todoroki do? Do you think he killed someone?"
Jiro shook her head in disbelief, "No, he couldn't have. That isn't him, I refuse to believe it." Jiro couldn't see Todoroki being capable of killing someone but with that amount of blood-stained everywhere, the idea of him actually offing another person was possible.
Jiro and Hagakure stared at the wall for a minute and internally debated about what could have happened till Jiro noticed something was off. "Wait." Hagakure's shirt turned to Jiro, "What happened to the noise we heard earlier?" Jiro and Hagakure stood silent for a moment till Jiro immediately shot her earplug into the ground and the sound they were tracking had vanished.
Just when Jiro was about to inform Hagakure of the silence, a shadow became visible above the two girls. Both girls slowly turned their heads up to meet the gaze of Yaoyorozu's starving ruby eyes with her spear and chain in one hand and the limp body Asui in the other. Yaoyorozu dropped Asui's and let it fall in front of the girls as the two stared in intense fear at the sight of Asui.
Asui was missing the inside of her throat entirely, the left side of her body had organs falling out of it with her ribcage missing a few ribs. Her left lung was gone aside from a small piece that dangled on the top still attached to her insides, a half-eaten heart barely hanging on by the main artery, and a hole in her diaphragm that revealed her liver and pancreas.
Without a second thought, both girls screamed in terror and sprinted in the other direction as Yaoyorozu let out her satanic shriek and gave chase.
"What the fuck?!" Jiro panted from her lips, "Yaoyorozu cannibalized Asui?!"
"What was with her eyes?!" Hagakure mentioned, "They were never like that! What is happening in this God-forsaken forest!?"
"Get back here!" Yaoyorozu roared at them while preparing her throw.
Jiro looked back at her once dearest friend, "Hell no! Get away from us!" Jiro then eyed Yaoyorozu's hand and watched her aim the spear at her. "Oh shit!" Jiro juked to the left as the spear passed by her. Jiro watched it fall to the ground and felt a hand on her wrist.
"This way!" Hagakure pulled Jiro to the right and into a thick layer of bushes. Jiro and Hagakure did their best to silence their breaths as Yaoyorozo stopped herself just in front of them. Her head spun around like crazy trying to find the two girls before grunting in frustration.
"I know you're here!" Yaoyorozu yelled, "I know you two!" Yaoyorozu said as she swung her hand at the bush and spotted the two girls. Yaoyorozu grinned at them and gnashed her teeth as both girls fell on their butts and backed away.
"Yaoyorozu!" Jiro cried out, "What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"Hungry!" Yaoyorozu responded and climbed through the bush.
"Momo, please! Don't do this!" Hagakure pleaded with clear tears rolling down where her cheeks would be.
"Fresh meat is the best meat," Yaoyorozu replied and held up her spear. Both girls shielded themselves and expected to be pierced by it, but heard what sounded like a kick in the air. Both girls looked to see Aizawa had propelled Yaoyorozu away with his foot.
"Mr. Aizawa!" Both girls cried out with renewed faith.
Aizawa kept his eyes on Yaoyorozu as the taller girl stood up and shook her head. "Girls," Aizawa said without looking to them with a finger pointed to the way they came from, "Go East. That is where the freeway is and where the rest of the survivors are. Hurry!"
"Mr. Aizawa, what about you?" Jiro asked.
"I'm going to hold her off," Aizawa replied and snapped his fingers, "Now go!" Not needing to be told thrice, Hagakure and Jiro rashly got up and ran in the direction of where Aizawa pointed them to go.
Yaoyorozu watched her two feasts leave and growled at Aizawa.
Aizawa's eyes softened at the sight of Yaoyorozu. He couldn't believe that one of his students is a once mythical now turned real creature. Aizawa knew had failed as a teacher, a guardian, and as a hero. He allowed many people to die in this forest. Whatever happens to him or U.A didn't matter to him anymore; Aizawa will forever regret not being able to save everyone.
"Yaoyorozu." Aizawa tightened his grip on his scarf, "I'm sorry." Aizawa moved his right leg forward to rush his former student but felt his foot being held down by an unknown force. "What the…" Aizawa looked down and to his horror, saw that both of his feet were fused into the ground. "How the hell…" Aizawa's spine sent shivers all around his body as he felt a new gaze on him. Aizawa turned to his left to meet Yaoyorozu's hidden ally. Yosetsu Awase slowly rose to his feet until he was standing up straight. Awase showed no signs of injury of any kind in the moonlit night.
"Gotta love my Quirk," Awase smiled a toothy grin at Aizawa, "It melds people together so they can't get away." Awase quickly placed his hand over Aizawa's mouth and welded them together so Aizawa couldn't let out a sound. Aizawa placed his hands over Awase's arms and tried to pry them off with futile effort. Yaoyozoro raced towards Aizawa and tackled his midsection to cause him to bend backward with his back hitting the floor and his lower legs staying upright. Yaoyorozu grabbed her spear and sliced open Aizawa's stomach with the sharp point of it and dug into her next victim. Aizawa howled in dying agony into Awase's hand as the previous Class 1-B student started to maul the side of Aizawa's head with furious chomps. Not a moment later, the horde that followed Aizawa came and joined in the feast to help themselves.
Jiro and Hagakure did not look back to witness the end of their teacher's life for they were too scared and trusted that Aizawa will return safely. As they passed by the ice wall once again, neither girl noticed the lack of a dead body that was dropped in front of them from beforehand.
Iida, Ojiro, Mineta, and Koda had arrived at the cabin to see it empty. With caution, the four boys entered the structure and walked around. Everything was everywhere from scattered papers, scratches on the walls and floors, and doors removed from their hinges as if they were broken down.
"I think we just avoided something," Mineta stated the obvious and stayed close to Iida.
"I agree," Iida replied as they continued to look around, "I want to call out for someone, but I don't want to risk giving our position away to any lurkers."
"Don't call out then," Ojiro replied while walking over broken glass, "I hope the others are faring better than us."
Iida nodded his head. The group spent much of their time looking around and finding no one. While most of the area was in shambles, there was the rarity where a few rooms were left untouched.
Iida began to ponder whether or not there was even a single soul in the building. They haven't come across anyone, not even a villain for that matter. "This is starting to get me anxious." Iida thought aloud. "We've been searching for about ten minutes and we have not found a single hero or student. Ojiro, what do you suggest?" Iida asked the tailed student but received no response.
Mineta turned his head back, "Hey, Ojiro, Iida asked you a…" Mineta's voice lowered when he realized that Ojiro was missing. "Ojiro?" Mineta blinked as Iida then noticed that Koda was gone as well.
"Koda?" Iida called out to the shy student. "Where did they go?"
"Hey, Ojiro, Koda! I never thought for you two to be pranksters, but this isn't funny!" Mineta shouted out but receives no answers. "Come on guys!" Mineta was starting to get fearful as neither students replied to them.
"Let's go find them." Iida suggested and retraced his steps, "They must be lost."
"How could they get lost? There was nothing to blur their vision." Mineta shook his head and followed the speedster.
The smallest student and the class president backtrack their footprints to hopefully find the others. As they were looking, Mineta and Iida were calling out to them constantly in hopes of getting an answer until they picked up a foul stench.
"Oh geez, what the heck is that stench?!" Mineta covered his nose and as well as Iida.
"I have no idea, but it wasn't here before when we passed by earlier," Iida recalled. The smell kept getting worse and worse as they headed back and outside of the building where they inhaled fresh air.
"Oh goodness, thank you nature." Mineta took a couple of deep breaths.
Iida's eye twitched lightly for he was now extremely agitated by Ojiro's and Koda's actions. "Ojiro! Koda!" Iida shouted out loud, "This is no time for games! I demand that you show yourselves this instant!" Iida turned his head to the side before he did a double-take. "What's that?" Mineta turned to see Iida walking towards to what seemed like a dried up substance on the floor.
Mineta jogged to Iida as the taller student knelt to the material on the floor, "What is that?"
Iida studied the texture for a moment before he recognized what it was, "This is Mina's acid." Iida looked up to see multiple puddles of it on the ground. Iida followed the trail back to the safe house and saw the massive hole in it. Mineta and Iida each took a gasp at the sight. Iida got up and looked down to his classmate. "That wall looks like it was broken through from the inside." Iida tilted his head back to the acid and to the wall and came up with a conclusion, "Mina, and maybe even others were escaping the building. They had to break out of the safe house."
"How can you tell?" Mineta questioned as both walked to the pile of rubble.
"The bricks." Iida pointed out to Mineta, "They are smashed to the outside. If someone was trying to break in the bricks would be inside the cabin but they are not. And like I guessed, Mina and the others were escaping someone…" Iida then spotted the same claw marks that were found inside the building were following Mina's acid, "Or something." Iida turned his head to see Mineta's face was frozen in extreme terror. "Mineta? What's wrong?" Iida asked and looked to what Mineta was looking at before his expression then matched Mineta's.
On the ground, on top of a pile of bricks and rubble laid in half-eaten guts with dried blood splattered everywhere was a dispersed human skeleton. Every bone had claw and bite marks on them while some were even broken in half with the marrow gone. There was clothing everywhere and a machine that was broken into many pieces. Iida and Mineta backed up slowly from the grave of the unknown man or woman.
Mineta couldn't help himself but puke his guts out to the side away from Iida. Iida kept his eyes on the scene in front of him. Never once in his life did Iida ever think he would see such a brutal display of human remains, and to the point where they were little of anything to go by to note who the figure was.
Mineta had stopped puking his lunch out as he took in many deep breaths to try and calm himself, but his heart wouldn't stop racing for the scene in front of him was now permanently scarred into his mind. "Iida, what the...who the…" Mineta tried to speak but failed miserably.
Though Mineta couldn't finish any sentence, Iida could guess what the little man was trying to say, "I…" Iida felt his food reach up to his throat, but refused to spill it and swallowed it back down, "I don't know who this is, Mineta."
"Holy shit…" Mineta mumbled. Normally Iida would scold anyone for using such profanity, but this wasn't the time to remind him of formalities.
Iida spun his head back to Mina's acidic trail and recalled the claws marks and how they were following her. "Whatever Mina was running from, I believe this 'thing' was responsible for it." Iida was then hit by another thought, "Koda and Ojiro!" Iida yelled out and looked inside the cabin, "That thing could still be here!"
"It could be?!" Mineta cried out and was tempted to run away. "We need to leave!"
"Not without Koda and Ojiro!" Iida said, "We can't just leave them!"
"Oh look at the sight in front of you!" Mineta pointed to the dead man, "They may as well be that by now!"
Iida was taken aback by Mineta's comment, "You believe they are dead already?!" Iida shouted to his classmate, highly offended by his way of thinking.
Mineta saw his mistake and shrunk a bit, "N-no! I was just…" Mineta lowered his scared voice, "I'm sorry, I'm just terrified and I want to get away from here as fast as possible. I think my flight or fight instincts took over for a moment…" Mineta rubbed his arm.
Iida sighed and understood Mineta's reasons. It wasn't like Iida hadn't thought the same too. "I understand, but we can't leave without them." As much as Mineta didn't like the sound of that, he knew better than to leave his classmates behind to such a fate knowing he could help prevent it. Mineta shakily nodded his head and stepped towards Iida in agreement with him. Iida smiled a little at the small boy's bravery. "I just wished we knew what were up against," Iida told to Mineta.
A quiet thump was heard in the direction of the skeleton and both boys turned to see what the noise was. Iida and Mineta retreated more as large red eyes beamed directly into theirs and had the duo nearly disabled from any sort of movement. Now standing in front of them was the source of the wretched smell. Her hair was tangled in knots with most of its green color now ruined with the mix of dark red coloring. Her body was slouched over with her arms twitching and legs ready to pounce. The most notable feature, however, was her lack of a throat. It was torn open with the windpipe visible for the world to see. There were dirt and small rocks inside of it as well as pieces of meat that seemed recent, and what looked like to be fur that stuck out too.
Iida stared at the new figure in front of them in sheer shock and whispered, "A ...Asui?"
Asui, for her lack of vocal cords, did not respond. Instead, Asui launched her tongue from her mouth at Iida with extreme speed. Iida narrowly dodged it as Asui then quickly pounced on Mineta. Mineta struggled to get out of Asui's harden grasp. Asui glared her teeth at Mineta and was about to bite down, but was kicked away by Iida. Iida grabbed Mineta by the arm, hoisted him up and over his shoulder like a child, and sped away from Asui, leaving the hungry girl on the ground.
"Iida!" Mineta shouted as he was looking back to see more red eyes appearing around them, "Run faster! There's more of them!" Iida listened to what Mineta said, and began to debate in his head about Koda and Ojiro.
Though thoughts of them still being alive rang in Iida's head, there were too many opposing variables to prove otherwise. Koda and Ojiro did not respond when called, they did not appear when Asui had confronted the duo, there was some fur and rock inside of Asui's throat, and even if there was a chance of them being alive, wouldn't one of them at least let them know now? Not to bring up the fact that either one did not let out even a squeak when they were most likely picked off by Asui.
Iida had made his decision and responded to Mineta's comments by running faster to the East to get away from the danger. With sadness, regret, guilt, and anger, Iida felt he failed his job as class president to protect his classmates and abandoned any possible survivors for his own well-being along with Mineta's.
Asui laid on the ground in silence with a blink. That did not go well for her. She wanted to keep sneak attacking like how she did with Koda and Ojiro, but her desperation for new flesh overtook her and she paid the price for it. Asui got up and began to walk around in search of more food. It wasn't long until she spotted a giant ice dome that was slowly melting. Asui stared at it for a moment before shrugging it off as it was not meat. Asui was walking by it before she heard a groan. Turning back to the ice dome, Asui saw a hand coming from a hole in front of it before another appeared and slowly came out a body.
His frame was covered with bite marks and his right pectoral section gone, including his shoulder. The bones of his shoulder and half of his ribcage were visible; his heart was clear to Asui, but it would not beat nor would his lungs expand or deflate when he stood up. His arms were scratched up to hell and exposed the ligaments beneath the skin. His legs were spared the harsh treatment aside from the already scratches and bruises that were previously there before his untimely demise. His eyes were closed as he moaned in hunger.
Asui approached Deku and tapped his shoulder. Deku slowly opened his eyelids to reveal a single red eye to her. A large, deep laceration that stretched across Deku's socket, and inside of it too, replaced the eye that was meant to be there. "Asui…" Deku whispered to her. Deku looked her up and down, and to his disappointment, did not see her appetizing. "Do you know where food is?" Asui shook her head no much to Deku's disappointment. In the distance behind them came a man's roar that ringed above them. Deku and Asui tilted their heads in the area where a large mountain was seen. Asui and Deku had confirmed their next location. Deku faced his body to the mountain as sparks of black electricity surrounded his body. "Found it."
Here the status of everyone who is currently at the forest:
Currently Alive: Iida, Mineta, Kota, Mina, Monoma, Kirishima, Shoji, Uraraka, Jiro, Juzo, Ibara, Kuroiro, Kodai, Hagakure, Sato, Sero, Kaminari
Infected: Tetsutetsu, Kendo, Toga, Yaoyorozu, Bondo, Kaibara, Yanagi, Kamakiri, Awase, Tsuyu, Deku
Unknown: Komori, Shishida, Shoda, Pony, Setsuna, Hiryu, Aoyama, Pixiebob, Mandalay, Tiger, Moonfish (Left behind), Tsuburaba, Manga, Muscular (Left behind)
Dead: Mustard, Vlad King, Aizawa,
Possible Dead or Infected (Never certain): Todoroki, Ojiro, Koda
Regarding Ragdoll absence of status, remember that she was taken by the League. If you recall, Tiger found her at the Nomu lab when the heroes began their counterattack on the League. That could have only been possible if she was kidnapped beforehand.