A/N This is it ya'll my last chapter! Thank you to everybody who took the time to leave a review or who followed the story, it was much appreciated! As always I don't own this. Also a shout out to Snowecat for taking the time to look this over! As a bit of shameless self promotion, be on the look out for my next story;

'Operation: Girlfriend' Since Mac can't seem to take care of himself. Jack and Bozer appoint themselves as his personal matchmakers, and vow to find him a girlfriend to help him take care of himself. Let's just say that things to go as planned.

One month later

Mac was sitting in his type 1 diabetic support group listening to one of the members, Heather drone on and on about how amazing and wonderful Dr. Bernstein's Keto diet was. It the absolute best for a diabetic, and how she just couldn't understand why everybody didn't jump on the bandwagon. Finally another member spoke up, "Wasn't your sugar up to like 225 several times this week?"

"So?" Heather asked defensively.

"Well if your Dr.B's method is so superior then your sugar shouldn't be that high." Mac thought the other ladies name was Rosie, but he wasn't sure, the debate seemed endless.

Mac was wondering if maybe Matty would let him skip the rest of his mandatory support group sessions. After he was discharged from the hospital, Matty had a meeting with him about the conditions he would have to meet before he could be a field agent again. Truthfully at that point he was just thankful that Matty hadn't fired him. Her conditions were that he received counseling or join a diabetic support group for at least two months, prove that he knew how and could to manage his disease, and have a doctor sign off on his progress. Dr. Feltman had even said that he was going to be taking a class in diabetes so that he could better understand the disease. The Phoenix would soon have a new nurse, one of whose qualifications was in endocrinology. Matty had said that Oversight had green-lit the new hire himself.

"How about you Mac?" Mac looked white eyed around the circle; he hated being caught not paying attention.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" Mac requested.

The lady in charge, an endocrinologist from the hospital asked the question again. "What are your thoughts on the Keto method? You are our newest member, and one we've yet to hear from. I'm curious as to what you think now that you've been with us a few weeks."

Mac also hated being the center of attention in situations like this, "Uh…well…" He could see both Rosie and Heather looking intently at him, and tried not to let that rattle him. Just think about it like giving one of his lectures to the team, he thought. "In my opinion it is just another trendy diet that probably does more harm than good. I mean cutting out whole food groups just because they have more carbs is a bit ridiculous; you really need food from all of the different food groups to live a healthy lifestyle. Yes, it does sound like a great idea, no carbs means less insulin, but our bodies don't work like that. So I would recommend a well balanced meal that does include carbs, but not like a lot of them, and definitely fruits. Because fruit is good." He shut up then, embarrassed at what all he had said. A couple of the members burst out in applause, but Heather just glared at him. He was so glad when the session was over, and he could escape.

He stepped out of the hospital's doors wondering where Jack was lurking this time. After his first support group meeting, Jack had scared the living daylights out of him by appearing out of seemingly nowhere, after the second time Mac got used to Jack being somewhere. So when he fell into step today, it was no surprise. "So how did it go today? The two she wolves go at it again?" Jack made wolf puppets with his hands and pantomimed them attacking each other.

"Of course. Think Matty will let me off, all I'm getting from these meetings is a headache, and she did say we would discuss me going back in the field in a month." Mac mused.

"And let me guess, today is a month?" Jack asked wryly. Mac just nodded and kept walking to his Jeep. Jack stepped in front of Mac and turned around to walk backwards so that he could face Mac. "Is that big brain of yours trying to figure out a plan to get us back in the field? If it is, let me in on it brother because I'm about to go loco." He circled his finger around his ear the crazy motion.

Mac laughed at Jack's antics, "It's not so much a plan, but to show Matty that I am ready for the field again. I feel great! I've been keeping my blood sugars stable. Even the doctor was impressed at my check-up last week! I didn't think I would miss the field work, but being stuck in the lab all the time has made me miss it. Talk about the grass being greener."

Upon arriving at the Phoenix Foundation Mac went straight to Matty's office. Before he had a chance to even knock Matty called out, "Just come on in Blondie, and have a seat." He did as instructed, as soon as he was settled Matty asked, "So tell me why you should be allowed back in the field."

Mac started off with, "Well, a bored Jack is a destructive Jack."

Matty rolled her eyes, "Don't I know it. That man knows how to get into more trouble than anyone else I know." She paused for a second eyeing Mac. "Well almost anyone. Continue."

"The bionic pancreas seems to be doing well. It's been keeping my blood sugars regulated." At first Mac wanted to try the shots, but it was annoying to have to get a shot every single time he ate. So he quickly decided that he wanted to try the new technology, and it had been great. "I've only had a couple of lows." The first time he went low he was with Jack at a local mall getting Jack a new cell phone. He had started feeling funny, and checked his blood at Jack's urging, it blew his mind when the meter read 43. Jack had almost dragged Mac down the food court and deposited him in a chair while he had went to get Mac some 'real' food, and not just the glucose tablets. "Dr. Feltman is impressed at what he is seeing, and he is willing to sign off on that. So the only thing holding me back is the support group, and I'm not getting anything from them. Mostly it is two of the ladies fighting about whether or not the Keto diet is a good idea or not."

Matty nodded her head, and looked over some files she had on her desk. "Ok, I am willing to let you go back in the field and get Dalton out of my hair. But first I'm going to give you a milk run. You do good with it, and you're all set. Also the group sessions aren't a requirement anymore, but I would recommend finding one that you enjoy or at least tolerate, they can be a big help." Mac knew he was grinning ear to ear. "Anything less than complete mission success, and your pretty little butt is going to be chained down in the lab. Do you understand me?"

When Matty talked like that, Mac had to fight the urge to jump up and salute her like he would have an officer in the Army. "Yes, ma'am."

"All right. Go tell Dalton the good news. I bet he just happens to be somewhere in the vicinity of the door." Matty opened the door to Jack standing just outside of it. She shot him a look.

"Oh, hey Boss! I just came to turn in these mission reports." He handed her a couple of files." She took the files let Mac exit, then firmly shut the door.

Jack looked expectantly at Mac. "Well?"

"As long as I don't screw up the next mission, we're back!" Mac announced with a big grin.

A couple of days later the team, minus Bozer who was busy in the lab making some masks for another upcoming op, was in the War Room for a briefing. "Blondie, I'm sending you and Jack on what should be an easy op, unless our friend Murphy and his law decide to pay a visit. You are to meet scientist Dr. Radek Nykl, in Trnava, Slovakia and escort him to the border town of Kittsee, Austria where he is to be handed off to another group. That is all the information we are provided, as it is a compartmentalized multi-organization op. So let's make sure that our part runs smoothly. Riley, you're going to stay here and help me run the op. You are wheels up in two hours."

Mac couldn't contain his grin, and just about skipped down to the lab to gather the supplies he would need for their mission, and by supplies he meant diabetic supplies. Everything else he would do as he usually did and find when he got there. Bozer shook his head from his spot in the lab. "You are like vibrating, you are so excited. I don't think I've ever seen you this excited about anything!"

Mac tried to calm down, "Sorry Boze, I'm just ready for life to go back to some sort of normal and this was the last piece. " He double checked to make sure he had all the supplies he needed an a spare or two, a quick look at his watch confirmed that it was time to meet Jack so they could head to the airport.

The flight felt like it was over in no time, and soon they were sitting at the coordinates where they were to meet Dr. Radek Nykl. When he hadn't shown five minutes after their appointed time Jack worriedly looked around. "My spidey senses are tingling. Something's up." He took one look around the parking lot at a local park one more time, then tapping his earpiece, "Matty, I think… hang on."

Mac saw the car speeding towards them too. The car screeched to a halt and a man and woman scrambled out with two suitcases each. The man approached Jack's side and in accented English gave the code phrase, "Ducks fly together." Jack unlocked the SUV and both the people scrambled in.

Jack turned to their guests, "I thought this was a singles trip. Who's the chick?"

Dr. Nykl said, "She is girlfriend. If she not go, I not go."

Jack touched his earpiece, "Did you hear that Matty?"

Riley answered, "She did, now she's making some phone calls, hold on."

Mac turned around and smiled at the couple. "My name is Mac, we're here to get you safely to the next stop."

The woman spoke up, "Thanks be to you. I is Monika."

Matty come over the line, "Bring them both, I got the approval."

Just then Mac heard sirens. "Jack, do you hear that?" Jack just nodded and started the vehicle. Mac turned around to face their guests, "I'm going to need you both to get as close to the ground as possible. Dr. Nykl did you tell anybody you were leaving?"

The scientist shook his head, but Monika spoke up, "I tell Mother bye." Dr. Nykl then lashed out at her in their native language and she began to cry.

Jack looked back at them, "Don't do that! It's done, let's just get ya'll out of here and into safety ok?"

That got nods from both of them. The police car they had heard earlier slowly pulled into the parking lot just as they were pulling out. "I'm not sure if he suspects us or not, but you might want to start whipping something up there pal." Jack told MacGyver.

Mac looked around, and started gathering the supplies he would need, they were making good time down the road when the sound of the siren once again reached them.

"Crap, I'm going to pull over when it gets near us, so that we look innocent, but once you have whatever that is ready let me know." Jack murmured to Mac all the while keeping his eyes on the road and sounding calm, despite his white knuckled grip on the steering wheel giving him away.

Jack did exactly as he said he would and pretty soon the police car was right behind him. "Jack, I need your phone."

Jack threw Mac a glare, "Why can't you…" He trailed off remember Mac couldn't use his phone because it controlled his pump and CGM. With a growl he handed it over. "I'm starting to think that maybe you gave yourself diabetes so that you would never have to use your own phone."

Mac looked at his friend and wondered, did he ever think before he spoke. "It's ready."

Jack looked in the rearview. "Ok wait until he has opened the car door before you do whatever it is that you're doing."

Mac held the bottle carefully, "Hopefully this will melt his engine, but I have to be careful not to shake it until right before I throw it."

The two men were watching the officer carefully, with the couple huddled in the back floorboard. "Now!" Jack shouted.

Mac opened his door and leaned out enough to pitch the bottle right on top of the Police car. It landed perfectly on top of the car; soon the hood of the cruiser was smoking and melting.

Jack floored it, spraying rocks and dirt everywhere. Despite hearing sirens a couple of times, they were able to safely make it across the border and to their rendezvous on time. The next team was waiting. The hand-off went seamlessly.

Driving off from drop-off Matty come over their comms, "It's good to have you back."

Mac and Jack bumped knuckles; it was good to be back!