After finally some tinkering, it's finally ready. There will be some OC's added so expect this to be different on certain chapters. Depending how much I know of that said series, there will be a lot of original story plots just to make things work. Which is why if anyone has any problems with these chapters or certain points review your comments.
Also one of the big things, I was thinking about is divide them into Arc/Saga, if this is one of those long series expect it to be numbered in order Arc/Saga. This is because it will be pain in the ass if there is so much stuff with little time to read them.
P.S. Some of these chapters maybe too dark, I advise you to leave before reading further.
Disclaimer: I don't own Adventure Time, Lord of the Rings, Kingdom Hearts, Super Mario, Mickey Mouse and Friends, Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry, Popeye, or anything except OC's.
2/20/20 Update
Bible Topics: Where we talk about the Bible and it's meaning
Subject: Who is God?
To this day and age, many can say what is God. Well to refresh that memory, he's the creator of all things, the Alpha and Omega. Some may have heard this and many things, but do you truly know who God is? Now why I asked this is simple, if by some chance you live with the idea there is no God or multiple Gods. Then cast those thoughts away and listen carefully. God is what created everything, plain and simple. Yet when it comes to God he's someone we will never grasp unless we dedicated our time to him by Prayer, reading the words, believe Jesus died for our sins, and many more as God has command through the holy spirit given to us.
From the beginning, God made the Heavens, Earth, stars, sun, everything, that cannot be denied if your listening. But we made the world today by ignoring his command and disobeying his words. Even when you know the words, preach and say things in his name. That alone would not saved you, cause God knows what you have done day to day living and what you have done publicly and private, one of the worse things Jesus can say towards you is "I never knew you". That will be talk in Revelation or other subjects if you want to hear. When God created everything, we were prefect everything was prefect in his eyes. But we listen to the serpent, which he is known as The Satan aka The Accuser in another language and meaning. When this happen everything he created went to ruin casting us out into the wilderness of what our world has become.
But the best part is God is still working through your life. You may think he doesn't care or he's not listening, that's not true. See he's already with us, knows us better then we know ourselves. The problem is our own lives is always living in constant sin. Even new born babies are born sinners, because what our first ancestors Adam and Eve have committed. Yet he loves us to make plans for our salvation, but even then not many will listen. As such when you know who God is and speaks to you through your spirit. You must listen, cause he's calling and God will never fail you, that we do ourselves by choices we make daily. That leaves us the decision to follow him and trust in his greater plan.
In the Bible there is words that describe who is God, but that's because he revealed himself to us what he is and God's wisdom through us. You can take some guess who he is and his nature, but know he's a mysterious spirit that is above everything and has created all as the Trinity known as followed, "God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit(Ghost)". So know that God is real and has greater plans for all of us, the question remains do we listen or ignore him?
Talking about the bible and acting on his will is not easy, it's an everyday struggle for everyone. Even now you have to be careful of not saying his name in vain as one day we will be judge by our works, actions, words, everything from beginning to end, and no not just end of our lives. So if your wondering still who is God? Here's some things you can know spoken about him through revealing himself,
I am What I am
God of Love
God of Light
God of Truth
God of Grace
God of Mercy
God of Righteousness
King of Kings
Lord of Lords
The Creator of everything
An everlasting God
A never changing God who remains same then and is still same today
There is only one God, one Son, and Holy Spirit given to us
The Alpha and The Omega
More can be describe if in small ways with meaningful purpose.
Bottom section talks about Satan and his acts throughout history/bible
In daily living, we try to be good people, we try living our lives in fulfillment, and we even try finding love, have family like many our ancestors.
But for some that's never good enough, sometimes good people desire more, this desire never unquenched or filled is because we became hollow inside.
This hollow feeling is created base on world, life, reality and people's view is place on us are justice or little things only children care about.
Even as adults we behave like children, because we were once children, that mentality is never lost or forgotten.
Except through time, is corrupted by petty standards meant for better society out of paranoid or untrusting feelings towards others.
That and selfishness is the parental ideas, creating our unfulfilled desire known as "The void".
There are many figuratively and literally, words and meaning that are created by our childish mentality.
Many may not realizes this idea, because it's unacknowledged theory through prideful boast and arrogance.
But when looking deeper in some subjects, you could say that is where true evil lives, not in fiction, but through reflects.
Colossal the Omega
The adventure beyond our world and dreams
6 months ago from present time
Stranded - Apocalyptic Earth
This planet used to be Earth, like any other similar to this planet. What happen to this planet is anyone's guess, but what events transpired is known as Mushroom War. It was when Humans used to rule this world, only after this did Earth started to change by creatures swarming every concern of the world. For most part she didn't care of this planet or it's history since it meant that nothing would change if they arrived.
Her name is Disall Nafent, she's been on her own for sometime now, living around for 53 years old on her own. While appearing human at first glance and attractive, many people would know just by gut feeling or instinct she is someone you would avoid at all times. This is because the people who chase Disall on this planet are reasons enough to avoid Disall, who they are she would not tell. But the stories from old and young will say after small encounters, what they tell cannot be ignored. Some call them alien invaders from infinite dimension sent to conquer or create chaos in name of violence. Others would say they are reapers sent by hell demons or supernatural beings as warning to kill those who align themselves with society norms.
Either case, Disall usually keeps thing close to her chest, to avoid endangering people. Disall's only friends who have been called many names, but two are most common as Rebels or Resistance Cell. To the government, they are threats of society that needs to be taken down. This because there enemy has great on over these governments not by public views, but as some would call "Illuminati". That's because they sometimes present themselves as secret society like the illuminati, but in truth covers their tracks making fools of conspiracy theorist, that and it's funny to sometime make mockery of people's opinion.
Disall ended up here, because they gave chase towards this world. Trying to avoid them is like running from hungry wolves in winter or bear attacks from 20 feet apart. Now she is stranded with nothing more then her only gun and battle suit she borrowed(stole) from her former government. The gun in question is rectangle shape that can used different types of ammo. While her battle suit is mostly worn out over constant fighting or running. Her battle suit has blue armor plates with red underneath, some black gloves over her wrist and black boots above her ankles.
But Disall's most important gear is her helmet. This is because in her time working for this government she planted an bug unrecognizable, that it blends in with other programs. That's because this program is design to copy and replicate other programs like some virus, but maintains cover from fire walls or virus protection. Right now Disall has to figure out what to do next, taking refuge in some underground tunnels Disall created an distress signal in specific frequency meant for her rebel friends to pick up. It will take time, but she is patient enough to survive as long as she can for now.
2 months ago from present time
Far off Galaxy - Disney Castle
At the Castle Everyone is doing there routine like they usually do on daily basis. Sometimes few things happen, but only because something came unexpectedly. One of these unexpected moments is when Chip and Dale came rushing towards the Castle Library. Few minutes before them rushing the two told Mickey about someone sending a distress signal in some encryption code using certain frequency. Mickey ordered them to tell Queen Minnie that he'll be off for sometime, Chip and Dale ran as fast as they can to deliver a message to Queen Minnie letting her know he'll be gone for shorty. In these library we have Queen Minnie and Daisy making plans for there yearly Dreams Festival. Queen Minnie hopes to have this peaceful moment without some trouble brewing, it's times like this is when Mickey has to travel far off to another world to save others.
This is because with Mickey now being Keyblade Wielder, he is working his best to use his power to save other worlds, in secret of course. Mickey is still consider greenhorn at these responsibilities, that and he has to juggle around for multi-task his jobs. Luckily for them they have some friends from other worlds to help with these responsibilities. Alongside Daisy and Minnie are few others from Looney Tune world, they are Lola Bunny, Granny, and others from Looney Tunes. Ironically their worlds are closely connect through certain gates. In these gates leads to worlds similar to there own as everyone knows they are cartoon characters in other worlds and their own.
"Say Minnie, how's Mickey with these Keyblade missions?" Lola asked having some girl talks with Queen Minnie, usually she's always find the bright side of things. But with Mickey always on travels, it's hard to say if Minnie is okay with Mickey's new task or that Minnie is having some troubles.
"Well, it's not always easy. I'll admit there are times I wonder if Mickey's sometimes forgets he's king and needs to take this more responsibly." Minnie Admits to Lola. If there is one thing these two worlds have is close bonds over there long years of friendship and trust. There have been dark times before, but they usually work things out together.
"I see, Bugs sometimes tells me about there short adventures. How they get into trouble and how sometimes they remind him of the old days, I can understand how you feel with Mickey always on travels thinking he's forgotten about you. But trust me, He'll always come back because your here, and that to me says Mickey love you very much and will always return no matter what." Lola said to Minnie, the two shared a hug togethering being friends from separate worlds.
"Besides, I know that Donald will help out at times. Even when I wish he focus on our dates, he's still helping out his when in danger. And I can say with no doubt they'll be fine. Although if Donald forgets our anniversary again." Daisy continued to mutter as she sometimes gets mad at Donald for avoiding there dates.
"Ah, youth. I remember those good old times, take it from me girls, if those boys love you with all their heart you'll know they care about you. If anything I be more concern with what troubles on there mission." Suddenly they heard sounds of dishes breaking or something crashing outside the doorway, "Speaking of which." Granny grab a broom as she open the door with her at hand. Tweety came rushing through with Sylvester right behind. Without warning Sylvester had just realize Granny knew he's here waiting for him, she swung her broom like some baseball bat making Sylvester fly until he crashed into stuff.
"Yeah, that'll teach you to chase my poor little bird." Granny shouted before slamming the door as Tweety said, "Bad old putty cat." Before flying towards the cage for rest. The three girls gave an deadpan stare at Granny's little stunt.
"It's amazing how you manage to keep Sylvester away from Tweety at times, almost makes me feel sorry for him." Minnie said, almost taking pity for him. But knowing Sylvester he'll just be right back at it again, you have to respect his determination for trying, but know he'll lose regardless of the outcome. Chip and Dale finally reach the doors of the Library shouted for Queen Minnie about news from Mickey.
10 months ago from present time
In another galaxy - Land of Mushroom/World
Meanwhile in another galaxy an plot is unfolding as Bowser now has another scheme in mind. For many years Bowser has never achieve what he's aimed for all these years. This is due to Bowser always stop by some hero(Namely Mario), that's why he intends to take this approach differently. After his last plans involving creating a galaxy at the center of universe. He'd realize that his idea of conquering Mushroom Kingdom is no longer an option. That's why with his Fleet of upgraded airships known as Tornado Ships, each ship can carry around 3 Thousand people depending on what is on board. It requires at least 500 crewmen to operate these ships making impossible to hijack these ships, at the moment they only manage to create at least 2 Thousand ships at the moment. Bowser got word of some ancient power he could use to conquer this world and finally defeat Mario once and for all. Right now, Bowser is having an meeting with certain individuals he's hired, these guys are well known in certain worlds and galaxies.
These individuals are as followed, First is Tank Duo who are the strongest people any villain would hire as villains named Might Bluto & Brutus the Great. Next Cat Society consist of Tom the Cat, Butch Cat, Lightning Cat, Meathead Cat and Topsy Cat, a community made of many cats with Tom and his friends leading there group as part of helping there follow cat races. Then After Society of Villains, are what you considered almost parody villains made up of Pete, The Beagle boys and Ma Beagle, the Wessels, Big Bad Wolf, Mortimer Mouse, and The Phantom Blot who specialist on simple task and few grand schemes with The Phantom Blot as their Master Mind. And Finally The Insanity Crew in order Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, Marvin the Martian & K-9, Tasmanian Devil, Witch Hazel, Wile E Coyote, Pete Puma, Gossamer, Beaky Buzzard, Rocky & Mugsy, Gremlin, Blacque Jacque Shellaque and Crusher, one other member isn't here name Sylvester since he always chase Tweety Bird almost always.
Together they make for an unstoppable force of henchmen always ready for hired. Most times they are lead by Bluto who has Charisma among his follow minions, as such Bluto has much power and influence over the cartoon villains of there worlds, "Good evening follow evildoers, your wondering why I have hired your assistant?" Bowser asked starting this meeting.
"Well if your up for hiring, you better pay good buster." Right as Daffy finish Elmer gun went off making Daffy's beak spin around his head until it finally stop.
"Sorry force of habit." Elmer laugh to himself, even if he enjoyed it more then Elmer will admit.
"But Daffy's right, if you plan on hiring us, how much are you willing to pay. After all, our job doesn't come cheap you know." Pete add, Bowser snap his fingers showing his wealth of his kingdom and why he's king. Some individuals got greedy forcing there comrades to hold them back.
"Alright, we're listening." Bluto spoke for their united groups, while others can take leadership if they need too, some would rather have others go first and wait for opportune moment.
"Now hear this, I have some plans to rule this world once. But after so many battles with my Arch-Nemesis Mario, it's high time I leave behind what's my home. My last plan, when I tried marrying Princess Peach, had made me realize something. I become attach to this world, after discovering many worlds beyond my own. It's high time I create an New Koopa Kingdom somewhere among the stars." Bowser took some deep breath before continuing, "That's why I have an special mission for you lot. Some allies from other worlds have told me about some powerful artifact that will finally destroy our enemies. It is simply known as "One Ring" what powers it possess is unknown. But my associate assures me that he has some way of controlling this power." Bowser took a break to see if they are following, this is usually not like Bowser to hire others for his dirty work. But when you want to be big, you got to go big as well, with Bluto leading this many people this would make this easy for hired help.
"So this associate of your is suppose to help us right? What makes you so sure we can trust him or her?" Yosemite Sam spoke, feeling suspicious about this job.
"Believe me, I would gladly tell you. But he wants to see if your worth his time, if you complete this task you will join our group for world domination." Bowser assured. Like his friend, he wants to know if they can be dependable or loyal to their cause.
"Fair enough, now what is this job we have to complete?" Marvin asked waiting for Bowser to answer.
"I'm sure you already know, the One Ring is your job. Of course there is one problem, my associate tells me that where this One Ring resides, only the wizard known as Gandalf the Grey can help us. Your job is to obtain the One Ring's whereabouts, then bring Gandalf to me. My associate will take care of him, as for your reward, I will offer more then money to your everyday necessities. We will offer you worlds of your own, some of them kingdoms to rule, some for fame and riches, and everything if you complete this task.
"This "One Ring" must be worth more then anything if your asking us to find it. What kind of power is this Ring capable exactly." Bluto asked with high suspicion, especially since Bowser has this look of confidence and assurance with his evil grin.
"Believe me, once I have capture Mario and make him see the ring, you will find that heroes will soon become your greatest ally. And as proof, I present Mario's old enemy before me." When Bowser gave the signal, his minions soon open the door beside his thrown revealing someone big with brown fur and red tie, written letter DK appearing as an gorilla, named Donkey Kong. He shouted beating his chest as if proclaiming his appearance, then bashing the ground shaking the castle. The others are shock to see some hero join the likes of Bowser, but what they notice that Donkey Kong is not himself. Some reason he has this crazed eyes, desiring something as if it was stolen from him, like something "Precious" had been taken.
They look on with bewilderment wondering what madness that turn Donkey Kong into this savage state, "I bet your wonder what has happen to him right? My associate had once obtain this power from the One Ring. The result is what you see before you, while many will have strong will's if expose to this ring for too long, they will turn into who Donkey Kong has become. So, are you in?" Bowser asked with a grin, many of them smiles, some turning into grins knowing this is one deal they can't refuse.
5 weeks ago from present time
In Deep space - in between galaxies
Somewhere in the dark void, exist some ships most ancient, but also with greatest technology more advanced in modern technology of any species. This ship belongs to those called Red Suits. They have had many names over the years, but have been long forgotten since time itself. But whispers, rumors, fables, and stories from many generations will always remember them. For as one still lived regardless of his/her importance, they will rise again from shadows of decay, from the deepest pits of hell, even in coldest space where void in unreachable, they always rise again. This is because after so many battles with wars created from their deeds, they will not rest or quit for strong beliefs made by there ancestors long remembered, never to be forgotten.
What can be said about them, is their practice at extreme patients, hoping one day opportunity or weakness can be exploit on targeted worlds, governments, powerful beings, and more. However there is some kinks to this grand plan, one of them happens to go by the name Disall Nafent. An soldier turn rogue, finally having enough of these people's cruel deeds. She is one of the few who try to escape/hide, but never fight against them. This is despite being a good person, is more cowardly because she knows what her former comrades are capable of doing, and are willing to explore different methods of malice and cruelty.
This ship had stumbled upon this signal made by Disall, they knew she was close, but were unsure how to capture her since Disall somehow escapes them every time. But upon further investigations, it appears few scanners have trace this distress signal as well. One in particular is where Disney's Castle is sending one Gummi Ship to her rescue, piloted by Mickey with his friend Bugs along the ride. Unnoticed to them they will be used by these people, finding this opportunity for Disall demised.
Hi everyone, Marceline the Vampire Queen. I know your familiar with Finn's adventure through story, legend, or that we're all fictional characters in this universe to entertain you for your free time passing or something. Either way, there are many stories your familiar or unfamiliar through others telling you their stories. But I don't believe you have heard much about how me and Simon had our own crazy adventures. It's been long time since those days, usually I just have fun, hang out, going on adventures with my friends. Mostly I forget about my past life, because some of those memories I rather forget.
But I memory I could never forget, it was around the time when Simon and I were the only two people in the world. The Mushroom War is fresh reminder of how grim the world once dominated by humans has cause such tragedy. That wasn't even worse of them all, at the time I remember almost lost my life to some group calling themselves, Mercenaries. They came from outside this apocalypse planet after the Mushroom War left our world in ruins. Apparently it meant for worldly visitors to salvage our planet, enslaving people for sick desires, leaving us helpless until we beg to die.
I rather forget that memory because that could have been my fate to be someone's slave for... unpleasant life. It's also when I first met this boy who was around my age. At first he seemed strange, like REALLY strange to the point I was afraid of him. But he's also the one who saved our lives with the help of five friendly world visitors. Don't remember there names, but I remember one had this keyblade, looks like a mouse and is a King... I think? Another is some bunny, rabbit something, the funniest even when facing enemies stronger then himself, carrying different special carrots and his signature magical wooden hammer, very cool. A Miniature mouse, size of an real mouse, but is smarter then most people even if he couldn't speak. A Sailor who is very strong, sometimes he can be ruff around the edges, but has heart of gold, especially when bullies use there muscles to push his friends and strangers alike. Then there's that wizard, always wearing grey clothes, but is wiser then Simon at times. As for the boy, I can't really say how I felt, but I will say he'd save my life more then I can count back then, his name is Cree, Peter Cree.
Traveler's Journey
Saga 1: Everything Start at Zero
Arc 1: Join the Team
Ch. 1: World's Beyond our vision
Present Time
Outer Space - Gummi Ship
"Hmm this can't be right. Did you say we needed to take an right on Albuquerque System?" Mickey Muttered, trying to drive him and Bugs to some distress signal they pick up from Disney Castle. There ship is called Light Falcon, Known for being fastest ship created up to date. Mostly built for S.O.S. signals, unlike many gummi ships this one is capable of taking on enemy ships head on without weapons using it's wings as blades.
"Well, I could be wrong. I just realize this map is mostly for props not for directions." If Mickey wasn't driving he face palm on Bugs timing for being ridiculous and seriousness. This was the third time Bugs has gotten them lost trying to find this S.O.S signal. It happen when the two are trying to investigate some new activity by some organization known as Warriors of Darkness.
Mickey Mouse is king of his world known as Disney Castle, after being train under Yen Sid, Mickey had obtain a weapon called Keyblade. With this, Mickey has been traveling worlds to help bring world order. For most worlds this only complies to Backwater planets without technology advancement. As such some Magical powers prevents other worlds similar to earth or other planets from interaction. Bugs is an exception because he and bugs are what you call "Cartoon characters".
This leads to Bugs Bunny, an retired cartoon star who usually rest or go on adventures with Mickey for friendly help. Bugs used to be an popular cartoon in the golden age of cartoons, over the years other cartoons have been created. Even then Bugs still remains popular to many young and old, these days when Mickey ask for help Bugs would go along for their duo adventure.
When the distress signal was heard from Disney Castle, Mickey had enlisted help from Bugs hearing this signal would be too far to reach. At first, Mickey thought this would be like any other trip, along the way they encounter trouble from another rising force. So far they haven't been given an name, but many have called them Red Suits. With an unexpected surprise attack, they forced Bugs and Mickey on the run for there lives. Ironic, that through there game of cat and mouse this had lead towards the distress signal. How the signal reach Disney Castle from all the way here, they been traveling for at least 2 months getting chase by those guys. Every now and then they had rest on other planets, but not long enough to stay in order to lose there pursuers.
At this rate, they could have sworn they've jump few Galaxies by now. It almost felt they were being lured away for some grand scheme. Mickey knows he has made few enemies in his life, one of them being Pete and to some extension Daffy Duck when it came to Bugs tagging along. If this is one of there plots to try something, Mickey wouldn't be there to help them. This had Mickey and Bugs worried for their friends and family, but knew they can take care of themselves when things get back, so for now they had to remain strong until they return.
"Whelp, look on the bright side, at least those guys are not chasing us anymore." Bugs said pointing out the bright side of things. While not the most helpful things, Bugs can only do so much before Mickey starts being reckless. As helpful as Mickey can be, some facts of reality hits him harder then most would believe. This is because for Mickey every life is precious, being told to give up leaving for dead when they could be alive is one of his more guilty conscious at work. Sometimes it takes a friend to help other friends get through life, even family is important when face with trials impossible to overcome.
"I don't know, I have this feeling they're letting us go. There have been times they could have captured us, but we are able to slip by them. I'm wondering if they're trying to lead us to somewhere." Mickey said expressing his thoughts about the situation.
"Don't forget that signal is coming up strong. How did you guys pick up that signal is beyond me, you sure it wasn't an Malfunction or something?" Bugs pointed out as they have been all over space trying to find this distress signal. Lucky for them along this travel, they got some help who guided them to where they needed to follow.
"How is the search boys?" From below deck came couple individuals, they are Gandalf the grey, Popeye, and Jerry the mouse. On there trip, they also have pick up the distress signal. Apparently this distress signal has spread across worlds, but can only be trace by certain frequency through either in radios, TV channels, satellites, or other means of communication. Popeye has some friends to check on this signal, from what they gathered it's been going on for nearly 6 months.
"Not good, so far everything is one crazy goose chase or another. I just can't understand why we were able to detect this signal from far away." Mickey express his thoughts, if anything everything they should have left while they had a chance. But Mickey conscious and his heart felt someone needed their help, this had left them on 3 month trip in order to find those people in need. Most of them went along because it was this way of thinking that usually gets Mickey in trouble. Sometimes it feels overwhelming in certain situation, there been times Mickey would help those in need, not realizing his help make things worst. For them it's more so out of moral support then anything.
"If anyone is hungry, I made us some food." Popeye took the position of chief, while he may like spinach Popeye had learn to use other foods over the years. Over the years Popeye has learn to be stronger without a can of spinach, so much so he's the muscle of the group when Mickey and Bugs go on adventures together. Most times Popeye would cook healthy foods for this band of explorers. Jerry usually is their journalist able to keep track of events that they see, people they meet, worlds explored, or other means.
Among this group is the oldest Gandalf, most famous for his magic spells and wisdom when asked for advice. Gandalf has been around long enough to know many worlds they have travelled. But also knows to keep themselves hidden, which is why there magic comes in handy for certain scenarios to keep the world order. Over the years before Mickey, Bugs, Jerry the Mouse, Popeye and Gandalf, other members have came before or after there last journey and journey's before them. As such this group origins remains a mystery, with the help of written journals made by other journalist can there secrets be revealed.
"Hey, thanks Pop." Bugs says his thanks taking his salad filled with carrots, onions, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, and mushrooms. For bugs it was easy to have this salad, so long there's carrots in them. Same can be said for Gandalf who enjoys his salad with soup or some tea with his smoking pip. However for Mickey and Jerry that was another story. They usually don't eat there fruits or vegetables, that's when Popeye would serve wheaten bread for sandwiches for Jerry it was bread and cheese together.
"You two need to learn that eating right is good for your muscles and body. Cause one of these days that will help you be strong enough when on your own." Popeye told them, it is hard for Mickey and Jerry since they are mice who enjoy cheeses most of the time then most foods. Jerry gave his silent glare while Mickey just ate his food knowing Popeye is right.
"Don't worry, these two can take care of themselves, Mick here can fight hundreds of heartless when needed, while Jerry here... well what he does best for pipsqueak." This made Jerry semi-glare, half because it's a joke and other half because it's true.
"So Mick, I been thinking. Your keyblade is what guides hearts to others right? So what if you somehow got connected to these people or person so that we find them? If this distress signal has been going on for sometime now, why not let your keyblade find them instead." Bugs suggested figuring Mickey had the power to guide them to other hearts.
"No Bugs, the powers of the keyblade doesn't work like that. This Keyblade and many others have been abused once before in the Keyblade war. That is because at the time many wielders have tried taking Kingdom Hearts by forced only to bring ruin as result. While the Keyblade maybe our solution to this problem, there are other ways open to us if we put our heads together." Understanding Mickey's concern, Popeye had snap his fingers having some idea how to solve this problem.
"Maybe what we need is something that boast the transmission. If you got some spare parts I could build this device just to lock on it's coordinates then will find these people in no time flat. Only risk is if those Red Suits were to find us again because of this device." Popeye suggested, being in the marines has help him train for these situations. From what Popeye explained, the risk is great. But if they play their cards right they could sneak pass those guys and head straight towards the world.
"Hmm, that could work. You think we have the necessary parts you'll need?" Bugs asked, while also nibbling his carrot.
"Well, that depends on what you got on this fine ship, I'm sure this fellow has some parts to spare." Popeye said talking about the Gummi Ship, for him any ship is like people who try there best to guide there passengers to safety. After few minutes of searching, Popeye found the gummi blocks necessary to built the tracking device. Some credit goes to Chip and Dale for instructions, it wasn't easy at first, but with few adjustments here and there.
"That should do it, now your majesty this device will be able to pick up any signals should they be close by or frequencies you have been tracking." Chip explains to Mickey, while Popeye double check every part to make sure it was working.
"But be careful, we have detected some very faint signals from your position. We're not sure if there friendly or not, so watch your tails." Dale warned them, after Popeye is done he activated the device connected to the gummi ship.
May your heart be your guiding key.
Mickey heard this, but everyone else is more focus on the device that seemed ready to explode anytime, "Oh no, it's short circuiting. I have to fix this somehow, or else we all go boom." Popeye did what he can, looking through one wire to the next checking them if they are functioning right or what needs replaced. But out of nowhere the device started to go haywire as Mickey's keyblade appeared in front of Mickey
"Mickey, what are you doing?" Gandalf shouted surprise by how the keyblade suddenly appear without warning. While everyone is concern with the device possibly exploding. Mickey seemed to be in some trance like state, the keyblade glowed much brighter then before. Soon Mickey grab the keyblade pointed out in empty space, in short seconds shot a beam of light which then created a portal to some unknown location, Mickey return unaware what he just did and now is confused by his surroundings. With quick thinking Mickey grab the controls as the portal created by him tried to force them inside, despite his efforts all they could do was hold on until it was finish.
Unground Location
Everything seemed dark, nothing but the abyss stared in his vision. In this darkness what may appeared eternal had one day took form in what can be describe a some sword. What this mean he'd had no idea, but before questioning this image light shine from nothingness, through this abyss came creation.
"Where am I?" Talking to himself after waking from what can appeared some ruin building. From behind him seemed like those sci-fi pods, how he end up there is a mystery to him. Thinking back to himself, he's an Gundarion from another planet. Some details are iffy, but apparently his species are in hiding for unknown reason. But after some group found them, he got separated from his family. Best guess, he'd been sleeping in this pods for sometime, not sure how long since this pod doesn't keep track of time. After re-examining the pod he found his last name Cree, but his first is smudge by years of sleep. In fact the entire pod looks like it would have break anytime if he hadn't waken soon enough.
"I wonder what's around here? Maybe something here can help me." Cree said to himself. Taking his surrounding, Cree found himself some mirror and clothes to wear. His appearance is light brown skin with glowing blue hair and apparently some black horns on his sides where his ears are place. Although the horns move from behind his back to standing up like there ears, his nails on his hands and toes are blue. The eyes are blue pupils same as his sclera with white iris, after some searching Cree found some clothes that are used up from over years. His clothes are short sleeve shirt in green with purple strips in circles with blue jeans. Unfortunately he didn't find any shoes to wear as they are too big for his size, as he appeared like 10 years old to others. Once settle Cree would explore his new surrounding hopefully find himself an escape from this place.
"Geez, you think they put signs saying go this way or that way." Once exploring his way, Cree finally found himself daylight and outside of suppose building. Once outdoors his new surroundings appears in some kind of city from one direction with forest to travel through them. Taking his chances, Cree walk towards the city where he will try to found others if he can anyone.
Around the same time Disall had seen that light, she went out trying to see if there was anything Disall could use. But her search was in vain as something on this planet could help her escape. As Result nothing would be any use even if they are scrap pieces of metal,"That beam of Light, must be those keyblade wielders I heard about, if one of them is here then that means." With that thoughts in mind, Disall went to investigate what could be a crash site.
Gummi Ship - Crash Site
What exactly happen was anyone's guess. For Mickey it seemed something was calling out to him, next thing he knows everyone had crash on this world somehow. Trying to recall why they are here and how they got here.
"Hey Mick, you okay?" Bugs asked giving an helpful hand to Mickey, feeling woozy Bugs help him up making sure he's adjusted himself.
"Thanks Bugs, say what happen?" Mickey tried to remember what just happen or more so what was the cause.
"I'm not sure, your keyblade seemed to have an mind of it's own. One moment we were having problems next somehow your keyblade shot a beam of light through some portal leading us here." Bugs explained unsure how this happen as well. Mickey can piece it together that his keyblade is trying to tell him something. The real trick is what does it want from him and what can Mickey do help?
Looking around Mickey real they are by themselves, "Say, where are the others?" Mickey asked with concern, "Well they are off to see if there's anything we can use on this planet. You see we're kind of stuck at the moment." From his explanation Mickey figured their ship is destroyed because of what had happen with the keyblade. What made this even concerning is what dangers lurk around this world.
"Did anything happen while I was out?" Bugs had this serious expression, normally he is usually calm and collected. But for Bugs to have this express of seriousness means there's trouble heading their way. "I would say it's nothing we can't handle, but with Bluto around that isn't the case." Bugs informed which made Mickey eyes widen.
"BLUTO!" Mickey exclaimed, shocked and surprise that Bluto would be here after being away from there homes. Out of all the cartoon characters, Bluto is one of the few worst who takes the bullying farther then most. Even for hired thugs he's the one they call for criminal activities, at one time while being in Popeye's show/comics he's an villain character in the golden age of cartoons. Many years later the worlds had other cartoons the audience now enjoys, this left some cartoons without jobs leading to few cartoons to take shady jobs. But out of all the villain characters, Bluto has taken jobs even the most villainous cartoons would never partake or offer assists. Even then Bluto has gain infamous reputation, including respect from henchmen/minions alike across different worlds.
"While you were out, Popeye worked on that device he created. Turns out he used the wrong gummi block since they look the same, at the same time Gandalf work on healing your wounds. So I kept watch for anything that came after us." Bugs brought out his special colored boxes filled with carrots, each using different powers, technology, magic, and other sorts. The color boxes are base on certain powers meant for the worlds they travel.
The Blue box is filled with carrots able to use different weapons of technology. Each base on what type of world they visited, say the weapons from one world uses energy weapons, his choice of weapons will be used for that world. Next is the Violet box for magical worlds, the basic magic is usually from thunder, ice, and fire while others use different magic for worlds they visited. After that is the red box for hand to hand combat and weapons such as Swords, Axes, Nun-chucks, Bow and Arrow, shields, etc. as Bugs is one of the best martial arts, his strongest style of fighting is from kicking in close combat, while his second choice is boxing. Then comes the Golden Box contains abilities for superpowers on certain worlds. Finally there's the Green and Orange Box, obliviously the green box is used for healing his friends and himself, while the orange is for more serious confrontation.
"After your wounds were healed up, Popeye, Gandalf, and Jerry went off looking for parts we can use for repairs. Every now and then, they come back with what remains from the Gummi Ship. That is until Bluto came without warning, and he wasn't alone." Bugs senses danger, keeping watch over Mickey's unconscious body. Bluto came around looking strong as ever since they last encounter him with Popeye. From the looks of things Bluto has gathered himself lots of familiar faces to join his team. When he's involve mostly Popeye will handle the situation when dealing for him since there rivalry never end even when there respected cartoon is over. For him to boldly come here on his own says a lot about him. There are rumors that many ended up in hospitals with many wounds that seemed impossible in reality. Bugs and Mickey had encounter him many times, but what makes him stand out from others is not his sheer strength, it's also his resourcefulness.
"Well, well, well if it isn't that scrawny rabbit and his little rat friend. Surprise to see us, as you can see I have brought all your friends with me. Where is Gandalf?" Bluto demanded from them, Bugs refused to answer knowing this man is more dangerous then most would believed. Bugs would feel more confident if Popeye was here, and no amount of tricky will slow Bluto down if they ran for it.
"Eh..., What's up Doc." Bugs said putting his usual confidence he always has even when face extreme dangers.
"You know what's UP! Gandalf has probably told you guys why he's out from his world. So tell me, where is that old Wizard?" Bluto Demanded using his height for intimidating, but Bugs remained unwavering Determination. Bugs is no stranger to his kind, in fact he would personally say to himself "I eat carrots like you for breakfast" with some humor, bugs wouldn't say that out loud because that be out of character.
"Well, if you stay here for some tea, perhaps we can talk about your suppose job request." Of course Bugs has no problem saying those types of remarks, Bluto raised his fist in anger ready to strike with all his strength, but reminded himself of his task knowing bugs is trying to make him angry, "Humph, doesn't matter. Tell that old geezer to hand over the ring, or your friends will be... harmed shall we say." Bluto cheekily with grin wide as half of his face. This made him worried, no doubt Bluto is up to something.
"Oh yea, you and what army?" Famous last words as Bluto snap his fingers creating some black vortex before revealing all of their past foes from there old cartoon shows. The only thing Bugs could say is "Yip" to himself, but Bluto had other plans in mind. "Tell them me and my friends will be waiting for you chumps at the these location." Bluto gave Bugs an Piece of paper with coordinates to different worlds they will have to visit.
"Better get your ship fix, cause if you don't, we'll be back." Bluto left laughing as more black vortex sending them to who knows where.
Flashback End
"And you said this was 10 minutes ago." Surprise that Bugs allow him to recover knowing the situation.
"Don't be surprise Mick, I maybe a lot of things, but deep down I'm your friend you can rely on when you ask for help." Bugs said, for Mickey there are times that having someone like Bugs around helps ease the tension despite his laid back personality. After sometime Popeye, Gandalf and Jerry brought back more Gummi Blocks, Bugs had explain the situation to them about Bluto and some people he has on his side. Popeye got steamed knowing his rival has returned once more, they have clashed every now and then fighting as Bluto would half of the time kidnap Olive or make some scheme for his plans. Out of the five, only one was most worried, specifically Gandalf.
"Is there anything else he said, something small in his words or detail he mention?" Gandalf questioned Bugs from his Encounter with Bluto, but nothing so far.
"Gandalf, do you know what Bluto means about the ring? Is that why your traveling worlds with us?" Mickey asked Gandalf hoping he might fill in some blanks.
"I'm afraid your right, you see on my world there is an dark and powerful evil that lurks unseen." Gandalf pause to see them paying attention since they are cartoons with short attention spans, seeing them listen he continued, "It is said to be myth or legend since we do not know it's fate. It's known as "One Ring" with inscriptions says, one ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them." Gandalf went on to explain how this ring came to be and why it's so evil. No doubt they would have question about his worlds problems since the ring could be another world. He went on to explain that someone or something had discovered this ring on his world. When the thief found the ring, he took off towards the stars, which force Gandalf to travel worlds in search of this thief. That's how he met Popeye and the rest on his travels, since then he has been around searching for this thief with no luck. With Bluto now asking for the ring it's no surprise that some people have known it's existence and want the ring's power.
"So if I'm getting this right, whatever Bluto wants with that Ring is no doubt the one from your world. But you don't have it with you, right?" Popeye wonder like everyone else as they took all this information at slow pace(sometimes repeated more then three times).
"Unfortunately yes, but even if I did, no doubt the ring will destroy his mind, for only one may have it's power, and he's not willing to share. Knowing Bluto, he'll want to sell the ring for high price for his masters." Everyone could agree for people like Bluto, he's more interest in money then dangers of some job. Gandalf knew from experience that items like the ring will not be easily taken.
"Here's something I don't get Gan? If you don't have this One Ring, why does Bluto believe your in possession of this ring, does he think you have it hidden under your hat or something?" Bugs asked, curious why Bluto would believe he would have it if Gandalf clearly has no idea where the ring left.
"I believe, Bluto has somehow come across word about the One Ring. Knowing I'm with you, he'll harm your friends and family in order to give him the location of One Ring." Hearing Gandalf knows the location can only mean one thing.
"Bugs, he gave you some paper with coordinates to those worlds correct?" Popeye asked with Bugs handing him the papers showing how many worlds they'll have to travel, no doubt all these locations are meant for trapping them, "We should be ready to take off soon, we just need some more gummi blocks, and this baby will be fixed in no time." With Mickey now recovered, everyone had went off to gather the remaining supplies.
Cree's expedition - 3 Hours Later
The trip itself is educational, from what he learn this planet is in some post-apocalypse world. From old news paper, to some destroyed furniture left outside in some weird place, to vehicles wrecked by tree, crashes or some other means. For sometime Cree had to walk further without seeing anyone who can help him. Hearing his stomach growling made him stop to check if there is any food around. With no luck, Cree started to take some leaves and eat them, surprisingly he is satisfied with himself and continued to walk, he even took an wooden branch for snacking in his walk.
"You think there be at least one survivor in all this mess. Wonder why this happen, those papers weren't any help, who knows how long this world has been in ruins." Cree said to himself. After sometime he finally has reach the city, only once he reach the city everything is worst then from distance away. While going through the street, Cree couldn't help feel someone is watching his movement.
"Hello, anyone out there? I like some directions or at least understanding what is this place. " Cree called out, but no one answered except for some groaning sound from different directions. What appeared is some weird creatures with green oozes drooling out from there mouths and eyes. Some had brown or green skin, from the looks of them they appeared only after he called out to them.
"On second thought, you guys seem busy so I'll just move along, K." Cree enviously said, before sprinting toward one group and jump over them with superhuman strength continuing his run. In his run for minute or 2, Cree didn't realize he lost them already after his first 30 seconds, unaware he ran faster then 80 mph. Once he stop he look back, no one was around except himself and new areas to explore. By now he's starting to realize that maybe no one had lived for sometime, being by himself on this world full of monsters.
"What... are those things..." Taking an breather, Cree soon felt energized after few seconds, "Ow what the-" Without warning something hit his neck behind him, before Cree could react he felt woozy suddenly collapsed falling into slumber. Before he black out he saw some people walking towards him, but by then darkness clouded his vision.
After making sure Cree is unconscious, some people wearing orange and brown armor with an grey suit underneath. There helmets have three line visors, their weapons appeared random and different from either stolen or black market price. About 10 of them are gathered around, making sure nothing attacks them from all sides or some random monster attacks them.
"Is he dead?" First guy asked being the one who shot Cree with his tranquilizer dart. The second one check for his pulse confirmed he's alive and unconscious.
"I'm sick of this job, why are we here again?" Another complained.
"Because we have to sell them as slaves for money of course. Although our last two are weird all things considered." The first guy said talking about there last hunt from yesterday where they caught an old man with an blue skin girl probably at least 7 years old.
"At least that crown will be worth something, what you think we get for those red jewels?" Some have guessed if lucky around 1 million each with the golden crown worth 5 million.
"Regardless, let's bring him back, I rather not face those freaks anytime soon." Silently the group pick up Cree body, taking him over towards there current vehicle on this planet. They hotwired some old vehicles just to save on fuels for extra spending money for themselves. Who these people are mercenaries who will take any job, most of these jobs usually involves earning quick bucks for at least 500 thousand cash pre-day job(Illegal means). Which is why after discovering this planet gone to hell, the survivors they found will be sold to the highest bidder.
Gummi Ship Crew - In search for Gummi Parts
Around the same time Mickey, Bugs, Popeye, Jerry and Gandalf search high and low for what remaining gummi blocks from their gummi ship. Unknown to them, the Mercenaries had known about their crash landing, but wasn't sure how to approach them. After all these guys except Gandalf are cartoon characters, some of them knew the Looney Tunes, Mickey and his friends, and other cartoons. Most would believe people like them or other criminals always acting out as evil people, but there also people too. You be surprise the amount of free time these guys have on there own.
"I can't believe it, they really exist!" One Merc said in awe seeing these guys in reality.
"Dude, do you know how many people would want these guys? If we sell them to the right buyer, we be famous." Another excited to see cartoon characters are real, being a fan of some famous cartoons.
"Maybe we can catch them, and see where their friends are located. We can't sell if the whole collection set isn't complete." Said there leader with 20 some people backing him up.
"Wait a minute, how are we suppose to catch these guys. In case you haven't realized yet, in all there cartoons they always win despite what situation there stuck in remember?" At first the guys were unsure about there approach, unnoticed to them our cartoon heroes and wizard had snuck around these guys using cartoon trick to fool them.
"Eh... What's up Doc." The Mercenaries tried to turn only for two guys from the back smack right at there face by Bug's giant mallet. The rest spread out surrounding them, given orders to shoot Gandalf already had his shields up deflecting bullets from all sides. Popeye went straight for biggest group close together, he then proceed to punch them under the chins, faces, or chest making quick work on these mercs, while also avoiding attacks on close combat. Mickey swung his keyblade using his skills to jump around since he's half there size easily knocking out 3 guys by hitting there waist and stomachs as they couldn't react fast enough. Another one was about to shoot when Gandalf easily turn there weapons into sand as Bugs finish him off. With the commander on the run, he realize they came unprepared. But what he didn't realize is Jerry had snuck inside his clothes as he laid small firecrackers in his pants before escape. Realizing too late, the commander is knock out by Bugs Mallet laying back on some tree.
"That takes care of them." Brushing his hands and arms, everyone else soon gathered making sure no one else is around.
"These guys are mercenaries, what are they doing here?!" Mickey exclaimed, surprise that they would be around these parts on there own.
"While we may yet to find out there objects, I suggest we take caution from this encounter. I fear that this is one of many foes we will face." Gandalf is not the only one feeling this way. From the start of this suppose rescue mission, many foes have appeared either in their way or forced them further from home. It's as if fate has decided to play cruel jokes knowing what disasters await them. One thing is clear, if they want there friends back as Bluto has claimed. They'll need the Gummi Ship up and working again.
"Hmm, I'm willing to bet that these guys might have the rest of our gummi Blocks. If we encounter few Mercs, I sure as day that these people must have some outpost not far from here. We should go after these guys if we are to chase after them." Popeye said taking charge of the situation, when fights are heading their way Popeye is your go to guy for dealing with some head on problems.
"What about our ship, we can't leave it undefended." Mickey protest, knowing anything can go wrong at this point.
"Eh, too late for that mick." Bugs is asked why, only for him to point at one direction where that said gummi ship is being towed away with great care. Everyone except Bugs face palm at the idea of something bad happening without warning or unnoticed by them. In this case Bugs, for everyone to say rabbit feet are good luck, seemed to attract bad luck except for himself.
"Looks like we have no choice. It's been awhile since I had travel these worlds, I dislike modern weapons such as guns." Gandalf muttered the last parts to himself.
"Do you guys need help?" Hearing someone behind them, they turn with weapons ready only to see Disall in her ragged clothes from living this world for sometime. The only standout from her appearance is her weapon with an rectangle ship being hold with two hands. Disall's seemed to be wearing short sleeve shirt with long pants, some boots with an backpack on her and googles for seeing clear. She has fingerless gloves and some cloak over her shoulders covering her body except the head wear the hood is laid back. From their perspective, she appeared late 20s with black pony tail hair, but the face is covered by some mask she uses to scare others easily spooked. While Bugs and Mickey have some conflicted feelings about hitting girls since they were old fashion when growing up. After some adventure it was necessary to defend themselves, but most likely run from the scenario then fight.
"Who are you, and what is your purpose, stranger?" Gandalf spoke for the group, demanding this stranger to reveal her identity. She didn't answer at first, but removed her mask to reveal dark shades of green on her left eye while her right is violet. The lips are colored black with her nails if look carefully. Disall gave this expression that while they may have firepower, she isn't too concern or threat by there abilities. If anything Disall had map out some weakness by just looking at them with knowing some personality or background history.
"If you listened, I can help get that... Gummi Ship as you call it. But in exchange you help me escape this planet, it's been 6 months now and I like to be somewhere then here." This made some eyes widen realizing they were searching for her all this time. With many questions in mind, this wasn't the time for answers. For now they'll have to listen if they plan on escaping this world in tact.
Old Prison - Mercenary's Base of Operations
Cree slowly wakes up once more, feeling the sense of Deja vu all over. His day couldn't have gone worst knowing, lost in unknown lands, trap by this sense of dread everywhere, and worst of them all having no one to help or willing to lend a helping hand.
"You alright?" A voice spoke in kindness, having his vision cleared up he saw two people stuck the same way as him. From what Cree can tell, the one spoke had blue skin with white beard and glass, his clothes if not worn down would suggest he'd work in some professional job. Unsure what to make of this man, the other individual who is more scared then him has more pale-blue with pointy ears, from appearance she can't appear old then himself. Getting up, Cree realize they are stuck in some cell with no way out. If that wasn't bad enough, his last memory made Cree realize some people had kidnap him out of nowhere.
"Where are we?" Is Cree's only question, since he'll be stuck here with them.
"We're in some old prison cell, this used to hold criminals before the mushroom war happen. Now it seems these weirdos are using this prison for us." The old man explain, giving Cree some idea as to what kind of situation there stuck.
"You guys got caught as well?" Turning back to them, the older man nodded as the girl still seemed scared. It's not unreasonable, with there situation who knows what they intend to do with them. Cree then realize he'd didn't have there names or gave his to them, "Sorry, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Cree, I'm kind of new around these parts, if only I knew where here is exactly." Cree introduce himself feeling embarrassed for not showing proper manners.
"It's alright, my name is Simon Petrikov and you have already met Marceline. I just call her Marcy for short, as for where you are, well here is nowhere at this point." Simon said, the last parts made him remember how things used to be before the mushroom war. With past record history gone, it wouldn't matter what this and is called anymore. If anything, with time these lands will be renewed, creating new civilizations with possibly new species replacing humanity.
"You said something about the Mushroom War, what's that?" Already this send warning flags to Simon. It almost is suspicious how this boy is almost unfazed by his surroundings. Now looking at the boy, he didn't notice his suppose ears are like horns instead of human ears. They may seem like horns, but the way his moves back or up suggest there somehow connect to his nervous brain to Simon's guess. Cree isn't a normal name either, if anything anyone would mistaken him for some robot. Yet appears to have flesh base on some wound on his arms. No doubt the mercenaries figure he be worth something to them.
"It's... a long story. Probably best we don't talk about it in here, more importantly we need to figure out how to escape this cell." Simon pointed out while expressing discomfort about the subject, since there lives are on the line. The only problem is how to open this cell there lock behind.
"Right, I don't suppose you have plan to break out?" For Cree, he feels really useless at this point. It's like one of those days you wake up one morning, then next your somehow thrown in prison in less then 3 hours without explanation or how you ended here. Days like these you wish your at least smart enough to figure things out, like your Highschool nerds who have no trouble with math and science. The only thing Cree can do for himself is figure out things and learn from others as he works through the day.
"I'm afraid not, but I do know that whoever these people are up to no good. What's worst, whatever they have plan involve us being used for their money schemes. All we can do is hope someone will save us or else." Simon said, even if it's an hopeless wish, better to stay optimistic then depress.
Warden Office - Mercenary Leader
What was once Office to holding prison of different criminals, now is used for the Mercenary leader name Wild Blast. From the species known as Wild Beast, this is because of there savagery and beastly like intentions. However there are few that are known for some intelligence. Blaster happens to be few individuals who learned about planets outside of her own. She was adopted by some Mercenaries, trained to be one of their best in the business. Blaster's appearance is Purplish-green skin with red dreadlocks. She has 4 fingers with and stub toes similar to elephants. Blaster's body built is average, but with few curves showing her feminine charm, only difference is her height being taller then 7 feet, she has 6 eyes with orange Sclera and black pupils around her head.
For being a Mercenary she wears heavy black and color armor, but her weapons are more advance since she is in-charge of this base. Blaster's signature weapons is strap around her hands with 4 gun barrels on her knuckles which can be used for long distancing shooting or close range combat called Gun Knuckles. Her style of combat is referred as fist-shot, an style of combat created by her ability to fire gun on her knuckles, allowing her to kill people in one shot from close quarters. This has made many fear there lives wear the desperate tried to protect themselves in other means. Most average people believe that guns are there only protection, if someone like Blaster wasn't that good at sniper shooting using only her gun on her wrist. Blaster would only resort to this method if said target is hard to kill/catch. One sniper bullet shot from her knuckles is enough to blow her arm off if she didn't have the harden training she experience from her species and mercenaries. At best she only can shoot 3 sniper rounds before breaking her arm.
At the moment, money has been an issue as of late. Sometime before Blaster was in charge, there organization was booming in business for who knows how long. But these last 30 years has taken a toll on them. This is because there last job almost but them in ruins, granted they never realize that job would result in declaring war on certain government affairs, forcing them into hiding or fights impossible battles. She's 27 yrs old, so Blaster wasn't given details as to what transpired on that day, but knew they were nearly broke. The only reason their organization is still around because one supporter has always manage to bring them back. For them it's their number 1 client always willing to pay the amount and extra if being generous on that day.
From outside her office one of her mercame running towards her office, opening the door in urgency panting from running, "Blaster we got company, it's them." Speaking of Clients, they been expecting them to arrive here today. Apparently they wanted some slaves for there scientist, who are running out of test subjects.
"Meet me at the garage, I'll be there in few moments. And tell Snipe He's in-charge till I get back." Blaster Commanded as she grab her weapons along with anything she might need later on, the Merc didn't leave seemed to have more news which worried her to no end.
"About that. Another client Bluto is downstairs demanding to see you, but as soon as we told him your busy, Bluto started to attack our guys." Already her headaches are back from this moron no doubt wants something from them. Whenever Bluto is involve he usually brings something valuable, trouble, or anything in-between. One of the few headaches that she and the mercenaries have to deal with in hard times.
"I'll be right down." Blaster growled at the timing. They have more important people to meet, instead she has to deal with this muscle-headed ego who believes he's all that. There isn't too much worry as she has at least 4 other guys who are highly trained mercenaries like herself.
The first is named Sizer, all mercenaries have codenames which are used for special operations in military affairs, or as nicknames. Sizer has the ability to make anything small or big depending on the structure or body shape. Sizer is human with tan skin, Amber eyes and brown hair, he wears a tight suit design to use his powers. The suit come with body protection in case he makes himself small or large, and for emergencies shockwave blast to shrink his enemies. It's colored in golden yellow with red strips from his arms, legs and chest. His real name is Paul Frank, who once lived on earth like the rest.
The Second is name Viz Liprus aka Valperious. Name after an dangerous species from another planet, who are vicious flyer like animals who can turn invisible by day, but at night are seen with glowing skin made by their poisonous fluids from the blood stream. They glow in different colors and shape indicating it's emotion base on situation at hand. At day Valperious are known to stalk prey without warning or sound making them great assassin's pet for silent, but quick death as many have tried and failed to stay alive. Then at night, there appearance is seen as warning to those who would kill these creatures as prey. Viz embraces this life style as she is rarely sent to mission, but is very skilled in assassination, as all her kills is made known in daytime from public witness with high security and heavily guarded fortress. Viz considers herself as a messenger to those they target and will kill without problem. Viz's victims are always seen with shock/terrified expression as symbolizing the victims last moment dead without salvation. Viz appearance is usually unseen as her species are chameleon like race with unknown origins, where they are born invisible. Sometime in later life they are able to reveal true forms only to themselves. It's tradition to only reveal yourself to your lover for life.
The Third, called snipe is nickname for sniper. This is because his right arm is cybernetic design for long distance shooting or sometimes shoot anti-aircraft bullets for heavy armor targets. It's also known that Snipe's is able to shoot down star ships from space to certain length. His arm is design for his species known as Tri-Defliest, they are people who have three arms on their left side along with 9 eyes on it's left side of his head, on appearance he looks human with technology that allows for any aliens to blend in society(illegally). There famously known for left sided species with cybernetic right arms, snipe is known to use special bullet for only his target kills. Tri-Defliest are weak in hand to hand combat because there perception is left sided, which is why they wear protection suits with cyber enhancements.
And Finally, the last on is known as 10 Ton Shield aka Frans Degrasural. Simply put, she has highly advanced shield either in magic or technology depends on planet. With High Armor-plating's able to withstand aircraft bombers, along with her species harden skin allowing her to charge through over 30 machine guns that fires 400 bullets per 15 seconds. Her species are called Dia-Groillaio known for harsh training through hottest deserts and surviving winter wastelands. The result of this training turns their skin bright as silver able to bend metals and withstand water depths of 7 thousand deep with strong lungs holding there breath for 12 minutes. Most times you barely see her without the suit, because they require only air to survive without nourishment or other needs since they go through stages of asexual reproduction. What those stages are is unknown to most species, but is says by few witness that is very disgusting process.
10 Ton is dealing with Bluto as she's one of there best Mercs under Blaster's command. Base on those sounds from Bluto bashing around with 10 Ton trying to restraint Bluto. But it appears they are evenly match as some of the mercenaries are moving away to avoid getting into the crossfire. Once Blaster arrived, she saw 10 Ton standoff against Bluto where it appears both are equally match in strength and power. From Bluto's frustrated expression he wanted to beat her down, that and 10 Ton is female has taken hits in his pride. From time to time Bluto has met females who are evenly match or stronger then he is making him more reckless and angry at the situation.
"What's the matter, getting tried already." 10 Ton cockily said to Bluto, while Bluto will never admit to his defeat, he can tell his body doesn't want to move after taking hits from her. That can't be said about her as all Bluto is doing bashing her shield which is the outer shell from her armor. Her species technology specialized in building heavy defense shields and armor, in turn is used for close hand to hand combat. Many who witness them in action have learn to avoid fighting her race, Bluto on the other hand is one of those stupid individuals who are too prideful to admit there problems.
"Heck no, I'm just getting warm up." While Bluto will not admit he's outmatch, his feat of strength is not to be trifled. Even when outmatch there has been times when beaten his devious intellect has won many battles against his opponents, although when face with someone with greater intelligence, his plans are useless considering he's weakness is by cartoon logic.
"ENOUGH!" Blaster commanded both 10 Ton and Bluto. This work because to Bluto self-relief, he didn't want to fight 10 Ton too long. With Blaster here, Bluto can now get down to business, what he wanted was some items that only the Mercenaries can give him. Problem was these items happen to be very rare and hard to obtain. While they do have ACME as one of their contacts, the company has proven time after time again that there products can be hit or miss at times. One customer namely Wile E Coyote is proof that there products are useless at times.
This is why Bluto goes to these guys with hope that they will provide some items necessary. But there late as he put his plans into action, no doubt Popeye and his friends will find him here if he'd stayed to long. That and he needs them off world for his plan to work.
"Blaster, where are the items I requested. I'm behind schedule so make this short, where is it?" Bluto demand as if he own this facility. Blaster knew that Bluto is one of Stubbornness and pride, she's not having this hot-head ego running around her turf.
"Can it Bluto, I got problems of my own here. In fact your at the bottom list of people who are my favorite customers, base on there importance." For Blaster, this wasn't professional courtesy. But She isn't one to show this courtesy because of who they are, that is mostly earn by people who plan on meeting her for black market business. Bluto is one of those, who she will never respect because of his prideful personality. Regardless, he's still her customer, just not at her top list of people.
"Humph, saved it. I was hoping you had the parts needed, I'm in a rush, because I just met some people who'll be problem for you and me." Bluto explained, this made Blaster curious, "Wait a minute, did you just bring some trouble on MY turf. Is it Nation Alliance, galactic government, some... secret magic council, superheroes, guardians, well!" She demanded, the last thing Blaster and her troops needed was someone to get in her way. Bluto saw this reaction, unknowingly spoke in general term for these mercenaries. For people like him, when saying there's a problem he'd assume they knew of Popeye and his friends. But after some traveling in other worlds, that term has no real meaning as problem could mean anything. When your strong as he is you tend to forget about other threats despite how big or small they are compared to your problems.
Bluto clarified, "No nothing of that sort, it's more so that Popeye and his lackey friends are on this world. Unless you consider that an issue?" Sometimes he can forget what is consider threating, as most people are usually beaten down by his strength. Seeing Blaster relax told him that is none of her concerns, but is taking them in consideration.
"I see, in that case I think we can arranged to fix that problem. I assume because of your arch-rival, it's the reason why you attack my base?" Bluto nod confirming her suspicions, she can only sigh at this little annoyance, but understands since she is professional mercenaries, not only many stooge who claim to be one, "Alright, we'll help with this problem and your parts will be delivered as planned, it'll take some time but I assure you Mr. Bluto, that they will arrive when you need them." Bluto sigh in relief, but still is concern with them being on same planet, "In exchange, your going to help us get rid of them, can you do that?" Blaster asked questioning his abilities.
"Sure thing, I know Popeye and his friends like the back of my hand. With your help, I'll finally finish him once and for all." Bluto stated, laughing to himself with his ingenious plan.
Temporary Hideout for Disall and Company
Disall lead our heroes to her home used for 6 months. For sometime she had stolen the Mercenaries tech and weapons just to survive this dead world. Many people have died trying to survive this horrid world, only few have manage to stay strong before reaching their end. For Disall this isn't so bad, her training is much worst having to survive an world for one full year able to kill 10 thousand a day without breaking sweat.
"So you guys have fought him before. Funny, I have met many people in my short years, but this guy seem more like joke then anything serious." Disall said her first impression of Bluto, not one to be bothered by his reputation or what his MO about. For her it's the matter of if killing an target is possible. Pretty much everyone that stands in your way is targets meant to suffer are what Disall measures out of people she meets first or last time. Cold heart, but is trained to be murders in public areas.
"Don't underestimate him, he's more dangerous then you realize. Bluto and I go way back, he'll do anything to achieve his goals, especially for Olive." Popeye muttered the last parts. Mickey and Bugs took an glance around her home, they can guess she had done many things they wouldn't approve, but had not right to say since they weren't in her shoes.
"Ms. Disall, you said about getting our Gummi ship back. How exactly do you plan on doing that?" Gandalf question Disall, so far she hadn't tried to outright kill them as of yet. But has this suspicious aura, saying Disall could easily killed them since they didn't know of her whereabouts before revealing herself. Some of the scrap around her also suggest she's on the same boat as them, leaving both parties a truce until the matter is settled.
"First off, I should let you know, that their base is heavily guarded by Mercenaries willing to kill for money. But seeing your capable of handling them, I say you'll beat them no problem. It's there top guys you ought to worry about, I manage to steal some info about these guys." She brought an disk like device for them to see, laying it on the makeshift table, the display showed files about the guys they should be most concerned.
"Snipe, Blaster, 10 Ton, Valperious! Say girl are you sure these are the right files?" Bugs question, which is understandable considering they are codenames, but doesn't always have meaning.
"I'll be honest, that last one is more base on some wild species who many would consider "unseen death" if you catch my drift." Disall comment with her right eyebrow raised. Moving on she went on explaining why they are called these names, as she describe them the infamous Mercenary Nation who are hired thugs for underworld business when necessary. Rumors spread they are in debt from the last job, almost shutting down their line of work. This happens to be one of the few operations they plan for quick cash grabs.
"How many are we expecting?" Mickey asked Disall, since she seems to know about this place better then most.
"At least over 100 guys, heavily guarded with many weapons created out of scrap. No doubt because money issues, they have less high tech gear then most places. The most troubling are those guys I mentioned, which is where you guys come in." Mickey and his friends had some idea where this is going, but don't completely trust despite being friendly people.
"No problem missy, we'll deal with these punks." Some look at Popeye for quickly helping Disall so easily. To be fair, Popeye is to some degree an reflection to Bluto, except with better moral values.
"Wow, you easily trust some random person without second thought, how predictable." Disall sarcastically said to them before continue, "Regardless, your job is to take those guys out before we get your ship back. For that, I ask yo take me off this dead world and drop me at some random planet. If anything, at least none government places, and just so we're clear I can easily fight you guys off if I wanted too." From her tone voice, you can either take it as threat or just asking for request, demanding one at that. For them they plan on taking her off world, but to some degree are curious why Disall has against some authority figures. It wouldn't first time they team up with crooks or thieves, only to turn out what good people they had as friends. For now they have to focus on getting everything set for tomorrow, before Bluto decide to be impatient.
Past 8:30 PM
Prison Cell - Cree, Marceline, and Simon
Getting to know them after some talk, it seemed that Marceline started to warm up to him. That and being nearly the same age as her had help them progress to understand each other. From what he can gather, wherever place this world once was before, is now an apocalypse Earth after the Mushroom War is over. Even when he asked details about this Mushroom War, Simon refused or didn't want to talk about. Understanding that was an touchy subject fresh in his memories, Cree left it alone. For sometime it seem like days has went by when it only was few hours being stuck here.
"Why are your horns weird?" Marceline has been asking question about Cree, and what kind of being besides human. From this conversation, it seem to make Marceline smile knowing there are others like her.
"What's weird about them?" Unsure why his ears are the weirdest thing in the world.
"Well, their moving like some bull horns, but move around like bunny ears." Marceline tried touching his horns, but he moved back knowing his horns are most sensitive from touch. What many would not notice from his race, is that his horns are linked to his brain. It's an ability they all have allowing his species to communicate with any race weather they are animals, people, or other strange unique beings from different species. The only hiccup is how his communication is similar to radio's trying to find the right frequency in order to speak their language. That and his race can talk to machines, but not just any machines with simple metal, it more so depends on the intelligence of that said machine/robot.
"Sorry Marcy, but I rather you didn't touch these horns. They are very sensitive, like touching a ticklish spot." To some extent Marceline understood what he meant by no touching spots, she also has her own sensitive spots. Simon watch as the two got along talking about different stuff that is weird and funny. For longest time Simon didn't know if things could get better after so long with the mushroom war incident. But for once today didn't seem so bad, sure they were captured and imprisoned, but Marceline had finally found someone who is the same age as her.
Nighttime came quicker today then usually, Simon then went back to work on his small glance around their cell. This routine is to see if any cracks or possible ways to escape had lead to only the doorway. They could try digging or finding cracks on walls to use, but that would lead many guards to them. Which why for how long they been here Simon had to work on the cell door. While he work on the doors, Cree and Marceline keep on talking since there is nothing else they can do now.
"How you meet Simon, he like your Dad or-"
"He's my friend, I don't know who's my Dad, but I had asurMom before everything happen." Seeing her depress, Cree drop the subject knowing it's painful memories.
"Do you know where your Mom and Dad?" Marceline solemnly asked, but can tell he's feeling the same as her.
"I don't know where my Dad is now, but I do know my Mom is somewhere out there. Before waking up to this world, I remember we were somewhere safe. Supposedly we were hidden from everything, it was secret to everyone and everything. That's where I don't remember how I ended up here, one moment we were happy living our lives, next I'm stranded on this world." Cree explain his circumstance, Marceline felt sad for her new Friend. Knowing being on this world is really hard not knowing where's your family or friends are now, "I can say this, even if I'm lost, at least I made my first friend." Cree smiled, making Marceline happy to hear that.
Before they continued Simon came over towards Cree," Hey Peter, can I borrow you for a second." Cree look at Simon, wondering why he called him Peter.
"If your wondering why the name change, I figure you look more like Peter instead of Cree, and Marceline pick the name for you." Looking towards Marceline who's cheek redden from embarrassment, "Thanks Marcy." Cree now Peter hug Marcy as she hug back notice a warm feeling from his hug.
"You rest up Marcy, tomorrow will be another day." Simon told Marceline, despite the situation Simon has done what he can acting as parental figure to her. Many people would give in under pressure from stressful environment, but few like Simon have strength not by body, but from within.
Simon guided him towards the doorway to show the bars are rusted from times pasting. Looking at it, Peter figured they could have escape anytime, but knew there are people who would intend to harm them. It explains why they remain here, otherwise they could escape easily without notice, only to be hunted again there be no telling how different they play out.
"Now listen Peter, I need to ask a favor from you." Peter notice how serious Simon is speaking, whatever he wants to ask must be big since Simon is giving those stares where something bad will happen soon.
"Anything." With a short reply, Simon gave a heavy sigh unsure how to ask someone he just met.
"As soon as we escape from this place tomorrow, I want you to take Marcy away from this place, and protect her with your life." Peter couldn't help but widen his eyes at his request.
"I know I'm asking you after just meeting you first time in... what is it day already. But I have some way for your escape, I just need to get something they stole from me." Simon said almost pleading, Peter could tell he's hiding something from him, but didn't ask too many questions about what he seeks.
"Why can't we escape together? We have better chance to escape if you join us." Simon gave a somber expression, this made Peter worried for Simon.
He had some idea what Simon plans on doing, as if reading his thought Peter asked, "Your not joining us are you?" Confirming his suspicions Simon gave a heavy sigh before explaining, "Peter, I have a confession to make. I'm... losing myself." Confused by his words, Peter keep silent letting him continue, "That crown they took, it's what gave me this blue skin, and some facial beard. It has power of ice and snow, I can use that power to allow both of you to run. And with her new friend, I want you too take care of her in my place." Simon had no else to turn too, he can tell that he's losing himself the more he use that crown trying to protect her and himself from this world.
Where the crown came from is unknown, but it held mystic powers from the past long forgotten through time. So far whoever wears the crown becomes somebody else from past life. From Marcy's eyes Simon turns into someone called Ice King whenever he mentions his name, another thing is his habit to call someone name Gunther. Regardless it's the only thing that protected them from many dangers, until those Mercenaries came around and took them here. The two could only remember sleeping before snuck around kidnapping them without any resistance.
Hearing Simon, Peter didn't know what to say except, "Simon, I'm not leaving you here, just to tell Marcy you somehow vanish without word or trace assuming your dead. There's have to be some way to escape from here, if that crown is messing with your mind, then we can figure something else out." Peter said hoping Simon didn't have to leave things this way.
Simon shook his head in response, "Peter, I'm running out of time. As much as I want to be here for Marcy, I can't. The Crown becomes stronger as I use it's power. Normally I would leave Marcy with someone I trust, but your her friend, so I trust you to guard and protect her at all cost." Simon said with great leap of faith in someone he just met, in Many ways he's trusting Peter because Simon knows he means well.
Peter gave a nod understanding this is desperate situation, and because he can't change his mind about this plan, "One Question, Why? Why do you trust me, you said it yourself, we just met. I know you two have been together for who knows how long, Marcy would rather have you with us, so why take this chance risk?" Simon knew this was coming, a part of him wanted to trust someone to take good care of Marcy, another reasoned that this was the only way for Marcy to survive, if anything it all came to one thing in mind.
"Your right, I should never trust someone I just met. I'm bet anyone in your position would have taken advantage of this opportunity. As you can tell, I'm a man of science, I don't believe in anything without scientific explanation. But that doesn't matter anymore, this world has fallen into ruin, in these times I need to take leaps of faith outside my control, that's why I trust you Peter, because I can say without 100 percent you will take good care of Marcy." Simon said with a smile, unsure how to respond with this amount of trust.
"Alright, I'll do what I can. But if you remember us, promise me you at least try finding us again when given a chance." Peter told Simon making sure he kept his word, with a nod Simon talk about the escape plan. But without them noticing Marcy had been awake, knowing what Simon is trying to do, but won't let that happen if she can help it.
Morning before 6:30 am/Day 1
Outside Mercenary Stronghold/Former Prison - Disall lookout position
Disall went ahead to check if there is any changes since she last saw them. After being on this world for sometime, she simply left them to there own. After her encounter with Mickey and his friends, Disall took this opportunity to find a way off this planet, afterwards on her own once more as she done before. She went ahead in case some of the patrols were searching for them or any of those lackeys from Bluto. No doubt if any of their enemies have arrive on this world, they be searching for them now. Once she arrive at her hidden location with no one in sight, Disall took her binoculars to see any changes from 6 weeks ago.
"I don't like this, everything seems the same, no routine changes, no activity, just the same old stuff." She got up early by 4:00 am waiting for nearly 2-3 hours, sometimes the Mercenaries usually have tight schedule for their debt, every now and then at least 3 times a week something random happens. There have been times when something ridiculous happens, or someone important comes around.
"Popeye warns me about this Bluto guy, so far nothing seems out of place." Disall outpost is located in the former skyscrapers, that once tower over humanity in few decades. Now it's a consist reminder of how society has fallen from grace thanks to Mushroom War. Over the six months Dsiall made sure to keep herself hidden, taking precaution to anybody who would try catching her or taken prisoner. Unnoticed to Disall, Bluto had been expecting her arrival for sometime. By himself he's both competent and incompetent times depending on who he faces. But with some guidance from Blaster and her resources, Bluto can be most dangerous in villain/criminal teams. As he tries to catch Disall, Bluto was about to pounce when Dsiall rolled to the said taking his weight into consideration bashing through the window with his hand holding tightly for life.
"Your that Bluto guy, Popeye warn me about you, given he's a muscle-head just like you I can see why your Arch-Rivals to certain degree. But you also have something plan don't you? If catching me was all your going to do, then your more arrogant then given credit. I'm not some damsel in distress with that's what you thought of me." Disall grab one of her scrap guns shape like a pistol that can only fire 4 bullets at a time. Another flaw is how it can only fire 20 shots before falling in pieces. She pointed her gun at Bluto's forehead, while making sure he's holding for his life without pulling something.
"Now, I'm only going to ask once, "cocking her gun to show her threat is serious, "Where's your mercenary buddies? And what's your plan?" Bluto realize this was his chance, if she wanted answers then a little chat wouldn't hurt for few seconds, and that's all he needs if he's to catch her.
Laughing to himself like some evil genius then spoke, "If your so interest then know this, we don't need Mickey or his pals, all we need is that wizard Gandalf." Bluto said with a sinister grin, While Disall is focus on Bluto, she left her back open as Bluto's team with 20 mercenaries snuck behind her waiting for there chance. Blaster has been told by one of her clients they need Disall alive for some bounty. Apparently Disall got some information about the Rebellion, along with her contacts, locations, personal, and other stuff that some organization would use against them. Normally they are best when killing targets, but keeping one alive to obtain intel is by far the hardest job anyone can work as mercenaries. Which is why using this moment from Bluto's distraction, they slowing move towards Disall, while preparing to assist Bluto at any moment.
At the same time, Disall wonder what that wizard has to do for Bluto's scheme. Unless Bluto is some hired help and he happens to go along with his employer plans, that and Disall curse herself for not keeping track of underworld activities on galactic scale crimes. That and she's out of practice since fighting mercenaries as diminishing her skills.
"Why does Gandalf have anything to do with your plans." Bluto grinned wider then possible, as if some surprise party was about to happen. Following her Instincts Disall turn herself to shot, only too late as five of them tackled her trying to capture Disall. Bluto climbed up the window with some help as four shots ringed the building showing Disall shot 2 guys with the third kicked between his legs and her left arm free grabbing someone's helmet to bashing the other Merc on her right. Before anyone could react with quick thinking while moving away from Bluto and the Mercenaries she toss a grenade at them.
Disall figure something was bound to happen, hunting her for the bounty, so she created a special grenade filled with explosion and shrapnel for greater effect. And a bonus, she keep three energy shields that last 30 seconds with her weapons and technology in case of last resorts. This being one of them she created the energy shield as everyone in that building realize, they F up. From outside it appeared Disall is at the 20th floor, high enough to kill someone if they fell too high. Bluto would survive because he's a cartoon character immune to reality's logic. As for Disall, grab a grappling gun place in arms reach as the energy shield deactivated leaving her flying while also preparing her body for high swings. Once on ground, she grab what was left before sprinting to another location, as Mercenaries called for backup from the explosion. At the same time, the grenade cause a chain reaction which made the skyscraper fall towards the ground. It'll take some time, in vehicle she can get from point A and B in 30 minutes, but through running that'll take some time. she'll have to find them quick to warn them of Bluto's trap.
30 minutes away from Disall
Abandon streets - Mickey and co.
As Mickey and his friends walk towards the meeting spot, the gang didn't realize they were being watch by someone big and intimidating with Blaster leading the this ambush.
"Snipe's are you in position?" Blaster radio her comrade.
On hold, waiting for your command. Blaster switch to her other commanders as they plan on capturing these guys as well. In her business you tend to find slaving people has more money price then gold themselves these days. Having cartoon characters as your slave would be worth as least trillions of cash if the collection set is complete. Once Mickey and his friends are captured, she'll trace where there friends are located and capture them for high price.
"Sizer, 10 Ton remember the plan." Blaster told her comrades, sometimes it's hard being leader as many cocky, arrogant or just plain ignorant fools tend to ignore your warnings or ideas making it frustrated for Blaster to trust them.
Fear not Blaster, we'll wait your orders. Unsure of her comrades, she has to trust that they'll do this job right. Many times these guys would chicken out when things hit the fan. Bluto had mention she'll need all her Mercenaries for this job, no doubt these guys are very well train for combat after finding her Merc's unconscious by them. From here she has all her Mercenaries for this fight, with only 20 to keep guard on the prisoners. Just now she got word of her Merc's death from Disall counter attack. If that isn't annoying enough some of her mercenaries have been killed trying to chase after her for 6 months, making it annoying for requesting more troops when Mercenary Nation is in debt.
"Valperious, your our backup in case something goes wrong. Snipe, you'll prevent them from escaping this open area. While the rest of us will weaken them for capture." Where they are located is convenient as the Prison place right next the city, while Disall hideout is other side of them. Making it perfect trap for these guys. The Oozers of this planet tend to avoid the Mercenaries after they station the base of operations here. This is because how they mercilessly hunted them down creating instinctive fear like animals avoiding the apex predator of the jungle. After all the Mercenaries are made up of criminals or formers soldiers from different species, few are raised from birth while others are natural talents bring fear into hearts of people(Man) and creatures(Beast) alike.
The Oozers fears comes from Blaster, given her race and skill in battle it's no surprise why they fear her. Even if the Oozers are mindless beast, they still follow instincts same as animals, even still they wait for the moment to strike not by patients, but through instinct.
"I've heard about these... cartoon characters from Human TV Shows. If they can preform such feats in there fiction, how do we stand a chance in reality?" Asked 10 Ton who is a fan of Looney Tunes such as Daffy Duck and Taz when she had free time to watch TV. Seeing Bugs Bunny as one of her targets is ironic really, because she dislike Bugs and his bits, 10 Ton is one of those people who cheered for killing the rabbit when watching cartoons. At the same time, seeing them as real people is another scare itself, because of what powers and abilities they might have instore.
"Relax, if they plan on fighting, just say your a girl." Blaster casually answered, she can tell they are confused, so Blaster Clarified, "In old cartoons, you weren't allowed to hit girls, some human thing at the time." Some Mercs shouted "Hey" at her comment as they were humans too. 10 Ton didn't think too much about that, so instead just waited for them to get in position.
"But we don't need to fight them head on, instead we have our new muscle to take care of that problem." Blaster said with glee exciting to see how this fight will turn out.
As for our heroes, They kept their eyes peeled for any monsters they might encounter. For sometime now, the group had this weird suspicion something is wrong, because before they had to keep quiet when fighting Oozers, now it seemed quiet.
"Eh, pardon me fellow, but do you ever get the feeling we're being watch?" Bugs asked the others, some nod their heads, while others like Gandalf kept silent to remain alert to their surroundings. Before any reply guns were fired shooting at their location, the Merc's were hoping to capture them using tranquil darts. But without them knowing, Bugs pulled a fast one where before they hit replace themselves with carboard replicas, an old cartoon trick.
Some Merc's were confused until Bugs appeared with his Mallet, Mickey and his keyblade with Jerry on his shoulder, Popeye tapping one's shoulder only to be punch, and Gandalf casting his spell knocking them to sleep. With Bugs tricks and Gandalf's magic there combination attack will leave them surprise as they took their own respected battles to fight off the mercenaries.
"Ma'am, their at our location, we can't-!" Sounds of someone bashing his head unconscious, Blaster knew they were over there heads when facing them, but not this badly.
"All squads, converge on these coordinates, containment only." A lot will that do them, they most likely are too strong for individual battles, luckily for them Bluto offered someone that will help take care of these guys.
Bugs is located somewhere in lower floors of the skyscrapers, Sniper's were position high enough not to be spotted easily. Unfortunately for them they didn't realize that Bugs and his friends are experience fighters. Most times Bugs usually takes out snipers when dealing with people using guns. Mickey he would go running around to find people who would try to surround them in numbers, usually is bait since it's hard to hit something small. Popeye usually goes for the stronger people which sometimes involve fighting commanders/leaders of people they fight. As for Gandalf and Jerry, they act as support for their friends in combat. Gandalf has incredible knowledge in magic, add in experience in world travels and you have someone who can fight toe to toe with strongest magicians. Jerry while hidden has help his friends when enemies never expected a mouse to attack from under their sleeves or shirts.
Having finish all the Merc's in his area, Popeye jump away from 10 Ton slamming the ground causing some rumbles. On appearance she looks the same as every Mercenary around, but her height is what really stands out. Being the tallest on this world has it's advantages, plus some custom armor upgrades helps in the long run.
"Your Popeye, right? I heard about you from your friend Bluto." She said with confidents, only to be furious by his response.
"Wait, your a girl?" If her suit wasn't what kept her alive you see tick marks on her forehead.
"What does that have to do with anything! You been punching those other Mercenaries and they were girls too!" 10 Ton Shouted insulted by his remark.
"What! Oh my gosh, I better apologizes to them later. You best run along as well, girls like you can't handle fights like this, seriously what's these worlds coming too." If 10 Ton wasn't insulted now, she now feels disgusted. Knowing Bluto is his rival she can see the resemblance in their attitude and views of the world. While Popeye has sailed to other worlds, his concept of worldly views had showed his narrow minded thoughts on men and women. Like Bluto he's had hard time accepting these changes or culture difference. That's why without warning, Popeye is rammed from behind as 10 Ton now ready to kill will show no mercy to this punk.
Her rampage as cause him to slam through many walls before finally having enough. Popeye halted her charge by stomping his feet, and pushing his arms against her body. While his view on the world is no different from Bluto's, the only key difference is his code of honor. One of those not to hit girl no matter how many times they fight you or are bad guys to beat. That said rarely has Popeye been push in a concern forcing his hand, with this assault he tried to lift her up only for 10 Ton to grab his arms, tossing him through concrete wall before he gets back up, now ready to rumble.
Realizing there's no reasoning with her, Popeye has no choice but to fight back, "Alright Missy, I have some rules I like to follow. One of them is to never hit a lady no matter who or what they are inside. Olive would never forgive me if I hit some girl working for thugs like them. But when push comes to shoving, it's go time." With his smoke pipe making sounds from ship's horn, signal's his willingness to rumble. on the inside Popeye will regret this moment, but on the outside he'll remain strong, with some strength being held back.
Gandalf would take care of stranglers who would try to sneak up on his comrades, so far nothing has happen. Following his instincts he turn quickly to cast his spell at nothing. From this display, he thought his paranoia is getting to him, again he followed his instincts at nothing in sight once more. Gandalf realizes this is no coincidence, it's as if someone is here, but can't be seen.
"Come on out, I know your here. My eyes may deceive me, but my senses can telling your presence." To anyone witnessing this battle, it appeared like some old me losing himself, in truth someone is here, but is unseen. Viz aka Valperious is trying to subdue Gandalf, but didn't expect his keen sense to tell give off her presence. As professional assassin, they usually don't fight on hand to hand combat, only when necessary if confrontation is unavoidable. Knowing his magic powers, she has to play smart or else he'll blast her to kingdom come. Lucky the battlefield is indoors as Gandalf subdue his opponents he lead himself to some run down grocery store. If used correctly this setting can be her greatest advantage if done right.
"Whoever you are and where your hiding, I will warn you this once. You may have powers to hide yourself in day or night, but no matter what I will not allow you to harm my comrades no matter what tricky your playing." Gandalf warn his unseen foe, with another cast of his spell a game of hide and seek has began.
Jerry the Mouse had somehow been moved from his friends. Right now he's wondering around trying to find his friends, in the mist of confusing he saw some small human trying to kill his friend unseen. What he probably didn't expect was some mouse to tackle him on the ground as Jerry and him had been separated from both sides of this fight. Working his way through this unknown territory, Jerry hope his friends are fairing better then himself. Suddenly Jerry had move away avoiding a shrunken man his size, trying to kill him. Looking up close he seemed as small as ants, never realizing how this human was that small when fighting.
"You know, I wonder who shove me off Mickey's body. But now I see they had friends like you watching their back, unfortunately for you I can grow bigger." Demonstrating his power he grew as big as regular humans, he look down at Jerry grinning, "Names Sizer, and this is my boot." Stomping his foot, Jerry already ran for his life. Normally he be facing cats or dogs in his chase of cat and mouse. But this time a human wants him killed, worst he can change his size as any given moment, making this battle of man vs mouse.
As for Bugs and Mickey, both have finally finish off the Mercenaries around them, but have heard commotions from their friends doing battle in different areas.
"Looks like they send their strongest fighters." Mickey said, looking for his friends.
"We better help them out." Bugs and Mickey were about to run when energy shots fired in front of there feet. Stopping them as Mickey and Bugs held guard on whoever plans on attacking them. After a while Blaster appeared aiming her gun knuckles at Mickey and Bugs.
"Sorry to say, but you'll have bigger problems then your friends." Blaster told them, for a moment Mickey felt someone breathing behind his neck as the sensation tickled him.
"Hey, would you cut it out." Mickey shouted feeling annoyed, Bugs turn to asked Mickey only for his jaws drop and eyes wide open by what standing behind them. At that point Mickey notice his expression, slowly turning while gulping deep his instincts kick overdrive as he and Bugs jump away from something smashing the ground. Once Mickey saw who it is, his jaw drop like stones as they must do battle with Donkey Kong. The big guy bound his chest with crazed fury as he plans to stomp on our heroes.
"MAMAMIA IT'S A DONKEY KONG!" Bugs and Mickey shouted in terror of this revelation. Blaster stood next to Donkey Kong clearing smirking at their expression.
"I say good luck, but we all know your dead, GET THEM!" Blaster command, as Donkey Kong charge at Mickey and Bugs only for them to run really fast knowing Donkey Kong is somehow under their control. He maybe an big ape, but he's not dumb to side with the like of them. Which is why they need to escape knowing they'll need a better plan as they are being chased.
As for Snipe, while he witness them dueling out there respected battles. Disall tried to sneak behind Snipe off guard, but duck as quick when Snipe turn around to shoot his bullets at Disall. Seeing no one, Snipe has his arm gun change into regular assault refile to handle Disall. Lucky he didn't add his special bullets as that would ruin his reputation as one of there best Mercenaries and professional record. With Disall she hide behind walls knowing he couldn't see through them. Just as she was about to shoot at him from hidden location. She saw in that instant Snipe pointed his gun at her shooting the right shoulder, with extreme pain Disall moved immediately as Snipe tried to shot for her head. The only reason she's alive is because through high tolerance for physical pain, it allow her to run faster and move quicker in combat. For now this will be another battle she won't have easier time with this guy.
Mercenary Stronghold - Peter Cree, Simon and Marceline
Finding the Mercenaries, busy gave them a chance to escape without too many guards. As Simon and Peter work on the loose jail door they carefully made sure to make little noise as possible. Surprisingly Peter had somehow rip the doors out of the wall with little effort, Simon wonder what kind of species is Peter since he calls himself Cree, but for another time once they are free. Now out Simon took lead guiding them while avoiding the guards, they don't know where they are located, but if they search through quickly maybe some clue with help them escape.
"Alright you two go ahead, I'll be right behind you as soon as I can." Before Simon could leave, Marcy grab him by his shirt. She look at Simon with sadness, almost as if he's hiding something from her, "Your going to get your crown, aren't you?" Simon wanted to deny this claim, but she's too smart for him as wearing the crown is diminishing his intelligence and sane state of mind.
"Marcy, we both know this was bound to happen. I just don't want to hurt you anymore then I might have now." Simon confess, hoping Marceline would understand his plight, how could she? With everything gone to hell and back, Marcy need someone more then anything. While Peter can help in given moments, Simon's the one who she wants most in her life. At the same time the more he has to protect themselves, the more he has to rely on some curse crown that forces you into some state of insanity.
"I'm more hurt when your leaving me alone, isn't there someway to help you?" Marceline has asked this many times, while the two are talking Peter took this moment to keep watch. Both Simon and Marceline kept on talking trying to figure some solution to this dilemma. Peter heard footsteps walking toward there direction, first footsteps they have heard in a while. Peter told Simon and Marceline about the guard moving towards them. As they moved more suspicion surrounding the lack of Mercenaries usually busy ta this time.
Suddenly they bump into someone around the corner, as Simon try to grab the Merc before he gets up.
"Hey!" Another shouted as they pointed guns at the three. Slowly they got up raised their hands to show they surrendered.
"Looks like we got some prisoner escape, should we kill them." Merc 1 advised, but another Merc slap behind his head.
"You moron, do you know people are paying for these guys. Besides we have special orders from high class clients to keep few alive." Simon felt furious seeing these monsters treating people as some slave, all this for quick cash. Rumbling sounds are forcing the whole building to shake as falling debris nearly smash them from above.
"What the hell?" The Merc's heard moans and groans from one directions, soon Oozers appeared in numbers with great aggression. The reason the Oozers stop attack them is because how many there fellow Oozers were being killed at the Mercenaries grip. These death came at the hands of Blaster, who lead these band of thugs bring fear into the heart of monsters.
However there are key difference in the methods of fear, first is emotional fear that people have known to value their own lives instead of risking them for another. This fear is what makes people with higher intellect understand when to risk lives for others or value your own life. For the Oozers, they have what is called instinctive fear which allow all animals and beast alike. This lets them know what predators or creatures they should fear and respect. At one point the Oozers might have been people, but now they have become mutant creatures from the Mushroom War. Now mindless beast, they could barely think or plan when face stronger opponents then themselves.
Now, they have gain small intelligence lead by the Alpha of their said groups. One Oozer among this mass of creatures has manage to assemble a strong unit with monsters willing to follow commands without thought or question. In days of hiding, this Oozer became known as Brain, as the Merc's will know hundreds of Oozers have united to form one body and one soul giving them great strength in unity and numbers. In those time and patients they soon created themselves a hive mind, Now adapting to enemies stronger then themselves. This mass known as Great Oozer, an combination of hundred Oozers sticking together to form themselves a body able to change shape by numbers.
Simon, Marceline and Peter saw the danger of this said creature, immediately they ran past the Merc's having drawn there guns at the Great Oozer. This was in vain as it plow through them easily while smashing through walls alerting the remaining guards at it's presence. For our three survivors, it seemed to ignore them in favor of those with threat intentions.
"What... the heck... was THAT!" Peter nearly yelled, having seen those things once, but was unaware they could do that.
"I-I honestly have no idea." Simon admit equally shock along with Marceline who's only comment was "Whoa" at this creature. Never had the Oozer's have develop such mutation to this level. This brought greater fear is creatures like this existed, now more then ever he needs his crown before something worse comes around.
"Come on, if those Merc's aren't dead, we can find our way out of here with there vehicles." With Simon taking charge he and other two children rush towards what can be another exit. But for all they know, this monster had probably left without second thought or is still around searching for more prey. After hearing the Merc's still fighting it can be assume there too busy to focus on some old man and two children trying to leave. Simon got his crown back saving it for later while also finding themselves a vehicle to escape.
Just as they were ready to head out, Peter grab the two making them fall on their backs on top of Peter avoiding one of the Great Oozer's attack. Surprise by his own strength Peter, Simon and Marceline are caught off guard before laser shots hit the monster giving them a chance to run. Without question, they keep on moving towards what can be assume direction, Simon knew as he lead them out.
In the air Bluto had quick idea of using the gummi ship to fight this monster. While he's never flown a Gummi Ship, he studied the ships control that allows him to operate this ship easily, that can the controls are basic to 5 year old can understand. While the Gummi Ship was in the Mercenaries custody, Bluto took the time to repaired the gummi ship as best as possible. Only problem is how secure this kept itself locked up, Bluto had to make due with whatever repairs he can with few modifications of his design.
"Let's see how you handle this." Bluto pushed what is assume weapons and steering controls. Before that blast he got lucky since the weapons were locked thanks to Mickey's passcode. After many trial and error, Bluto has full access to every weapon installed in this ship.
The Great Oozer put all attention on this one ship, seeing it can't kill Bluto easily the Great Oozer roared out calling out any Oozers within range. Soon hundred, thousands gathered to join together as one body. Bluto got scared of what he's seeing, he knew things are getting bad. With quick haste, Bluto tried to head towards the stars only for the Great Oozer to grab the Gummi Ship trying to bring him down. This became a tug-a-war as Bluto put more power in the thrusters, while the Great Oozer held tight grip making sure he didn't escape. Bluto wasn't willing to give up when his own life on the line.
"Alright you monster, I'll give you something to chew on." Bluto activated the Gummi's emergency auto-turret gun which is installed in the cockpit as Bluto
soon made himself quick retreat before heading towards the stars. After some distance away Bluto knew he had to go back for Donkey Kong, but not without some help.
Activating communications on his frequency, he called in his comrades, specially Pete, "Come in Pete, this is Bluto. You better be on this radio in the next 10 seconds or I'll-"
"Hold your horses bub. This is Smarty here, if you want Pete I can leave a message for later." Smarty answered, feeling frustrated of Pete's absence, no doubt he's working for that Phantom Blot on other places.
"Well leave this message, this is an emergency. I left Donkey Kong behind, I need Pete to grab that ape and return on these coordinates." Smarty remained silent, understanding the seriousness of this call.
"Your lucky we're on same contract Bluto, otherwise I'd let this call go and leave you to your fate with our current boss. I'll tell Pete about this call, you better make this up for us when you return." Smarty remark as he felt annoyed sharing responsibilities with his fellow crooks.
"I underestimated the situation. Besides the Mercenaries might have finish off those pest by now, and a bonus Donkey Kong should have that wizard for us once you pick him up. " Turn off communications, Bluto went towards there HQ until they can decide what to do next.
City battleground - fight in progress
Mercenary Leader Blaster - Watches the battle ongoing
"This Commander Blaster to Base, Come in over! Damn it, something must have happen." After multiple times trying to connect for home base. She realize something must have happen to her soldiers, what had happen is anybody's guess. Her suspicion mostly involves Bluto double-crossing her plans, but that be to easy assumption. Bluto maybe a lot of things, but one thing that defines himself, he's not some coward or dumb enough to double-cross when it benefits his plans.
Before Blaster could make her move, some of the Oozers began to attack behind her back. Her training allow Blaster to react to dangers towards herself, aiming her gun knuckles at the Oozers, she proceed to shoot them down without second thought or fear. Instead she would charge in the horde of Oozers, body slam, kicking, punching with bullet rounds from her gun knuckles she showed no desire for mercy or care of her well being. Her species are known to have fearless life style says to lead themselves of suicide battles with no victory. But for her to embrace Death as if remarrying to your dead lover, brings great happiness able fulfill her life without regret.
"You think animals will grow a brain cell or two. I'd my forces hunt them down from every hiding spot they lived, few survive enough to spread fear but now?" Are Blaster thoughts regarding these monsters while fighting them. These Oozers had guts to face her wrath, after their last encounter. Something was different that these Oozers would attempt to attack her once more. This is proven true after finishing off small horde, something from far distance had widen her eyes as she realize, they have evolve.
"Well, shit. Should have seen this coming." Without warning some dark portal below her feet appeared as dark creatures with yellow eyes grab Blaster feet, as much as she tries to fight back these creatures proven too strong as they drag her deep into darkness.
Disall Fafent vs Snipe
The two continued to exchange fire from one hiding spot to dodging bullets to best abilities. For Disall having some disadvantage of her arm shot from underestimating Snipe. Which is why to her conclusion, she ran trying to escape knowing Snipe can't be beaten by normal tactics. As she ran toward the bottom, Snipe stood at same position from his hiding point. He took 15th floor able to witness all the battle that was happening from Mickey and Co vs his Mercenary comrades. Making the situation worse as his bullets have the ability to pierce anything except for organic life. This suggest Snipe's bullets are made with specific modification. She has manage to avoid gun fire, reaching at least 8th floor trying to reach next floor down. Snipe's gun shots died down making Disall wonder what's he planning next. After few seconds of silent filled, Disall got worried that something is wrong.
"This isn't right, whoever he is doesn't seem the hesitate or big planner. Snipe's is the type who goes in with confidence no matter the results of win or losses. Something must have took his full attention." As Disall said this to herself, gun shots are fired with monstrous roars from outside. Moments like these is when Disall hates unexpected elements from planning. For long as people been around with intelligence, planning strategies have always been key elements to succeeding against impossible odds. But that pales to one element known as unpredictability, it's a reminder to never stop learning, always grow, and accept the unknown as unobtainable knowledge beyond yourself.
Finding herself a window to see what is going on, it appears the Oozer's have evolve to higher sentient awareness. Taking this moment to escape as it seemed more focus on Snipe firing back at them. Reaching the window Disall jump out using her remaining technology to avoid falling death. Once she escape Disall plan on warning the others despite her injures. Little did Disall knew, Snipe had escape through the same method as Blaster.
Popeye the Sailor vs 10 Ton Shield
Popeye didn't fair so well against 10 Ton, not because he isn't strong enough to beat her. It's the fact of chivalry when avoiding hurting girls, that and underestimated 10 Ton strength as left Popeye some bruise around his body. Unlike Mickey and Bugs, he is not used to the idea of world's laws and way of life. His very perspective is what preventing Popeye from winning this fight as he always had against Bluto. That and many principles made from 20th century ideas of man, is what truly prevents Popeye from being helpful from time to time. In fact out of the five members Mickey and Bugs have the most experience with Jerry being 3rd experience and Popeye being 4th experience. Gandalf has less experience because with threats to his world, he's focus brings more attention to that world instead of worlds in space.
"Your holding back, are you!" 10 Ton shouted with frustration. She didn't sign up to be disrespected by some man who thinks women are weak. With this many punches, you think Popeye would have held nothing back by now. His determination to stick to his code is impressive itself, most people would have given in to this much punishment. But this man is something else, not her type but respectable for his commitment.
"I'm holding back because I chose to hold back. Although I'll admit your strong, but it doesn't mean I will go all out. If I hurt you too much, Olive won't forgive me, nor would I forgive myself." Popeye stated, making 10 Ton more angry at his ideals, however 10 Ton will soon meet the same fate as her comrades when a dark portal underneath her grab hold dragging her down into darkness. Surprise and confused, Popeye tried to save 10 Ton from this dark vortex, but is drag down instead as he couldn't prevent her and himself from this darkness.
On the run - Peter, Simon, and Marceline
After taking some distance away from the Mercenary Stronghold, they haven't realize they lead themselves into the city where Oozer's tend to gather. Although with so much craziness at once it's unsurprise they had little to no time for planning or decide where they went towards. Finally resting, Simon and Peter took deep breaths and putting Marceline down after she held onto Simon through the trip.
Simon tried to avoid using the crown so early unsure what effects will have on him after being away from the crown," This is ridiculous... Why is this happening all at once?" Simon thought to himself.
"So now what... is there... anywhere we can hide." Peter spoke between his breath as he's not used to this amount of running and now strength. For his entire life he's been told his race are average like any other species outside world. While some species from other planets have natural powers base on biology, technology, evolution, magic, supernatural or other means. For him to preform feats beyond his understanding is unbelievable.
"What was that thing, it like an Oozer but had hundreds of them together." Too many question for everything happening at once. The Great Oozer appeared once more from far distance as it now has set it's site towards them, "RUN!" Peter grab Marceline, while Simon put his crown on. Unable to stand by Simon has been force to fight this monster, allowing Peter and Marceline to escape without realizing he stay behind.
Gandalf the Grey vs Valperious
For Gandalf, it's been hide and seek trying to catch whoever is hidden in the shadows. As for Valperious, she tried and failed to assassinate Gandalf without him realizing she's there. But this old man seemed to sharp for his own good, every now and then Valperious appear as if she left. This allowed her to seemed gone but as said he's too sharp. With nothing left Valperious went charging without him noticing, Gandalf turn to face his invisible adversary. In those few seconds, Valeperious manage to tackle him able to avoid one of Gandalf's Spell that would have sent her another location. His hope was to sent her away using his teleporting spell, ever since exploring other worlds Gandalf has learn new spells, some that would match even Yen Sid power who has taught Mickey to become the very warrior he is today.
Through there struggle Valperious has tried to grab his neck ready to choking him until death. Gandalf with experience and skill manage to push her off casting another spell blinding her eyes before drawing his sword. Having enough of these mind games, using his binding spell to hold her still, but missed as she learn to dodge his spells ready for the kill. This time drawing her knives which is invisible as her body, Gandalf sense the danger using his sword to deflect along with his staff.
It became a duel between who would slip or make mistake in their movement. Valperious for all her experience is an assassin first, fighter secondary as many targets never put up this much fighting for this long. On other hand, Gandalf can sense his opponent is wearing down, almost tired to fight. Right when the fight seem to last forever, like her Mercenary comrades, Valperious felt something grabbing her feet as a dark portal appeared dragging both of them down.
Jerry the Mouse vs Sizer
"Come out and fight little fellow." Sizer announce searching through the building as Jerry took shelter hoping he wouldn't notice his presence. Throughout the fight Sizer demonstrated his abilities to manipulate mass from anything small to buildings larger then giants thus called Sizer. His ability has allow his form to change either a small mouse or human size at will. It can be assume he can change himself into a giant, but because he's trying to catch Jerry it be harder to see then being smaller as mouse. Jerry hide beyond some cans where an rundown kitchen, Sizer didn't make things easier as some objects that once were big have shrunken due to his powers he wields. It's times like these that Jerry miss the good times where Jerry would instead be chase by Tom the Cat instead of people. While his cartoon still goes on in today cartoons, but is main characters are there doubles for modern TV Cartoon Shows.
Before he could think of an plan to counter Sizer, Jerry jump forward and charge at someone sneaking behind him. Sizer caught his punch from his right, but Jerry kick him with his left. He maybe a mouse but thanks to many years of chasing and learning new ways to beat Tom. Jerry had manage to not only outwit him, but also learn new fighting styles from Mickey and Bugs from their experiences. Sizer is no slouch either as they traded blows left and right. Throughout this chase Jerry manage to outwit him using tactics he had done in the past. For Sizer he used his powers to his advantage allowing him to fight evenly with Jerry at times. Having enough Sizer jump off to human size and grab Jerry with two hands making sure he didn't have any tricks left. Before he could continue a dark portal appeared underneath him, taking both him and Jerry for a ride.
Bugs and Mickey vs Donkey Kong - Chase in progress
Bugs and Mickey had been running for at least sometime now. Thanks to Bugs tricky and sneaky tactics, Donkey Kong had trouble catching them or caught off guard by surprise attack from either Mickey and Bugs. So far those strategies have left no effect on our mad ape, only making the situation more worse then before. After finding themselves another hiding spot in the toy shop, Bugs and Mickey pretended to be dolls as Donkey Kong tried finding them with no success. He then moved on thinking they have left the scene by now. Taking a deep breath the two took a break before they try fighting him again.
"This isn't good, if we don't somehow defeat Donkey Kong we'll be in a world of hurt." Taking in Mickey's concerns, Bugs thought about what they should do before they confront Donkey Kong once more.
"I got it, and convenient plan too." Bugs said to the audience, then whispered to Mickey of his plan. With Donkey Kong he wonder around trying to see where those two went, this resorted to smashing building just to see if he crush them.
In the far distance, Peter ran for his life while holding on to Marceline by the arms. Apparently with so much chaos happening at once it resulted to many unexpected Oozers to reign terror as now newly evolve creatures. In all this madness when watching from cloud view, you can tell this chase lead them around in different directions like those old cartoon chase scenes. This is because the Oozer's plan on swarming not just this city, but spread throughout the world. So far many this mass of Oozer's only interest is this city where many of their kind were killed by the Mercenaries. To them this was revenge for unable to defend themselves against weapons beyond there understanding. As for Peter and Marceline, they just happen to be there from circumstance.
"We have to go back him." Shouted Marceline worried for Simon's Wellbeing.
"I can't if we get caught we're toast." Peter argued as he held tightly to Marceline trying to release herself from him.
"I don't care, Simon's all by himself. If I don't help him, something bad will happen. That crown maybe able to protect us, but it's making do weird things." Peter was given the gist of things from Simon. While he wanted someone to help Marceline because of the crowns effects. He felt like the third wheel that happens to be around at the time. Understanding Marceline's reason, Simon asked him to take care of Marceline, knowing what will happen if he uses the crown Simon willingly sacrifice his sanity for Marceline's sake.
"Sorry, but I can't. If Simons is still alive after this mess, we'll find him no matter what, I promise." This he swore to Marceline and himself. This day just keeps getting weirder as things were happening without reason or thought. If taken the audience view it seems confusing, but life is never kind or caring about one's own thoughts from individual view of world or reality. Suddenly some giant ape with red bow tie appeared smashing through the building defeated. This force Peter to stop running while holding tight to Marceline.
"Oh great, now what." Marceline said annoyed by many surprises today, another reason too worry as Simon could be dealing with something worst despite having powers of ice and snow. Then two people came around one looking like some rabbit or/and bunny with an giant mallet, while the other is some mouse with an key sword in his hand.
"Whelp, that's that. I'm sure the other have beat these Mercenaries by now." Bugs said expressing his concern.
"Don't worry, there strong. If they need us we'll find them in no time." Mickey assured Bugs, the two soon realize there not alone. For Marceline and Peter this is another weird moments that isn't natural, while for Mickey and Bugs this was another moment of keeping the "World Order" been broken by those who witness there none scene adventure.
"Well that's just great." Bugs turn to the audience and author, "Anything else you want to throw in this chapter?" Suddenly a dark portal appears underneath them as all five are forced down into darkness. Mickey, Peter, and Marceline are drag down without anyway to save themselves, as Donkey Kong is unconscious and Bugs looks to the author with his final word, "Really?" as he sank without resistance before disappearing in darkness.
2/20/20 Update
Bible Topics: Where we talk about the Bible and it's meaning
Subject: Who is Satan
Satan, that's something many would believe or not believe base on our opinions or views. But know he's real and he's been working his hardest we don't reach the Kingdom of Heaven. In fact once upon a time, he lived in Heaven as one of his angels. But soon rebelled against God casting him to some fiery pit, one meant for angels who rebelled against God. This one angel is what started the rebellion of Mankind, all it took was false words made by his forked tongue and we believe him. Even now he has us trap on endless cycle of sin and rebellion by doing what we desire instead of what God called us for this world. That alone is enough to say he is real and so are those that follow Satan.
In fact you can believe he brought about 1 third of Heaven to follow him. That alone should convince everyone he's real, but even worse is how he doesn't need to come up with new tricks or schemes, cause we are following the same traps over and over again without realizing the meanings "History repeats itself". Worst part is how our battlefield is not Carnal aka Flesh, it's our spirits. Today WE are living in Spiritual Warfare, but we rely on our flesh bodies to determine our awareness, that's something Satan enjoys because it's taking away our true focus on the Spiritual warfare for our souls towards our everyday life style.
You may not like these words, but you have to understand this is some serious stuff. He's called father of lies who a reason, Satan plays the long term through mind games we have no idea we're following along. He can easily have you focus on some chess game involving your friends, family, and marriage where in truth he's playing one that matter for your soul. That's his goal to destroy and bring ruin to our lives and never realize the truth of God's wisdom. So if you have someone you hate, dislike, or avoid strangers with the idea "It's none of my business". If your follower of Christ, you better rethink your thoughts and soften your hearts. Cause that means he's won your soul, he just has to wait for your death doors and you go to Hell. But you can be saved, and he's been defeated already. He's a defeated foe that will one day face judgement like everyone, and he will be destroyed by God's power.
The question you should be asking yourself, how do you live your life and how you treated people all this time? If you realize this and go to God, pray for repentance, and start your day renewed and let him guide your life. But if you do that and still follow your sinful ways, that's not living renewed life, it's following your fleshy desires and refusing to let go of sin. I know that on Fanfiction I have written some questionable things and even read some questionable stories. But I'm allowing God to mold me and I have to be committed to his will everyday. That's not easy, because once I start that, Satan and his demon will aim for you and will do all his powers to make sure your never saved. Know this and avoid all forms of temptation in wicked ways.
This is Bible Topics of today, be bless and have a good day/night.
To anyone who are Adventure Time experts, I tried looking with no luck as the sites don't provide detail maps or locations. And considering it takes place in the past about 996 years ago, things would have change from then to present time. That and this was good opportunity to make original story from the past before current storyline. Plus I don't have good information on what Marceline and Simon that allow themselves to survive together after the events of Mushroom War. From short details, it seem more like surviving then fighting as Simon couldn't wear the crown to often while Marceline was too young at the time.
For the fighting style for each characters, the only reason Mickey and co. had easier time fighting them is related to Kingdom Hearts gameplay. If anybody is a fan of that series, you know that Sora, Donald and Goofy or other characters can easily wipe the floor with many heartless swarms it's not even funny. When compared to first game to now, you can tell they have gotten ridiculously strong as no doubt constantly fighting 10-50 heartless in one place before moving is ridiculous itself. Now these days only boss battles would be greater challenge then the heartless themselves, and that says something.
Also for Donkey Kong and his lovely fans, I find it odd since he was originally Mario's arch-enemy, he hasn't been used in modern Mario Games for antagonist role. Yes there might been few times before, but this was before Bowser ever came around to bash with our favorite Plumber hero. However since in Donkey Kong games he's proven to be more muscle then brain, his role mostly acts more like Bowser's bodyguard/hunter some type. You can say Donkey Kong will be used for more then one occasion since he is very strong in his own right.
Finally, with the chapters and arc of this story. I didn't want this feeling too serious, more so on action, adventure, and humor. But I'll leave some hits on what is to come and what you can expect as enemies of the future. Some you might be surprise or unsurprise depending on what they are presented. There is also the fact that this chapter felt rushed when working on it, because when making starting points it never seems to work the way you imagine it.
Now with our current Cast for next chapters and Arc:
Protagonist - Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, Jerry the Mouse, Popeye the Sailor, Gandalf the Grey, Simon Petrikov, Marceline Abadeer, Peter Cree(OC - Original Character), Disall Fafent(OC)
Antagonist - Bluto the Terrible, Donkey Kong(Mind Controlled), Pete aka Peg Leg Pete, Wild Blast aka Blaster(OC), Sizer aka Paul Frank(OC), Valperious aka Viz Liprus(OC), Snipe(OC), 10 Ton Shield aka Frans Degrasural(OC)
Anyway next Chapter will be similar to this chapter, so until next time "Land of Britons" hint for the next world/series crossover story