Those with magic, both immortal and mortal had survived for thousands of years in a symbiotic relationship. A select few magical bloodlines served those immortal born. The notion of turning was subject only for true mates or for those with gifts en par with Vampire royalty and then only witches and wizards. No muggle or squib was ever chosen for the immortal life.

The select families who had immortal blood, all marriages were full contract affairs , often drawn up generations in advance on the calling of seers, years before the bonded children even their parents, grandparents or great-grandparents were conceived. Within theses families, true blood vampires were born; but only within these select blood lines. It was not unusual for several generations, skipping over centuries; until the chosen would be born. Even those born of squibs with these family lines could be immortal, revered and placed into the ancient hierarchy.

In the past 100 years, no full blood vampire had been born in the British Isles. Erasmus Prince was a wizard, as his father had been, it had been 320 years since a full blood vampire had been born into his bloodline. He, like his forefathers, had married his chosen bride, Irula Zabini and their only issue had been a daughter, Eileen. The great seer Cassandra had stated her child, his grandson, should be contracted into the Potter Line, the child yet to be born would be doubly blessed as a bearer born of Peverell blood who would carry an immortal born. Cassandra faltered at this point, a frown on her face in her face as she was deeply troubled by the future but she said no more, on waking she would remember nothing. The wording was vital, Erasmus interpreted the seers vision as proof immortality was returning the Prince line to Full Vampire Status. No mate was named for Eileen, but all the client families, fought for the honour of her hand.


Eileen Prince was a plain girl; too thin, gaunt with dull, lank hair. Her only saving grace was her brilliance at potions. She was a competent witch, but not the wife any wizard of the few remaining true bloodlines would proudly show off. Her fate was to marry well and bear the prophesied heir for the good of her family. Her father, had been widowed young. Her mother died when she was eight, dead by Dragon Pox in the sixth month of her second pregnancy, the longed for Prince heir dying with her. Pureblood circles whispered Erasmus had died inside with the death of his beloved wife and son. Eileen returned from her first year at Hogwarts and suggested her father to remarry and he had hit her, hissing in distain "Your mother was my destined bride, my true soul bonded. No one can replace her in my arms. You carry the Prince's future as your son, yet to be born, has a destined mate." Erasmus was worried considering his friend Charlus Potter had been married ten years and had no child of his own destined union with Dorea Black yet. Cassandra, the great seer had died and none of her bloodline were gifted with the sight to match the old families. The future was blind. He himself had chosen a fine husband for Eileen, rich and handsome and of fine breeding on his maternal line as the great grandson of a Black and grandson of a Lovegood. She would want for nothing.

Eileen had graduated Hogwarts and stood before her father to ask, no beg to be allowed to follow a Mastery in Potions with Donatella Siniori in Florence. She had arrived back at Prince Manor to find her father ill.

"Eileen, your mother and I chose a husband for you. He is from a good family. Marius Bellaby will cherish you. The wedding is set for midsummer. I fear I will not live to see you happily wed. I was blessed with only a short time with Irula. Your son is the key to restoring our family fortunes. He will marry a Potter, the contract has already been lodged in Rome with the Vampire council. My great grandson, your son's heir will be immortal. Remember our family alliances. Peverell, Potter, Greengrass, Rockwood, Black, Prince, Lovegood and Longbottom are the client families, we answer to the Council in Rome, not the Ministry nor the Goblins. Serve our name well, daughter. Now, I must rest or my healer will have my head. Your cousin Esmerelda will be over to help with your wedding preparations, she arrives tomorrow."

Eileen left her father's rooms and looked about the shabby, dark and grim manor. Her only worth was the son she would bear for a complete stranger. Her father's extended mourning meant she had never been to a ball, tea party or for dinner. She climbed the stairs to the Grand Gallery, carrying a candelabra to light her way, as the drapes were drawn and the windows shuttered, as they had been since her fifth year, when her grandfather had died. Eileen's only childhood companions had been the elves, her distant parents; then after her mother's untimely demise a strict half-blood governess, who had told her stories of Muggle airships and aeroplanes, moving pictures in colour and with sound recording events and drama for all to view in picture palaces, of mechanised war and fantastic weapons that destroyed whole cities. The woman also spoke of women choosing their own path, having careers, retaining control of the family wealth and no marriage contracts, except for heathens abroad, all marrying for love. A whole world she had dreamed about for years. At school she had shunned her fellow Slytherins, who sneered at her love of Muggle trinkets. In the centre of the Gallery was an ancient magical artefact. The tapestry of the Prince family. On the extended family tapestry, she finally found her cousin Marius, who was was nearly fifty years old. A year older than her own father. Fear gripped her heart, in a few short weeks she would be an orphan, married to a stranger. Her chaperone arriving in the morning. Now, was her only chance of freedom. That night Eileen, heiress of the Ancient and Forthright Prince Line left her unhappy childhood home, all she had ever known for the bright lights of the muggle town over the hill.