Hello everyone! This is the first time that I am writing here on and sharing it with you, so I hope that you don't mind spending a bit of your time on readint it and maybe writing reviews on how I can improve my writing or if you have enjoyed the story, or if you notice some mistakes too. Thank you beforehand and I hope you do like reading this! :D

He was gorgeous.

However, he was not gorgeous as those stereotypical models with tons of operations done in order to look stunning. He was more than that, far more than that. He had his own natural beauty that was utterly incomparable. Not only was he good-looking because of his incredible physique, no, if only it was that he wouldn't be awake thinking about that guy every night instead of sleeping like a normal person would. That was the worst part of it, he hadn't been able to sleep before 4am ever since coming across that dude, because of him he had forgotten what an habitual sleeping pattern was, because that boy still shined in the dark of his nights. Because that boy never ceased to shine.

Who needed sleep? Apparently he didn't, so after looking at the clock that signalled that it was way past 3am but still not 4am, he continued thinking.

He wasn't in a hurry, but still, something seemed to race inside him when he thought about that guy. His physique was outstanding, that part he had no problem in admitting, and he even envied him. His muscles were simply perfect, not too big to be considered a burden, but not too small to have to force his vision to appreciate them. They were just perfect. His legs were strong, hella strong, but they seemed soft and pure, just like a canvas before getting all painted. His arms were normal, simply normal, but still seemed to be as soft as his legs. His red hair was like fire, but not a burning fire that could destroy cities and calcacinate its residents, it was a homely fire that could cure all emptiness. Finally, there were his eyes. Goddamn those eyes. Those bright green eyes that could lit up every candle, those emeralds that probably cost more than what anyone could think about, those warm jade orbs that could take away his reasoning and leave him to be a confused mess. The confused mess that he was forced to live in, because of him.

There was still left his personality, godly like personality. He was caring, enthusiastic, helpful, funny, generous and stubborn to the point of making him adorable. How was that even possible? He had no idea, but when that guy wanted something, there was no way of getting him to stop. He looked cute when he tried so hard that his breath ended up running out and was left sitting on the ground, looking at him with gratitude, as if there was no one else around them, both of them untouchable, and that guy gifting him that cheerful smile that seemed to add brightness to his tired, but somehow still shining emeralds.

Damn, nothing in his mind made sense anymore. That gorgeous guy didn't make sense. That beauty couldn't be explainable. Those smiles squeezed his heart so hard that he thought he could end up losing himself everytime they appeared; those sparkling eyes that when they were upon himself made him think that the whole universe was falling into him; that melodious voice that made him get absolutely lost on those pinky lips from where it escaped, making it impossible for him to concentrate on what the poor orphan was saying. He actually wanted to…

No, he didn't want that, he didn't have to think about that, he couldn't think about that. That boy was gorgeous, but not because of it did he have to wish those things. Right? It was envy, just envy, pure, incomprehensible and devastating envy. Yes, that was the only thing that he was feeling towards that beautiful guy. Envy and maybe, just maybe, a tiny bit of friendship.

But he wanted do it, he had those selfish and uncontrollable desires. He felt oppressed looking at him everyday, looking at those calm and free smiles that were directed to everyone of their teammates or to the huge audience. Ignoring with that beautiful innocence of his that the last ones probably wanted to defile his purity. Fangirls, females, and that guy didn't give a single singal of being uncomfortable, or of rejecting them, he simply stood there, giving the girls that stupidly shining smile that made him question every fiber of himself.

Even so, why did he care about the sexual orientation of that freaking perfect boy? He was probably hetero like most of the guys… Unfortunately… Then, why did he feel his heart shatter every time he sees him smile to a woman?... He should have it all assumed by now…


What did he have to assume?

He didn't have an answer to any his questions.

Actually, he had.

But answers were not always correct.

So that's why he continued to deny that those accelerated heartbeats caused by the mere memory of that precious smile of Tatsuya were the truthful answer to his confusion.

Another day in which he had slept with luck 4 hours, he was feeling like shit, damn alarm clock of his stupid partner who woke him up every damn day with the same shitty song. It's a good thing he got along so badly with his roommate, he couldn't stand lectures on self-care. He even appreciated that Haizaki and he were enemies and this one didn't seem to have any interest in wavering at him. Had he been paired up with Fudou and he could have thrown himself out of the window the first night, that semi bald guy seemed to interfere in the affairs of others way too much.

"I was gonna tell you that you look fucked up, but you always are"

Yeah, he couldn't believe that he thanked that company either.

"Shut up, you look even worse than me"

Great, another day that started with a discussion, well, what else could he say? If they messed with him he wasn't going to stand idly by it. Although he had to agree with Haizaki, he was a complete piece of shit, the sleepless nights had to end up turning over a new leaf.

"At least I don't look like a fucking maniac gangster from the lower bands of Japan with that blue fluorescent tattoo running through one of my eyes."

"This tattoo only highlights my beauty for your information and, do I have remind you that your hair covers an entire eye? Think about your attempts to insult me before you speak, or don't you even know how to think?"

"At least I know how to sleep, useless dumbass"

With the latter he woke up completely and directed his irritated gaze at that long-haired boy who watched him sitting from his bed. His companion's eyes were odious, there was no doubt why he was called the "Demon of the Field", those red and grey orbs came from hell itself. In addition, there was this stupid amount of gray hair completely disheveled, well, they shared the hair colour, more or less, he had his hair dyed with white reflexes because he detested the tonality of his hair. So yes, he was bothered by Haizaki's appearance, no more than his insufferable existence, but it still bothered him.

But now he was more concerned that someone could know about his insomnia, about the reasons for it, more concretely the reason. Stupid inexplicable beauty that he would have to see within a few measly minutes. Stupid Haizaki who just had to be more irritating than normal and dig into what he shouldn't have. Stupid sleepless nights.

He wasn't so sure about not wanting Fudou as his partner anymore.

"Ah?!" He was afraid, and that's why he said it clenching his teeth, refusing to let anyone know about his dark thoughts.

"What you hear, or are you deaf too? You keep going round and round until late at night, and it prevents me from sleeping as well."

"Then you're just as useless as I am, asshole."

Silence, which was strange, Haizaki always responded when they started fighting. Then he noticed his eyes, the posture in which he was sitting. The Demon of the Field was uncomfortable. His gaze remained fixed on him, but he no longer looked at him with that disdain, with that hatred, with that indifference. Now there were other emotions, emotions he did not want him to express, not towards himself, not with that almost nonexistent sadness and worry:

"Look I know there's something eating your head every night from day one, maybe even before" Oh no, no, no, no, stupid heartbeats that were increasing at the speed of light "but I don't care if it doesn't have anything to do with me. So you'd better get over it and let me sleep."

He was mute, and he was glad again that Haizaki was his companion, the only good thing about him was that he didn't meddle in his affairs. He felt that he could breathe again and that his heart no longer threatened to come out of his ribcage. Damn, he too was a real fool. How the hell could Haizaki know what was happening to him if he didn't say it not even once? Spending so much time with the Demon of the Field had to have made him stupid, because of course, he was no stupid.

Let it be noticed that self-esteem was the only stable thing he had in his life at that moment.

"You're not the one to command me."

Without saying anything else, he ended up getting lazily out of bed, dressed quickly, and walked out the door without paying any more attention to his companion. The least amount of time that he had to spend with Satan, the better. He trusted Haizaki not to say anything about his sleep problems, big words given all that hated him, but well, the Demon wasn't very talkative so he was hopeful that he could stay safe for a while longer.

A while longer, ha, deluded of him who did not count on the fact that just right after opening the door he would come face to face with the origin of his problems.

He was there, in profile, in front of him, turning in slow motion to look at him and only him. Even in profile he was beautiful. There they were again those green eyes of different tonalities that began to observe him calmly, brilliant, shining, ridiculously precious and absorbing. That slightly pale complexion that seemed softer than a thousand feathers and that he irremediably wanted to caress with his fingers at that very moment. Finally, that inexplicable smile which prevented him from reacting to absolutely nothing, as if he were taking him on an astral journey at the speed of light… At the same speed as his heart was going.

"Good morning Hiroto, good to see you. Shall we go to the cafetería together?"


How good it sounded his name said with that melodic voice. How intoxicating it was to see those lips pronounce his name as he smiled openly, ignoring the devastating and fulfilling effect it had on him. What a trickster it was to see those sparkling eyes resting on his pinky ones, giving him importance, dedicating time to him, recognizing him. How self-absorbed he remained with his breathtaking presence. How gratifying it was to be able to spend time with that preciousness that was way too valuable, even for a museum.

"Looks like I don't have an option then, Tatsuya." He snorted but also smiled, trying to ignore his previous thoughts, but failing at seeing how the other smiled at him again with that perfection so characteristic of his.

"Let's get going then."

That's when the world stopped like a ticking bomb about to detonate. The Demon appeared on scene:

"Hey, you two know each other from before, don't you?" Stupid trust he had placed in that damned foolish demon.

"Yes, why? Is something wrong?"

No please, it couldn't be happening. He was sure that dying drowned would be less stressful than drowning in his own feelings…



The lack of sleep had to be affecting him, what happened was that he was confused. Yes, only confused, and on the verge of an attack of hysteria because of that damned Satan that, just for once in which he wished that Lucifer would stay quiet, he had to open that dirty and hellish mouth of his.

"Yeah, this guy doesn't let me sleep at night, and I'm sick and tired of listening to him spinning around till 4 in the morning."

"Hiroto, is that true? You know you could have told me, you can tell me anything. Please, trust me for once."

Stupid look that now seemed worried. Damned green eyes that were nailed in the deepest part of his soul. Blessed mouth that submerged him in shame.

"Don't bang your head about, it's only temporary." He said with a slight movement of the hand and looking away from him. He couldn't see those worried, restless eyes disturbed by his own recklessness.

"That's not how it works. I'm gonna keep worrying until I see you get a good night's sleep."

"And that's why I didn't want to tell you"

And because you are the reason why I cannot sleep.

But he wasn't going to say it aloud. He was simply going to look at him, begging him to put the subject aside. He could not bear it, he could not discuss it with anyone, much less with Tatsuya. He could not tell him that the reason for his insomnia was that his enchanting presence followed him every time he closed his eyes and made him question facts he did not want to ask himself, nor facts he wanted to know the answer to.

He wished he had the strength to resist those eyes. How he wished that he could just get out of that uncomfortable situation. Damn, did he wish he could stop thinking about that precious boy who, against all odds, was smiling at him with that loving smile of his that melted his heart and made his insides feel as if shooting stars were blessing him.

No, he was too confused. He had to stop thinking about it and pay attention to what the other two were saying. He still didn't process what they were saying, but he knew that something was being said by the movement of those perfect lips that he irremediably wanted to silence with his own…

Shit, he had it bad.

"-then, thank you for informing me, Haizaki."

"Yeah, yeah, just make sure that he stops spinning around like a ball. I'm out to have breakfast."

Well, that's just what he didn't want to hear. He didn't want to stay with Tatsuya alone. Well, he wanted to, but not in those moments. If they were in a calmer, more peaceful, trivial situation, he would clearly be more than happy to hang out with him. But, unfortunately, they were not like that, so he was going to try to go along with Haizaki for breakfast, even with the condition of having to get away from that boy who altered his emotions and stay with that damned demon.

"Stop right there Hiroto. You are going to stay here talking for a while with me."

Of course, it was true, for unknown reasons Tatsuya also had a beautiful interior that, like his physical attractiveness, was senseless. Stupid perfection, he didn't want to stay with someone so perfect. Much less did he want tell him the cause of his problems since they emanated directly from that divinity.

"Tatsuya, it's not necessary. I'm fine, it's just that the bloody bed is uncomfortable." It was clearly a lie, but it was the first thing that came to his mind. He couldn't think reasonably in front of those charismatic eyes.

"You can sleep with me if that's the case and if you want, Hiroto."

You can sleep with me.


With me.

Had he really heard that? Had that precious being seriously offered to sleep with him as if he were the most normal thing in the world? Well, it was normal to sleep with friends. But no. The relationship they had was far more complicated, on his side at least.

But of course, once again, who was he to refuse those shimmering emeralds? No one, just a confused boy who didn't understand their beauty, and who was sure that if they were to sleep together he would have it even more difficult. It was one thing to see him a couple of hours a day, it was quite another one to spend a damn night with him, and Tatsuya, having that precious interior of his, would not sleep until he did. So the two of them would practically spend the whole night up, talking, looking at each other, maybe even hugging or cuddling until one of them would run out of strength. And then, the morning would arrive, and they would wake up together, in the same bed, close to each other, and the first thing he would be able to see would be those embelesing eyes that made his heart ache in ways he couldn't describe with words. Because Tatsuya couldn't be described with words.

He was definitely not prepared for it, mentally at least he felt as if he was going to explode due to that tension he tried so hard to hide.

"Don't you have a partner?" Shit, it had sounded way too rude, but he didn't see himself able to get sleep in the same room as the person who took it away from him every night. "I mean, I could make your companion uncomfortable eh. That's why I ask you, don't get the wrong idea that I would gladly sleep with you."

What did he just say? Could he be more obvious? All he needed was a sign with neon lights saying that he was afraid to sleep with him but that at the same time it was what he most wanted in the world. Why did he even try talking anymore? Why did he keep trying to do things if he only sank deeper into the whirlwind of his questions with answers he refused to accept?

He had tried to fix it, and it seemed to have worked, as the pale boy's soft cheeks turned red as soon as he heard the second part. Holy Godly mother that gave birth to him. Tatsuya had blushed from something he had said, and, shit, he was even more precious than usual. Those were big words considering how gorgeous he was, but that light red color combined with his skin like a book with its cover. It was simply a work of art that he wanted to admire until his eyesight failed. He didn't think he would ever get tired of seeing that sweet, pure, adorable, soft and even shining blush adorn that preciousness. Tatsuya was a work of art.

He would never be able to remove that beauty from his mind again, Tatsuya could be even more precious than he thought. It was no longer precious, it was simply mesmerizing in every possible way, and he was certain that if he kept staring at it a little longer, he would end up getting lost in that delicate canvas painted in red that he wanted so badly to caress.

He wished to see him blush more times.

"The truth is that my partner, Kazemaru, isn't usually in the room at night. He leaves at around midnight, which is when the coach goes to sleep, and then he goes to the captain's room. So yes, I am alone in the nights and in the mornings, as Kazemaru does not step into the room before going to breakfast, he goes directly from the captain's room."

"Ha, told ya, the beds are horrible."

He had to look convincing, it even seemed that there was another person with the same insomnia problem as him, only that the causes would probably be different. He hoped this would be the case, because if Kazemaru could not sleep because of the beauty of Tatsuya maybe he would go to him and have a friendly talk with him.

Even so, it would be understandable if that were the case, because the beauty of Tatsuya was not understandable. Exactly right now he was giving him a ridiculously precious giggle for what he had said. Giggle out of what? It wasn't remotely funny, please, his brain was about to collapse again. It made no sense that anyone could produce such a majestic tune merely by laughing. His beauty stood out even more, he had a perfect smile, it was even more credible, true and precious than the one of the subnormals who made dental advertisements.

"The truth is, I don't think he sleeps in the captain's room either, since, well... He's going to spend the night, not to sleep."

Oh. That changed things. A lot.

"The captain and your partner meet at night to fuck?" Hiroto said directly without being able to hide his surprise, he did not imagine that some of his teammates were under that level of hormones.

Holy Jesus Christ and all the holy gods that came to his mind. The blush had returned to Tatsuya's face. He looked gorgeous. He was gorgeous.

"Nono, oh God Hiroto no, they don't do that. Or that's what I hope so at least…" Tatsuya was embarrassed, but his gaze was still upon his eyes and his sweet blush didn't seem to fade a slight bit. Hiroto had to use all his might not to intertwine their lips together. "They are a couple, they talk all night and just… cuddle."


That also changed things because: 1) He wasn't the only one who had a possible homosexual orientation. He had to be honest, thinking that a boy was the most precious thing he had ever seen in his life didn't give him any credibility at being heterosexual. At least he was willing to admit it; and 2) Tatsuya was completely fine with it. It didn't seem to bother him that someone was gay, or that that person was constantly close to him. That was more than fine, really cool, it was fucking great. Tatsuya was open-minded. That was incredible, he had taken a big weight off him.

But not all, one thing was to accept his possible homosexual orientation, another one very different thing was for Tatsuya to think it was alright to have feelings for him.

Feelings for him?


That previous blush must have confused him, he could not be falling for Tatsuya. It was just that he was very beautiful both externally and internally. Yes, only that, his beauty confused him, nothing to do with feelings, nothing to do with his irremediable desire to hold him in his arms to observe him better, not to mention the desire he had to feel those pink lips on his own. Hiroto didn't feel any of that, it was just that his heart was playing a trick on him. That beauty had to be altering him, it could not be that he was being moved by the open and liberal mind of Tatsuya that assured him that he did not have any inconvenience with his potentially gay inclinations.

He was starting to have a mental stability problem, he didn't know what the hell he was feeling. Well, yes, but he didn't want to admit it.

"Damn, I was right thinking those two had more than a friendship when they came here. Hum, this only proves that my godliness is still incomparable."

Just like your beauty.

"They've known each other for years, and Kaze for example has told me he's always been attracted to men, so after meeting Endou he developed a crush on him. I'm glad that the two of them are this close together, at breakfast time their smiles glow with the same intensity as the Moon in a clear nights sky" Tatsuya said in a soft tone, as if it were of longing, but keeping his eyes on those pink eyes that didn't know how to react. They never knew how to react in front of Tatsuya.

You do shine with that light, even with more, your luminosity is beyond comparison.

"I didn't have you for such a romantic, Tatsuya." Hiroto replied in a burlesque tone, trying not to feel all the eagerness he had to flirt with him and then tell him the most diabetic compliment that crossed his mind.

"What can I say? I'm a loser for sweet couples and happy endings." Continued the redhead with that smile that clouded Hiroto so much.

I want to make you have a happy ending, Tatsuya.

"Are you waiting for someone special to have that happy ending with?" Hiroto asked with a smile so false that it was at the same level as his excuses of denying his feelings.

Why the fuck did he ask if he didn't want to know the answer? He wanted to cry of helplessness. Who had sent him into the wolf's mouth? No one, only his confused feelings that wanted more than anything to hear Tatsuya pronounce his name again, corresponding those fuzzy feelings that did not stop flourishing.

"The truth is, it would be nice if the one I like declared himself someday. Although I don't think he'll do it soon" Tatsuya let an adorable giggle escape his lips as his cheeks became tainted with that pinky shade that Hiroto adored so much "; he's really a stubborn, obstinate, grumpy and troublesome guy, but I love him anyway."


He's a really.

I love him.

Tatsuya liked boys.

Chants of angels resounded with complete clarity in his mind as he fought not to riddle his, probably love interest but refusing to acknowledge it once more, with questions that would betray that tiny secret he did not want to assimilate. Yet.

Clearly, Hiroto failed his meager attempts to control the urge to ask. Just as curiosity killed the cat, such a craving for knowledge could become a blessing or a doom for him. He had much to lose, but even more to gain, so he threw himself into his brainstorm of emotions with no return, no safeguard, and no control over his partial happiness. All in all, they were something like friends, and asking was free, just like catching the greatest disappointment that would lead him to the most absolute gloom or the greatest glory that would ascend to the most blessed of heavens.

He no longer had the strength to deny how much he really cared about Tatsuya. He saw him as much more than a friend.

"Oh? So little redhead likes someone. Who's the lucky one?" Smiling with his mischievous smile as he tried to analyze the calm expression of that boy that was driving him crazy.

"Why? Are you interested, Hiroto?"

That's when he realised he had dug his own grave.

The tone of Tatsuya became deeper but at the same time low, gentle and soft, with that continuous melody that he so much wanted to share. His eyes began to glow with a foreign glow, perhaps hopeful or loving, as if he knew exactly what he was doing to him and enjoying being able to immerse him in that limbo from which he could not see himself escaping. And then, to finish with that deep spell, there was that slow, paused approach, as if it was floating on the universe but never stopping looking at him with those flashing emeralds that were focused on him. Only on him.

It was... Exhilarating... Intoxicating... Ofuscating... Seductive... Sensual... Precious… Gorgeous…

He couldn't take his eyes off that boy who had stolen his breathing and words, nor did he ever want to. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life.

How could 5 miserable words leave him so helpless and under his full mercy? He had no idea, he could only think that Tatsuya's face was still shining and, this time, their foreheads were touching. Although he very unhealthily wished that this slight touch would be exchanged for the joint fusion of those lips that were millimeters away from his own.

"Yes." replied Hiroto with a faint whisper as he alternated his gaze between those green orbs that made him vulnerable and those lips that incited him to sin repeatedly.

He wasn't even breathing, he didn't know what was going on, except that he was living the most intimate moment he had ever had with someone in his entire life. And he was having it with Tatsuya, with the most beautiful boy he had ever seen. With that boy who took away his sleep at night but when he fell asleep would appear in his sweetest dreams. That orphan who at that time was near his face, that redhead who could defile and profane just by bending his head a little.

He wanted to touch him, grab him by the waist, put his head on his neck, smash his lips together, hug him, smash him against the wall to deepen their kisses… He didn't care, he just wanted to have him, that was all he needed at that moment. He needed to feel those lips.

He was going to admit it, he had fallen head over heels for that beautiful and gorgeous boy.

He had fallen in love with Tatsuya.

"Do you want me to tell you or shall I show you the answer, Hiroto?" Tatsuya whispered provocatively, gentle, low, but always with that characteristic calm of his.

"Both of them, Tatsuya." Hiroto replied quietly, anxious, cloudy, confused, not yet believing what was happening, but wishing with all his being that Tatsuya would fulfill the two proposals.

"You are always so greedy and ambitious, aren't you?"


Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.

Tatsuya had narrowed his beautiful eyes as his radiant smile became as delicate as his sanity and self-control.


Holy God. Holy God. Holy God. Holy God. Holy God. Holy God. Holy God. Holy God. Holy God. Holy God. Holy God. Holy God. Holy God. Holy God. Holy God. Holy God.

Tatsuya had tiptoed and was getting dangerously close to his face, so much that their chests were pressing.


He was so close that he could even smell that refreshing, cozy scent that Tatsuya possessed. It intoxicated him.


So much that he could discern all those tonalities of that powerful green that his precious eyes had and observe those eyelashes touching his eyelids. He wanted to see his whole body with that intimacy.


So near that he could feel his soft, cold breath crashing into his blushing cheeks and every curvature of his athletic body over his own. He did not want to walk away from that comforting but overwhelming nearness ever.


He could even feel the heat that emanated from Tatsuya's perfect body. It was on fire. Probably Tatsuya didn't know very well how they had ended up in that situation, so wrapped up in the growing sexual tension that they could no longer control. He wanted that erotic heat to consume them completely.


He was so lost in the eyes of the other that, as a product of his spell and own impulses, he welcomed those feelings of pure devotion, commitment and love. He couldn't think about what he was doing and, for the first time, he didn't want to do it, so he ended up approaching the other boy too. He only wanted those beautiful lips on his own. He had to kiss him.

He wanted to kiss him.

And apparently Tatsuya also wanted their lips to meet..

Their eyes closed completely, Tatsuya's hands found their way to his back, and his own hands held that pure boy by his incredibly thin hips. They were soft. Tatsuya was soft. Hell, the hands he had on his neck were soft. Even the way Tatsuya caressed his messy hair slightly and the simple touch on his bare skin was soft. Tatsuya was soft, but he was softer for him.

Their lips finally connected with each other in an unbreakable bond that did not need explanation, nor would they ever explain. He had been right from the start, Tatsuya pinky lips were recomforting, pure, innocent, warm and addictive. He didn't want to leave them. Never. He didn't want that kiss to end. His heart, however, was threatening him, holy shit, he was about to have a heart attack, his heartbeats were pounding on his chest like a drum. He felt as if he had just run a marathon, a marathon called "accepting your feelings and kissing the boy you have been so in love with since you first saw him across a window".

How had he not admitted it earlier? Was his pride that prevented him for doing so? The fear of getting rejected? Those were probably the answers but, as always, he refused to admit anything, and now wasn't the moment to think about that. He was kissing Tatsuya, he was feeling those pure, soft lips on his own and it was the best feeling he had ever felt.

It felt right, as if it was meant to happen. Their lips rubbed against each other in complete sync, their bodies fit perfectly with the other one and everything just felt right. He moved one of his hands towards Tatsuya's cheeks, he had to feel him, he had to caress him, he had to show his care and love. He wanted to, and the instant he felt the skin, he didn't regret a thing.

He couldn't stop a smile reaching his lips, Tatsuya's cheek was soft and burning, he was blushing. Even though he couldn't see it, he could sense it, and he knew that he was blushing because he was kissing him. His smile grew and he let his tongue caress his beloved lips asking for entrance. Tatsuya was enjoying, even loving the kiss as much as him. His happiness was beyond reality, he was being reciprocated by the one he so dearly longed for for years.

And then Tatsuya smiled against his lips and opened them to him, and everything got even better, real, fulfilling, complete, lovable and fuck. He had no actual words to describe it, he couldn't describe how incredibly breathtaking it was to sense, feel, know and be reminded that it was Tatsuya who was kissing him. That smile, that godlike, adorable, calm, soft and sweet smile was a reality hit that shaked his heart in a good way, in such an amazing way that his heart became even more unsteady than before.

He immediately deepened the kiss and let his tongue meet Tatsuya's dearly. A small whisper found its way out of him when he started dancing with Tatsuya's tongue. If kissing him was incredible, deepening the kiss was utterly marvelous. The way the both danced in complete sync to that newly, accelerated, magical, private and amorous ballad resembled the most artistic vals ever contemplated.

However, nothing lasts forever, and oxygen is no exception, so after letting another almost inaudible whimper escape, he left Tatsuya's soft lips. A sensation of emptiness and fullness overwhelmed him; emptiness because he was not tasting those lips anymore and fullness because he had given his very first kiss to the one who stole his heart. He smiled again, the fullness overcoming his emptiness and turning it into love.

He opened his eyes and the fullness converted into self-absorption, those precious green eyes making him realise again how vulnerable he was. But not in a bad way, he loved that vulnerability around Tatsuya, but he was not gonna admit it out loud. Tatsuya was looking at him, smiling with that gorgeous smile that was transforming self-absorption into a warm feeling of reconfort. He was still blushing, and he was still touching those soft cheeks with his hands, feeling how flustered his dear Tatsuya was because he had kissed him.

And they were about to kiss again, their lips already touching and eyes completely closed, making a mutual agreement on continuing with that intimate session that required absolutely no explanation, until a way too loud shout and a door opening interrupted them:

"Aaahhh, I overslept again! Please don't tell me the food-" started saying Goujin, until he saw what was standing before him and going full silent.

The interruption was so sudden that he couldn't control parting away quickly. Terrible choice, his head hit the wall that was behind him and now with all certainty, an uncomfortable silence took the corridor.

Goujin was looking at them with surprise in his eyes and his cheeks as read as Tatsuya's hair. Stupid striker useful for nothing that had to appear in that moment. Stupid residence. Stupid wall. Stupid corridor. Stupid teammate that had to find them out when they had finally kissed. He couldn't help his gaze getting darker, his eyes glowing threatening and his lips mouthing without making a sound a clear order: "Leave". Well, he could have avoided it, but he didn't want to. Screw Goujin, he wanted to kiss Tatsuya again.

Speaking of which, he was currently laughing with that adorable giggle of his that made all his anger go away. Giggle out of what again? Oh, yeah, he had hit his head on the wall. He had hit his head on the wall, holy shit, that would be a great anecdote to tell someday "Yo, when I gave my first kiss to the love of my life I then banged my head on the wall". It felt so surreal that he started laughing loudly.

He was right, his mental stability was going nuts not only because of his lack of sleep, but because of that huge crush he had developed. Goujin was looking at them as they were mad, and he was not wrong, he was mad in love. He ended up passing next to them, both of them still laughing hard and softly, without uttering another word, the striker was clearly embarrassed and his blush had not yet left his cheeks.

"I think we should also go to have breakfast" said Tatsuya after calming down.

"Do we really have to?" Hiroto asked with his playful tone and tilting his head so that Tatsuya could get his indirect question.

"Yes, we do." Hiroto's smiled dropped while Tatsuya's only increased, it was clear that he loved teasing him ". It will be good too if we visit Anna and ask her to check your head." He laughed again. Tatsuya was caring to the point of making it ridiculous, but on top of that, it was still adorable.

"I'd prefer if we stayed here, but I think I'll follow you once again, captain." Tatsuya's blush came again, and with that, they both started walking. He also loved teasing Tatsuya.

"And I would like if you could come to my room later so we don't get interrupted again, God Striker."

He snorted and laughed at the same time. Oh, how he loved Tatsuya. Oh, how he loved those shining green eyes that once again were only looking at him, expectantly. And oh, how he was losing his mind for the innuendos that the sentence carried. So he answered in the best way he could think of, looking at him with his pink eyes, smiling with all of his pride, intertwining their hands together and inches away of that gorgeous face that had become his whole universe:

"Not interested."

Soo this is it! I hope you can also read this final message and kindly review if you have come this far. Once again, thanks to everyone who reads this and I hope that you have liked this :D See you if I someday write anything more