The Hasbro Aligned Timeline
By H.R.C. Stanley
Based on Transformers: War for Cybertron, Fall of Cybertron, Prime, Rescue Bots, Robots in Disguise (2015), My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, G.I. Joe: Renegades, Kaijudo, and Blazing Team: Masters of Yo Kwon Do, owned and created by Hasbro Studios
Before the beginning...
A single omnipotent entity of unknown origin travelled across the newborn galaxy, discovering the earliest signs of life along the way. With no other creatures equal to its power, the being began to converse with itself, and in time two unique personas took shape and form. The first was Primus, a reassuring presence that accepted the universe as so; the second was Unicron, who discovered and seeked to correct the perceived flaws in the order of the universe. The two personas grew increasingly divergent from one another, and begin to argue. In time, the being split physically, creating two separate bodies for each half of its warring psyche. Unicron grew increasingly rapacious and destructive, while Primus grew increasingly withdrawn. Eventually, Primus took up arms to stop Unicron from devouring the galaxy. This struggle lasted for eons, with neither side able to gain an advantage over the other.
To try and turn the tide, Primus created the Thirteen, the first Transformers in all existence, each given a unique role, nature, and artefact of power to aid the struggle. In order of their creation, they were Prima, Vector Prime, Alpha Trion, Solus Prime, Micronus Prime, Alchemist Prime, Nexus Prime, Onyx Prime, Amalgamous Prime, Quintus Prime, Liege Maximo, Megatronus Prime, and the Thirteenth Prime.
The newly created Primes began training and strategy for the inevitable conflict. Solus Prime, the artificer of the Thirteen, crafted many weapons and icons of power for them to use. At the urging of Megatronus, she forged a great weapon to fight Unicron, although Solus herself was worried that this power could corrupt them. The Thirteen voted seven to six to keep the Requiem Blaster and not destroy it. Ultimately, the Primes defeated Unicron, and the Chaos Bringer's inert form drifted off into space, where he would remain in a comatose state for the many millennia to come. His fossilised blood, spilled in this conflict, became known as Dark Energon. Following the defeat of Unicron, Primus became one with the Core of Cybertron, where he gave life to future Transformers through the AllSpark, within the Well of All Sparks. Although the Primes stood triumphant, Unicron's influences had tainted all of them with a touch of darkness.
During this brief age of peace, Solus continued to forge new creations from the various metals and elements that also made the Transformers themselves, and Micronus created the sub-atomic realm of Microspace.
After a period of peaceful building and construction, tensions between the Primes slowly grew. Secretly manipulated by Liege Maximo, Megatronus murdered Solus Prime, causing the first schism in the Primes. After Megatronus was banished, the Liege Maximo made his own play for power, but was defeated in the process. After this great battle, Nexus Prime fragmented himself into five robots, each one carrying and guarding a fragment of the Cyber Calibre. His components were dubbed: Clocker, Mainspring, Chaindrive, Cannonspring, and Pinion. The fight had lasting repercussions for the rest of the Thirteen - Megatronus, now dubbed "The Fallen", and the Liege had left the Primes for good, and the once idealistic Vector Prime despaired and sealed himself away in a pocket dimension. Onyx Prime, Micronus Prime and the Thirteenth Prime willingly entered the Well of All Sparks and sacrificed their lives in order to jump-start its creative processes, with the intent of creating a new race to inhabit the world.
Alpha Trion and Alchemist Prime vowed to remain on Cybertron and nurture this new civilisation. Quintus Prime travelled into deep space with his Emberstone, with the intention of creating new races that will ally with future Cybertronian civilisations. Meanwhile, far out in space, the forgotten Requiem Blaster gradually accrues a collection of space junk around it. As its gravitational pull increases, more and more drifting shipwrecks and space junk gather around it, eventually forming an artificial planetoid. This artificial planet will later become known as Junkion. Meanwhile, sealed away in a parallel dimension, the Fallen swore revenge for his humiliation and exile.
The three Primes that entered the Well activated the AllSpark, which in turn, emitted a great burst of energy. From this beam of energy came a wide variety of mechanical life, including precursors to modern Cybertronians. Among them was a robot named Orion Pax; in reality, he is the Thirteenth Prime reborn in a humbler shape, unaware of his origins or true heritage. On the last stellar cycle, the Allspark's largest and most powerful creations of all, the Predacons and Maximals emerged, in the image of the Lord of Beasts, Onyx Prime. Predaking, leader of the Predacons, was the first of their kind, followed by Lazerback, Hun-Gurr, Twinstrike, Dragotron, and so on; Tigerhawk, leader of the Maximals, came to be too, followed by Skyshadow, Noctorro, Airhammer, and so on. Then came the Mini-Cons, from the image of Micronus Prime himself: Strada, Mach Kick, Battlehorn, Magna Stampede, etc. Many more came and followed in either faction, and while the Maximals and Mini-Cons were peaceful with other humanoid Cybertronians and each other, the Predacons came into tension and eventual conflict.
Nonetheless, Cybertron's fledgling ecosystems continued to grow and prosper for many thousands of years. Eventually, however, a passing red giant star interfered with Cybertron's own sun, causing meteor strikes and solar flares. While many humanoid Transformers took shelter underground in stasis lock, the Predacons remained unshielded on the surface and ultimately didn't survive, though they left behind a multitude of fossils containing extractable CNA. Some of the Maximals and Mini-Cons, however, managed to escape for the stars and seek for other worlds to take refuge. Some of the planets that some of the surviving Maximals eventually found included Animatron, Beast, Eukaris, Primordia, and Equestria.
The surviving Cybertronians were quick to rebuild their wounded world. In the era that followed, many small settlements and villages formed as protection from marauding warlords and barbarian armies. One such settlement, known as Iacon, became home to an influential group known as the Patterners. Composed of survivors from the Great Cataclysm, this group of rationalists and philosophers rallied under the leadership of Azimuth. Their quest for knowledge led them to study the movements and patterns of the stars, and eventually carved great geometric symbols into the face of Cybertron. Their movement eventually spawned many splinter groups and counter-cults, such as the cult of Random led by Galvatron.
At some point during this time, the Dark Spark was discovered and studied by the Patterners and Disciples of the Thirteen, with some debate as to its origins. After witnessing its dark power, the Crystal Guardians decided that it was too powerful for study to be allowed to continue, and locked it away in vaults deep beneath their city.
Eventually, the Quintessons - creations of Quintus Prime - discovered the world of Cybertron. Remotely observing the world by a system of probes secretly inserted into Cybertronians, the aliens began preparing to invade the world, secretly intending to turn Cybertronians into mindless workers and selling them into slavery. Whatever happened to Quintus Prime himself remained a mystery for a long time.
A young Ratchet discovered a Quintesson probe inside the worker Coldwelder. Not long afterwards, the first Quintesson ships descended from the sky in a grand arrival, and set themselves up as benevolent emissaries sent to "uplift" Cybertron into the galactic community. They won the public support of Cybertronians by "teaching" them how to transform - in reality, they were simply activating the dormant transformation cogs in the bodies of all Transformers.
Buoyed by popular opinion, the Quintessons soon established a globalised puppet government ruled by Sentinel Zeta Prime and a High Council of thirteen Transformers. Under Quintesson guidance and influence, Cybertronians rapidly developed both public and private infrastructure, and eventually mastered spaceflight and dimensional travel. Before long, however, cracks began to show in their benign façade. The Quintessons established a new Supreme Court in line with their twisted ideals of justice, while other Quintessons siphoned off the fruit of Cybertron's labour for their own ends. Some Transformers were even modified to serve as transportation for their rulers, such as installing cockpits on the bodies of the Seekers. The Quintesson occupation had a negative effect on the Well itself; Cybertronians began emerging from the Allspark without names or personalities. One such Transformer was the newly born D-16, who would be assigned a position in the mines of Cybertron.
When a resistance movement finally exposed the many lies of the Quintessons, they were overthrown and routed from the system in a war effort headed by Sentinel Prime himself, the Elite Guard, and the aforementioned resistance. D-16 was one of the many working-class Cybertronians called to arms. With new space bridges engineered from the Quintesson's half-completed projects, Cybertron entered its Golden Age...
To be continued...