13 Going On 30

Everything was itchy. Why was everything so itchy?

Whatever, why was he even considering a turtleneck? It was almost summer! Now, if he could just get the damn thing off his head then maybe...

With his shirt pulled up over his head, Iruka incidentally didn't see the corner of his bed.

Maybe hitting his toe wouldn't have been so painful if he hadn't fallen right onto the edge of his bed and bounced off like he was a Pomeranian who just heard there were government secrets in the neighbour's yard.

Laying on his bedroom floor with massive pain shooting up his left leg and hip, the sounds of his parents sprinting upstairs were just the nail in his coffin.

"Are you okay?" Kushina demanded but Iruka just curled in on himself in embarrassment, his shirt still covering his head and breeze hinting that his baggy pants were far too low.

"Mom! Get out!" He wailed, flailing to get himself decent but his shirt was holding him hostage.

"Are you okay? Do you need help?" She asked cautiously and he could hear her moving closer but no way in hell was he letting his mother help drive his already low self-esteem into the floorboards.

"I'm fine! Just get out!" He screeched back.

For once, instead of yelling back at him to quit his shit, she actually backed out of the room and closed the door. Finally wiggling his way out of the bird's nest fabric, Iruka sat on his bedroom floor with his hair wild and pants around his ankles.

Flashing his bacon-printed boxers at his mother. What a wonderful way to start his thirteenth birthday.

The rest of the morning was thankfully without as much embarrassment but he could tell Kushina was ignoring him heavily, probably because of the tone he took with her and he already felt bad about it.

Minato was all smiles though, calmly sitting at the kitchen table with his coffee and a warm smile. "Happy birthday, bud. Welcome to your teenage years."

"Thanks," Iruka muttered with a strained smile. Kushina was behind her husband, feeding the baby with her back to them and keeping quiet. The pants incident wasn't brought up.

As much as he wanted to apologize, he had bigger issues to worry about.

It was his birthday and also a Friday. That meant people were counting on him to throw a party which the parentals had already said no to a million times no matter how much he'd begged. He had to try his luck one more time.

"Hey, dad," He started off slowly with Minato's eyes on him the entire time, watching him intently and making his bones tremble. "I was just hoping that maybe I could…"

Like a veteran at a rave, Iruka could almost see the flashbacks Minato was having to every other time they'd throw a party, get-together or potluck that ended in either major injury or an outbreak of fear in the community.

Minato and Kushina both snapped involuntarily at the same time, "No!"

And that was a huge blow to Iruka's chest that he visibly recoiled at.

"If this is about a party, Iruka," Minato started but Iruka was already out of the room.

"Forget it!" Grabbing his backpack and his pride, he threw himself into his shoes and out the door before he could hear them calling out after him.

"Iruka!" Minato called but deflated when the front door slammed shut.

With a comforting hand on his shoulder, Kushina squeezed but Minato was already rubbing his hands over his tired face, "He's barely even a teenager yet."

"He's having a hard day," She assured. "Just wait until tonight and he'll be putty in our hands for what we got him."

"God, yes," Minato sighed dreamily, thinking of all the quiet, peaceful days they'd have after that night. "For once, a quiet house."

Naruto shrieked happily from his high chair, smacking a bowl of mush with his spoon and sending everything flying.

Baggy jeans and equally baggy shirt, Iruka wondered if fashion should even be on his mind. He felt so sweaty, he probably smelled worse than he looked which was definitely horrible. It was so hot and it was only the end of May, totally whack. The universe was conspiring against him to make this day the worst. He just wanted to crawl out of his own skin, taking his skinny frame with him.

There was one last hope though. Minato and Kushina weren't down for a party, no surprise there since the last one he'd had ended in the basement smelling like motor oil for a week. It was expected at this point but he'd tried. Now, it was time for Plan B.

B for Best Friend.

Even though Kakashi Hatake wasn't what people would consider 'popular' or 'cool' he was definitely Iruka's rock in more ways than one. He was the smartest kid in school and definitely the calmest of the bunch in contrast to the garbage fire that Iruka was. People liked the guy because he was easy to talk to and Iruka would never say it out loud, but he was almost jealous sometimes. Not about the social aspect. No, Iruka had that down pat. He was a casanova who could charm his way into people's hearts. Well, he was good with adults who were mad at him that is.

He wasn't the smartest bean though. In all honesty, he was kind of slow. That was probably why he was almost kept back a grade twice. And Kakashi had always been there to help him out with homework or try to explain things to him even though it was pointless half the time. He just had to get through this year.

High school was just around the corner. He was a teenager now, cooler than all the other grades. He just had to prove it to the other kids in his grade.

Like Mizuki.

That guy was the coolest in class, always wearing cool clothes with his hair dyed different shades of blue. He was like one of those rap artists you see on magazines, chill and distant. Iruka hadn't really ever talked to him but Mizuki was known for being the head of the pack. For years, Iruka just wanted to fit in and Mizuki was the approval he needed. And to get that approval, he needed to throw a rad party. He needed everyone there, music, drinks, snacks, movies and girls. Girls were a must to getting anyone to come.

Thankfully, Anko was down for anything and she was usually the person to talk to for networking. She would probably round up other girls from class who he didn't know the names of and never would. He never really cared about girls come to think of it. But he had other things to worry about like food. He had tons of money saved up from all the babysitting he'd done over the years and there was a huge sale at the Walmart.

The one key piece of the puzzle was a place. That's where Kakashi came in. Mister Hatake had been gone on a month-long business trip which left Kakashi's super high-tech basement a perfect location to party. He just had to convince Kakashi.

Books were a good bribe but Iruka didn't have many of those. He could always promise his babysitting money for the next year but Iruka would rather keep his pocket change. He always had his most prized possession, his beloved, autographed poster from the Backstreet Boys that Kakashi always fawned over.

Yes, for Kakashi's basement, he was willing to trade everything.

Up ahead on the sidewalk, he spotted a figure standing at the edge of a driveway a few houses up with a backpack and glasses sliding down their nose.

"Kakashi!" He just had to get that tall, clever teen to fold a little.

Face poking out from behind a book, Kakashi looked just as chill as ever with his crisp white shirt tucked into his pants. A bit nerdy, Iruka couldn't help but think as he grinned and eagerly flung himself over Kakashi's unassuming shoulders.

"Good morning," Was Kakashi's routine grunt but Iruka already had his arm around Kakashi's neck.

"Aw, just a good morning?" He pouted but Kakashi knew he was joking.

"Fine, happy birthday," They started walking down the sidewalk together towards school as they usually did. An arm was around Iruka's waist in a hug but Iruka was already over their greetings. It was down to business.

"Kakashi," He sang and Kakashi knowingly sighed.

"Yes, birthday boy?"

"I need your help." Time to appeal to Kakashi's strengths. "I don't know what to do."

"About what?"

"You're just so smart. My parents won't let me throw a party at home."

Kakashi wasn't being moved by that tactic from the uneasy squint Iruka was getting. Time to switch it up and play the sappy friend.

"I don't know what to do. They won't even let me invite you over. I wanted to throw this awesome party for us."

From the way Kakashi seemed to sag and frown, Iruka could tell he'd hit gold.

"They won't even let me come over?" There was a disappointment and Iruka tried to play it cool even though he knew that he'd already found what he'd been looking for.

"Not even to bring you your gift?"

"You got me a gift?" Iruka asked in surprise, taken aback even though he should have probably seen it coming. They'd been best friend for years now, after all. He'd just assumed that Kakashi would just help him with his homework again.

"Duh, of course I did." Kakashi sighed and let his eyes wander away, his neck still under Iruka's arm and pulling him down to hunch a bit. "Will they let you go out?"

"Well," Iruka whined, remembering that he had a goal. "I don't know, my parents really want to spend time with me."

"We'll be able to throw a party."


"Really? At your place?"

"Yeah, they won't mind if you come over, right?"


"I'll still have to talk to Anko."

"Tell her to come too."


With a sparkle in his eye, Iruka pulled Kakashi close and grinned, "Really, Kakashi?"

There was a chuckle. "Duh, idiot. What's a party without other people?"

"Thank you!" With a huge hug and a thousand thanks, they broke out into laughter and started planning for the night to come. It was only as they were walking up the school steps that Kakashi admitted, "You know, Iruka. If you wanted to throw a party at my place, you could've just asked."

As always, Kakashi could see right through Iruka like the best friend he was and Iruka couldn't help but feel embarrassed by himself.

"I know," He confessed and gave a sincere smile as they pushed through the front doors. "Really, thank you."

There was pink satisfaction on Kakashi's cheeks as he replied happily, "You're welcome."

With playful shoves, they split for their lockers and Iruka was searching the crowd for Anko to tell her the good news. His strides were quick and excited as he passed through lockers to get to his own. Younger grades were looking up at him in awe at his posture even though Iruka was trying to pretend he didn't notice, hoping he looked cool.

"Ah, Iruka!" A mousy, brown-haired boy waved his way. "Happy birthday!"

"Thanks, Yamato," Iruka winked and the younger boy's glowing smile was a boost of confidence on his back. He was starting to feel older, more chill. He just had to survive the day. The party was going to be great. They were going to have a good time and Mizuki wasn't going to treat him like a nerd anymore.

Anko's sharp hair was cutting through the crowd in the distance like a beacon and he hurried up to her.

"Ah, Iruka!" In her rolled-up skirt and jean jacket, he couldn't help but think that she looked like a rockstar who was gracing his presence. She had the whole room's attention as she walked in. He was happy she tolerated him. "I hear it's your birthday."

"Yeah, it is. There's gonna be a party tonight and everything." Hopefully, she couldn't see how desperate he was for her reaction.

"Oh?" Her curiosity was peaked and the wheels were already turning in her head, a smile peaking through. "I thought your parents said no."

"They're cool with it." Iruka lied. "It's gonna be at Kakashi's place since his is a lot bigger."

"Rad, we'll be there." She touched his shoulder and he couldn't help but blush a little, feeling a little awkward at the contact.

"See ya," He quickly scooted away to his locker as he could hear her calling across the hall to her friends. It was shaping to be an awesome night.

He dumped his things in his locker just as the bell rang and spent the first class eagerly making a list in his notebook of things they needed.

By the time lunch rolled around, he was locked and loaded, nervous to get things going.

With a bounce in his step, he hurried to find Kakashi and talk about their classes.

"I told Anko."

Kakashi nodded at Iruka's words and mused after the last piece of his sandwich, "Hope she doesn't tell the whole school. Gonna be hard to clean that up."

While Kakashi's mind was on the practical, Iruka couldn't help but daydream about what that would be like. It was kind of intimidating but the party would go down as legendary if everyone in school was there. Maybe then Mizuki would finally figure out they weren't dorks.

"You're picking at them." At the reminder, Iruka realised his hand was up near his face and poking at his irritating acne.

Growling in frustration, he threw his hands between his thighs and whined, "Why puberty?"

"Maybe puberty's not the source." Kakashi provided quite unhelpfully. "I mean, you haven't really grown much."

"Come on," Iruka shot a glare but Kakashi shrugged. Iruka didn't have to kick far to hit one of Kakashi's long legs. "Not everyone's a weed like you are."

Even though he was bent over the table and hissing, the other teen still managed to chuckle out, "At least I'm not a shorty like you."

"One day," Iruka pointed out. "I'm gonna be tall and awesome and you'll be so jealous."

"You'll have to wait until you're like thirty for that." Kakashi joked back but Iruka was too busy trying to kick him again.

"At least my hair will still be colourful!"


Their playful fight trickled away with Iruka happy that Kakashi wasn't as tall as he was. As they walked back to their lockers, he watched the way Kakashi's hair was starting to poke free from the gel he used to hold it back and the awkward gait he walked with. His height was really the only thing keeping him and Iruka from being bullied by the other kids. Thankfully, the worst they did was talk about him behind his back, things that Iruka would never ever repeat to his face. They were way too mean.

They were things he thought of though when he was by himself and he hoped that Kakashi would never have to deal with that like he was. It was frustrating enough to be called those names to your face by the people Mizuki hung out with but it was another thing to find that they might be right.

"Hey." There was a flash when Iruka looked up.

"Kakashi!" He snapped but his friend was already stashing his cellphone back into his back and snapping the door shut. "Delete that!"

"Oh, no. I already closed the door." Kakashi grinned and headed off to probably some smarty science class while Iruka was left alone by his locker with cheeks on fire. He was already embarrassed enough by the time he finally got his books out and started for math class.

As he started down the hall though, a group of people came into view. Mizuki's flashy chain was the brightest of the group's and the others who tried to copy him were dulled in comparison. It was easy to stop them and Iruka quickly snapped around to detour, nervously hoping they didn't see him as he clutched his textbook to his chest.

"Happy birthday, butt slut!" A voice called out and Iruka hurried faster to the stairs.

"Zabuza!" A teacher thankfully called out as Iruka sprinted up the stairs and out of sight.

Adrenaline and stress made his last class go by within seconds without giving Iruka time to plan at all. Not that Mister Hiruzen would have let his focus wander anyway.

After school was finally over, he and Kakashi were sprinting down the street to their houses even though Iruka's pants were falling and Kakashi was panting like a racehorse.

"Meet you at the store!" Iruka called behind him as Kakashi flopped onto his lawn with a squawk.

Taking that as an okay, Iruka raced to his empty home and flew up the stairs to his room. The mirror was telling him that he looked like a mess and he tried brushing his wild mess of hair into something more presentable.

What should he wear? He wanted to look rad, give a good impression. His closet was full of band shirts and jeans that were more like mom jeans than anything. The ones he was wearing now were the baggiest he had and if he showed up in mom jeans even Kakashi would laugh at him. They always made his butt look huge.

Whatever. He would wear his favourite pair of cargo pants and just go casual. No biggie. He could pretend he partied every weekend and that this was just a small get-together.

A little bit of plaid and a hat later, Iruka hurried back out of the house before anyone knew he was even there.

Kakashi showed up at the store about ten minutes after Iruka with wet spots on his khakis and when Iruka gave him a look, he shrugged, "What? They had grass stains."

"To the food!" Iruka led the way through and they started gathering supplies according to the list.

"Tell your parents?" Kakashi asked, ever the responsible one.

"Left them a note that I was sleeping at your place," Iruka replied, grabbing only the finest chips and pop for their cart of goodies even though Kakashi was eyeing him nervously. The topic was dropped and Iruka was thankful that he had such a good friend, knowing that Kakashi would have his back. They didn't have many chances to do things like this and he could tell Kakashi was just as excited as he was.

Their cart wasn't exactly full but they had what Iruka had budgeted for including the pizza they would order later, both jittery and nervous for the night ahead. Backpacking their way back, Iruka was so nervous that he didn't notice the way Kakashi was walking abnormally faster. It was mostly normal for Iruka to lag behind because one of them had jealously long legs. Not to mention the view. Kakashi was so tall and his hair always had that fluffy quality in the back that Iruka liked a million more times than the gel. What was that saying? Hate to see you leave but love to watch you go?

Anyway, the trees were nice too.

Hurrying up Kakashi's front steps after him, Iruka was once again astounded to walk into such a beautiful home. Two stories of hardwood, glass and marble were rare in this area but Kakashi's dad was always away for a reason. The house was one to behold. Spiral stairs curved up to the second floor and a set curled down under it to the basement where they would so party.

"Let's go up to my room." Kakashi abruptly said as they walked in, dropping his bag and taking the stairs two at a time.

"Oi! Wait for me!" Iruka called, almost tripping over his own pants on the way up. Panting and slowing down, he followed the path he knew that led to the open door of Kakashi's bedroom. Dark navy walls covered in posters of skies and stars, Kakashi's room was full of model planes and spaceships that all spoke volumes of Kakashi's unspoken love for space and the final frontier.

Standing between his bed and the desk on the other side of the room, Kakashi was holding a box covered in wrapping paper of his favourite show Totally Spies and tied neatly with a green ribbon.

"Happy birthday," Kakashi said nervously and Iruka was glowing with just the gesture. He almost didn't move until Kakashi nodded him over to his bed. "Gonna open this or not?"

With slow careful hands, Iruka pulled on the ribbons until they fell onto the bed between them. Taking his time on carefully peeling the beautiful wrapping paper off, Kakashi groaned, "You're so slow!"

"And rip this gold? Hell no!" Iruka grinned, relishing Kakashi's squirming until the paper finally fell away to reveal a shoebox. Inside was a collection of things that made Iruka shake with excitement; his favourite candies, a handbook to pranking, a Backstreet Boys CD and a brandless CD case that had Kakashi's handwritten across the front.

"Iruka's Jams," He read out breathlessly and Kakashi grinned across the bed from him.

"I made you a mix. For when you get your discman back."

"Mom said next week," Iruka grinned happily and jumped up from the bed. "Can we play it now? On your system?"

"Of course!" Kakashi got up as Iruka neatly replaced the box's lid and made sure it was safe and sound on Kakashi's bed.

Down the first flight, they grabbed the goodies and started down the stairs to the basement when Iruka saw that the basement was already decorated head to toe in streamers and balloons.

Arms weak and chest aching, he wheezed on the steps, "Kakashi."

Winking through his glasses, Kakashi dropped his bags on the roundtable in the back and came up to take the present from Iruka's dead hands. "Couldn't let you have a boring party."

"How did you…?" Iruka mumbled as he stepped down onto the soft carpet floor and dragged his bags to the table.

"Did it last night. Thought you might ask me to hang out anyway." Kakashi said as he started to power up the expensive sound system that was wired to play through the speakers around the basement.

Cheat burning in fondness, Iruka watched Kakashi bend over to hit switches and tried to pretend that the heartbeat that ran through his entire body was just from the sweet gesture. It definitely wasn't from the way Kakashi bent over. Totally not.

Music cut through his thoughts and Kakashi grinned at him as his favourite songs started playing. As they unpacked the food and started setting things up, the music just kept getting better and until they were singing along and goofing off. They snacked and even put on the television in the meantime while they waited for pizza.

Iruka was surprised his parents hadn't called Kakashi's place yet. He was relieved by the time the pizza came and there was no call. Hopefully that meant that they weren't angry he wasn't going to be home. They only had plans to go out for supper on Saturday so it made sense.


"Mhm?" Kakashi hummed over a book.

"Do you really think puberty will only stop at thirty?" Iruka anxiously asked to a chuckle.

"Nah, it'll probably last longer."

Kakashi's feet were promptly kicked.

"I'm joking," He whined and notice the pout Iruka was putting on and anxiety behind it. "Before you know it, we'll be adults and able to do what we want."

"And be what we want." Iruka agreed dreamily, not having a clue what he wanted to be at all but hoping he'd be successful and rich.

"We could have our own places." Kakashi's mind was far gone and Iruka listened as he explained a dream Iruka had heard so many times over. "A little house in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees."

"I'll make you one," Iruka grinned jokingly but Kakashi was so hooked on his dream.



They faded away into their own thoughts at the idea of being independent people with freedom and no school. Iruka hoped that meant he wasn't as awkward or weird. He just wanted to be happy and have tons of friends to hang out with, ones he didn't have to impress with pranks.

"Wow," Iruka awed at the pranking handbook as they ate on the huge basement couch. "This thing even has sneezing powder."

"If you use that on me, I'll kill you," Kakashi warned but Iruka smirked.

"Don't worry, you baby." He wasn't thinking of Kakashi at all. There were some people in school for really deserved it, Mizuki's buddies to name a few. Besides, Kakashi already had to deal with a million allergies that had him sneezing constantly. Speaking of guests, they should maybe be there soon. Iruka wondered. "What time is it?"

"Almost seven." Kakashi said after a check of his watch.

When Iruka hummed impatiently, Kakashi mused back, "Should we put up some lights, maybe?"

"Do you have a disco ball?" Iruka asked cheekily and Kakashi shrugged.

"You can check the closet and see." Iruka was already on his feet and heading to the closet tucked under the stairs, tugging on the light to find no disco ball in plain sight.

"Liar." Iruka mumbled.

Kakashi coming up behind him suddenly said, "Why would I have a disco ball?"

"I don't know!" Iruka wheezed as he clutched his chest. "You said you had lights and didn't say you didn't have one! God, you scared me."

Pushing past Iruka's antics, Kakashi pulled down a box and they started going through it and pulling out strands of multi-coloured lights that were probably meant for the holidays.

They had just plugged in the lights when the doorbell rang.

In shock, they stood there for a second until Iruka burst into action.

"They're here!" He was already up the stairs by the time Kakashi finally realised what was happening.

When Iruka opened the door, he was half relieved and half disappointed to see Anko standing there sweetly in a different short skirt and a crop top that definitely revealed too much skin for their age. Behind her, a bunch of her friends were wearing similar clothes with the same bright, shimmering makeup.

"Iruka," She called sweetly and he stepped aside with a grin to let them in.

"Hey, girls. The party's downstairs." He guided and Anko patted his shoulder.

"Rad," They started down the stairs and Iruka was about to close the door when it bounced back and almost hit him in the face.

"Whoa," A voice on the other side made Iruka froze and he slowly peeled it open to find a group of guys walking up the steps behind Mizuki who was rubbing his shoulder. He was cocky when he asked, "Uninviting us, Umino?"

His smirk made Iruka very afraid and nervous but not in a bad way. The guys behind Mizuki did though. Their baggy jeans and chains were all trademarks of their clique and Iruka tried to calm himself from feeling embarrassed for even trying to look cool like them because he felt like he was a child compared to them.

He was thirteen now though and this was his party. Squaring his shoulders, he said in a the chillest voice he could muster, "Sorry, come on in."

"Thanks." Mizuki stepped inside and Iruka could see him studying the place with his cool stare as if rating everything with his eyes. Iruka was kind of glad his parents didn't let him have a party. His house wasn't as cool as Kakashi's.

"Nice place," Mizuki's remark was a needle to his stress balloon and Iruka didn't even care when the rest of Mizuki's friends ignored him.

"The party's downstairs." The guys followed his hint and headed down with right behind them. The music downstairs had been changed to something more mainstream. Iruka noticed that Kakashi was stiffly sitting on the couch with his hands curled into his khakis but Iruka noticed that the girls were giggling. That was a good sign at least.

Like flies, the guys immediately swarmed around the food and Iruka didn't really know where to put himself until one of Anko's friends called him over to where the girls had started dancing.

"Iruka," She said secretly. "We brought you a gift but it's a secret, okay?"

"Huh? Oh, you didn't have to." He flushed but she smirked at him.

"No, you'll like it," She assured and the music suddenly got louder and Iruka found himself on the couch a few minutes later next to Kakashi, sweating from the dancing and feeling dizzy from the coloured lights.

"Hey," Iruka nudged his catatonic friend and Kakashi jolted out of whatever state he was in but Iruka could tell he wasn't feeling too good about there being so many people there of that he didn't know them too well. "You okay?"

Kakashi opened his mouth but his words were swallowed by cheers as someone in the group finished a bottle of pop in one sip.

"I'm just gonna go up for air," Iruka could barely hear Kakashi's voice in his ear but he nodded and watched Kakashi leave as the others chapped.

"Okay everyone!" Anko clapped her hands and grinned excitedly, looking around at everyone with the bottle in her hands. "Let's play a game!"

Some of the guys groaned but a lot of the girls cheered in their place.

"Let's play," Anko sang as she pretended to think. "Seven minutes in heaven!"

The room erupted in giggles but Iruka's heart dove for the worst. Seven minutes? In a closet with someone? He hadn't even had his first kiss; he didn't even know what you'd do for seven minutes.

Everyone was giggling or nervously getting into the circle that Anko was waving them into and Iruka found himself sitting between two girls he barely knew. At the end, Anko was grinning as she explained conspiratorially, "This is Anko's Special Seven. Instead of just picking people, we're going to spin the bottle to see who goes first. The person goes into the closet so that their partner is a surprise. We spin until it's boy-girl."

What? Iruka barely understood the rules but soon enough everyone was giggling as Anko did the honours. The bottle spun for and for a heart-stopping moment it almost landed on him but thankfully it titled just to a girl next to him and the group erupted into catcalls as someone produced a tie and the girl was ushered into the closet. The music was turned up, bottle spun and the stressful moment passed as one of the quieter guys was picked and everyone held back giggles.

For a whole seven minutes, Iruka watched as the other kids listened intently through the loud music for any noise at all. By the door, one of them was grinning and holding back chuckles until a watch went off. The door was thrown open and out walked two teens. The girl was blushing terribly and the guy had sicky, sparkling pink lip gloss all over his lips. It was obvious they had made out but the dread Iruka had been feeling bubbled up again. Every time the bottle spinned, his heart cringed and he wanted to throw up.

He silently hoped he wouldn't ever get picked but luck was not on his side. After another pair, the bottle landed right on him and he stared in disbelief until he was hauled up by his armpits and manhandled by the other guys into the closet while the others cooed as he was blindfolded.

The door slammed shut and the music was turned way up until Iruka couldn't hear a thing. His heart was beating too loud in his ears anyway. He was beginning to panic especially as there was a loud shout he couldn't understand. There was what sounded like chanting and he pressed his back up against the shelves, unconsciously trying to hide as they got louder and louder.

He almost jumped when the door was opened and shut just as quickly. He couldn't see what was happening but a body suddenly hit him and the other person steadied themselves against him in the dark.

He couldn't tell who it was but they were very close and he could feel them pressing close. The rest of the world didn't seem to matter in that tiny moment because he started to get a sense for what kind of body was in front of him. And he could tell it wasn't a girl. He was alone in a closet with a guy and his heart was racing along to the music because the other person was holding onto him tightly. They knew Iruka was a boy, right? They knew what this game was, right? Why were they holding Iruka so closely? Didn't they know what this game was and what they were supposed to do?

His question was quickly answered by the hands on his arms sliding up. They traveled over his shoulders and barely grazed his neck. Shivers ran over his skin and the hands were cupping his jaw, tilting his head back and Iruka felt like he was on fire. Skin cold, the fingers were hotter than his boiling blood and his muscles trembled as if knowing before Iruka did about what was coming. The music in the background fell away as Iruka's senses fully focused on the person in front of him and the way they were getting closer and closer. Painfully slowly, Iruka could feel their hot breath on his lips and the faint smell of gum moving in until his heart stopped.

Soft and tender, Iruka finally understood what it felt like to kiss another human being. It was just a press of lips, more than grazing but not enough to call it passionate. His head was still spinning though and he couldn't stop thinking about how he was glad it wasn't a girl.

And then his heart stopped for real because light was suddenly flashing with the telltale sounds of a cell phone camera going off. Immediately, he recoiled from everything, ripped off the tie around his eyes and was blinded by the flash of cellphones. There was laughing and suddenly everyone was running out with calls over their shoulder, "Gay!"

The basement was empty but the music was still playing after the thunder of footsteps had passed. The lights still glowed. The balloons were mostly popped. Kakashi had slowly pulled off the blindfold that was around his eyes. Iruka couldn't look him in the eyes but he could see the red embarrassment on his neck and cheeks.

The calls rolled around in his head and he didn't know what to say but Kakashi cut him off by walking right out. He didn't know why, but it made the tears in his eyes roll down his cheeks. It felt like everything was crushed and Iruka couldn't stand the music anymore but he couldn't go upstairs and face Kakashi so he slammed the closet door shut with him inside.

The tears were flowing freely now and he couldn't stop them no matter how hard he wiped and he couldn't see. Tripped up by his own pants, his back suddenly hit the shelves hard and he slid down to the floor, things raining down onto him.

Once the avalanche had stopped, he couldn't help but feel like he had hit rock bottom. He hated this. Being thirteen was no different than any other year. He wished he was older. That he was taller. He wished he was thirty, then he wouldn't be the awkward mess he was now.

The catalyst to his crisis though was the thin book that hit him square on the head and the trails of dust that followed. With sneeze dust in his hair and itching his nose, Iruka looked down on the book of pranks in his lap. The tears started to boil over.

But instead of crying, he sneezed.

The closet was gone.

The house was gone.

Everything was different.