
Once outside, Lexi leans back against the railing to look back through the glass windows at the party inside, while her friend watches her.

"That was insane," Lexi says, still grasping the idea of what had just happened.

"It was," he comments, "and you look great by the way."

"Thanks," she smiles up at him, "you clean up nice too."

Lexi glances away after a moment and the two of them stand there in silence for a couple minutes before Dean speaks again, "We're good right? You and me?"

She turns to him, concern on her face, "Of course. What makes you ask that?"

Dean turns to rest his elbows on the railing, facing away from the building, "I don't know…all this maybe. Your…magic side, I just don't feel like we talk about it much, because I'm not a part of that."

"I'm…sorry," she says soothingly, placing her hand on his shoulder, "you've just had so much going on, I didn't want to bother you with it."

He glances over to her for a moment, holding her gaze, "I just don't want to lose you...I can't."

"Hey," she smirks, "you're stuck with me, regardless of what I am."

He grins at her comment and she shoves his shoulder as she says, "Now come on, we're missing the party."

Lexi turns to head back inside, but Dean grabs her wrist to stop her, his voice low, "Wait."

His hand slips down, interlocking his fingers with hers and her heart skips a beat as suddenly she feels like she's back in Joe's bar, over two years ago in this same moment. The only night he'd cracked the door and she had pulled it back shut when she pulled away from him to go home to Oliver.

"Lex," Dean's voice is barely above a whisper.

He pulls her back to him with the hand he's holding, unlocking their fingers as she turns and steps back into him. He grabs her hip with that hand, pulling her closer to him as his other hand cups the side of her face. She stares into those familiar green eyes and she's never seen him look at her like this, not even demon Dean. Lexi melts into him like ice cream in the summer sun, and she's not sure if it's from the look in his eyes, or the heat emanating from their bodies. All the built-up anticipation, the countless stolen glances, the small lingering touches filled with electricity, all of it led here. Lexi drops her eyes for a moment as she moves her hands up his chest, before glancing back up at him through dark eyelashes. Dean ducks his head, pressing his lips to hers as years of feelings finally fall down around them like embers from a fire. He kisses her softly, like she's made of porcelain, as if she might break, and although it's sweet, soft isn't what she needs. Every nerve in her body is burning like never before and she knots her fists into the black fabric of his shirt, pulling him closer to her as she tugs on his bottom lip with her teeth. She can feel him smile as his arms flex around her, pulling her tighter against him and he kisses her harder and deeper, the two of them consuming each other.

When Dean finally pulls away, he looks down at her his lips curling slightly in a smile as she says breathlessly, "Where'd that come from?"

He shrugs his shoulders as he says quietly, "Just thought it was time, I guess."

She takes a small step back with a grin, leaving her hands on his chest, "As much as I want to stay out here…"

"I know," he replies, turning her hips with his hands and draping his left arm across his shoulder, "you have an appearance to keep up tonight, don't need people wondering where we slipped off to."

She smiles as they start to walk back toward the glass door, and she sees Sam making small talk at the bar with Steve and Bucky and suddenly it clicks in her mind. Stopping dead in her tracks she turns placing her left hand firmly against his chest to stop him.

"Wait a minute," Lexi says, "you saw me flirting with him, didn't you?"

"What?" Dean tries to look confused.

"I've seen the comics stashed in your room," she accuses him with her finger, but smirking as she does, "Is that what finally brought that on, you're jealous of Captain America?"

He grabs her hand, eyeing her firmly, "And if it was?"

"I must say," she begins, stepping slightly closer to him as he releases her wrist, "Jealousy is a good look on you."

The smile she gives him makes her eyes light up and he starts to shake his head, "That's not a challenge."

Lexi takes a step back from him grabbing the handle of the door, and using the most innocent voice she can muster, "But, it is Cap's birthday."

She bites her bottom lip as she opens the door and gives Dean a quick wink, before stepping back inside.

The green-eyed man runs his hands over his face in exasperation as he mutters to himself, "It's going to be a long night."


The next morning, Sam makes his way down the hall back to his room and ends up running into his brother who's also trying to sneak back into their room.

"Whatcha doin'?" Sam questions him in a child-like tone.

"Nothin'," Dean responds, opening the door to their room.

Both men stare inside at the two beds, still freshly made from the day before, indicating neither brother had slept in this room.

"Where'd you sleep?" Sam questions his brother.

"You first," his older brother says walking over to sit on the edge of the bed to take off his shoes.

"Nope," he replies, "I asked you first."

Dean looks at him and narrows his eyes, "Romanoff."

The younger brother can't help but look at him in surprise, "Really?"

The green-eyed man nods his head in satisfaction as Sam picks his duffel bag up out of the floor, "What about you?"

"Some blonde," Sam replies, "Natalie, I think."

"Proud of you," Dean gives him a smirk.

Sam knows Dean's lying, but he will give his brother some credit though, under normal circumstances he would have fully believed that Dean and Natasha had spent the night together. However, he knew for a fact that his brother was not with Natasha last night, because he had just left Romanoff's room and she was still in her bed, where the two of them had been all night.

Sam isn't sure why his brother would keep his little rendezvous a secret, especially from him, but he would give it to him this time, after all, he did put up a good front and Sam was almost certain he knew who's room Dean had stayed in last night.