Six Days Later: May Ninth...
"Everyone on the street wanted to talk to me, while on my way to school! I never thought I would get fans!" Ashido exclaimed, all too excited from people recognizing her at the Sports Festival and congratulating her on getting third place with Tokoyami.

"I know, right?!" Sero replied, just as thrilled that a bunch of strangers recognized him and wishing him luck for next year.

"It's still kinda weird that people recognizes us on TV." Hagakure replied, rubbing her invisible hands together. "People on the street were staring at me. It was kinda embarrassing."

"Uh, Hagakure-chan, wouldn't that be a bit normal, for you?" Ojiro asked, giving her a shy smile.

"It only took one Sports Festival, and then we're like celebrities!" Kaminari boasted with Mineta, who was in much of an agreement with his friend.

"This school really is amazing!" The smaller-male replied.

While half of the students were chatting with each other, the rest of the classroom went to their seats.

Izuku, who no longer has his arm in a sling but still has both of his hands bandaged up, immediately went to the back corner of the room. There, he sat next to Sierra.




...Neither of them said a word.





...Neither of them were in a happy, bright mood, like most of the other students.

The god-siblings were too focused on looking over to their friend, Iida, who was sitting at his desk, being very quiet.


...They, also, were eyeing Bakugō... Who was, also, quiet... And, in their own perspective, is seething with a burning anger.

Sierra can guess one thing that could've triggered the sixteen year-old to be so angry... And, honestly, she doesn't know if she should be pleased, that he'll finally be held accountable for all the pain and suffering he caused in her and Izuku's lives... Or, if she should be worried, if he'll try and take his rage out on the both of them, the instant he gets the chance to fight in another Hero Training Course.

She turned to her brother.

"Anything?" She whispered.

Izuku shook his head.

"He told me that his brother's doing fine, despite that he'll be off duty for a few months." He answered. "He didn't give off any signal for me to be worried... However, -Sierra raised an eyebrow.-I can tell he's hiding something. I don't know what... But, I think it's safe to say that you were and are still right to trust your instinct and be worry for Ten."

The fourteen year-old nodded her head. She knew Izuku would side with her on their friend's behavior, and is completely on board on wanting Iida to open up and figure out what's on his mind that makes Sierra very worried on what he'll probably do.

When they had a minute before the class started, Izuku went to his desk... Behind Katsuki, who let out a low-snarl.

Then, their classroom door opened. Shōta Aizawa, as Eraser Head, came into the class.

"Good morning." He plainly greeted his students, walking towards his desk.

"Good morning, Aizawa-sensei." They all greeted back.

He stood in front of his desk.

"Before we get started... -He turned to the fuming whitish-blonde teen.-Bakugō."

Bakugō, the entire time, stared at the wall, not wanting to make eye-contact with the Erasure Hero.

He let out a grunt, letting the thirty-one year-old know that he heard him.

Aizawa didn't like his attitude, but didn't say or do anything about it... Not when he has more, important business to tell him.

"...I believe that the principal paid you and your family a little visit, a few days ago. Am I right?"

Almost all of the students turned their gazes at the oldest-student in the classroom, who tightened his right-hand into a tight fist on top of his desk.

Within the group, Tsuyu, Tokoyami, Kōji and Shōji flashed clear sign of hatred towards the teen; they heard what All Might whispered to him, when giving out the winners their medals... They all hoped, that whatever their teacher was going to tell him, would be about the 'issue' involving Izuku and Sierra's friends that Bakugō caused to get killed.

...Shōta wished, in the depth of his soul, to have the brat, not only be taking out of the Hero Course, but to be taken out of U.A., immediately. And yes, he could kick him out of the Hero Course. And yes, Nezu could very much have no trouble, in the slightest, to approve Bakugō's expulsion.





...Sadly... That wasn't the case.

"He finished making your new schedule for the first school year. -He held up a piece of paper, holding it out.-And you better not forget the deal you were given, Bakugō."

He leaned in on his desk, eyes narrowing when the teen still refuses to meet his gaze and not get up to get the paper.



...What he did next, caught the other students off guard.






...He walked towards the sixteen year-old's desk... And, purposely, slammed the paper on the boy's desk.

The action, not only made Bakugō jump... But, when he came eye-to-eye to his teacher... His red-eyes showed fear, when Aizawa's eyes went red. His hair standing up on edge.

"...You're an ungrateful brat, Katsuki Bakugō." He growled out. "You're so self-absorbed, you see every kind of opportunity that gets you out of trouble, as a victory on getting away from a serious situation that can end up with you in a Juvenile Detention Center... Maybe even jail time, should we find more than enough evidence to your involvement with Lee Reiwa's death."

...Katsuki Bakugō, doesn't like to be challenged. Whether it be another student, a teacher, or even a Pro Hero.

Nobody is to stand in his way, on becoming the new number one hero.

While there was still some form of concern in his gaze, knowing that the Erasure Hero can remove him from the Hero Course, he pushed past his fears and flash the teacher a challenging glare.

"They'll find nothing on me," he sneered. "Even if they could, they wouldn't dare lay a hand on me, over some testimony from an overly emotional Animal Quirk User that still mourns for a would-be villain."



...If they weren't in class, Tokoyami would've allowed Dark Shadow to come out and pin the sixteen year-old to the wall. And, with the sun being blocked by the dark-clouds covering the sky and the few rains they've been having, Dark Shadow wouldn't be weak enough for Bakugō to seriously harm and/or try to destroy.

He, also, knew that Asui, Kōda and Shōji were all sitting at the edge of their seats, containing themselves from coming at the boy.

Hell, almost everyone in the entire classroom wanted to get out from their chair and knock him off his high horse.

...However, this is a matter for their teacher to deal with, and they are not to intervene.

Shōta want fazed by the boy's words... Instead, they fueled his anger to the topic.

"And you sound so confident about it, that you won't even try to deny or cover it up." He countered. "Quite frankly, I don't really care if you did caused that child's death or not. The issue right now, is that you are to uphold your end of the deal to make amends of your past mistakes, for you to be allowed to continue to be in U.A. and take the Hero Course... And, in case you didn't know, the teachers are, also, looking at past history and records. Whether it's tied to Lee Reiwa, or some other student, it doesn't matter. Whatever actions you made that harmed others, they willbe mentioned and notified to any hero agency that you plan to work for."

Bakugō's eyes widened at the news.

In the entire room, nobody said a single word.

Wanting to wrap the topic up, Aizawa stopped using his Quirk.

"The only reason you're still here, is because you do show enough potential on becoming a hero... and as such, it is our responsibility and duty to make sure that you don't ever become a villain, that you painted yourself to be. Remember, you break your bargain to the deal and you'll be gone, before you can say 'Plus Ultra'."

With that final sentence said, Eraser Head went back to his desk.

"Now then, back to the important matter. Today, we have a big class today, on Hero Informatics."

Most of the students were freaking out to what was in store for them. Most of them feared that it was going to be an expecting quiz. Some, recalling Hitoshi telling them that they can end up being taken out of the Hero Course, feared that one of them is going to be removed from Class 1-A.


...None of them was prepared to what they needed to talk about.

"...Today, you'll be picking out your Hero Names."




...Almost at once, many of the students jumped out of their seats and cheered.

"YAY! WE'RE GETTING OUR HERO NAMES!" Many yelled, mixed in with the screams.

Sierra, being one of the few to remain quiet and not join in, covered her ears with her hands.

'Why is it that they always get excited, when it involves doing something that's part of being a hero, and not know when to stay quiet when Dad isn't finished talking about the topic?'

Izuku, also, remained in his seat. Though, was more stunned to the fact that they're going to be picking their own names.

Annoyed on having their time wasted on cheering and getting too loud to good looking, Aizawa triggered his Quirk to activate. His glowing-red gaze and hair standing in the air was more than enough to get the students to settle down in just three seconds.

Once they all simmer down, he stopped using his Quirk.

"This is related to the Pro Hero draft pick that I mentioned, the last time we were in class."

Sierra and Izuku were surprised by the mentioning of the draft. They didn't think that they would have to worry about it, until they were in their second or third year at U.A.

"Normally, first year students won't have to worry about drafting, at least until their second or third year... But, as you should know, your class is different." Aizawa pressed on. "In fact, by extending to offers to first years like you, Pros are essentially investing into your potential. But, there's ample time for their interst to wane before you graduate. And any and all offers, can be arbitrarily revoked. It happens quite often."

"So, what you're saying is, we still need to prove ourselves to be recruited?" Hagakure caught on.

"That's right. -He turned to the blackboard. A remote control in his right-hand.-Now, here are the totals of you who got offers."

whitish-blue words popped on to the screen: "Class A No. of Offers".




...Underneath the title, a list started to appear.




...Many of the students were completely taken back, when they see that Todoroki was at the top of the board, with a total of 4,123 offers for him... Underneath his ranking, was Sierra, with a total of 3,695 offers.

Bakugō came after her, having 3,556 offers.




...Beneath him, Izuku's name appeared, with 1,042 offers.

Then, from Tokoyami to Sero, the rest of the group ranged between fourteen to three-hundred sixty.

"In past years, this is more spread out." Their teacher informed them, the moment the list ended. "But, this time, there's a pretty good gap."

As he expected, he can tell some of the students weren't that all excited on the results.

Kaminari, seeing he only gotten two-hundred seventy-two offers, let out a whine, throwing his head back against his seat.

"That's no fair." He groaned out.

Yūga, seeing his name not on the board, was fuming.

"How can this be?! Moi, the star, not present!" He pouted, despite knowing he performed very poorly in the Sports Festival.

Jirō, one of the many, was completely puzzled at the results.

"Todoroki got the most, ahead of Sis?"

"Yeah. It's completely unexpected, since Sis won first place. Though, I'm even more surprised that he even got more offers than Bakubro." Kirishima added in, confused.

"It's probably, that a lot of them didn't want to work with the guy who, not only beat Ocha to a pulp, but also may have found out that he nearly endangered all the guests with his attack, if Ra Ra didn't hold him off and the teachers didn't created that barrier." Sero reminded, not bothering to keep quiet when said guy can hear their every word.


Momo was a bit upset and disappointed that her name didn't get on the board. She knew that she didn't show much during the match up against Tokoyami, but she had hoped that some would take notice of her performance in the Calvary Battle and see her worth through that.

She turned to Todoroki, who blankly stared at the board.

She offered him a small-smile, trying to at least be a good sport and congratulate him.

"It's amazing," she commented. "You must be so proud."

The younger-student didn't look in the least excited by the results, let alone showed any signs that he appreciated the comment to the numbers of offers he's gotten.

"These offers, are probably because of my father." He replied, sounding tired and somewhat annoyed.

Uraraka, seeing her name on the board, along with Iida, Izuku and Sierra, was in tears. And, in her excitement and joy, had grabbed Iida and was shaking him back and forth.

"We're on the board, Ten!" She cried, giggling. "They, actually, want us!"

Iida didn't say much, nor did he say or do anything to make the girl stop shaking him.

...Sierra, seeing her name at the top... Didn't know how to react.




...Although, she wasn't too thrilled on how much offers she's gotten.

'...Judging from how many I gotten... I'm betting those who want me, didn't bother to think thoroughly, if I were to choose them.'She thought, letting out a tiring sigh. 'And, because there are more active, Seasonal Heroes, lesser and/or Pro, than there are Underground Pro Heroes, there's a chance they only want me, just to boost their own image and gain publicity, since I won. -She looked over to Todoroki, her eyes flashing slightly sad for the older-boy.-Even though Endeavor is the Number Two Pro Hero and is very intimidating, many must've wanted Todoroki-kun for the very same reason, and not because of his performances at the Sports Festival.'

"Midoriya-kun! You, actually, got offers!" Mineta cried out, completely baffled... While Izuku remained quiet, totally at a lost for words. "Even though your fight was gruesome, on how you kept breaking your fingers, they still want you!"

Once everybody calmed down from their shock, Aizawa resumed his announcement.

"Despite these results, you'll allbe interning with pros. Got it? Even those of you who didn't get any offers."

Most of the students, who didn't gain any offers, were taken back by the news.

"We're all interning?" Izuku asked, hoping he heard right.

"That's correct." Their teacher answered. "You all got to gain experience through combat from actual villains, during the attack at the U.S.J. Facility. Though, it'll still be helpful for you guys, to learn from pros. Up close on the field, first hand."

"And that's why we need to have Hero Names!" Satō replied, grinning with a bubbly Ochako.

"This is getting excited!" She replied.

Shōta let out a tiring sigh.

"The Hero Names you come up for yourself, will more or less be temporary. But, even so, I want you all to take them seriously. Or else-"

Then, without warning, their classroom door opened.

"You'll all have Hell to pay, for later!" A new voice cut him off.

Sierra's eyes widened at the voice, followed by glaring at some of the boys getting excited, when the one person she least expected to see, came strolling in the classroom... Midnight.

'...Why... Why is shehere?' She wondered, sending her father a nervous, unease look.

Shōta simply shrugged his shoulders, telling her that he got nothing to do with it... And, unfortunately, got no say to nothave her come in.

"The name you choose for yourself, could end up being your name for life. So, best be careful and think real hard... Otherwise, you could end up with something indecent."

Izuku, feeling very awkward and uncomfortable, looked over to his sister, seeing her just as equally weirded out that their Modern Hero Art History, posing in a seductive-like manner, despite just having both her arms over her head, is in their classroom.

"Yeah, she's got a good point." Shōta sighed out, casting glares to some of the boys that were drooling at the sight of his friend. "Midnight is going to approve of your names; it's not really my forte."

Sierra had to cover her mouth, so to not risk making a sound, when he admitted to not being good with names. She still finds it funny that Hizashi was the one to pick his Hero Name for him, never bothering to see if the name came from something.

Izuku, having to hear from his sister on how their teacher got his name, during their training for the Sports Festival, covered the lower-half of his face with both his hands, to hide the blush... He didn't want Aizawa to give him his creepy stare, if he thinks he was going to laugh.

Shōta leaned in to his desk and pulled out his sleeping bag, choosing to take the moment to get some sleep; he only gotten a few hours of sleep, because he had patrol last night and had to chase down a few thugs that last a little longer than he expected.

"Remember, the name you give yourself is important." Aizawa informed them, as he went to rest against the wall underneath the blackboard. "It'll help shape your image, and will tell others on what kind of hero you want to become. A Hero Name, or a Code Name, tells people what you represent. Now, get to it, and do try to keep it quiet as you can."

With that said, Shōta allowed his eyes to close and, in just seconds, all the students and Midnight can hear him softly snoring.

'Whoa! He's already asleep?!'They all thought, simultaneously.

Seeing her father fast asleep, made Sierra smile softly.

'It may not be for very long, but at least he'll catch up to some of his sleep.'She thought, as Mineta passed down a small-board to her, a black-pen connected to the board.





...She stared down at the board in her hand.






...In truth, she already knew what she wants her Hero Name to become.

'It may not make sense to some of them. It may, even, be a name that won't tell others how strong I am... But... -She removed the cap off the maker, writing down the name she wants to be known as.-This name holds great importance. And, in due time, will be known than just some Code Name.'

Through the time the students were thinking up names for themselves, Midnight looked around the classroom.

'Boy, are these students taking this, very seriously. -She turned to her sleeping friend, smiling down at him.-I expected no less, from a classroom run by you, Shō... Although... -She looked back up to the students... Her eyes zeroing in on her pseudo-niece.-I want to know what my darling, little niece is going to call herself by! I hope it'll be something so cute! Like, "Midnight Jr."!'

Seeing that fifteen minutes had passed, she decided they had plenty of time to decide.

"All right, who would like to come up, first?"

Hearing that they were going to come up and present their Hero Names in front of the whole class, did take the students by surprise.

Some were panicking on the thought of being embarrassed, by the choice of name being cruelly rejected by Midnight. Some, just didn't want to go up, period. Of course, there are those who weren't afraid to present their names... Just, on who was going to start it off.

...The first to come up first, is Yūga Aoyama.

He simply smiled down at them, holding the top-half of his board.

"Be prepared to be amaze," he told them.

Some that were muttering to themselves, went silent. All sat at the edge of their seat, waiting to see what kind of name he was going to call himself.

"...The Shining Hero:... -Then, he raised his sign in the air, shining.- My name is... I can not stop twinkling!"



...Let's just say... It wasn't a name they were expecting... If you can even call it that, since it was just a sentence.

Sierra gave him a blank look.

'...Really?'She thought, knowing very well that Midnight wasn't going to let it slide. 'What kind of hero picks their name, as a sentence?'

Midnight, gave him a plain look.

"You weren't able to think up a word or two, for your Hero Name?" She questioned, wondering if she may have called them up a bit too soon.

Yūga simply flashed her a proud smile.

"This ismy Hero Name, mademoiselle." He answered, not seeing the problem. "You have to admit, it defies me, précisément."

Sadly for him, nobody sees it that way.

"Sorry, kid, but a sentence can't be a Hero Name." She told him, not feeling sorry to crush his confidence or joy on picking a name that sounded right. "You best try and think up an actualname to call yourself by, or I or your fellow classmates will have to think up a name for yo-"

"...Uh... Excuse me...?"

To the sound, everyone turned to the very back corner of the room... There, they see Sierra Aizawa, raising her hand.




...She didn't like gaining the attention. Not one bit... However, seeing the sad look in his eyes, she wanted to help Yūga.

The fourteen year-old blushed, as she twiddled her thumbs, together.

"...I may have a name for Yūga... If he wants it, that is. -She looked up at the blonde, who seemed rather curious as to what kind of name she thought up for him.-...How about... The Shining Hero:... Diamond Star*?"







...Nobody said a word, making her fear that the name she came up, wasn't good enough. So much so, she lowered her gaze at her desk, blushing mad in embarrassment.

"...I'm sorry... I knew it wouldn't be good enough, bu-"

"It's magnifique (magnificent)!" Yūga cut her off, sparkling with pure joy, much to her great surprise. "Such a merveilleux(marvelous [masculine]) name, for moi -He turned to Midnight, who seemed to, also, approve of the name.-Mademoiselle, I wish to take the name our petite soeur(little sister) has present for me to have. I shall proudly take on the name, Diamond Star!"

Not having much to argue about the name, Midnight was more than willing to allow him to take on the name.

"Very well," she said.

As Yūga went to take his seat, more than satisfied with the name he has, Nemu flashed Sierra a proud smile.

"That name is a perfect name for a hero, Sweetie. It was very kind of you to help your classmate on picking out a perfect name, as their Code Name." She told the shy-girl, who kept her gaze down.

Everyone, also, thought that the name she gave to Yūga was really good. In fact, for some of them, it sounded way cooler than what they came up with and were wondering if they needed to re-think on the names they picked out for themselves.

Feeling confident that her name would approve, Mina quickly came up.

"Let me give it a go!" She volunteered, holding her board out for all to see what she's written. "Here's my Code Name: Alien Queen."

What she expected was an approval... Was the complete opposite.

"'Alien Queen'? You mean from that horror movie of that monster, with the acidic blood?! ABSOLUTELY NOT!"

With the rejection, Mina went back to her seat, moping that her idea wasn't good enough.

Because of her failed attempt to bring out a good name, everyone was getting worried that their name won't be enough to be approved by Midnight. And, with low confidence that their names will be approved, many were afraid to go up.

"I think I'm ready to come up. Ribbit." Tsuyu called up, raising her hand. Calmly, she went to the desk. "I had this name, since I was in Grade School. -She turned her board, revealing it to the others.-Rainy Season Hero: Froppy."



...The result... Made a big difference.

"Such a wonderful name!" Midnight commented, smiling down at the Frog Quirk User. "It sound very appropriate, and it's so cute! What an appropriate name for a future hero!"

Hearing that the teacher loved it and, lifting everyone's spirit, many of the students made a special response to Tsuyu, by raising their hands or fists in the air and chanting her Hero Name.

"Froppy! Froppy! Froppy!"

Sierra beamed up at the second-youngest girl in the class, who calmly went back to her desk.

'Hopefully, this will help encourage the others to get up their and present their names.'

After Asui, Kirishima got to his feet and went up before the class.

"I got my name, too." He announced, holding his board up. "The Sturdy Hero: Red Riot."

Sierra and Izuku both widened their name to the second part of his name.

'"Red Riot"?'

'Did he picked his name, after the Chivalrous Hero: Crimson Riot?!'

Midnight, also, had the same thought to the Hardening Quirk User's choice for a name.

"Interesting name," she told him. "You're paying a tribute to the Chivalrous Hero: Crimson Riot. Am I right?"

Seeing he was caught, the fifteen year-old nodded his head, rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah," he admitted. "I know he's old fashioned, but he's been my inspiration for a long time. And I hope to become just like him, when I become a hero."

Izuku and Sierra looked over to each other, both smiling big for the spiky-haired teen. They nodded together, knowing he'll more than just prove to becoming the new Riot.

With the approval from Midnight, Kirishima went back to his desk. After hearing Asui and his new name, some of the students seemed to be making changes to their choice of name... Though, it seems that a few of them are still having problems with what to come up with.

A few seats away from her, Sierra can hear Jirō and Kaminari talking to each other. Apparently, she was giving him an idea for a name, which she suggested he should be called "Jamming-Yay". It did seem to make him happy of the choice, saying that it sounded like Hewing-Way, who wrote a farewell to arms... Only to learn that the name was to point out all of those times he would fry his brain after using his Quirk, and would keep shouting "Yay...!"

The fourteen year-old shook her head at the two teasing, instead of focusing on coming up with their names.

'Even when they're being told to take this seriously, they'll still try and goof off.'

"Well, what kind of name have you thought up on?" Kaminari asked, getting over what he believes to being an insult of a name.

The Earphone Jack Quirk User went quiet... Then, blushed.

"...I can't figure out one," she muttered. "I was thinking on just calling myself, by the name of my Quirk... But, I think that's a bit too obvious, if villains were to learn what my Quirk is*."

The blonde nodded his head, understanding her issue... Then, an idea sparked up... Almost literally, when a small-spark of electricity jumped off his hair.

"Hey, I know!" He cried, gaining some of the students' attentions.



...Then, to Sierra's horror and complete shock, he pointed a finger towards her.

"Why not ask Sis for a name?! She chose an awesome name for Aoyama! Maybe, she can help give you a name, too!"

...In less than ten seconds, Jirō went to the youngest-student, holding out her board.

"...Please, Sis?" She asked, slightly blushing and being nervous on everyone staring at them.

Of course, Sierra wasn't certain if she could help. when she helped gave a name for Aoyama, it was different, because he didn't think up a clever name and chose a sentence for a name. And, because she helped him get a name that sounded presentable, she thought it was going to be a one-time thing.

...So, for Kyõka to come to her and ask for her help for a name, too, it made her a bit nervous.




"I need help with a name, too!" Ashido called out, getting out of her own seat and walking over to Sierra. "Can you give me one, too, Ra Ra?"

That time, the fourteen year-old couldn't help but get a bit flustered.

"Uh, wait a minute." She replied, holding up both her hands. "You two can come up with great Hero Names, without my aid. I mean, both of your Quirks are really amazing, so it shouldn't be hard to figure out what to call yourselves as. Plus, if I were to give you two names, you both might not end up liking them."

The two girls turned to each other... Then, looking down at her, they smiled at her.

"You're right, that we can try to come up with names for ourselves." Jirō stated.

"But, nobody in this classroom can come up with awesome nicknames for everyone, except for you!" Mina commented. "You made awesome names for Kaminari and Tokoyami, at the Sports Festival."

"Wait. She made up a nickname for me?" Denki replied, staring at the fourteen year-old.

Again, Sierra tried to steer them away from her aid, temporarily ignoring Kaminari's question.

"But, Ashna(Friend), Avaleigh(A beautiful individual; desired song), nicknames are completely different from Hero Names!"

Both of the girls gasped at the new names she just called them by. Heck, everyone in the rooms stared at her with mixed looks. Some with confused looks. Others, surprised. A few a bit uncertain on the meaning of the names.



...As for the rest... They thought the names were very much sweet, whether they know what those names mean or not.

Even Midnight, who didn't understand what those two means mean, was gushing at how cute her niece was being, for coming up with nicknames for her fellow classmates.

Realizing that the two names slipped out, Sierra covered her mouth.

The two girls beamed down at her.

"...It's official." Kyōka said, handing her board to the shy girl. "We're a hundred percent certain, that we want you to give us our Hero Name."

"And whether it sounds cool or even weak, we'll still like them." Mina added in, placing her board down on the girl's desk, as they both waited for her to give them names and aren't going to back down until she does.

Sierra looked over to Midnight, silently asking if it was okay.

The R-rated Hero gave her thumbs up, smiling brightly at her.

"So long as the names are appropriate, I won't object to you giving them their Code Names."

With the okay from the hero and, seeing that the two won't move from their spots, even as everyone continued to stare at them...


...Sierra had no choice, but to give in and fulfill their request.

It did took her a little bit of time to figure out names for them, about a few minutes at most. But, after she written down their names on their boards, she was positive, that the names she has given them, are the perfect match for them.

The two girls each accepted their boards from the girl... And, when they both stared down at the names she written down.






...Both looked rather surprised... And, very much, satisfied.

As such, Jirō ran up to the front of the desk, beaming proudly for everyone to see what kind of name Sierra gave her.

"This is my Hero Name," she proudly announced. "I'm the Hearing Hero: Live Stream."

Everyone seemed rather impressed by the name she was given, and how awesome it made her sound. So, there was no doubt in their mind, that Sierra made a very good choice for her name.

Midnight, couldn't agree more.

"Now, that's a great name!"

Shōji came up after her.

"The Tentacle Hero: Tentacole."

"Clever name. Perfect to combine tentacle with Octopus. That's a definite yes for me!"

Sero came up next.

"The Taping Hero: Cellophane!"

"A perfect definition about your Quirk! Good work!"

During Hanta's presentation, Ojiro went over to Sierra for an idea for his name, too.

...His request, was a bit of a challenge. Because his tail could, also, give him the movement and description of a monkey, there was a couple of names that came to mind... But, the only one that made him sound strong, was the one name she written down on his board.

Of course, he was a bit curious of the name, but at the same time, he found it very fitting. And, like Jirō, he chose to take on the name.

"Martial Arts Hero: Enjin (Monkey human)!"

"Intersting name! And very fitting! It's perfect!"

Satō came up.

"I'm the Sweet Hero: Sugar Man!"

"So sweet!"

Mina, for the second time, came up and, with a fist in the air, called out her Hero Name.


"Now, that's a name for a hero! You go, girl!"

Kaminari followed, after.

"I'm the Stun Gun Hero: Chargebolt!" He exclaimed. "Has a nice sound to it, don't you think?"

"Electrifying! I love it!"

Hagakure, getting all excited, wanted to go up next... However, decided to have Sierra pick a name for her, too.

Since her Quirk is Invisibility, she thought Invisible Girl was too obvious and didn't sound as cool as she thought it would. Luckily, the youngest-student came up with a name that made more sense... And, after learning that she had the Support Team make a suit that turns invisible whenever she puts it on, though it took a bit longer for hers to make than the others, before they went to the U.S.J., Sierra was confident that she made the best choice for the name.

"The Stealth Hero: Chameleon*!"

"Suits you, perfectly!"

So far, all the names she's heard, are really good. It made Midnight very proud on how much thought they've been putting into their names.

"I'm liking these names! Keep it going!" She cried, encouraging the rest of the heroes to come up.

Sierra really liked the names the students thought long and hard on coming up, making them sound like great heroes for the future. While she was a bit uncertain if Jirō, Mina and Ojiro, actually liked the names she gave them or just stuck with them, not wanting to hurt her feelings, she didn't really know.

'If they're not satisfied with those names, they'll have a chance to change them, in the future.'She thought to herself, making her feel a little bit better. 'Hopefully, they won't be forced to keep those names, if they don't like it.'

Quiet steps came her way, telling her that another student wanted her to give them a new name... She was definitely surprised, when she saw Todoroki standing before her... Holding out his board to her.

"...I can't think up a name," he whispered. "...Can you give me one, too?"




...She smiled up at him, taking good board into her hands.

...She nodded her head.



...And now, she sees a challenge.

'This is going to be a tricky one,' she thought. 'Figuring out a name, to represent both fire, and ice...? It's not really that easy. Even if I were give him a name, like "Arctic Flames", "Freezer Burn", "Blazing Tundra" or even "Fire Storm", it won't feel right... Plus, any name that tells a relation to his heritage, will only be a painful reminder of his past.'

"I hope to live up to everyone's expectation, and I hope to do so, by earning this name." Yaoyorozu announced, holding her board up. "I'm the Everything Hero. I'm Creati."

"Very Crea-tive!" Midnight commented, accepting the name.

Sierra stared up at the fifteen year-old girl, smiling at the name she chose for herself.

'So far, those who came up names of their own that has their Quirk added into it, tells others of their strong connection and love of their Quirks... Unfortunately, while Todoroki-kun does cherish his Ice Quirk and is starting to embrace his Fire Quirk... Both Quirks are a reminder of the dark meaning to his existence... And, in his eyes, a terrible burden of being a creation, out of a Quirk Marriage. -She glared down at the blank board, her anger towards Endeavor growing.- I know that he's still going to force Todoroki-kun to become like him, even when he has no desire to follow the same footsteps of his father, in his sick, twisted goal for Todoroki-kun to surpass All Might.'

She let out a deep sigh, forcing down her anger. She won't allow herself to snap, especially in front of Shōto, should he believe he's the reason she's getting worked up.

'It's a good thing that he desire to become an actual hero, who truly cares for others, and is going to do what he can to better himself.'




...Suddenly, a name popped up in her head... A name she never thought would be the one for Todoroki to use.

Without much of a second thought, Sierra quickly wrote it down. When she finished, she handed the board back to the Fire/Ice Quirk User.





...He didn't show much of a response, though she can see the confusion to the name...


...But, after he nodded his head to her, muttering a short "Thank you", he went up to the front.







...When he presented the name to his classmates and Midnight... They were baffled.

"Huh? What kind of name is that?" Mineta asked, unable to tell how to pronounce it.

"I don't know, but it seems a bit strange." Kaminari replied, also having no idea what it says.



...Izuku was completely taken back by the name. Then, he turned to his sister.

"Sierra! Are you sure about that name?!" He asked, eyes wide and big.

Everyone stared at the two. Even Eraser Head, who woke up after everyone was chanting Asui's new Hero Name and was left to resting his eyes, was very puzzled as to what his daughter written on Todoroki's board for his Hero Name.

The fourteen year-old nodded her head.

"It's the only name that is to be his, until he can find a name for himself." She told her brother, before looking up at the red and white-haired teenager. "...Todoroki-kun. The name I gave you, belonged to a third generation Pro Hero, in the middle-east... And, just like you, he was, also, a product of an unfortunate situation that his father placed him and his family in."

Both Eraser Head and Midnight narrowed their eyes to what the girl just said, while the students were left in the dark to what she was implying.

Sierra continued to explain her reasoning.

"He suffered great turmoil, while forced to live by the rules of his father, who kept pushing him to become something he didn't want to embrace. Which included, how to become one with the Quirk he was born with, when nobody was there to help him learn how to use it... It wasn't until the death of his two little sisters, that he knew what he has to do and what he needs to become... And though many no longer remembered his kindness and thrive to help the weak, the poor and the outcast of his country, he became a great hero that everybody looked up to... And that is why, I've decided, for your Hero Name to be... Túrin."

Muttering can be heard in the air. The other students questioning about the name, along with the fact that she revealed it belonging to a third generational hero she, and Izuku, knew about.

Midnight and Eraser Head, wouldn't admit it out loud, but they never even heard on such a hero. Even if that hero happens to be from a different state and/or continent. And while Hizashi knows a couple of American and some European Pro Heroes, they knew that he wouldn't had heard about the mystery hero the fourteen year-old revealed to have looked up on.





...Shōto finally made a response.

"...I'll take it."

His declaration on taking a name, a title that he doesn't know what it means or represents, really did take the other students a bit by surprise.

"You sure about that, Todoroki-kun?" Hagakure asked.

"While it isn't really a bad name or anything, you don't have to take the name Ra Ra gave you." Mina replied, before looking over her shoulder to the girl, sending her an apologetic look in case the fourteen year-old were to take it as an insult.

Nemuri stepped in.

"I don't see any reason to deny the name, Todoroki. However, you need to understand that it could end up being your permanent name, should you not decide to change it on a specific time limit." She warned the fifteen year-old.

The red and white-haired teenager turned to the R-rated Hero, then back to his fellow classmates...





...His silver-grey and Turquoise-eyes held a form of spark... Something most of the students never seen, before.

"...If this is the name that she believes to be the one for me... Then, I shall take it. -He looked over to the girl, who was slightly blushing at his staring.-...I wish to have my Hero Name, to be Túrin."

With that being said and done, Midnight gave her approval and let the Fire/Ice Quirk User take his seat.

After that, Tokoyami came up.

"The Jet-Black Hero: Tsukuyomi." He displayed, as Dark Shadow came out to the other-side, holding on to the left-side of the board, while his User/Master holds the right-side of the board.

"God of the Night! So powerful!" Midnight sighed out... Which, to some of the students, made the comment feel a bit awkward to her response to the name.

Quickly, thinking he would get a similar response, Mineta ran up and lifted his sign up, unable to be seen from the desk being taller than him.

"I'm the Fresh-Picked Hero: Grape Juice!"

...He didn't get the response he was hoping to get, but he did at least get the approval.

"Very catchy."

Quietly, Kōda came up and simply hold his sign up, not saying a word, because of his shyness.

"Petting Hero: Anima".

"So ADORABLE!" Midnight squealed, accepting the name.



...Then, Bakugōcame up and presented his name.

"King Explosion Murder."



...Sierra slapped her hand against her forehead, grumbling underneath her breath. Izuku was very nervous, and caught off guard by the name Katsuki chose.

'...Should've seen that one coming... Still... Is he serious?!'

"That's a definite no." Midnight immediately replied, giving him a stern look. "A violent name like that won't have people view you as a hero."

Pissed off that she rejected his name, Bakugō yelled.

"What are you talking about?!" He argued. "How does it not sound like a badass name, for a hero like me?!"

"How about you be called 'Explosion Boy'?" Kirishima suggested, which the other students chuckled at the oldest-student snapping and barking like a mad dog.


While the laughed went on, and Ochako went up to present her name... Sierra found another blank board handed to her.



...It was Iida.

"...Please," he said.

...She didn't like how short and low his voice was... It made the warning bells in her head, ring louder.

'...He's taking the path,' she thought. 'I was hoping that, by having Moo heal his brother to spare him from ending up with permanent injuries, he wouldn't think about-... Doing something reckless... But... I think I only gave him a new drive, for feeling responsible for Jeremy's temporary situation.'

"It's the best name that I can think up." Ochako replied, hoping that they would like the name. "Uravity."

Nemuri clapped her hands together.

"I, absolutely, love it!"

The R-rated Hero's comment helped eased Ochako's fears... If only it would help ease Sierra's concern over Tenya's changing mood.

Luckily, she's able to put on a front to her friend, and was able to come up with a name for him to use. Something that sounds like an Iida would have for a Hero Name, and can beat describe his Quirk to others.

Tenya read the name and, instantly, went up and presented the name.

"The Engine Hero: Overdrive." He firmly introduced, making chopping motion with his left-hand.

Midnight was all in for the name.

"Now, all we have left, are Midoriya, Bakugō, who needs to rethink his... And, of course, Ra Ra." She announced, trying to hold out Sierra's name a bit longer.

She sent a glance to her friend, who glared back at her, but didn't say a word... Nemuri knew he wants to know what kind of Hero Name Sierra decided to call herself by, and is more than willing to force himself to stay awake to watch her come up and present her Code Name.

The fourteen year-old had no desire to immediately go up... At least, not yet.

'When we were little, Izu and I would try and come up with names that we would want to have for our Hero Names. -A smirk of a smile appeared on her face.- As an All Might fan, his names would always consist of it having All Might's name in it... I never can figure out why he wanted a copy name of All Might, when he could have a better name that everybody can recognize him, that isn't a copy from another hero.'

"Midoriya, are you ready to present yours?" Midnight's voice brought Sierra out from her thoughts, as she watches her god-brother getting out of his seat and presenting what he written on the board for his Hero Name to be.





...She wasn't in the least surprised by what he's wrote down...




...Everyone else, was left baffled and very much shocked by the name.

Some even gave him concerned looks.

"Really, Midoriya?" Mineta called out.

"Are you sure about that name?" Kaminari questioned, a bit uncertain.

"Remember, Bro, that name can become your permanent name, forever." Kirishima reminded.

"Why not let Sis pick a name out for you?" Ashido suggested.

Izuku shook his head to the mauve-girl's suggestion.

"I know that it could become my name," he told them. "And, yes, I used to hate this name. But, then, something changed. One day, somebody taught me that it can have a different meaning, which this name does, and it eventually had a huge impact on me. -A small-smile started to form on his face.-And since then, I started to like the name."

"You can keep calling 'Deku', as if to remind me on how weak I am to you. But, I'm not the same worthless Deku you used to pick on, Kacchan!"He warned Bakugō, glaring down at his opponent, who he knew wanted to do more than just bind him with tape and win the Hero Vs Villain Training. "From now on, Deku is going to be a name of a hero!"

Sierra let out a deep sigh, recalling that conversation her god-brother had with Bakugō, her arms folded over her chest, her eyes closed... A smile of her own appeared on her face.

'...If that's the name he wishes to have as his... Then, who am I to deny such a name...? A name, that will tell others... He cando anything.' She thought, looking back up at her brother.

Seeing the smile of acceptance on her face, along with a confident nod from his god-sister, Izuku's smile grew big.

"There's no doubt about it." He stated, very firmly and confidently. "...Deku... That has to be my Hero Name."

A few of the students turned to one another. There are still a few that were still a bit uncertain about the name... However, smiles can be seen on their faces.

There was no doubt about it. None of them can deny that it fits him, perfectly...




...The one, who can do anything.

Midnight didn't see any reason to deny his name, and allowed him to sit back at his desk.

"Now then... -She looked over to Sierra, who let out a tiring sigh when she felt her pseudo-aunt staring at her.- ...Sweetie... Time to come up~..."

A small-blush appeared on Sierra's face, somewhat a bit awkward of the R-rated Hero using her nickname in the middle of class, instead of her actual name. And to the fact that almost everyone is just as anxious to know what she chose for her Hero Name, made her very uncomfortable and knew that they won't stop staring until she gets up and presents her name.

...Slowly, with her own board in her hand, she went up to her father's desk...




...There, she presented her choice of name to everyone...







...Besides Izuku, everyone else was confused by the name.

"The Therianthropy Hero: Aniu".

She knew that they wouldn't be able to understand the meaning.

"An... Uhn... How do you pronounce it?" Mineta asked Momo, who, also, doesn't know how to say it.

"I think it sounds a bit similar to 'On you'..." Kaminari replied, though not confident in his reading.

"Hey, Sis, how do you say the name? Also... What does it mean?" Jirō questioned, wanting to know where the name came from.

Sierra stared down at the board. She was nervous, and didn't want to remain at front... But, she knew that she needs to explain the meaning, in order for it to be approved.

"...It's pronounced as 'Uh-nigh-you'," she explained. "You can even think up the first-half of the word, annihilate, but with the second 'i' being replaced with a 'u'."

"Oh! Kinda like a play on word!" Sero suggested. "If you think about it, it sounds like you're telling people, you're going to annihilate them!"

"That does sound strong, and manly!" Kirishima commented, thinking they now understood to the choice of her name.

She shook her head to their words.

"That's not what the name means." She firmly told them. "...It's an Inuit Language, spoken in Greenland, Canada and Alaska... In one part of the meaning, Aniu means 'Snow'... But, on the other part of the meaning, the name means 'White Wolf' or 'Phantom'."

Shōta raised an eyebrow to the meaning of the name. He remains silent, staring at her.

'Did she chose that name, because it's basically a name to her title in the Animal Quirk User Society?'

"It's very fitting." Tokoyami immediately commented, nodding his head in approval.

"I like the name." Asui replied, calmly and blankly staring at the name. "It may not sound like something we never heard of, but the meaning to the name shows to be very special."

Even Kōji, despite remaining quiet, nodded his head and forming sign language with his hands.

The name, definitely, describe what you would represent. It, also, makes you sound strong... As if, finding your lost identity.

Sierra smiled at the other Animal Quirk Users, happy that they can see her choice for reason on picking the name... Well, at least part of the reason.

She looked over to Nemuri, who was thinking it over.




...Then, the R-rated Hero gave her a thumbs up.

"...It's perfect." She announced, smiling big at the fourteen year-old. "Very fitting, for a great hero. -She looked down at Shōta... He didn't show much a reaction, but she can tell that he, too, liked the choice of name.-...Maybe... Even for a future, Underground Hero."

The Eraser Hero sent her an annoyed look... He didn't say anything to deny her words.





...He knew that she'll become a great, Underground Hero...






...Just like him.

After her name was given the approval, Sierra went back to her desk.


...Once again, Bakugō went back up...




...Again, Sierra slapped her hand to her forehead at the 'new' name he chose.


"That's still the same thing."

Just as annoyed as Midnight, the fourteen year-old decided to give him a name.

"Just go with the name you would call yourself as, when we were kids, Kacchan!" She called out.

While most stared at her in curiosity, wondering what name she was referring to, Izuku's eyes widened to the name.

"That's right!" He replied, staring at a growling Katsuki. "Kacchan, you liked that name so much, you even talked about wanting it to be your Hero Na-!"

"NOBODY ASKED EITHER OF YOU WANNABE MAGGOTS FOR HELP!" The whitish-blonde roared, cutting off Izuku.

Sierra glared up at the oldest-teen.

"Still, it's either that name, or you can have Midnight pick the name, herself. And, just a fair warning, you know that it won't be something you'll be... Comfortablewith." She growled out, her eyes flashing him a warning to settle down. "...So, just go with Ground Zero, or keep wasting our time."

She knew that, if it wasn't normal, school-stuff and were doing some Hero Training, he would come at her for bringing out a past name he, no doubt, forgot about and wanted something that was new.




...Luckily for her, and unfortunately for him, Midnight and the other students liked Ground Zero than King Explosion Murder and/or Lord Explosion Murder.

Without bothering to hear his disproval and demanding for Lord Explosion Murder to be his name, the R-rated Hero told him that his Hero Name will be Ground Zero.

Of course, he let his anger do the talking and sparks of his Quirks started to pop out... Only for his Quirk to suddenly be caught off.




...Aizawa, once again, used his Quirk on him.

"You're taking that name, Bakugō." He growled, as he unzipped his sleeping bag so that the upper-half of his body is freed "And if you dare let loose your Quirk in this classroom, I'll inform the principal of your outburst and give him the approval to take you out of this classroom."

Immediately, Katsuki forced himself to shut up. He knew that it wasn't bluff. Even if it was, he wasn't going to take that risk, if his future on becoming a hero is on the line.

Grunting out a curse, he went back to his desk.

Pleased that order has been restored and his students finished picking out their names, Aizawa took over his classroom, again. Midnight, staying quiet, went to stretching her limbs.

"Now that everybody had picked out a Hero Name, we can go back to discussing about your upcoming internships." He announced, pulling out a stack of paper from his drawer. "It'll last for one week. For who you'll be working with, those of you who had offers on the board will choose amongst your offers. As for those of you who didn't, will have a different list to choose from. -He held up one of the twenty-one pieces of paper, to show the students a list.- You all have a lot to think about. There's around forty agencies across the country who've agreed to take on interns from your class. You may or may not know this, but each agency has a different specialty that their hero is focused on. So, you best keep that in mind."

"Imagine that you were Thirteen." Midnight offered up an example, hoping to give the students an idea on what they should be on the lookout for. "You would want to choose an agency that focuses on rescuing people, not fighting villains. Understand?"

They all seem to get what she was trying to tell them, as they remained quiet.

"Think carefully, before you make a decision." Aizawa instructed them.

"Yes sir!" The students replied.

"Also, before I pass out the papers. -He looked over at the green-haired teenager.-Midoriya. -Then, he looked over at his daughter.-Sierra."

Both slightly sat up straighter to the call of their names.

"It'll be best to inform you both, that more than half of the offers you two gained will only take you in, if you're bothgoing to the same agency."

Everyone stared at the two, who were both a bit surprised at the news... Though, at the same time, appeared to had expected something like that to happen; they did show to cooperate very well, during the Obstacle Challenge. And while Sierra was the one who did most of the work in the Calvary Challenge, nobody could deny that they make an unstoppable duo.

"I need to know if you two are going to go to the same agency, or are not. That way, I can give you both a list that you'll need to go over." Shōta informed, while Nemuri started handing out a list for students who didn't get any offers on the board.

The god-siblings stared at one another... And, after a few seconds of staring and smiles on their faces, they nodded.

"We've already talked about what we want to do, for our internships." Izuku announced, turning to face their teacher.

"And we came to an agreement... That we shall go to separate agencies." Sierra finished off.

The news was very surprising to the students. Even Eraser Head and Midnight were a bit shocked to hear that they won't be together.

"Really? But, how come?" Ochako asked.

"Did you two have a break up, after the Sports Festival, and don't want to be admit that you two were into each oth-?" Before Mineta could finish his sentence, Jirō jabbed her earphone jacks into his ears.

"Would you knock it off?!" She yelled, pissed off that he would still imply inappropriate context of the two god-siblings on being a couple, when they clearly show to only view each other as siblings.

Nodding her head in gratitude to the Earphone Jack Quirk User for shutting Mineta up, Sierra decided to explain their reason.

"While we do plan to work together, in the future, we decided to go to different agencies, to better learn on the type of heroes we want to become. While Izu wants to be an active hero, I'm going to become an Underground Hero."

"Also, because we want to prefect our Quirks to help us to become the kind of heroes we want to be, we know that the best way to do so, is by going to separate agencies and learn on our own." Izuku added in, staring down at his thumbs, twiddling with each other.

It didn't take long for everyone to see their reason to working away from each other.

Shōta was very impressed by their decision making on their choice to be apart, so they can better themselves on becoming the type of hero they want to become.

He nodded his head.

"Very well," he said. "I'll give you two a list of offers that don't require you two to go to, together."

Soon, everyone got their paper.

"Turn in your choices, before the weekend." He told his class. "That'll give you all plenty of time to think long and hard on your decisions."

"What?! We only got two days to decide?!" Sero replied, shocked on how little time they got.

"Yeah, so you should start, now." Aizawa replied, getting out of his sleeping bag and following Nemuri out of his classroom, with his sleeping bag in tow. "You're dismissed."

With that said, and after a friendly wave by Midnight, Eraser Head left the classroom, closing the door from behind him.

...With the whole classroom left, unsupervised, all went down to business on figuring out which agency they want to intern.

A Few Hours Later; Lunchtime...
"Hey, guys?" Mina called out, sounding tired from reading the list she has in her hands for hours. "Did any of you figure out what Pro Agency you're going for?"

In the response to her question, Mineta answered.

"I'm going with Mt. Lady!" He answered.

"...You're thinking up something perverted, Mineta-kun. Kero." Tsuyu replied, walking past him and making him quiver from learning why he chose the Mineyama Hero.

"I'm kinda surprised, Ashido-chan." Ojiro replied, holding his tail over his right-shoulder, as he and Ochako went to the mauve-girl. "You made third place with Tokoyami-kun, and yet, you didn't get any offers."

"I know, right?!" She replied, whining from the fact that she didn't get any offers.

"Hey, Deku!" Ochako called out. "What agency are you going for?"



...The five students were met with Izuku, muttering to himself... Again.

"It's going to be very hard to figure out which offer would be the best choice, and the most effective." He muttered, not being aware that his friend called out to him. "The most logical choice, would be for me to find somebody who, also, has a Strength Quirk. Like, Death Arms. But then, somebody who has great stamina or even other effect battle tactics, would have a greater advantage on Quirk improvements. Plus, if they have an area that I can use my Quirk on, I just might be able to pull it off."

"There he goes, again." The five students said, in a unison, with smiles on their faces.

The sound of their voice brought Izuku out from his muttering. He realized what was going on.

"Mōshiwakearimasen (I'm sorry)..."He apologized.

None of them were offended in any way.

"You're really thinking hard on this, aren't you?" Asui asked, before looking over to where Sierra remained sitting at her desk. "Both you and Sis are really taking this internship, very seriously. Kero."

"Hey, don't stress over it too much, Deku." Uraraka replied, trying to give him her support. "It'll all work out. Believe me! In fact, I already decided on which agency I'll be joining."

Ashido, Ojiro and Mineta were surprised by her announcement.

"Really? Already?" The mauve-girl asked, wondering which she was going.

While the group talked with each other, Sierra continued scrolling through the list her father gave her... Her offers, weren't satisfying to her liking.

'Death Arms Hero Agency, Mirko Hero Agency... For real? UwabamiHero Agency?! -She knew there would be offers from more than just active Pro Heroes. But, to find offers from 'Heroes' that are really just actors? That wasn't going to cut it for her. She glared down at the many names on the list she has.- I don't doubt that Todoroki-kun or even Kacchan had gain offers from lesser heroes like I do. But, to find that just about any kind of agency,even those who aren't active Pro Heroes,will do anything to gain any compliments and/or publicities for taking in a winner of the U.A. Sports Festival? Let alone, a student that, not only fought in a villain attack, but is also a Fourth Class Animal Quirk User? This is getting ridiculous.'



...Still, despite finding many offers to being not even close to what she's looking for, Sierra kept reading down the list.

'Hawks Hero Agency, Kamui Woods Hero Agency, Mt. Lady Hero Agency. -She looked over to where the shortest-boy in class was... Who, as usual, was staring at Ashido and Asui's backsides.-...Yeah, staying clear from that one... Ende-'

Sierra's eyes flashed with a wild look. She had bite her lip, to prevent herself from snarling in rage, when she saw a name she didn't wanted to be on the list.

'...Of course... HISname has to be on here... -She sent a siding glance at the red and white-haired that sat two seats to her right, being one of the three back students.- ...I'm very positive that his own father's agency is listed on his choices and he has every right to not take his offer, after all that he's done to him and his mother... However... -She bit the side of her lip, her hands slightly clenching on to her sheet.- There aren't much Pro Heroes that has a Fire Quirk, despite Fire Quirks being the most common Elemental Quirk... And, no matter how much it's wrong to do so... In order for him to start embracing his fire, and to start healing-...'

She couldn't bring herself to finish her thoughts, forcing herself to look past the agency that makes her stomach want to jump out of the window and scream at the sky. She continues her search down the list.

'Best Jeanist Hero Agency, Mr. Brave Hero Agency, Slugger Hero Agency, Fat Gum Hero Agency, The Fly Hero Agency, Backdraft Hero Agency, a flo-'




...Her eyes widened at what she saw on the list... And it wasn't just that it didn't have a name to the agency...





...It was a symbol... A mark that she never thought she would ever seen, right before her eyes.








...It was the symbol of a blooming cherry-blossom...







...She didn't need to think twice, before she made her decision.

As soon as she written on the agency she was going to go to, a small chime-like bell went off from the speakers. It drew almost everybody's attention.

"Sierra Aizawa, please head to Recovery Girl's Office. Sierra Aizawa, please head to Recovery Girl's Office. Thank you!"




...She wasn't very excited to go see the Quirk Healer... Knowing, in her gut, she was going to do more than just do some checkup.

At Recovery Girl's Office...
She tapped her knuckle against the door.

"Come in, Dearie."Chiyo replied from the other-side of the door.

Sierra went in... Inside, she found Chiyo talking on the phone. On her desk, she was writing down something. No doubt, notes and information the caller was giving to her... There was, also, a few pictures sitting at the corner of the paper, but are in black and white.

Not wanting to interrupt, Sierra went to sit on the bed closest to her desk, quietly waiting for her to finish her conversation with the caller.

"...I see... Is that so...? ...Yes? I got her right here... I'll tell her that... All right. Thank you for calling me. Keep me posted, should you have more information."

The elderly lady hung up the phone. Then, after writing down a few more notes on the paper, did she turn to the fourteen year-old.





...Sierra can see the stress and worry on her face.

The healer let out a deep sigh... It wasn't good news.




...What the healer told her, was something she didn't expect to hear.

Meanwhile at the Teacher's Lounge...
"Internships from your class?"

From behind Shōta, it was the Range Hero: Snipe, who questioned the Eraser Hero.

"Yeah... A few of them had already decided on who they're going for." He answered the Range Hero.

The cowboy-like hero, though having a mask over his face, did sound impressed by the information.

"It is an important part of their lives," he replied. "Though, you best make sure that they do it right. -He started walking away.-Many third-years still regret the choices they made."

Eraser Head let out a sigh. Not out of irritation, but from knowing some of his students would surely give him more work to do, if they didn't think through on which agency they chose to go to.


He just finished checking on Ochako's choice on going to Gunhead's Agency, which he thought would be of some help to the Gravity Quirk User after her fight with Bakugō... When he stumbled upon Iida's.

...He was very much surprised that there was only one name on his selected choices.

'...Odd... Iida only chose one agency to go to, and he decided on a lesser hero.I know for a fact that he was given better offers than this one, and would've immediately choose to work at his brother's Agenc-... -He narrowed his eyes at the paper... Seeing where the Normal Hero: Manual and his agency are at... His instinct was more than enough to warn him what was going on.- ...That idiot...'

He knew what the Class Representative of his classroom was going to do... And unfortunately, he can't really do a thing to about it.

Technically, he could talk to him, and some of the other students, and hear their reasoning to why they would choose the agency. And, should he believe that it may not be the best choice, can try and convince them to choose another agency that he believe would be best suited for them.

...Other than that, he can't really stop Iida from interning with Manual, if he chose to internship there. Plus, while Manual may not be a top pro hero, he's still somewhat of a different kind of pro, being the 222nd Pro Hero in Japan.

'...I hope for Iida's sake, Manual can try and talk some sense into him, if he's actually going to do what I think he's trying to do.'

He went to the next internship another one of his students turned in... He was completely taken back, when saw that it was Sierra's internship... Though, nothing could prepare him, when he saw what she listed as her choice.






...Underneath his capture-weapon, a small smirk of a smile appeared.

'...She's taking her study, very seriously, if she's planning to intern in thatagency. -There was no doubt about it, that he more than approved of his daughter's decision.- ...She's a definitely going to become a great Underground Pro Hero... Just like the rest of the Aizawa Family.'

In his pocket, his phone vibrated... He knew that it was Sierra who texted him.

He pulled it out and read the text.

I'm going 2 the train station, wth Izu, Ocha n Hito. I need 2 pick up some stuff at the store, n Hito wants 2 hang out n c Jade. I'll have dinner ready, b4 u get home. Do u need me 2 pick anything up from the store, b4 I head home?- Ra Ra

In the back of his mind, he has a feeling that she was picking some things up, because of her visit to Recovery Girl's office.

'She probably needs to get some different vitamins, or is finding something different to eat.'

Whatever the case is, he didn't see any problem with her going to the store, especially since his nephew will be accompanying her. He quickly sent her a quick text.

Can't think of anything we need, at the moment. Make sure u 2 get home, safely. Also, don't either of u 2 think about getting the cat any treats or catnip... She went bonkers when Zashi was petsitting her n gave her some catnip, when we were visiting the family. I'll b home at around 8. Don't u or Hitoshi destroy the house, until then.- Shō

Knowing that she'll be safe, he continued on with reading his students' internship's forms... Only to realize something that he neglected to look at.

'...She's going to be gone, for an entire week, at Nagano City... Awayfrom home... From me. -He nearly facepalmed himself at the sudden realization that her interning would mean.- ...There's no way in hell, that I'm going to be looking forward to that.'

Five Days Later; May Fourteenth: Ueno Train Station...
"Everyone has their hero costumes with them, right?" Eraser Head asked his students, standing in front of them. "Remember, you don't have permission to wear them out in public, yet. And make sure to not lose them, or anything."

"GOTCHA!" Ashido, standing at the front of the group, cheered, raising her case that contains her hero suit.

Aizawa wasn't in the least impressed.

"Speak properly, Ashido." He scolded, bringing down her mood. "And it's 'Yes, sir'."

With her mood dropped, she complied to his order.

"Yes, sir." She muttered.

With that taken care of, he left them with a final information... Courtesy from the mauve-girl's choice of behavior.

"Make sure you all mind your manners to the other heroes you'll be interning with. Now, get to it."

"Yes, sir!" Everyone immediately replied, and instantly, most had already started to head for the direction of their platforms they'll be taking.

As most started to scattered, Sierra, standing next to Izuku, noticed Tenya making his way to the direction of his train.

She pulled at Izuku's sleeve, pointing to the direction of their quiet friend.

"Iida-kun, wait! -He, Ochako and Sierra ran to their friend.- ...Hey. -His quiet, cold demeanor, made them all very worried for their friend.- If you need to talk to somebody, you can talk to us."

"That's right." Ochako replied, nodding her head in agreement.

Sierra did the same thing.

Iida didn't make any form of response to his offer. Izuku didn't like this new change in the taller-boy.

"...You'll do that... Right? I mean... We're friends, after all."

Still Iida didn't make any form of response.

...In a last ditch effort to reach out to him, Sierra slowly went up to him.



...She grabbed for his sleeve.

"...Ten?" She whispered. "...You're going to be okay... Right...? You'll stay in touch with us, during our internship... Right?"




...He finally turned to face his three friends...




...Only a thin, smile appeared on his face.

"Yes... Of course..." He softly replied.

Iida stared at his friends for a few moment... Then, after gently laying his left-hand on top of Sierra's head, he turned and continued on walking to his destination.






...They all knew, the instant they saw his face... He was lost to them... And that there was nothing either one of them could do.

The three friends turned to each other.

"...We better get going." Ochako informed, knowing that the three of them are going to be late, if they stand around. She then turned to Sierra, before wrapping her in a gentle hug. "Be careful, Sis. And don't hesitate to text me, if you need to have a girl's chat."

With a small-smile, the fourteen year-old nodded her head.

Then, Uraraka turned to Izuku... She gave him a thumbs up... Even though she wanted to give him a hug, too.

"Good luck, Deku! Let me know how your internship goes!"

He gave her a shy-smile, along with a quick nod.

"Right. Good luck to you, too, Ocha. Hope you'll enjoy being trained under Gunhead."

With their exchanged finished, the Gravity Quirk User took off running for her train.




...Now, there was only the god-siblings, left...






...They had sad-expressions on their faces.




...Then, Sierra reached out and pulled her brother into a hug.

She laid her head against his left-shoulder.

"You'll do great." She whispered, closing her eyes when he returned the embrace. "Gran Torino was a great hero, back in his days... He was in the top five of being Japan's greatest Pro Hero. Remember?"

Izuku smiled at her attempt to cheer him up and to stay calm.

"Right... -He pulled away from her, giving her his gratified smiles.-...Thanks, Sis. -He leaned forward, laying a light kiss on her forehead.- You better get going, too. And make sure you don't overdo it. Okay?"

A smile of her own came up.

"I will," she replied. "And I better not hear that you broke your arm, or even a finger, while I'm gone. -She stood on the tips of her toes, as he leaned his head down, to lay a kiss on his forehead... Then, she flashed him a smirk.-...Good luck, and have fun with Gran Torino... You'll be in for a big surprise."

Left being puzzled by her comment, Izuku watches, as she pulls away from him and starts heading for the direction to where her train is at... Though, not before making a beeline towards Eraser Head and giving him a hug... Who, still to his shock, returned the embrace and pulled her against his chest, gently carding his fingers through her hair.



...Even though they're father and daughter, it's still a big shock to Izuku to being seeing their teacher being so... Well, fatherly, to anybody. Let alone, his own daughter.




...A soft-smile spread on his face, watching the heartfelt farewell between his god-sister and her father, before he pushed himself to leave.

'...Be careful, Sis...'

"Don't slack off, and make sure you pay close attention to any kind of lessons and advice they give to you." Shōta told his daughter, who rolled her eyes at his attempt to make her stay a bit longer.

"I know, Dad. I'll make sure to lean everything that I know from them," she replied. "I've been trained by an Assassin Hero for over seven years. There's no way that I'm going to ignore any teachings and advice they'll give me, if I want to become an Underground Hero, like you."

A small-smile appeared on his face. Pride can be seen in his gaze, as he gently laid a hand on top of her head.

"Good luck, and be safe, Honey." He told her, before removing his hand. "Now, go. Don't waste any time."

Getting the okay to leave and giving him a quick peck on the cheek, Sierra ran for her train.

Shōta remained standing, making sure that all of his students got on to their designated platforms. Only when he watches each train taking off and leaving, did he finally took it as his chance to leave the train station.

The wind blew against his face, pushing his hair to wave in the air.

He smirked at the feeling.

'...She's doing it, Cici... Our little girl had left, and is off to be intern by the Night FlowerHero Agency... -He stared up at the sky... Letting his smile grew, staring into the blue-sky.-...She's going to become a great hero... Somebody, who'll make us very proud to have, and brought into this world.'

He made his way to a bench, pulling out his phone to text Hizashi to come pick him up... Only, when he raised the small-device to wake it up, it started buzzing.



...On the screen, showed a picture of Hizashi, screaming into a microphone, drunk and wearing a lampshade over his head... It was telling Shōta that his friend is calling him.

Somewhat glad that his friend is contacting him and is saving him the trouble from having to call him, Shōta turned it on to answer the call.


"Shō! Get to the school! NOW!"




...The Eraser Hero knew something was bad...



...When Hizashi yells, at a normal level that a human would yell in... And, sounds angry... He knew that something is really wrong.

He narrowed his eyes.

"What's going on?"





...He wasn't prepared, for what his friend just told him.

"It's that BITCH!"


*:...Yeah... I'm not going to have him be called a sentence... Don't know why Midnight didn't try to convince him to come up with something else.

Also, at first, I was going to go with the name 'Shining Star', but I feel 'Diamond Star' is a bit better.

*: This is the reason, why she won't be calling herself "Earphone Jack" in the story.

*: I was going to let her call herself Invisible Girl... But, I think Chameleon would be better. That way, villains wouldn't try to seek her out when they hear the name 'Invisible'.