AN: This chapter will focus more on Usagi and Pan bonding. I hope you like it, thank you again for being patient with me until I felt like working on this fic again. Sorry for the long wait, I have been busy with work, getting a new job, and having my birthday! Anyway, please enjoy.

Chapter 13: Usagi and Pan

Usagi watched as Gohan and Chibiusa flew off on Nimbus, she looked down at Pan who was waving with one hand and the other hand was holding Usagi's. Once the other two were out of sight Usagi smiled at Pan, "Do you want to spend the day with us?" She asked.

"Yes! Can we get some food?" Pan asked. The girls laughed with joy.

"She is yours and Gohan's if she loves food as much as the two of you." Makoto said, "Let's get some food, we can go to the Crown we can eat and play games."

Everyone agreed and head down the stairs to the street below, "What is the Crown exactly?" Pan asked as they headed down the street.

"It is an arcade and food parlor owned by a friend, we hang out there a lot." Minako explained, "It is super fun."

Pan was walking in front of them humming the familiar tune of the star locket that Usagi has. She smiled, "Pan, where did you hear that tune?"

"You sing it to us when we can't sleep." Pan said as she pulled out the star locket from her pocket. "You gave this to me because I love the song so much."

"I did? I hope you take care of it." Usagi said as they approached the Crown.

Pan smiled, "I do, when you or Daddy are gone I listen to it and it makes me happy."

The group entered and found a booth near the back to sit, Pan was in the middle between Usagi and Minako. Motoki came over to say hello, he noticed Pan, "Who is this little cutie?" He asked.

"This is Pan; I'm watching her for a friend." Usagi said, "We would like some food, Motoki,"

He nodded and took their order, "You are so cute, Pan." Minako said, "I wonder if she's a Sailor Scout as well?"

Ami looked at Pan then to Usagi, "She might be, after all she is Chibiusa's sister." Ami typed on her computer, "Although she could take more after Gohan, and not be one, I think Luna might be able to tell us for sure."

"Okay, once we are done eating we can ask Luna." Usagi said. When Motoki came back with their food they girls ate and talked. Once they were finished the group walked to Usagi's house, "I just remember, what am I going to tell my parents when they ask who Pan is?"

"We forgot about that, maybe you can tell them that she is a cousin who came in?" Minako suggested.

"Maybe, or you can say that she is Gohan's cousin and he needs you to watch her for a night." Rei said as they entered Usagi's house.

Shingo was coming down the stairs, "Who's the little girl?" He asked.

"This is Pan, she's Gohan's cousin. He and his family had to go and something before he could pick her up, so he asked me to watch her." Usagi explained as her mother and father came in.

She turned to them, "Can Pan stay here tonight? I told Gohan that she could."

"Of course she can, any family member of Gohan is always welcome here." Ikuko said with a smile, "Speaking of which, where is Chibiusa?"

Rei stepped up, "She is staying with her friend tonight, it was last minute thing, no worries."

The girls went up to Usagi's room, "Mommy, will you do me a favor?" Pan asked as she sat next to her.

"Sure, sweetie, what is it?"

Pan touched her hair, "Can you put my hair in your style?"

Usagi saw how short Pan's hair was, "Maybe if it was a bit longer, I could."

Pan looked sad, "Okay, Mommy."

The girls looked at the young girl, "Don't be sad, Pan. We can do other things." Minako said.

"Like what?" Pan asked looking at Minako.

She smiled, "Usagi has a lot of different manga we can read, we can play games, anything you want to do."

Pan's face lit up, "Games!"

The girls set up a game system and loaded up Usagi's copy of the Sailor V game. Usagi explained how to play the game to Pan. Pan decided to watch the others play a few rounds so she could see how the gameplay was. "Minako?"

"Yes, Pan?" She asked as Usagi was facing Rei on the game,

"Sailor V. Is she you?"

Minako smiled, "Yes, before I joined up with the other Scouts I fought crime as Sailor V."

"Wow…can I try the game now?" Pan asked as she got onto Usagi's lap. The girls put it on one-player mode, and sat around Usagi and Pan. They were cheering for Pan as she caught on quickly and got pretty far in the game. Pan was on the final level when Ikuko called up to them, letting them know that dinner was ready.

The Scouts left as the family sat down for dinner. "Pan, what time will Gohan come and get you?"

"I am going to call him after dinner and check, Mom. I will let you know." Usagi said, "I was planning on calling him anyway."

Ikuko smiled and nodded, "Before you call him, make sure Pan gets a bath." Her mother said. Usagi nodded as they ate. After Usagi and Pan helped to clean the table, they went to the bathroom.

"I should have some old pajamas that should fit you…" Usagi said looking through some boxes, "Where are they?"

Pan went up to her, "No need Mommy, Uncle Trunks gave me this for my journey." Pan pulled out a small pink capsule, she pushed down the top and threw the capsule. It landed on the floor and smoke came out, once the smoke cleared Pan had clothes, "Here they are."

Usagi helped her with her bath and once she was dried off she got on her pajamas. Usagi called Gohan and waited for him to answer, "Son residence." Goten said as he picked up the phone.

"Goten, would you put Gohan on the phone please?"

"Sure, Usagi!" Usagi heard Goten put the phone down and then the phone being picked up.

"Usa, what do I owe the pleasure of the call?"

Usagi laughed at Gohan's formality, "I was calling to see when you would bring Chibiusa back."

"I will bring her back around nine or ten in the morning. Meet at the Shrine?" Gohan asked.

"That works, I will see the two of you then, good night." She said.

They hung up and Pan was waiting on Usagi's bed, "Mommy can I sleep in here with you?"

Usagi smiled, "Of course, Pan." The two got into the bed and Pan cuddled up to Usagi. She fell asleep, Usagi held her and fell asleep.