The sound of rushing water got louder as they reached the end of the tunnel. Hesitating for a second, Mikey and Donnie stepped into the open space, closely followed by their older brothers.

The room was circular and wide. The ground consisted of iron grates, so below they could see an artificial waterfall, leading into black nothingness. The halogen lamps created a cold light, a pressuring atmosphere.

Aside from a table at the far end, filled with fresh fruit, there was nothing on this level.

With dread, the turtles lifted their heads to a higher, smaller level, accessible over a ladder. They expected to find their Shadow there, but what they saw made Mike's stomach clench and turn. It was the clones' sleeping place apparently.

A huge circular bed was on some sort of pedestal, filled with various pillows and fluffy blankets. Usually he'd find that cute, he'd joke about wanting a bed like this at home for them to use. But now, knowing what this bed was for...

Left and right from it where glass cases, looking like lava lamps with colored globs in them. The blue one was almost completely filled, the globs pressing together at some places but never merging.

The purple one was a little less crowded, though still halfway filled.

Only about ten to twenty red globs were floating in the red one, and another one was completely empty. Strange symbols were drawn on the ceiling that none of the turtles could decipher.

However, where was The Shadow? Why wasn't it here?

Leonardo's eyes narrowed as he sensed something behind him, but before he could react something shot past their legs with amazing speed to wrap around Donnie's already hurt ankle. The olive turtle let out a scream of agony as a great force squeezed and pulled at his ankle, and with a sickening cracking sound the bone give in.

Donatello fell with a pained sob. Mikey crouched beside him, trying to keep him upright. Leo and Raph turned to face their attacker. Leo knew what he expected, but still it was like a punch to the gut actually seeing it.

Sure, he was taller and way more muscular than their own father. His fur had a dark brown color with wide stripes instead of gray. But he wore the same robe. He had the same eyes, only that his were glinting with something mean and evil. Sick.

His abnormally long tail was what broke Don's ankle, without so much as a warning. He stood there, so calm as if they were about to begin a meditation session back at home. It was as if someone bound Leo's arms as his heart constricted. He couldn't just attack him...

Raphael didn't have any qualms about that. Finally he found a worthy outlet for his frustrations. Without thinking he charged, but the rat only glared before evading the attack. He graciously danced out of reach every time the hothead came close.

Leo shook his head, forcing himself out this state. He sprang into action, assisting his brother.

The rat barely spared him a glance, easily avoiding him.

"Father, they want to give in! Please, stop..."

He didn't even react to Clone-Leo's plea, finally having enough of this game and using his tail again to hit Raph's side, throwing him against Leo so they both slid a few feet over the grates.

"They weren't. They were trying to fool us. They want to kill me..." Even his voice sounded so much like Splinter's that it hurt.

Mikey's breath hitched as he hefted Donnie closer, slowly walking backwards, away from the rat. How did he know of their plan?!

The black eyes were filled with rage and something else, and they narrowed as they focused on Mikey.

"Why... why is it always you? You stubborn little turtle. So many versions of you, and all of them are nothing trouble..." Michelangelo's breathing pattern picked up at the sly grin curling the rat's lips as he started approaching.

Mikey almost fell backwards in his hurry to get Donnie and himself away. The genius tried to help best as he could, but his leg was useless. A dark chuckle made him shake in fear.

"Leonardo, my son, take Michelangelo upstairs. Raphael, use Donatello to keep these two in line."

In a quick movement he turned around to block the attacking turtles. They fell back again at the sheer strength of the rat.

Mikey sat Donnie down so he could fight the clones, but when Clone-Leo managed to grab his left wrist he was stunned. The grip was too strong, it almost crushed his bones. In a sudden rush of panic he tried to yank his hand back, but then his other wrist was caught. Tears were running down from the hazel eyes in front of him, the face twisted in anger.

"How could you do this to us? Why won't you let us live in peace? Why are you torturing us?"

"T-Torture you?! He is the-ARGH!" Mikey choked on his own breath when Clone-Leo twisted his wrists until they broke like mere toothpicks.

Tears of pain sprang into his eyes, his knees were shaking, heart pounding. From behind him he heard Donnie try to get away as Clone-Raph approached him.

Clone-Leo let go of his useless hands in favor of scooping him up like a sack of potatoes. As he was carried towards the ladder, he saw Donnie being forced to his legs by Clone-Raph. The muscular arms were strategically placed, so Don couldn't use his own arms to defend himself. One of the hands was gripping the genius' chin, while the other was stroking over the head almost affectionately.

Donnie stopped struggling the second he realized what position he was in. One jerk of the clone's arms and his neck would snap.

Raph and Leo were still fighting to get to them, but the rat kept them at distance, barely using his hands and not even breaking a sweat while the turtles already began lagging from all the power they were using.

It was Leo who assessed the situation first and stopped his assault in favor of shouting at the rat, desperate tears clouding his vision.

"What the hell do you want from us?!" Raph felt so helpless as he watched Leo's counterpart carry off their baby brother, climbing upstairs already.

"Nothing of you, my dear Leonardo..." The rat smirked at the desperation in their eyes. Leo saw his twin already on the upper level, feeling his heart pound. He needed to stall the rat, he had to think of something to stop him from whatever he's planning to do. They had to get Donnie out of this situation too... One snap and he would be dead.

"How did you know we were trying to fool you?!"

"You have no idea how many versions of you I have brought here already. I know the way all of your minds work."

Leo bit his lip, trying to process everything at once.

"Why... why didn't you try to taunt me like you did the others?" The rat's smirk was making their insides twist.

"My lovely Leonardo, your previous versions, all of them, gave in first. I thought that deserved a little treat. Besides..." he motioned to the colored lava lamps on top, "... I have more than enough of your souls. You're of no use for me."

So the globs were... were souls? Of their previous versions, of the previous turtles that just gave in? Leonardo was in shock. How could he, known for his strong will and stamina, be the first one to let him win?

"Most Donatellos followed your lead shortly after, some others died before. As you can see I have enough of him too. So I suggest you don't try anything funny, one word from me and Raphael is gonna snap his neck in half. Wouldn't be the first time."

Raph felt helpless tears run over his cheeks as he saw the fear and pain in Donnie's eyes. He was supposed to protect his brothers, and now a twisted version of himself was about to kill him.

"What... then what do you want...?" Raph whispered.

"I only want my family to be together. To be united with them the way we should... You were always very hard to convince, Raphael... you rather died than giving in to my love."

The wording... he couldn't mean what he was implying... right? Raph's heart jumped to his throat as it clicked. Mikey being held on the bed above by Clone-Leo got a whole new sense now.

"You sick bastard!" Raph roared, clenching his fists.

"You boys said it yourself. It brings you closer together as a family. Is it so wrong that I want the same bond?"

Leo fell to his knees, thoughts racing. Their own father wanted that from them... and he was the first to give in. Every time...

"Ya bet that's wrong! Yer supposed to be our father!"

"And you're supposed to be brothers! My Donatello said it. We only have each other. Why are you four allowed to feel this love and I have to be alone? We are a family!"


Above them, Michelangelo and Leo's clone could hear everything, though they were distracted.

Mikey felt tears running down his face, they just wouldn't stop coming. Clone-Leo was straddling him, ever so gently stroking his cheek to wipe the wetness away. He sobbed softly at the tender expression that made the clone look just like his Leo.

He wanted to push him away, but he couldn't feel his hands, the pain only dulled when he kept his arms still where Clone-Leo had placed them left and right from his face.

He didn't want to feel the soft silk sheets, or the butterfly kisses the clone was peppering him with.

"It's okay, my little angel... soon it's all over. Father will take your pain away and we will be free. You just have to let him..."

Mikey didn't answer. He pressed his eyes closed, begging to whatever deity there was that this was just another nightmare. Clone-Leo continued his soft touches, kissing his whole face to soothe him.

"It only stings a little. Almost the same as when we were doing it. It's gonna hurt less if you just relax and let yourself enjoy it..." Mikey whimpered when the mouth moved to his neck. The clone didn't react to the struggles, slowly caressing the tender skin.

"Let me help you relax, precious... I've missed you. We missed you."

He sounded exactly like his Leo. His mouth felt exactly the same as it sucked on his pulse-point. Mikey hated himself when he found his body slowly reacting to the familiar touch, a soft gasp escaping him. Clone-Leo churred in response, hands starting to massage the quivering outer thighs.

"That's it... I'm sorry for what I did to my Mikey... I won't make the same mistake with you. You're going to save us..."

Meanwhile Donnie's face was wet with tears too. His leg throbbed painfully as he tried to stay upright. He didn't want Clone-Raph to slip and break his neck on accident.

This version of Splinter was crazy. His motives... yeah, Donnie understood what rode him. That didn't mean they had to give in. Even though their chances of defeating him were definitely smaller than expected.

From his point he could see Leo falling apart. Seeing the big evil was a version of their own father was hard enough of a blow to him, but the knowledge that all of the previous Leonardos gave in so easily to the wicked rat... it broke something in their usually fearless leader. Don's heart ached for him. The person he's always looked up to, he's always worshipped ever since he could think of his own, was doing all this. Mentally torturing them, hurting his mates, and still Leo was staying with him.

And Raph... it hurt so much to see his toughest brother so broken. He was shaking from helpless anger. He wanted to save them so badly, but his fear of losing Donnie was forcing him to stay still. None of them said anything after the rat's speech.

"If one of them moves, kill him." Donatello glared at the tall rat as he walked past them towards the ladder. He couldn't see Mikey from here, but the knowledge of what exactly the villain wanted...

If he could only dislodge the grip on his head... just a little...


Mikey bit his lip till it bled, tried twisting his wrists, anything to dim the arousal. Clone-Leo used his strength to simply push his legs apart, settling in between them while his tongue still caressed Mike's sensitive neck.

"Ssh... my angel... I'm helping you..." he soothed, opening a tube of lube. At the sound Mikey jerked, grunting at the pain in his wrists as he struggled, trying to wiggle away from him.

"Are you done preparing him, my son?" Michelangelo froze at the voice of the rat. What about his brothers? He couldn't hear them anymore.

"I was about to start, father. He's still struggling." The other Splinter settled on the bed next to them, staring intently at Mikey.

"My precious little Michelangelo, this will only work if you give yourself willingly." The rat sighed, using one of his claws to scrape it down the center line of Mikey's plastron. "Don't you want this to end? If you give in we can all leave this realm and be happy together. All of us..."

Mikey shook his head frantically, gasping when one of Clone-Leo's thick fingers slipped into his entrance.

"I don't want this... please..." he begged, sobbing when the clone started stroking his tail while his finger crooked just the right way.

"Relax... just think of us. It's up to you if we live in damnation down here or if we escape this nightmare once and for all." Clone-Leo soothed, massaging Mikey's prostate and quickly inserting a second finger.

This is not happening. It can't be happening. He heard his brothers shout again, the sound unbelievable loud as it echoed off the walls. It sounded as if they were insulting the clone, but the evil rat wasn't bothered at all by the sound. He just kept focusing on Mikey. He was so close to reach his goal.


Clone-Raph was focused. They needed to distract him. It was a dangerous game, but Donnie only needed a second to get out of the grip. His leg hurt like a bitch, it would be agonizing to free himself. He'd gladly take the pain if it gave them an advantage.

"You know, he... he doesn't need you anymore." The clone didn't move an inch, though from the closeness Donnie felt his face twitch. "He has at least twenty other Raphael souls. As soon as Mikey gives in you're expendable."

"Shut up!" The left foot shifted, muscles straining.

"Why would he keep you? You've gone crazy from this torture. You'd endanger his perfect vision of a happy family."

Raph had caught on to Don's plan and started to taunt his counterpart too.

"I could break you like a toothpick! I could kill you!"

"Yeah you could." Raph said, fire burning in his eyes. "But I know you. You don't want to hurt him. And if you do... what good are you for your father then?"

There was it. The twitch Don needed to get free. Gritting his teeth he used one of their practice moves to get out of the clone's grip. He hissed as he fell on his butt, but the single second was enough for his Raphael to charge at his twin.

Donatello scrambled backwards, watching the two dark turtles fight for a few seconds, and once he was sure Raph would win he crawled to where Leo was still kneeling on the ground.

"Leo! Leo, snap out of it!" he hissed, shaking his leaders shoulder. His brother only sobbed and shook his head, hands gripping the grates.

"I couldn't... why... I'd never..."

Donnie blinked through tears, eyes widening as he caught glimpse of the bed. He couldn't see Mikey from the angle, but Clone-Leo was moving aside, while the rat took his place, taking off his robe.


Mikey's breath hitched when this twisted version of his father took off his robe, revealing a muscled furry body and an intimidatingly large hairless dick.

"P-Please... stop..."

"My baby... this all can stop. All the pain... the hurt. Just give in."

Mikey took a shuddering breath, tears continuing to fall freely while his heart pounded away. The sound was loud in his head. Swallowing another sob, he closed his eyes and turned his face away, his shaking legs fell open in defeat.


Donatello gasped when the the symbols above the bed started glowing. He couldn't shout, it would alert the rat and they could be all killed. He could just transfer another version of them and try again.

Desperate, Donnie slapped Leo hard. The hazel eyes were wide as they locked with the chocolate gaze of his brother.

"Pull yourself together, Leo! We need you!" Donnie begged, watching as the utter defeat slowly cleared away, making room for determination.

Leo fixated the bed above them. Mikey had dropped the knife before when they were attacked... the handle was thick enough so it wouldn't have fallen through the grates... there.

Without thinking the leader jumped to where the kitchen knife was stuck in the grate and wrung it free, not even pausing to aim before he threw it towards the furry back with a roar that rivaled Raph's as the emerald turtle crushed his clone's head against the grates.


Mikey felt the furry hands grab his thighs and suppressed a whimper when his entrance was touched by something hot and hard. He couldn't believe he was letting this happen. All of his previous selves had been strong enough to withstand. Though... none of them have come so far before. Could they really blame him?

He wanted to throw up so badly, the bile already forming in the back of his throat as he waited for the inevitable to happen. For the rat to... to...


Mikey forced his eyes open at the sound. The rat above him wasn't moving, the tip of a bloody kitchen knife sticking out from where his heart was.

Not able to breathe, Mikey worked his legs to get away from the cock at his entrance. When he'd fall he didn't want it to accidentally impale him. Only a second later the body fell forwards. Out of instinct Mikey lifted his hands to prevent the rat from falling on top of him, bracing for the pain when suddenly he was falling.

His shell landed on hard ground. Three more thuds and grunts were around him, and only slowly Mikey dared to open his eyes again.

Instead of the strange glowing symbols he's seen before, he was looking at the familiar ceiling and of their favorite tunnel when they were going topside.

Both of his arms were still throbbing from his broken wrists and a pained gasp escaped him as he tried to get up.

A strong arm was wrapping around his shoulders to help him in a sitting position. Mikey took one look at the tear-filled amber eyes of Raphael before he completely broke down, sobbing uncontrollably as he pressed himself as close as possible to his big brother. Raph carefully adjusted him so his wrists weren't crushed before hugging him as tight as he dared.

He had some blood from his clone on him, but he didn't care at the moment.

At the same time, Leo was clinging to Donnie, cradling him, trying to keep it together. Donatello bore it with tears in his own eyes, nuzzling his brother's neck to comfort both of them.

"Is... is it over? Are we home?" Raph dared to speak first, scooting closer to his brothers with Mikey firmly held in his lap.

The youngest turtle nodded, taking deep breaths to get his heart-rate under control again.

"You hit his heart. That killed him. We're... we're home." The relief was overwhelming. Not caring about the dirty concrete floor they collapsed together, careful of the youngers' injuries.

None of them talked as they made their way back to the lair. Donnie was on Raph's back, resting his head on the muscular shoulder, while Mikey insisted he could walk on his own.

If it wasn't for their injuries, all of this could've been a nightmare. But the throbbing was real.

Mikey could kick himself. He really would have given in. His will was so easily broken. A second later and he... he wasn't even sure what would've happened.

Leo was having a hard time swallowing around the lump in his throat. He had let himself be thrown off so easily. He was hating on himself for what his previous versions have done, wallowing in self-pity, while Raph and Donnie practically saved the day.

If Donnie hadn't knocked some sense into him he would've let this... this monster rape his baby brother. It was wrong that he was their leader. So wrong.

At the entrance to the lair all of them hesitated. They never told their father about their relationship. They had to keep it a secret. The fear that he would do something similar...

However, there was no elderly rat greeting them as usual when they got back from patrol.

"Maybe he's already asleep..." Donnie offered, his voice exhausted. "Let's get patched up first."

In the infirmary they took their time setting bones and splinting them, taking care of any wounds. It felt so... normal, in a way. There were no ghosts or shadows trying to ambush them, it was their home. Their safety.

And yet, the fear was still deep in their bones.

"So... we should get some sleep..." Leo said, watching each of his brothers and biting his lip.

"Yeah..." Raph agreed, though none of the brothers moved. They didn't want to sleep alone.

"You know... I can't use my hands. And Donnie can't stand. What if we need something in the middle of the night?" Mikey tried a smile, that turned out really shaky. Donnie quickly nodded.

"Yes, it's best if we all sleep together. Just in case."

It was so awkward, having to hide again.

All of them sighed in relief as they snuggled together on numerous pillows and blankets in the pit. Raph made sure the casts of his brothers were visible, so when their father woke up he wouldn't think of anything else than brothers looking out for each other.

None of them thought they'd fall asleep at all, but all the adrenaline and exhaustion tore through their bodies and they passed out almost immediately.


"So... The other Mikey communicated with you?" Mikey nodded, letting Leo feed him some cereal.

"When he left my body I was fit again. He told me the knife had to go through the rat's heart... I thought when I pretended to give in I could get close enough to kill him..."

"If he knew we were trying to fool him, why did he let us close in first place?" Raph wondered, taking a sip from his coffee.

"He was way stronger than we were. More skilled and he knew all of our movements. He was confident he would defeat us in case he didn't get what he want." Leo let out a sigh as he gave Mike another spoonful of cereal.

"The other Mike told me he was a human before he got mutated. A martial artist. He probably learned all the moves that our father has taught us. We were trying to fight a true master of ninjutsu..."

There were a few beats of silence before Donnie cleared his throat.

"Speaking of dad... is he up yet?"

Leo shook his head. "No, he wasn't in the dojo and the tea-kettle was cold when I came in..." He grabbed the empty cereal bowl and put it in the sink. Then he poured a cup of tea before turning around.

"Maybe he's meditating in his room. I should bring him some tea..."

Yet he didn't move. He had killed a version of him, after all.

"I'm coming with..." Mikey offered, getting up. His skin still crawled when he thought about the other rat. He knew the only way to get this fear and disgust was to confront the subject head on. They couldn't avoid their own father forever.

Leonardo seemed very grateful, putting an arm around his younger brother's shoulder as they made their way to Splinter's room. Mikey subtly nuzzled Leo's shoulder. The older turtle took deep breath and smiled at Mikey before carefully opening the door.

"Sensei? We brought you some tea..." It was still dark inside the room. Feeling dread knot his stomach again, Mikey hurried to hit the light-switch with his elbows.

"S-Sensei?" Leo put the cup of tea on the nightstand and sat on the edge of Splinter's bed. The small rat's eyes were closed, and he didn't react to his son shaking his shoulder. "No..." Leo gasped, stumbling back to Mikey and the door.

"Donnie!" he shouted, unable to keep his voice from shaking. He panted as he grabbed Mikey's shoulders, guiding him outside the room.

Mikey's eyes were wide, already filling with tears as he processed what was going on. It took only seconds for Raph to appear with Donnie in his arms.

"What? What is it?!" Panic filled the middle brothers' chests at the sight of their mates breaking down again. Don's eyes swiveled through the open door to the bed. He nudged Raph to carry him there, heart pounding.

He made quick work of checking their father over, tears running down his cheeks as he did so. There was no doubt.

"He's dead..." he choked out, pulling the blanket over the still form. He started to sob when Raph wrapped his arms around him.

"I... I think it was a heart attack..."