Hello, and welcome to the new Bleach story! For those who hadn't seen the poll on my profile, this might come as a shock, but its been something I've been wanting to do for a while after rereading Bleach again, and this could be considered a rewrite of my old Bleach story, though things will be different obviously.

For more about this story, check out the AN's, but I will say here for those who want to know, Ichigo isn't in this story with Karin and Yuzu taking his place with splitting his powers. Why that is is revealed at the bottom. Otherwise, please enjoy the chapter.

Disclaimer; I don't own Bleach, or any of its characters, only my own Oc.


"I'm so tired..."

A young man spoke lazily while yawning his head off.

The young man in question was around the age of 15-16 years old, appearance wise he had creamy blonde hair that came down to the bottom of his chin, with it being rather messy, his bluish purple eyes shined brightly despite his sleepy state, around his neck was a deep blue sparkling star shaped necklace. He was quite built for a young man his age, not overly muscular, but had some muscles of a teen who did regular exercise.

He wore a school uniform, typical of a teenager of his age group. The tie was undone and hung around his neck, his shirt was mostly open, and untooked though his pants were fixed, and ready to go, his shoes were on as well.

A slightly panicked expression appeared on his face when seeing the time.

He was...late for school.

He usually was.

That was due to him inventing things often so he stayed up late at night and early into the morning.

Even now, as he went into the kitchen at the Urahara shop, he was late.

A young boy with red hair stood in the kitchen, and his toast popped out.

He went to grab it, but before he could the blonde haired boy grabbed it instead, and shoved it in his mouth with a vacant expression on his face, the red haired boys eyes turned fiery like his hair, glaring at the older boy.

"Hey! That's mine!"

Roared the young boy, wanting his toast back.

He tried to grab it from his mouth, and hit the blonde haired boy, but he merely just stared at him curiously, then snapped his neck in that direction, the boy falling away from him.

"Sorry Jinta-kun, got class, speak later..." He rushed out of the kitchen, Jinta grabbing an overly large bat. The blonde boy stuck his head back in and chuckled softly. "Oh, don't try and attack me, it might not end well for you."


Jinta froze his body, and put down the bat.

The blonde boy rushed for the exit, but before he could make it, he saw a young girl standing with a box in her hand, a small nicely wrapped box. He paused his actions, turned towards the permanently blushing girl, patted her head and took the lunch.

"You don't have to make me anything Ururu-chan, I'm okay with begging others for food, they usually are light hearted about it~"

Ururu, gently shook her head, tipping her head to the side so her pigtails fell down from her shoulders.

"N-No, I don't mind making such a thing for y-you Takumi-san..."

"Well, thank you very much Ururu-chan." She smiled very timidly, something the boy liked. He patted her on the head again. "Good girl. Got to go, be good~"

Ururu giggled a little bit, then the boy had to leave so he waved his hand and left.

The young man rushed for the exit, bypassing a large man named Tessai, and a sleepy blonde man named Urahara Kisuke.

"It seems you're in a rush this morning."

Kisuke calmly noted, almost sleepily.

"Usually am! We all can't wake up whenever we want."

The young man expressed happily, jumping over a sleeping cat, and grabbed his bag, rushing out of the door.

Kisuke lazily waves his hand at the young man.


"No dealing with Shinigami. Don't worry, I know what to do if I see a Hollow, and Shinigami, let them deal with it all."

"Alright then, also..." The boy rushed out of the room. "...and you're not even listening to me anyway...why do I even bother..."

The cat lifted her up off the ground.

Kisuke turned back to the door, and then looked at the clock on the wall.


Just as the blonde countered down, and as he thought, the blonde haired young man came back in, grabbing the cat off the ground and placed her on his shoulder.

"Forgot my pussy. Bye Dad! Tessai-chan! I'll do my duties later on!"

Kisuke's lips turned upwards, and when he left, he began laughing to himself. Tessai looked on casually, then began doing his duties for the day, Kisuke however fell onto the ground and held his stomach with laughing too hard.

The young man rushed down the street, heading for the school.

He bolted down the street, bypassing walking on by people.

He waved to a few of them, and one of them he saw an apple on display so within a flash, he took out some money and switched it for the apple, and disappeared down the street, and then took a bite of it.

"I'm gonna be late! I'm gonna be late! I'm gonna be late!" He chanted, his eyes turning to the cat. "Hey, Yoruichi-chan, there."

The cat looked at the boy, reaching his hand above his head, where the cat was, offering some apple. The cat moved her head forward, biting into the apple, and then he brought it back down again so he could have a bite.

"Thank you." The cat spoke with a prominent male voice even though the boy very well knew that it was a female. "According to Kisuke, a new Shinigami is going to be appearing in this town at midnight, a replacement for the previous one, and we should avoid them, after...well, after everything that has gone on."

"I get it, he's over cautious, it's not like I can do anything anyway..."

He turned a corner and school was in sight.

"Don't worry about those things, leave it to the Shinigami's. That's their job after all."

He jumped and hopped over a few people, and even lightly used peoples heads as stepping stones so he could get there faster.

Making it to the gates, his classroom was a stones throw away, so he looked around, seeing that no one was there.

"Is it supposed to be this quiet at this time..."

"Get your butt moving Takumi."

The newly named Takumi ran a hand through his blonde hair.

"Ugh...fine, whatever you say Emo."

"I know what that means."

Rather than mess with Yoruichi, he rushed through the school at light speed.

Through the halls, and to the classroom, he burst the door open and announced "I'm not late!" while yawning...but then realized that the classroom was empty.

He blinked, and then looked at his phone, which said 9 o'clock, but no one was there, or rather, very few people where there. The class should be full, but it wasn't. Only a few people where there, and they weren't people that he wanted to talk to.

"Huh, what's going on?"

"It's only 8.30 Taku-chan~"

A beautiful voice came from behind him, and as if by magic, answered his inquiry.

He paused his body and quickly turned around to see a large chested young woman with long burnt orange hair. She was rather curvy, and her chocolate brown eyes, stared into his bluish purple eyes, and then raised a finger.

"Taku-chan's bare chest..."

She muttered, her cheeks turning a little red.

"Bare chest?"

Takumi tipped is head to the side.

He then looked down and saw that his shirt was still opened, so he chuckled an awkward "Sorry~" and then fixed himself.

"Is that better Orihime-chan?"

Quizzing with a carefree smile, she didn't know how to answer that properly, so she decided to not answer it at all.

"Taku-chan is very early~ I didn't think you'd be here yet~"

"Are you sure it is 8.30 Orihime-chan?"

He asked with uncertainty, so she got her phone out and showed it him.

"Well, it is 8.31 now, but yeah. Why? What time did you think it was?"

Takumi looked at his phone again and wondered what the heck was going on, though some conclusions were coming to his mind.

"Eheh, ooh yeah, I set my phone half an hour fast so I'd wake up and freak out...yeah, it's all coming back to me." He looked up at Yoruichi who held an innocent expression on her face. He didn't have to say it aloud for her to know what he was thinking. "Well, I'm here Orihime-chan! And I have to say, you're looking adorable as always~ I'm surprised Tatsuki-chan isn't with you."

Orihime grasped her hands together.

"When I was walking home last night, I saw you stood by yourself, having a conversation, alone! Who were you talking too Taku-chan?"

"Aah, I was speaking to my ghost friends again~"

He joked, or what sounded like a joking tone to Orihime anyway.

"Ooh Taku-chan, talking with the 'ghosts' again, you shouldn't do that. It'll affect your mental health."

"Ah, I lost that years ago Orihime-chan~"

Orihime offered a giggling sound, while students began coming in.

Yoruichi jumped off Takumi's head, landing on the table, and then she jumped into his shirt from the open bit at the top.

"Taku-chan, is she going to be okay in there?"

"She'll be fine~ Besides, if Sensei finds out, she'll flip out, and then tell her to go, and then she wouldn't be happy, would you my adorable Yoruichi-chan~"

Takumi reached into his shirt, and scratched behind her ear, making her groan out.

Orihime tilted her head, but let it go not long afterwards.

"Yo, what's going on? Oh, Taku, you're here early."

A young woman came in, a girl named Tatsuki, with her shirt untucked and unbuttoned at the top.

"Yeah, I'm here early, for a change."

Takumi hummed to himself as he rubbed the lump in his shirt.

"You're not flirting with Orihime, are you? It isn't enough that the pervert Honsho does it, now I have to be worried about you as well?"

"Nice to see you too Tatsuki-chan, and a good morning to you as well. And no, I'm not flirting with her, she's flirting with me~"

Orihime 'confirmed' this while nodding her head.

"It's true Tatsuki-chan, I was flirting with Taku-chan in the hopes that we would one day become husband and wife."

Tatsuki's head was put into a spin, making her feel a little bit dizzy.

"Ooh God please don't...your children would be very weird..."

Takumi and Orihime shared a look and then relieved their friends worries.

"Don't be worried Tatsuki-chan~ If it happens, we're still gonna be friends~"

That didn't exactly fill her with hope, she looked like she was being dragged down to the depths of despair.

As that was happening, two girls came through the door. One girl had light brown hair, tied into twin tails that came down just past her shoulders, and a small bust, yet had a cute face. Her name was Yuzu Kurosaki. And then another girl came in, with a bigger bust, though not much as Orihime, had black hair that came down to her shoulders, though she had it tied into a long high ponytail at the back of her head.

Karin's dismissive eyes went towards Takumi who gave her a smile right back.

"Good morning my favourite twins."

"G-Good morning Takumi-kun!"

Yuzu gushed out, while Karin just stared at him.

"You're here early. Don't you usually sleep in until like, twelve?"

"I got woken up by loud noises Karin-chan, so I decided to come in."

He let out a small yawn while Karin rolled her eyes.

"Yuzu, lets go before you catch the weirdo disease."

Karin pulled Yuzu towards the back of the class. Takumi waved as Yuzu walked past, Yuzu waved back while Karin rolled her eyes at the sight of Takumi.

As the lesson began and went on, Takumi's head laid on his desk, catching up to some sleep he had missed.

Karin stared at him from behind, and just shook her head at the sight, while murmuring "Lazy." though when she said it, Takumi's head rose up, looking back towards Karin who gave him a defiant stare right back.

As their eyes locked, Takumi suddenly felt an intense power, so he stood up, catching the notice of Karin who also felt something off about something.

"Is something wrong Taku-chan?"

Takumi chuckled, waving his hand at Orihime who was giving concerned eyes.

"Of course not, just felt like I should stand up~"

Orihime released a small giggle, but then he felt a dark power coming from outside somewhere.

Then from the window, he saw that red energy was going for his face, so Takumi casually took a small circle like device, stuck it to the window which he was sat right by, and a barrier extended outwards from the device, blocking the shot of red energy, causing the window to shake a little bit.

"Sorry Hollow, science prevails."

Takumi smiled out happily about what he thought.

"A Hollows presence...this feeling is..."

Yoruichi murmured, while Takumi noticed something.

Takumi's eyes went back towards Karin, feeling the dark pressure going towards her.

From the window, he saw a shadow that was coming towards it, so he leaped into action, jumping across the desks, surprising the other students, a student named Keigo yelled "What are you, a ninja?!" as the glass shattered near Karin, and a small blast of energy came through it, Takumi stuck his hand outwards, and caught the energy blast just before it could pierce Karin's head, but it stabbed into Takumi's hand and made it bleed.

"Damn it..."

"W-What the hell was that?!"

Karin yelled, looking at Takumi's hand, and saw a small droplet of blood coming out of his hand.

Yuzu also noticed the blood coming out of Takumi's hand, and gasped.

"T-Takumi-kun! Your hand is bleeding!"

"Hehe, yeah. A piece of glass pierced my hand, that's all, don't worry Yuzu-chan~"

Karin thought more of what he said, while Orihime rushed back, and looked at his hand.

Karin noticed the reddish energy, while the others didn't even seem to register it.

"Wow, Taku-chan. You were totally a Hero then. You went leaping across the desks, and flipped like a ninja. Tell me Taku-chan, are you secretly a ninja...?"

Orihime leaned in curiously, Takumi gave a dramatic flick of his head.

"You caught me out, I am apart of an ancient ninja clan that-" Takumi saw another energy ball coming from outside, so he pushed Karin's chair back with his foot, the energy blast going by the front of her face, impaling the wall thankfully not catching anyone else, and caused it to shake with a dent appearing there. "-can detect when glass is going to break, so using my awesome ninja skills, I leaped to Karin-chan's defence, and protected her. But, I'll be fine~"

Karin's widened eyes looked at the energy impaling the wall, while Takumi noticed the beast, and looked down at Yoruichi who looked on with worry.

"Heheh, I always knew Taku-chan was apart of something amazing. So Taku-chan's a ninja, I'm so glad I worked it out~"

Karin sweat dropped, while thinking "Are we really supposed to buy that load of crap?" while Takumi peered outside.

Karin wondered what he was looking at, and saw that he was peering at the sky, and she saw something their.

Covered in shadows...yet, she saw a white mask peering at her.

Takumi then waved his hand towards the teacher.

"I'm going to the infirmary! I'm bleeding, might die, who knows~"


As she was speaking, he was already out of the room, while Karin was left flabbergasted by what was happening.

Her eyes went outside once more, and saw the retreating form of whatever it was staring at her.

"Karin, are you okay?" Yuzu asked with concern, Karin merely nodded her head. "It was a good thing that Takumi-kun came in and protected you, isn't it? You could of been stabbed by the glass."

"But, how did it even break?"

Tatsuki wondered, while a certain young man pushed up his glasses, glancing outside, and wondered what was happening.

Half a minute later, Orihime's eyes caught the sight of Takumi running out of the school, and she wondered what he was doing.


"Something wrong Orihime?"

Tatsuki whispered from the side of her, making her smile and shake her head.

"No, I am okay." She turned back to the Sensei, though her eyes briefly went out of the window again. "Taku-chan, what's going on with you...and why are you...what's going on with Taku-chan...?"

Orihime thought about it, but she couldn't come to a natural conclusion.

Running through the city, Takumi followed after the Hollow that had tried to attack Karin and him on foot while equipping himself with a few items, Yoruichi came out of hiding.

"Takumi, that Hollow is..."

"What's wrong with it? I need to chase it down, it's got a weird pressure coming out of it. And why was it after Karin-chan? I know she's got a high spiritual power, but it also attacked me so did it go after her when realizing its attacks couldn't get to me..."

"I don't know, maybe it just wanted an easier target since she doesn't have the ability to currently defend herself."

"I guess...either way, I'll get it."

"No Takumi, don't go after the Hollow."

"I can handle a low level Hollow, I don't need powers for that."

He continued to run until he saw a large demonic creature with a white mask. The creature looked to be about the size of a male, only twice that size, a fully formed adult stacked on top of another one, then he saw a spider looking Hollow with large long legs, about the size of a house slowly moving forward, and it made Takumi furrowed his eyebrows.

However, since he had his own Hollow to chase, he continued running forward after it, when it turned around and shot off a few energy blasts towards Takumi, however he placed his hand outwards, creating a few barriers with some items he wore on his fingers, and blocked the shots of the Hollow, but when he dropped the barriers, appearing before him was a Shinigami, a young girl with black hair, who was running forward.

"Holy shi-"


The pair collided with one another, making them groan out in displeasure. Takumi landed on top of the young girl, his body sprawled out. She felt flattened by the young blonde haired young man, she felt like she couldn't escape.

"Owww...I hit a Shinigami..."

Groaned Takumi while laying on top of the female Shinigami.

The smaller body let out a cry as she crawled out from under the boys body.

"Ugh...what the hell..." Her eyes went to Takumi, and pointed at him accusingly. "Wait, you just called me a Shinigami! Y-You're a human! You shouldn't be able to see me! W-What kind of human are you!?"

Takumi moved up off the ground, standing tall, and looked at the young Shinigami girl.

"Oh my God, I thought...Y-Yoruichi-chan, the Shinigami's here early."

Yoruichi hopped onto Takumi's head, looking at the young Shinigami and then shook her head.

"It seems that she's arrived much early than anticipated."

"Who said that!?"

The young Shinigami let out a squeal of surprise, not noticing Yoruichi talking.

"...I'm just going to go and find the Hollow, before I interfere with the newbie and her mission with the Hollow and all..."

The young girl twitched her eyebrows like she was being ignored.

"Hey!" She roughly grabbed his shirt, and dragged him down to her level. "W-What the hell is going!? And who the heck are you!? Are you a kind of human that has the power to see us...you see the Hollow...you know what a Hollow is...how do you know what a Hollow is exactly…? Just what kind of human are you?"

The young girl didn't know where to start with her questions, even as she pushed the long bang that drops down in the middle of her face, tossing it to the side.

"Yup, I do, but I'm not allowed to talk to you so..." He placed his hand out in front of himself and to her body. She flinched and let go of him, wondering what he was going to do. Then, he reached his hand out, and petted her head. "So, are you the professional dealing with the...creatures."

"L-Look at my outfit! I am professional, more so than you!"

She argued with him, trying to make valid arguments, but Takumi didn't see how it was a relevant thing.

But then the girl looked around and saw the Hollow was there, so she rushed forward with her sword.

While she was doing that, Yoruichi whispered against Takumi's ear.

"Best go now."

"Alright, I'll track down that Hollow."

"Takumi wait..."

Takumi began backing away while watching the girl fight against the Hollow.

She slashed at its leg, cutting deep into it, causing it to drop down to the ground. With the deep gash in its leg, the girl jumped upwards, and sliced its Hollow mask, briefly glancing at Takumi who smiled weakly towards her.

But then the spider looking Hollow swiped downwards as the first Hollow was slain, the girl used her sword to block the strike, but the leg strike was strong, and caused the girl to bend her knee at the surprising strength of the creature, and then it swiped against the girls body, but she used her sword to block the repeated strikes, Yoruichi sensed something different about these Hollows.

"Oh no..."

The boy watched as the girl spat out some bile when receiving a gut punch, making him grimace.

But the Hollow walked closer to her body, and raised his legs which appeared sharp at the end to stab her.

"Yoruichi-chan, I gotta help out." The cat furrowed her eyebrows and went to object when Takumi went into his pocket, and pulled out a small sphere with a skull and crossbones on it. "Eat this." He tossed the ball towards the Hollow which when coming into contact with the Hollow, exploded, and forced the Hollow away from the black haired girl. "Heh, didn't need powers to do that."

It allowed her to get up, and get the upper hand against one of the Hollow, leaping upwards, and brought down her sword on its white mask, cleaving it in half, and killed it off.

The girls eyes snapped towards the boy who was already running away.


The girl yelled, but he didn't stop.

"Sorry, got to go! Good luck!"

"B-But, you didn't even tell me who you are!"

His eyes glanced at her, who was surprised by his smile.

"Takumi, nice to meet you."

The young girl blinked once more.

For some reason...no, she very well knew something was off about this.

All of this seemed mental, it just didn't seem to make sense.

But when looking at him...she felt like she had seen him before.

"My names Rukia...Rukia Kuchiki..."

"You can call me Takumi Rukia-chan! Or Taku, I don't mind~"


She was surprised that he would go that far as to call her something like that with just their first meeting.

But he then left, making her cock her head, before looking at the Hollow who by now was recovering from the sphere Takumi tossed at it.

But she then jumped up, swinging downwards, and cut through the Hollows head, slaying it.

Her eyes went back to the place Takumi was, before cocking her head.

"Takumi...that name sounds so familiar...where have I heard it before...?"

Rukia didn't know what to make of him.

All she knew was that he saved her life, so she was thankful to him.

Watching from afar, was Kisuke, his eyes slitting towards Rukia, and then his leaving son, thinking about something deeply.

Arriving back at school after unable to find the Hollow, and now it was lunch time, Takumi, Tatsuki, and even Orihime had gathered outside together to each their lunches together, while Chizuru stalked them from the outside, her eyes not leaving the males form.

Yoruichi laid in the tree behind them, high up. She looked down at the threesome going on, snickered and then turned her nose away from them all, so she could have her own type of fun, whatever that was going to entail.

As they ate together, and talked about random things, Karin came along with a shy looking Yuzu.

"Ah, my favourite twins again. What are you girls doing~?"

Takumi smiled out, but Karin darkened her expression.

"So, gonna explain about before?"

"Hehe, what about Karin-chan?"

Karin breathed out of her nose harshly.

"Whatever, don't tell me."

"It isn't like that Karin-chan, it's just got nothing to tell really."

Karin wasn't convinced in the slightest.

"Anyway, come on Yuzu. Lets leave the lovers alone."


Takumi wondered, Karin pointed between Orihime and himself.


Yuzu looked towards Orihime, and then herself, and looked slightly saddened.

Orihime blushed slightly, before raising her fingers.

"Well, if I liked Taku-chan, and Karin-chan also liked Taku-chan, then Yuzu-chan also fell in love with Taku-chan, we'd have so much to talk about~"

Karin showed a disturbed face.

"Me and him?! I'd rather not! Besides I wouldn't do that to Yuz...e-ehe, no-nothing!"

While Takumi's lips pursed, Yuzu looked on with a blushing embarrassment face.

"Oh thanks, am I not good enough for you?"

Karin gripped her head in frustration.

"I don't even want to get into the conversation! I'm leaving!"

Karin stormed off, while Yuzu swayed side to side.

"I guess I'll leave too. See you later!"

Yuzu showed a peppy smile, and walked off, Takumi watched the twins go, and thought to himself about the two girls.

While thinking to himself, he looked into the sky, and saw something.

He saw a young man there, looking down on them from the sky.

He knew who this was.

He saw him most days, watching Orihime.

It was her brother, Sora Inoue, and he knew why he was watching her, it was obvious.

However, in the time that he knew Orihime, he saw a decline in the way that Sora looked at Orihime.

At first, it was love, and compassion.

But, as time progressed, it was more and more, disdain and other negative feelings.

"Taku-chan, what are you looking at?"

Orihime looked in the sky, but she couldn't see the thing that he was looking at.

Takumi just chuckled his wild chuckle, turning back to them.

"I'm just admiring the stars~"

"It's during the day, you can't see stars."

Tatsuki shrewdly pointed out.

"Well, if you can or can't be seen, it doesn't matter. They are still there, shining down on us, even if you can't see them, forever watching you from the heavens above."

"W-Wow, that sounded pretty deep for you."

Takumi stuck his tongue out at Tatsuki.

"Shouldn't you be with Ishida-chan and be his girlfriend already?"


"Don't say that again!"


Takumi laid on the ground with a bump on his head, an angry Tatsuki pulling her hand away.

"Tatsuki-chan! You can't do that! Taku-chan has a delicate head!"

"It's delicate because there's nothing but air inside that head!"

"Did you say hair, or air? My ears are ringing from the punch."

Tatsuki became fumed, pulling her hand forward and went to strike him.

He whined, hiding behind Orihime who then turned around and hugged onto his head, petting his blonde hair, Chizuru from afar getting more and more triggered.

"Shhh now Taku-chan, she wont bully you anymore."

"Me, bully him?! He's the one who says crap about me and Ishida!"

"But, I've seen you converse before, I just assumed you'd be together. I heard you and he walked home the other day~"

Tatsuki sighed in defeat, falling against the grass, and made a large sigh. Orihime giggled away to herself, and Takumi showed a nice guy grin and his thumb too, excited for what was to come. Chizuru on the other hand, didn't look pleased in the slightest.

At the end of the day, Takumi, Orihime and Tatsuki were walking to the park together, Yoruichi hiding in his hoodie he got from his bag. She looked on at the three talking, laughing and other things like that, making her smile.

"You've not lived until you've tried my sour bean paste Tatsuki-chan! After the park, it is going to be the best thing since sliced onion bread!"

"I just don't want to die Orihime."

She quickly retorted, Takumi snickering.

"Don't be silly Tatsuki-chan, Orihime-chan's thoughts and foods are both equally beautiful~ I love her food, and her thoughts too~"

"You're just in love with her."

Tatsuki grumbled, only to make Orihime's face turn a little pink, Takumi however just grinned.

"Like you're in love with Ishida-chan~ Don't deny it now~"

"I am not in love with Ishida-kun at all! You are!"

She deflected, Orihime giggling even more.

"Ooh Taku-chan is in love with Ishida-kun? No way, it seems like the male romance is..."

"Yeah, gotta confess. Ishida-chan is someone I like, because those glasses are a turn on, and I think he'd be a very good conversationalist once breaking through the fact that he doesn't talk much~ And even if he doesn't, then he can just hold me all night and I'll talk~"


Tatsuki and Orihime couldn't keep their laughter down as they walked forward.

But then he stopped when he saw something...

He saw that there was Rukia coming towards him.

He didn't know how she tracked him down, but she did.

Maybe she got lucky, he didn't know.

But that's how it was, and now that she was there, he didn't feel good about that.

"There you are! I have been looking for you! I have questions!"

Rukia landed on the ground and spoke to Takumi.

The girls didn't see or hear anything, so he just pretended to not hear her either, he couldn't exactly have a conversation to someone (from their perspective) invisible.

When he ignored her, Rukia's eyes shot open.

"H-Hey! Don't be cruel, and answer me! I have a right to know what's going on, you know!?"

Again, he didn't answer her.

Rukia felt like she was getting triggered right now.

"I know you can hear me, you talked to me beforehand, so do it right now! I've been going crazy all day trying to understand this!"

Takumi's eyes twitched around, trying his best to ignore her.

But Rukia was persistent.

"Nanahahahaha! Look at me, I'm Chappy the rabbit!"

She moved in front of him, and pulled a funny face, sticking out her tongue and pulled down on her cheeks.

Takumi's face turned upwards a little bit, but he still ignored her the best that he could do, it didn't make sense to Rukia though why he was doing this.

"Oh, so continuing to ignore me, huh? Try this!"

Rukia shoved her face in his own and he pulled away, feeling like she was going to kiss him. She wasn't, but she slipped, and continued going further than she wanted. It was lucky that he had sharp skills, or she would have ended up kissing him.

"Geez, some people just don't know personal boundary issues, especially when they are trying to kiss you or something weird like that."

Takumi murmured, Rukia's eyes blazing towards him.

"Was that directed at me!?"

He heard her roar, but he paid no heed, and continued going onwards.

"Who are you talking about?"

Tatsuki demanded, feeling like he was saying it to her.

"Oh, I was talking about a certain girl that is following me, and seems to be quite spirited."

"Honsho...I understand."

Tatsuki nodded and Orihime tilted her head.

"Aww, is Taku-chan bothered by Chizuru-chan? Don't worry Taku-chan, I'll tell her to leave you alone~"

Takumi's eyes watered, grabbed her hands and held them tightly.

"You are an Angel after all! I always suspected that Orihime-chan wasn't a bad girl and cared about me! I just knew it!"

Orihime lightly smiled, Tatsuki nodding her head.

Rukia wasn't having any of it though, and charged.

"I wont be ignored!"

Takumi twitched his eyebrows wildly at what she was doing.

"Taku-chan, something going on?"

Takumi twitched his eyebrows as he felt Rukia hop onto his back, and wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. He carried her along with him while walking, but Yoruichi looked pissed off, looking into her eyes from her position in his hood.

"No, I'm okay...you know, I just forgot, I had to go and do something. If I can, I'll meet up later. See you later!"

"Wait Taku-chan, we're supposed to be going out later!"

"I'll be there at seven, promise!"

He peeled Rukia off his back, and put her under his arm.

"I'm not a sack!"

Rukia tried to get free, but he ran away with her, leaving the girls behind to contemplate what happened.

"Where are you two going anyway?"

Tatsuki asked Orihime who put her arms outwards, and her face seemingly drained of colour.

"We're watching March on the Zombies..." She held out two fingers to Tatsuki. "Part two. We would've invited you, but you don't like those movies, right Tatsuki-chan?"

Tatsuki sweat dropped.

"I see...alright then, have fun. Yeah, I don't like those films, so weird."

Orihime then began walking around like a zombie, Tatsuki rolled her eyes at the sight.

Making it a safe distance, he placed her down onto the ground, folding his arms.

"You couldn't do any subtle approach? Do they not teach that in Soul Society?"

Rukia fixed her outfit.

"Hold on for a second. You know about Soul Society?"

"Look, I'm not really supposed to be talking to you, Dad would be displeased. So, I have to greet you and leave you now, so-"

"Okay, no. You can't do that. I can at least ask some questions, right? I wont let you leave suddenly, I could stop you."

"Oh, you could?"

Rukia smirked, and put out her fingers.

"Bakudo 1: Sai!"

Like that, with a wave of her fingers, Rukia released her Kido spell, and bound his arms behind him. He looked towards her with a smile.

"Kido huh, alright then."

Rukia looked on as he clicked his fingers, and from his snapping fingers, a small electrical discharge went around his body, disabling her Kido spell, freeing his arms.

"You broke my Kido..."

"It was only the lowest level Kido, it isn't difficult for what I've got implanted within my fingertips. If you got me with a Kido in the 30's then maybe I wouldn't of been able to break it. But this level doesn't seem to be so hard to break down."

Rukia didn't even know what to think.

Her training gave her thoughts on what kind of tactic she should take, but she didn't have a definitive answer.

"O-Okay, lets say that you know Kido, you wouldn't be opposed to just answer a few things for me, right?"

"Erm...well, maybe...but Dad would..." Yoruichi jumped onto his shoulder, looking at him squarely in the eyes. "E-Either way, I can't speak to you, and I am, sorry about that, so please don't ask about anything more like that."

"Wait, I don't understand...at least tell me one thing...you're not a normal human, are you?"

Takumi chuckled awkwardly.

"It depends on normal..."

"I knew it! You knew about Shinigami's, Soul Society, that means...you must know of us somehow...a human with knowledge on the Soul Society..."

"Well, I've met Shinigami's before, that's all."

Rukia put on an inspecting kind of face.

"I see, then that makes sense. But still, it seems you have some kind of power."

"Look, don't tell anyone about me, alright? If you don't tell anyone, then I'll happily answer questions in the future, okay?"

Rukia casually looked upon him with his pleading eyes on her.

"It would be highly unorthodox to do something like that...then again, until I understand what and who you are, I couldn't explain it to anyone anyway. So yes, I suppose that I shall comply with you."

"Ooh thank you Rukia-chan! I knew behind your eyes you were a good girl! And since you were a good girl, I'll answer one more question~"

Yoruichi slammed her paw into her face, but Takumi forever shone on with a wider smile than usual.

"Okay, that's fair I guess...let's see, question, need to make it a big deal...I suppose the fact you knew about Hollows would kinda make sense with what I saw you do...do you, slay them? You know about Shinigami, so I presume you know what they can do..."

"Is, that your question? About me knowing about Shinigami?"

He asked politely, Rukia pondering the thought.

"No, the question I have is...do you have powers? I mean, beyond seeing Shinigami and Hollows."

"Powers...no, I don't have powers."

Rukia had more questions than ever.

But, before he could answer anymore, he began moving away.


"Sorry, I answered, and I have to go...oh, if you happen to come across twin girls, named Karin-chan and Yuzu-chan, don't be shocked if they can see you...well, one of them anyway, one of them might be aware of your presence though~"

"Are they like you!?"

Rukia called as he ran away.

"Maybe, who knows what they really are!"

Rukia couldn't help watch him go.

She didn't even know why but he seemed, interesting to her.

"What a weird guy he is...I don't understand...what the heck he is...?"



Rukia jumped at the new voice.

She whizzed around to see Kisuke stood there.

"D-Don't sneak up on me!"

"Sorry Kuchiki-san, I didn't mean to frighten you. But, I have come to tell you something."

Rukia folded her arms, wondering who this was, and why he was speaking to her, it didn't even matter that he could, she felt power coming from him.

"And whats that?"

"That boy you met, it would be better if you left him alone and forgot about him."

Rukia raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

"Whys that?"

"Because, I wont allow him to become involved with Shinigami or Hollows. So, please don't approach him again. If you see him again, turn around and walk away from him. Even if he calls your name. Even if he chases after you, don't interact with my son again."

"Your son...so, you're his Father...why don't you want him to be involved with Shinigami and Hollows?"

Kisuke pulled out a fan, and waved it in front of his face.

"Just because I don't want my baby boy harmed~"

Rukia sensed behind his playful words, there was something much deeper than what he was saying.

"Who are you anyway?"

"Haha, just a friendly candy store owner, and Father~ Now, I've got to go, please heed the words I spoke, and leave my son alone."

Rukia watched as he began walking away.

She didn't understand what was going on, why he was speaking those words to her.

But, there was something more going on there, and she was quite intrigued.

When he arrived home a few hours later after doing a few things, he already saw the look on Kisuke's face, knowing what he was going to say. He moved forward, and followed wordlessly to the living room. He bypassed Ururu, giving her a pat on the head as he moved forward.

"Don't worry about me Ururu-chan, I'm going to be okay~"

He sang out gently, Ururu tilting her head to the side.

Making it to the living room, he sat down as did Kisuke. Yoruichi hopped off of the boys head, and landed on his lap. Kisuke watched with curious eyes, seeing her pat his crotch repeatedly, and then snuggled against it with her head.

"You already know what I'm going to say."

"I already do Dad. That Hollow attacked me, and I was told that the Shinigami wouldn't be here until midnight anyway, so I thought I should at least stop it."

"Yes, I understand that, but Takumi, you don't..."

"I don't...have the power you guys have, is that what you're going to say?"

"No...well, yeah but..."

Takumi's eyes lowered to the table before him.

"I might not have monster strength like Ururu-chan, or have incredible powers like you and Yoruichi-chan, but I will always do my best if no one else is around. If I can stop it, then I will stop it. I might not be special, but I don't have to be to use my equipment. If people need protecting, then I'll protect them."

Kisuke released a breath.

"I know...but, you are special Takumi, to me."

Takumi gave a weird stare to his Father.

"Wow, you're being sentimental all of a sudden." Takumi lightly pulled Kisuke's cheek, making him chuckle. "Has someone replaced you with an impostor or something? Are you a soul candy and Gigai?"

"Ow, that hurts."

"Don't be such a baby Dad."

Takumi chuckled out, Kisuke released a small laugh.

"Anyway, aren't you going out tonight?"

Takumi raised his eyebrow, looking at the time.

"Oh crap, it's ten minutes till seven! I'm coming Orihime-chan!"

Frantically, Takumi threw many things within a bag that he had, while Kisuke smirked.

"Could it be? Is my son in love with Orihime-chan?! Ooh my! Lovers, from different worlds! One from the good, and one from the evil! It is going to be difficult, but I want this to happen!"

"Which ones good, and which ones evil?"

Kisuke didn't reveal anything, party poppers going off all around him.

"My son is getting married to Orihime-chan!"

"W-Why would I get married now!?" His eyes went towards Kisuke. "There's something wrong with you if you think that's true! Besides, I'm sure Orihime-chan doesn't even like me like that!"

"Don't say that, she adores you~"

"As a friend maybe...ugh! I don't have time for this!"

"Don't worry my boy, I will get you your lady love yet."

"My lady love…? You can't be serious."

Kisuke wasn't having any of it, and looked excited.

But then the large Tessai came into the room.

"Boss, I have prepared the celebratory feast on the news that our Takumi who is engaged!"

"Tessai-chan! I'm not engaged!"

Tessai didn't listen and rushed around the room. Jinta came in with a wild grin, Ururu following with a small smile.

"Hahahahahaha! You that desperate or something blondie to marry the first girl who paid slight attention to you!?"

"Watch it brat or you'll end up on the wrong side of my fist!"

Jinta's eyes blazed, pulling out his large bat.

"Ooh yeah?!"


"Then try Jinta Homeruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!"

Jinta tried swinging his bat at Takumi, the boy ducked his head, the bat going over his head, then he punched upwards, twisting his fist into his stomach, making him cough up bile, and sent him into the air.

"Wow, he's disappearing upstairs..."

Ururu shyly spoke from the side of him, making Yoruichi rub her stomach.

"Well, he deserved it. Lets celebrate Taku's engagement."

"I'm not engaged!"

Despite him saying that, they all excluding the blonde haired boy began celebrating the 'engagement' and Takumi was sure that Kisuke cried during a speech he had, and Yoruichi grinned from ear to ear, Ururu smiling weakly.

A few hours later, around nine at night, Takumi was walking with Orihime back to her apartment, and were talking about various things.

"Can you believe it Taku-chan? That little girl was the Zombie master all along..."

"I know, that was a surprise twist. I was so sure it would have been that old man."

"Either way, I can't wait for Marching on the Zombies!" Orihime held out three fingers. "Part three."

"Haha, I can't wait for it either, it's going to be amazing."

Takumi and Orihime continued laughing together, while walking as zombies.

Takumi noticed that once more, Sora appeared above Orihime, and was walking near her.

He waved towards Sora, who watched on with curiosity.

"Taku-chan, where did you go today?"

She asked suddenly, catching him off guard.


"I saw you, after leaving class. You left the school, I was just wondering where you went."

"Oh...yeah, I got called by my Dad, I needed to head home to help him out."

Takumi didn't like lying to Orihime, but he couldn't say the truth.

Orihime was sure that he wasn't saying the full truth, but she didn't pry into it either.

They continued going to her apartment, going up some stirs, and arrived on the floor of her apartment.

Then he walked her towards the door.

"Well, here we are Orihime-chan~"

"Yup, my apartment~" Orihime unlocked the door, and went to step inside when she turned back to Takumi. "Taku-chan, the glass that broke today. Can I tell you a secret?"

"Sure...did you do it?"

He teased, Orihime waved her left hand up and down.

"Totally, telekinesis~" Takumi stifled a laugh. "No...honestly...it might seem weird, but I heard a howling sound before the glass broke. Like someone was in pain. It was so faint, that I couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl."

Takumi stiffened.

"...A howling huh."

"Yup, but I'm sure that it wasn't anything to worry about~"

"Yeah, I'm sure it isn't~ Anyway, I'm glad we got to go out together~" When realizing how it could sound, Takumi covered up, waving his hands in front of his face nervously. "Hahaha, I mean, going to the cinema together! That's all!"

"Taku-chan, you're so silly~"

"That's me, silly as can be~ Anyway, got to go, goodnight Orihime-chan!"

"Goodnight Taku-chan!"

Takumi turned and ran away from the area.

Orihime watched Takumi run away, and allowed her face to fall slightly.

"Taku-chan feels so sad, but smiles for the world..."

Murmuring that out, Orihime walked into her apartment, thinking about many things.

As Takumi left, he felt a chill down his spine, looking around, but couldn't see anything, and decided to take a shortcut home.

As that was happening, Rukia walked the darkened streets of the night, and couldn't get Takumi out of her head.

He saw her, something about him was different.

And then there was that warning from Kisuke.

Why was it so important that Takumi stayed away from Shinigami and Hollows?

Just who was he...

Rukia paused, and bit her lower lip.

"Damn fool, seriously. Getting me to think about this..."

Rukia sighed out, stretching her arm.

But then she felt an intense pressure.

"Hollow...no, this Hollows power...this feels different...strong...but I could only just sense it..."

Rukia looked around, and then felt the pressure from down the street, so she ran in that direction.

Going down the darkened street, she paused when it changed direction, and went towards the right, so she shot that way, running past a bus stop with people congregating.

Then she came onto another darkened street, it was long and only was lit by small lights...

That's when she lost the feeling.


As Rukia murmured that, Karin and Yuzu were walking home together on a desolate night.

"Did we have to go and pick up your weird manga?"

Karin sighed out, but Yuzu put on a cute expression.

"We got your manga too!"

"Yeah, but my manga's cool, yours is all about lovey dovey stuff."

"W-Well, maybe it is about that because I love stuff like that."

"Because you want to be with that idiot Takumi, and getting tips about it. Are you trying to shoot for the stars, and settling at the clouds?"

At the name, Rukia paused, and glanced between the two girls walking together.

"Karin, why are you mean to him? He's really nice. I mean, he saved me once...he stopped people trying to steal from me, and always smiles at me..."

"But he's really weird."

"That's because Takumi-kun is quirky, he's quite funny~ But, why don't you like him?"

"I don't hate him or anything, and it's nothing serious, it's just what we do. It would be weird if we acted normally to one another."

"Even then Karin, he did save you today from that glass."

At the mention of that, Karin paused, and thought about that.

While she did, her eyes drifted down the street to Rukia, who was staring at her.

Karin sweat dropped "Great, a weirdo in pajamas." while Yuzu cocked her head.

"What did you say Karin?"

"O-Oh, nothing. Just talking about Takumi."

"Did you see him though? He was totally being a ninja. Do you think that's true?"

"Heh, if he's a ninja, then I wouldn't be surprised."

Karin smirked out while Yuzu tilted her neck.

Karin's eyes were locked on Rukia, who by now saw that she was staring at her.

Rukia waved her hand to make sure, Karin sweat dropped once more.

"Why is she waving towards me?"

"Who Karin? Is there a ghost here?"

Yuzu looked, but couldn't see who she was looking at.

"Oh, if you can't see then...nothing, it doesn't matter."

As she was speaking, her eyes caught the sight of Takumi who had just left Orihime's place.

Karin's face dropped slightly while his lifted up.

"Oh, my twins, what's going on?"

"Oh great, what are you doing here?"

Karin demanded, Takumi chuckled while shrugging his shoulders.

"Just going home, this is the quickest way for me to get back home."

He explained to Karin who gave a weak smile.

Yuzu however cupped her hands together.

"Takumi-kun, hows your hand? After you got stabbed."

Takumi held up his hand with a watch dangling down, showing her that he was fine.

"I'm alright, glass can't stop me! How are you Yuzu-chan?"

"I-I'm great!" Yuzu became slightly flustered. "W-We were j-just walking home from getting our manga, and eating out! W-What about you?"

"Just finished watching a movie, now heading back home~"

Takumi chuckled out, while glancing to the side, to see Rukia staring at him.

Their eyes interlocked, and Rukia pulled backwards, remembering what Kisuke said.

Takumi found that quite strange, since she wanted to talk beforehand.

Karin also noticed that Takumi was looking at the girl, and had a realization.

"You can see her too then."


Takumi didn't even have to lie, Karin could already see him looking at her.

"It's so not fair...even Takumi-kun can see ghosts too?"

Yuzu pouted, Takumi let out a small laugh, when all four of them felt a dark presence.

Like it came out of nowhere, Rukia didn't know how that happened.

But she saw from behind the girls, the abnormal Hollow had appeared.

It seemed to have a mostly human shape yet twice as large as a normal human, yet it had the white mask with the markings on it.

"Move out of the way! Run now!"

Rukia called, noticing that Karin had her eyes on her, and rushed towards them.


A roaring sound came out from behind Karin.

Karin turned her eyes backwards, and saw the Hollow's large hands aiming downwards.

"S-Shit! W-What the hell is that thing!?"

"What Karin?"

Yuzu couldn't see spirits clearly, but she could feel something was wrong.

Karin panicked and grabbed Yuzu's hand...but it was too late.

The Hollow's hands came smashing down, only for Takumi to throw a small pebble out of his pocket, which came into contact with the Hollow, causing it to explode, and forced the Hollow backwards, Karin's eyes shooting for Takumi.

"What the hell was that?!"

"Karin-chan, run away right now."

"Tell me, what the hell that thing is!"

"I can't right now, but you have to go Karin-chan! Take Yuzu-chan and run away!"

Karin gritted her teeth, but the Hollow rebounded, and went to grab Karin when Takumi dived in, tackling Karin and threw her, and Yuzu, over his shoulders, and jumped out of the way, though the Hollow managed to cut deeply into his leg, blood shot out of his leg, and the ground turned crimson with his blood.

"Your leg Takumi-kun! D-Did the new ghost do that?!"

Takumi winced at the feeling, and went to move, when the Hollow got close.

"Damn it..."

Takumi went to move, when Rukia came in, withdrawing her Zanpakuto, and aimed it at the Hollow when she got close and attempted to slice it down, but the Hollow retreated backwards, and then used something akin to Shunpo, the ability to move faster than normal, appearing right to her side, and swung his arm out for her body, Rukia crossed her blade over her body, and blocked the arm swing, only for Rukia to be pushed back a good margin.

Takumi placed Karin down, along with Yuzu.

"Karin-chan, please run away. Take Yuzu-chan and run right now."

"A-And what are you going to do huh?!"

"I'll stay back and help her out."

Karin watched with incredulousness as the Hollow to open its mouth, and a small ball of red energy was gathering.

Rukia's eyes widened.

"Cero? No...weaker than Cero but..."

She spoke to herself, and jumped back, but the sphere came out at a fast pace, so she raised her hands, and announced "Bakudo 39: Enkosen!" and before her, a shield of yellow energy came about, the attack of the Hollow slammed against the shield of Rukia's, and cancelled one another out.

Karin watched with horrified eyes, while Yuzu kept saying "What's going on?!" but she couldn't get a reply off Karin.

Takumi looks to Karin desperately, who looks into his eyes with worry while he slipped on some gloves.

"Go. Protect your sister."

Karin tightened her hands, and grabbed Yuzu's hand.

"We're going Yuzu!"

"Wait Karin!"

Karin didn't look back as she ran away with Yuzu.

But then the Hollow flashed right before Rukia, embedding a fist into her torso, her eyes widening and coughed up bile, slamming her body into the ground, but as it did, she managed to create a large gash on its left leg, making it bleed profusely.


Rukia's body bounced off the ground, where the Hollow came forward, and swung a fist for her.

However, Rukia announced "Bakudo 4: Hainawa!" and a yellow rope came out, wrapping around the Hollow, and she bound its arms together, where it struggled to break free.

Rukia jumped to her feet, and grimaced at the feeling on her stomach, but she didn't stop and rushed towards the Hollow, swinging her sword towards the left, but the Hollow caught the blade in its hand, pulling her upwards, Rukia surprised that it broke through her Kido like it did.

The Hollow pulled her upwards, and tightened its hand to strike her.

Rukia though didn't give up so easily, and placed her hand outwards while Takumi pulled at his watch, and it began to change shape.

"Hado 31: Shakkaho!"

From her hand, a red sphere of energy shot out, exploding in the Hollows face, forcing it backwards ever so slightly.

It dropped her blade, allowing her to return to the ground, where she used Hainawa to bind it once more, giving her some time to move backwards.

"This Hollow is not normal. It has a great deal of strength and durability, my point blank range Kido only wounded it slightly." She thought as it broke her Kido spell. "I don't know what kind of Hollow it is, but it seems to have a great level of power."

While Rukia thought, she saw the Hollow coming closer.

She went to swipe towards it with her sword, but the Hollow jumped over her sword swing, so she turned towards it.

Rukia noticed that the Hollow was going to charge up a Cero, so she rushed forward, and managed to land a cut against the Hollows arm, but it managed to smash her in the stomach with its fist, then its fingers stuck out, which pierced her flesh in multiple places, flinging her into a nearby wall, breaking it apart, Takumi saw Rukia writhing in pain from the hit.

But there was a Hollow that needed to be beaten so she had to do something.

While being in pain, Rukia went to stand up, only for the Hollow to peer over her, its cold dead eyes that she barely could see locked onto her, and it bent down towards her...Rukia felt afraid...

But then when an arrow came flying at the Hollow, slamming against the Hollows body, piercing into the arm of the Hollow, causing it to howl, and move backwards.

Rukia widened her eyes, looking towards the place the energy arrow came from, and saw that it was Takumi holding a solid silver bow in his hand, only about the size of his hand, drawing back the energy string, revealing another energy arrow.

"Back the hell away from her, right now."

Rukia watched in amazement as he fired another arrow, though the Hollow sped out of the way of it, so Takumi unleashed another arrow towards it, forcing it to jump away once more, allowing him to move closer. He then took out a small ball with skull and crossbones on it, taking out a thin wire so sharp only special gloves could be worn to not cut the skin, and tied it to an arrow he had summoned.

Rukia watched in amazement as he shot it forward, when seeing the Hollow. It went to pull away, when Takumi clicked his fingers, and a small explosive which had been implanted on the Hollow from the first arrow Takumi hit it with, revealed itself.

Takumi whistled a certain tune which exploded against its flesh, distracting it just enough for Takumi's arrow to pierce the Hollow, and the ball exploded right in the Hollows face, smashing its body into the ground.

"H-How in the hell?"

Rukia was baffled, Takumi however gave a smile.

"I scienced the shit out of the Hollow. That should do it, it can take down good sized Hollows with that..."

Takumi gave his bright smile...

But stopped when seeing the Hollow stand up, with only a few wounds appearing on its body.

"For God sake, that should've wounded you more...is it concealing its power...?"

While he murmured it, the Hollow charged for Rukia once more who was down. She went to move, but her body wouldn't respond, so Takumi fired some arrows while running gritting his teeth at the deep gash on his leg, the Hollow batted away the arrows with its large hand, so Takumi stepped between them, receiving a sharp punch to the face, a deep gash appearing on his face, his body went backwards, his head hitting the wall near Rukia, and his body slammed against the ground.

"T-Takumi...w-why did you save me...?"

Rukia winced while seeing the Hollow getting close.

Takumi, despite bleeding from the back of his head, and his cheek, stood up once more, and took aim at the Hollow, but his vision blurred.

"I wont give up...I wont let my lack of power...stop me from saving people!"

Rukia widened her eyes while Takumi fired three arrows. Each arrow had a thin wire on it, and went around the Hollow.

Once surrounding the Hollow, Takumi pulled the wire, which all tightened around the Hollow, and its body, but the Hollow released its power, and destroyed the wires, and came for Takumi once more. Takumi went to move, when the Hollow appeared before him, delivering a swift punch right to the stomach of Takumi, and caused him to cough out blood, dropping him to his knees.

Then the Hollow gripped the back of Takumi's head, peering into his eyes...and stopped.

For a few moments, it just stopped.

Takumi, with bloody lips, used that time to grab a knife out of his back, attached to his pants, impaling it in the body, and kicked it so hard, that it was pushed back.

Using this time, he took out what seemed to be two stakes, throwing them forward, which glowed, and activated a barrier around Rukia, and Takumi who got close by, and leaned down towards her, his body still bleeding.

"T-Takumi...I keep seeing you...it seems like you saved me..."

Rukia let out a cry as her body felt like it was on fire.

"It's fine...you saved me before, I returned the favour." His eyes went to the Hollow which was crawling forward. "Can you fight Rukia-chan?"

Rukia went to move, when she felt pain shooting through her.

Takumi noticed blood was coming out of her body.

"I-I'll do my best...I have to fight."

Takumi watched as the barrier was punched by the Hollow, slamming against it so hard that the barrier shook.

"With wounds like that? Can you even stand?"

Rukia tried her best, but she couldn't move at all.

"I have to...I have to do something..."

Takumi watched as the Hollow was going to break through the barrier, and since no one else was there...he had to do something.

While Kisuke was at home, casually playing with Yoruichi, he looked at the time, and noticed that the time had gotten late.

"Takumi should of been home by now. Haha, maybe my boy is getting lucky."

"Not everyone is like you Kisuke. Leave the boy alone, let him have fun."

"I am."

"I'm surprised you didn't follow him. Aren't you worried about anything?"

"If I followed him, he would of known, and he'd probably would have hit me for doing it. Haha, my son is quite like that sometimes."

Yoruichi let out a slow meowing sound.

"That Hollow from today, are you worried?"

"Of course, I'm having Tessai search for it, while I do here as well with some Kido along with keeping an eye on that Shinigami. I just hope that Shinigami hasn't gotten..." Suddenly, Kisuke felt a dip in power with some Kido he was using. "...That Shinigami's power seems to have dipped a little bit...she must be fighting...but, I can't sense...wait, damn it!"

Kisuke realized something, and ran out of the room carrying his cane with him, hoping he'd make it in time.

Meanwhile, Karin had mixed thoughts about running away.

She hated it.

She had to protect Yuzu...

But, she couldn't allow Takumi to just do this on his own.

She didn't want him to be killed.

She didn't even know what that thing was but...she saw Takumi looking panicked.

She hadn't seen that before, and now that she had, she knew it was dead serious.

She couldn't run anymore, so she stopped, and placed Yuzu down.


"Yuzu, go home. I've got to go back."

"But Karin, Takumi-kun said..."

"I know what he said...but, I'm not going to run away. I wont...if I can do something...then I will do it! I wont be useless!"

Karin turned back around and ran away towards the area Takumi and Rukia was, in the hopes she'd be able to do something, and on the way, she saw a metal pipe, so she picked it up, and went to battle.

Back with Takumi and Rukia, the pair watched as the barrier continued to break down.

"What is that bow? And those arrows...you said you didn't have powers."

"I don't."

"Then whats that?"

"I've studied various species in these worlds, and ones called, a Quincy, I can mimic their ability with this bow. Though inferior to the real thing, it has the ability to gather Reishi and shoot off arrows. But, this Hollow seems much more powerful."

"Yes...there's something about this Hollow..."

Rukia clutched her side where her blood came out. Takumi leaned down towards her, and took off his shirt, placing it to her wound, so she didn't bleed out so fast.

"I thought Shinigami's were supposed to be tough huh."

"Well, even the best of us can lose."

"If we don't do something...then we're going to be toast Rukia-chan. Got any ideas?"

Rukia looked over Takumi, and the Hollow.

She thought about her experiences that day, how she met him, how Kisuke had said that Takumi shouldn't become involved with Shinigami, yet he saved her life, and was trying his best.

She looked down at her Zanpakuto, then back to Takumi.

"Takumi...I have an idea."


Takumi turned with keen interest.

"I...you have the power to see me. You said you don't have the power to fight...but even then, you fought against the Hollow with your intelligence...and your weird gadgets. Most likely, when that barrier is destroyed...we're going to die."

"Yes...I know."

It was a grim truth, but they were out of options at that point.

"Then...if you don't want to die, allow me to give you my power."

"Give me your power? You want...but, if you do that Rukia-chan, the Soul Society would-"

"It's my job, to protect you humans from Hollows...and I couldn't. I couldn't fight it...yet maybe you can. I'm sorry for dragging you into this...but, this is the only way, for us to survive. Short of a miracle coming."

"My Father should've been here by now...unless the Hollow is hiding its power somehow...I could only sense it when it was super close by...maybe he wont come if he can't feel it..."

While Takumi was thinking about it, the Hollow suddenly stopped, and looked towards the right.

Takumi also looked there, and saw Karin stood there.

"Karin-chan! I told you to run!"

"As if I could just leave you here alone with that thing! I'm no coward! Yuzu would cry if you died so I'll fight too!"

Takumi felt a pulse from his heart when she said that.

The Hollow however began crawling towards her, Takumi let out a cry and went to move, but his leg injury, and his head injury forced him to the ground.

"K-Karin-chan! Run away...run away."

Karin steeled herself, and she had a metal pipe in her hand.

Rather than run, she said "I wont run away if I can help out." and moved forward, yelling as she swung her pipe for the Hollow, but the Hollow slapped her aside, making her cry out.

Takumi tightened his hands, watching what was happening to Karin.

What happened to Rukia.

What happened to him.

Unable to fight...

Unable to help out.

He cursed his powerlessness within his heart.

Seeing Karin was going to be harmed...

He looked towards Rukia.

"Give me your power, and I promise to slay that damn thing."

Rukia adopted a light smile, as he dragged his body towards hers. On bended knee before her, he clutched her Zanpakuto with his hands, and she did the same.

"Right...but I have to warn you...this might not work. It has a low percentage."

"It's fine. Either we die like this, or die by the Hollow. I'd rather die trying something, than nothing at all."

"Alright then. By the way Takumi...today has been very strange."

"Heh...yeah, it surely has."

Rukia thrusted her Zanpakuto into Takumi's chest, and a bright light shined out around his form.

Rukia felt her power slipping away from her, and going into Takumi's body.

However, she felt something different.

It wasn't just her powers...

Something else stirred within Takumi, and it felt like something had broken, as a whirlwind of air surrounded Takumi's form.

Standing there, in his soul form, he was wearing the standard Shinigami outfit with a katana beside his left hip. The katana itself was the standard length, though it has a rectangular tsuba with a vaguely wave-like pattern on the long sides and a straight line on the short sides and it has a bluish purple hilt.


Rukia watched on in awe, Takumi looked down at the blade, and withdrew it, looking at the sword...and he felt right.

He felt...more in control than he had been before.

He felt oddly, complete.

Kisuke had arrived to see Takumi stood there, in a Shinigami form, devastation overcoming him.


Kisuke fell to his knees, and punched the ground, angrily cursing to himself for not realizing sooner, for not making it in time.


Karin let out a cry as the Hollow neared her, Takumi's eyes snapped towards her, and moved forward...

But his speed was more than he expected, and he crossed the distance within a second, drawing his Zanpakuto, and sliced the Hollows body across its torso. Because it hadn't expected it, the Hollow howled, and pulled backwards, Takumi widened his eyes at the sight, the feeling that he had moved...it was incredible.

Takumi lifted up Karin, and flashed towards Rukia, standing beside her.

"I'm fast...wow, awesome."

Karin looked upon Takumi, bewilderment on her face.

"S-So, you're not a ninja...you're a superhero? Alright then...sure, okay." Takumi flashed a cheery smile to Karin who sweat dropped. "I take back superhero, super weirdo makes more sense."

Takumi face faulted.

But then he stood before the Hollow with a grin.

"Hey Hollow, it seems that you've made a wrong decision tonight. Targeting this Shinigami here along with the twins and coming to this town. I'm going to purify you. But, it isn't thanks to me, it's thanks to Rukia-chan here for wounding you and gifting me her power!"

Takumi ran forward with incredible speeds. It was almost too much for him to make sense of, but he managed to get close, and slice upwards, cutting deeply into the Hollow, forcing it backwards.

The Hollow then howled when feeling Takumi's blade cutting into the chest of the Hollow, and sent a punch towards Takumi. Takumi bent his sword and took the impact. He was surprised by the impact of the fist, and he was pushed back slightly, but he held his stance, and he felt good about this now. Finally, the power to help others.

"This is it...yes, I've got this."

Takumi got into a fighting stance with the blade, while the Hollows howl went up into the air.

The Hollow opened its mouth and red energy gathered by its mouth, Rukia widened her eyes in surprise.

"T-Takumi! That's a Cero! Dodge it! If you take it, you could die!"

"What the heck is a Cero?"

Karin asked Rukia who gave a pained expression.

"It's something that those beasts can potentially do, and can be very dangerous. It isn't a Menos Grande or anything but it has access to a Cero..."

Karin watched with worry, while Kisuke went to do something...

When Takumi looked towards Karin.

"Karin-chan, take that bow off my hands, the other me, and fire an arrow with a wire wrapped around it towards the Hollow! The wires in my bag! Put on my gloves that I'm wearing, otherwise the wire would cut you!"


Karin took the bow off his hands, and routed around in his bag, finding a thin wire after she put on the gloves. She pulled back the bow strike, an arrow of energy formed, then she tied the wire around it, and took aim while Takumi was using his speed to move out of the way of the Hollow, so it couldn't shoot off an attack, knowing if he got close, it could release its power and take him down, so he had to rely on this plan.

Rukia looked curiously towards Takumi and his speed, thinking about a few things.

Karin then fired the arrow at the Hollow while Takumi distracted said Hollow, which pierced the back of the Hollow and hooked into said Hollow, but it didn't seem to care.

"Now pull Karin-chan!"

"Yeah! Take this you bastard!"

Karin with all her might, summoning unknown strength to pull the Hollow backwards while Takumi dashed forward, and slammed his foot into the chin of the Hollow, losing its balance, and, it unleashed a Cero, which went up into the sky and safely away from everyone while Takumi spun his sword around in his hands, and aimed it downwards.

"Genius, instead of taking it, he redirected the blast all together by using that arrow and wire in such a manner while its guard was down to force its head backwards, giving Takumi enough time to kick its face upwards into the air." Rukia's eyes went towards Karin who looked on determined. "You seem to have worked together quite well. You placed trust in him."

"Well, he might get on my nerves, but he's doing his best, I will too."

Rukia watched on as the Hollow attempted to get up, when Takumi grabbed the wire that was still on its back from before, wrapping it around the Hollows neck, and yanked it, cutting slightly into the flesh of the Hollow.

"Sorry, but this is the end." Takumi pierced its Zanpakuto through the Hollows wound that Rukia created, causing it to scream in pain, Takumi lowered his head. "Time to be purified. This is for endangering me, Karin-chan, Yuzu-chan, and Rukia-chan."

The Hollow looked into the eyes of Takumi, and for a second...just a single second, Takumi saw the eyes of suffering.

It was like...it was suffering through some kind of inner turmoil.

Something that he had seen before.

Takumi cleaved upwards through the body of the Hollow, slicing through its mask, and the Hollow split in half, disappearing into the ether.

Rukia watched on as Takumi came closer, and smiled while panting.

"That's a rush."


"It seems that most of your powers gone..."

"I know, I intended to only transfer half, but for some reason nearly all of my power..."

Takumi let out a smile, looking towards Karin with appreciation.

"Good thing you came back. Otherwise this could of ended differently. Thanks Karin-chan."

"No problem, as long as that things gone."

"Yeah, it..." As they were talking, Takumi's face turned sickly, and he fell to his knees, clutching his chest, feeling cold, and hot at the same time, like his skin was on fire, and his insides were freezing, his body breaking down, water gathering by his eyes. "W-What the hell is going..." An eruption of power shot out of his body into the sky, dropped him down to the ground, and he let out a pained cry. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

"T-Takumi?! W-Whats going on?!"

Karin asked Rukia who was baffled.

"I...I don't know, this shouldn't be happening..."

Rukia didn't know what to do, and neither did Karin as he writhed in pain on the floor. His chest, and in turn his body, glowed mysteriously, he felt like he was overcome with something...

Something he couldn't control...

But then Kisuke appeared above him, looking down sorrowfully.

"D-Dad...w-what's going on...I-I can't breathe..."

Seeing his son say that, caused pain within Kisuke's heart.

"I'm sorry Takumi, I really am. I wish I had come sooner...but, there's no escaping it now..." He placed his hand in front of Takumi's face, and released a Kido spell. "Sleep now."

Takumi's eyes became heavy, and he fell unconscious, Karin looked towards Kisuke.

"What did you do...?"

"I'm saving his life." His eyes went towards Rukia who looked on curiously. "It seems it can't be helped now. Whats happened, has happened. You better come with me Kuchiki-san, and you Kurosaki-san, you best get home with your sister."

Rukia and Karin looked between each other, and then back to Kisuke who lifted his sleeping son in his arms.

Two days later, Takumi's eyes opened while Rukia was hovering above him, staring at him creepily.

"W-What are you doing?!"

"Geez! You scared me!" Rukia pulled back, placing a hand over her heart while Takumi sat up in bed, and looked around to see that it was his room they were in. "W-Well, it doesn't matter. You're awake, that's good. I was worried, you've been asleep for about two days."

"Worried, two days...why what happened?"

"You don't remember?"

Takumi went to answer...

But then remembered the Hollow, and getting hurt, and Rukia did.

He looked up and down Rukia, and saw that she was wearing normal clothes.


"That's right. Your Father said you made it."

"Y-Yeah, I know some of Gigal technology, though my Father is better at it than me. I'm surprised he gave you one of my creations."

"He said it had good regeneration abilities so I chose this...but Takumi, do you remember what happened? That light shining from you...your Father didn't tell me what that thing actually was. It looked like you were in pain."

Takumi shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm just as in the dark as you. I don't know. It felt like...my body was burning, and freezing at the same time. It was like a battle was waging inside of me...but, I feel fine now...Karin-chan! And Yuzu-chan! What happened to them?!"

"Oh those girls. Your Father assured me they were fine, they got home with near no injuries. A girl with orange hair came by about seven times yesterday and thought you were a zombie."

"Orihime-chan...she's so adorably awesome."

Rukia brushed a bang out of her face.

"Anyway Takumi, you have my power now...no, it was more than that. Your power seems to...Takumi, is it possible that you could of been a..."

Rukia stopped when she saw Kisuke threw the door, looking towards her.

"Could of been a...what?"

Rukia shook her head.

"It doesn't matter. But yeah, my powers are gone. Though with this Gigai, they might recover in time for me to not be..."

"The Soul Society. Giving your powers to a human, is considered illegal, right?"

Rukia would've been surprised if she hadn't seen what she had seen.

"Yes, that's right. I realized the risks right away, but I don't regret my decision."

"I see...you risked a lot to help me out that night. Even your own fate hangs in the balance...hahaha, I see. Then, I'll repay the favour."

"Repay it? How?"

"Well, since you gave me your powers, I'll be the Shinigami while you're recuperating. How about it? Us working together, we can take on any Hollow."

Rukia glanced at where Kisuke was, and saw he was gone, or hiding, so she placed a finger to her chin.

"Alright, if we work together, then I'm sure we can achieve many things. Besides, you knew about this stuff...how do you know all of this? Gigal technology, Shinigami know that, humans usually don't."

"I said I knew Shinigami to you, remember?"

"That's right. So, you know some Shinigami's?"

"Hehe, since we're working together, no point hiding it now. Truthfully, I make items for a certain group of Shinigami's that aren't apart of the Soul Society. Gigai's, and other things. My Father tried to hide it from me...but, I found out about it, and practically demanded that I be told what was going on. Just think when I realized my cat could turn into a busty woman, that was a surprise. Especially considering that I have had many naked baths with her...but yeah, I found out about them...and those Hollows kept showing up. Realizing I didn't have any powers to fight, I took to inventing things to better protect myself in case no one else was around. Everyone else here has some unique power...I didn't. But now with this Shinigami power, I can do more than just protect myself."

Rukia gave him a bemused look.

"I see. Say Takumi, whats your last name?"

"Hmmm? Didn't I say?"

"No, and your Father didn't mention his name either."

Takumi scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"My names Takumi Urahara."

As soon as he said it, Rukia pulled backwards with wide eyes, her body shook slightly from hearing the name, to the confusion of Takumi.

"T-Takumi Urahara...no, you...Takumi...that's why your name sounded...Takumi..."

"That's right, Takumi Urahara, at your service Shinigami-chan~"

Rukia blinked rapidly while looking Takumi up and down, bewilderment within her.

Kisuke and Yoruichi watched on as Takumi and Rukia spoke to each other, Yoruichi's eyes going towards Kisuke.

"Kisuke, this might have been the work of that person, that Hollow wasn't normal...in fact, that Hollow was...and thanks to Kuchiki, it has awoken."

"Yes...I know who this was, it was in his plans to force this, even hiding it from me until it was to late, he knew Taku wouldn't allow someone to die so even if it was risky... I guess we'll have to make preparations for if it happens. Since we are limited in options...I'll make sure my sons safe, no matter what."

Yoruichi bowed her head, watching as Takumi and Rukia let out small laughs together, and while she was worried, she also was happy to see Takumi being happy.

End chapter!

So, that's the first chapter! Yeah, this is a new Bleach story!

So, as you read at the top, there's no Ichigo. First of all, I want to say, I like Ichigo as a character, I know some people don't, and some people love him, in terms of protagonists, Ichigo's in my top ten. However, a good friend of mine on here who's supported me for years now asked me to do a Bleach story so I placed it up for a vote about if Ichigo should be in the story as I had ideas if he was, wasn't or Karin and Yuzu took his place, and this came out on top, with Karin and Yuzu's taking the top place by over 50 votes, so they'll be taking up the mantle of being lead protagonists alongside Takumi here!

Karin and Yuzu will gain their powers later during this first arc, I was thinking of having Karin have the Shinigami/Hollow powers, she just seems more of the type to fight up close, and Yuzu inherit her Quincy Mother's abilities, since she seems to be a long range fighter. Karin's Shikai and Bankai would be the same as Ichigo's unless someone has any ideas about it being different, and Karin and Yuzu will have some awesome fights through the series with their own opponents.

Some mysteries surround Takimi while seeing his intelligence with using different items to recreate things like Quincy powers, though not on the level of an actual Quincy among other things, though for those who think Takumi will one shot everyone...he wont. He will struggle in his fights, he'll use his intelligent to overcome hard challenges like his Father does and be in intense situations, and he wont always come out unscathed.

It seems that Kisuke's also keeping a few things from Takumi, but what that is, we'll discover in the future! Along with that mysterious light within Takumi! Though some might have guessed, and if so, we'll discover more why about that in the future. Also, about the Hollow itself, it isn't just something that kick starts the series here, it's going to be something more deep later on down the line.

For the pairings, it's gonna be a harem so suggests are always welcome, no one's confirmed besides Orihime, Yuzu and Rukia.

As you can see, Karin's not on the list, and that all depends on your votes on what a friend proposed to me. So yeah, Karin could be paired with Takumi as well, or she could be paired with Toshiro, I always thought they had fun banter, they could become rivals turned lovers or something, their personalities would clash quite well.

Lastly, about Takumi's Shikai and Bankai, I have a few ideas for what they'd be, and this is where you can all vote on it!

The ideas I have are...

A Zanpakuto that has the abilities to use vibration energy, think of like White Beard from One Piece with his Devil Fruit, among others with a vibrational type power, being able to release earth breaking powers from his sword, create earthquakes by stabbing the ground, shaking enemies bodies apart by releasing the energy inside of someone's body, vibrating the sword to a point where it's like a chainsaw among other things like that.

A Zanpakuto that has the abilities of manipulating wind, with the only known user that is canon, is Kensei, and going non canon with Senna, with the abilities to create wind blades, wind walls, tornado's, sucking the oxygen out of someone's lungs to suffocate them, propelling himself, increasing his speed with the winds, flight among other things.

A Zanpakuto focused on the usage of Lightning, since we only had one canon user of that, Chojiro, using it to increase speed by running lightning through the body, like the Raikage from Naruto, shocking the enemies body, stunning an enemies brain by overloading it with electricity, summoning storms to rain down real lightning, among other things.

A Zanpakuto focused on the usage of Water, again only Kaien had a sword like that not counting Arrancar's, so Takumi having a water sword that could control water much like Yamamoto controls fire, drain water from other people, scold people with boiling water, acid like rain, maybe make a blood sword with the control of water, and use mirages with water to confuse his enemies among other things.

So yeah, those are the ideas I have for Zanpakuto's. Take note that some of the abilities I listed for the choices would be reserved for Bankai only. If anyone has any other ideas, then I'd gladly hear about them and take them into consideration, since he wont be gaining Shikai for a little while yet.

Well, thanks for reading, please vote for your favorite ideas, and harem, hope you enjoyed, and until next time!