A/N: This final chapter is in Bella's point of view xx Thanks everyone for all your great reviews xx Next up will be a One-shot called 'Get A Clue, (No Let's Play Cluedo)' xx Alexis

Ten short years have come and gone, not a lot of time in the life of an immortal, but much had changed and more had been accomplished in this short period. The most important being the tentative peace within the supernatural world, it was grasped firmly by all and is still holding fast. Slowly it became apparent that we, the Cold Ones were no longer the common enemy of the others. Some even remembered the name and rule of Galen Markus from so long ago.

Things that some thought unattainable in their second life were now quite normal. Many have started to learn that you can't turn back the clock; you can't change the past so you need to let it go and move forward! Others have found a new place for themselves, their opinions listened to and valued. Some took longer than others to shake off the shackles of the previous regime and others thought that it would be easy to attack us, the new rulers.

But they were swiftly brought to their knees, where once death had been the only answer to insurrection, now they were asked Why? What made them want to overthrow our new rule, without knowing what we stood for or planned to do! Asked why didn't they make their grievances known to us first? It was a shock to many that they would be listened to. A greater shock was when they were then often let free to return home.

Only the most violent and unapproachable were firstly imprisoned, then if to difficult to get through to, terminated. The Romanian brothers were the first to go, they could not see any other way but their own. Clinging rigidly to old ideologies and methods which no longer worked. Even knowing it didn't work and lost them their thrones before, they would not change, they would have been a constant threat, they vowed it. So they needed to be dealt with.

Galen would never rule as his brother and the Romanians had, fear did not make a vampire or human submit it made them an enemy! So now many of Aro's enemies were becoming Galen's friends, we had common goals. Peace, it was all most vampires sought, peace to just be... Be free, be accepted, be allowed to make something of ourselves. Galen's only stipulation was that they help improve life for everyone, not just themselves. This was the total opposite of what had gone before.


The thing that had made both Galen and I happy was the day, not two years into our new life when a door opened into my private garden. This was just a small area Galen had set aside for just us, where we could sit and talk, enjoy the sun and scents surrounding us. When we saw a shimmer and then a door that led to this private place opened to allow a man to walk through.

"Mr Jenkins, it's a pleasure to see you again!" I gushed as Galen and I rose to our feet,

"Miss Swan, Galen. How as you both?" Jenkins replied, with a little bow of his head.

"It's Bella Markus now Jenkins, Please call her Bella, my friend. We're so happy to see things restored to their rightful place for the Library and you" Galen said smiling at the man he'd known all those years ago,

"Yes, it was trying, but everything is as it should once again. So I decided to look you up and inform you were open for business once again, so to speak" Jenkins said returning my hug and shaking Galen's hand.

"So how is everyone? Flynn? Eve? The new assistants?" I asked him,

"Oh, Flynn's, well Flynn! Col. Baird copes with him admirably. As for the assistants, their young, brash, impetuous and exhausting!" he replied and Galen and I laughed.

"You like them, admit it, you really like them!" I teased him and saw his mouth twitch with a little grin,

"They'll do, I suppose. They're not you though Bella. Mr Stone loves his literature as much as you do, I believe!" he said cracking a rare smile.

We spent several hours talking, finding out what had happened to both sides and catching up. This made me very happy, as I saw Mr Jenkins as a true friend to us both. He assured both of us that the Library would always be there for us and no matter what the association would not be broken.


Rose and Emmett had succeeded in their endeavours; he now worked often for his wife. Security was tight and no one would ever breach Validus Industries. The initial business in Italy had exceeded all our expectations thanks to Rose's tireless efforts and had spread quickly throughout Europe and was also up and running in America and Northern Africa now too. Talks with the leaders of other areas would soon be happening and hopefully we would one day have worldwide coverage.

Carlisle and his team of vampires have also been steadily finding ways to clean the blood of almost every disease and chemical. The humans were now heavily relying on vampires to supply them with blood, how ironic! His own research was less enlightening, it seemed he himself had a genetic anomaly, which made drinking animal blood easier for him and yes he'd found others like him too. But with blood now readily available without causing death, he was putting less importance on it than before.

Peter and Emmett had put together a database of the worst criminals in the world, especially, the sexual predators and serial offenders. This way any vampire wanting to occasionally hunt the old way could do so while helping the humans by removing the worst elements of society. The humans were not aware that their drop in heinous crime rates was due more to vampire intervention than their own far too liberal ways.

Jasper and Didyme were now happily married; his gift and her tenacity brought them through some trying times. Also, the hand over of Northern America to Eleazar Denali has taken place this year. Zafrina was happy to be an ambassador for a few more years yet, as her coven was more nomadic and they were taking their time choosing a base of operations. Amun too was happy to stay as an ambassador as he didn't fully trust himself as yet, which was in itself proof he had changed.


The ancient one is sending Edward back for a visit; he has managed to learn how to control his gift now. Also, he's managed to curb his own shortcomings; he has at last grown-up. The visit is to do the round of the prisoners and ascertain if they were still sane or not. No one really expects them to survive as Didyme had, they didn't have the personal fortitude or any help as she did. But only time will tell, actually Aro has already started rambling, but only Edward's gift will be able to tell us for certain.

Felix is off to pick Edward up at the airport on the mainland. Nobody has mentioned his arrival in Aro's head's presence. We would rather Edward got a clear read on him, just in case the wily old coot can somehow block his true thoughts. Not that he's any type of threat, but Galen is not a cruel man and if his sanity is compromised we will put him out of his misery.

When they returned I could see Edward wanted to talk to me, but I really didn't feel the need to rehash old news. It was so unimportant to me and ten years too late as far as I was concerned. Getting it off his chest might make him feel better, but would be of no benefit to me. So I refuse to entertain it and I can see even though he still can't read my mind, he, at last, can read my body language. I'm not being cruel or petty, it just is not relevant to me now and I've let it go, he needs to as well.

Galen leads him into the room where Aro is kept; cautioning him to say nothing and a discussion with Felix about a treaty with the werewolves is discussed. I can see Edward smirk, and then he actually bites his lip and eventually stuffs his fist into his mouth to stop himself laughing. He motions us outside and then ghosts away slightly and roars with laughter.

"He's still sane, but every time you speak Galen, he parody's you and I'm sorry but well..., he's taking the utter crap! It's hilarious and absolutely rude! I got a few,

'I'm the spect-fucking-tacular Galen Markus, blah, blah, blah! Everyone listen to me because I shit rainbows!'

As I said, he is for now still sane, but he is losing it slightly. But his most over-riding thoughts are how much he hates that you have attained what he never could!" Edward says trying not to laugh again,

But it's too much for Felix, Afton and Galen and they are roaring with laughter, making Corin and I join in. The stupid thing is I could see Aro doing that before now, it seems like just what he would do when rolling his eyes at Caius or Marcus in the past. Edward didn't stay long as he was heading for Volterra, to see his family and read the wives.

The news when it reached us was not pleasant; Sulpicia was a seething mass of hatred and thoughts of revenge. Which was crazy, because she brought this on herself first and foremost. But Anthenodora was totally blank Edward said. Even when he started to talk to her, hoping for some recognition or response he said she was just gone. So Galen ordered her execution as soon as possible. Wow, talk about a weak mind, she only lasted ten years, while they had tortured Didyme for centuries.


Galen and I were once more taking advantage of the hot springs, it had become a favourite haunt for us and more often than not we would end up there every evening. It helped him unwind and was very pleasurable, making us feel warm to the touch and almost human I suppose. It had literally become the place we could let our hair down because usually it was braided out of our way during the day.

"Galen? I was thinking it would be nice to see Didyme and Jasper. We haven't seen them since the wedding, what do you think?" I asked as I massaged his tense shoulders,

"I think, I should note this down! My wife is asking me for something!" he answered laughing.

I did tell him all those years ago that I didn't need much and he'd laughed, but it didn't take long for me to be proven right. I'm still a low maintenance type of woman or should that be a vampire. I can dress up when needed, but mostly its jeans and a t'shirt or our robes. I don't need or want jewels and I like rustic handmade stuff in the villa. Corin and I have made curtains, awnings and mostly all of the robes everyone wears.

The humans think we're a retreat for people trying to find themselves and we don't disabuse them. So when the guard come and go they don't bat an eyelid and the leave us pretty much alone to just be ourselves. Any big influx of vampires usually happens at night and they are none the wiser. Plus Emmett has the place wired uptight and we know if anyone approaches long before they get near.

"So! Can we go? I'd like to see their new place and spend some time with our sister. Plus you can get an update on how Caius is fairing!" I say slipping my hands down his torso, just to hear him purr for me,

"Hmmm, yes! How about we go see them and you show me America. Well, the places you lived anyway?" he says as he pulls me around and into his lap,

"Okay, if you like. We might even have a chance to visit the Library!" I murmur into his chest as I plant little kisses all over it.

The next few hours are spent worshipping and reaffirming our bond and love for each other. He knows just how to bring me the greatest pleasure with just a few well places touches, as I do the same for him. We are so strongly attuned to each other that we more often than not have multiple orgasms back to back. Thank god we don't have to breathe, as we enjoy several underwater escapades. It brings a whole new dimension to our lovemaking, being supported by the buoyant water and cocooned in almost utter silence. It's almost other-worldly and fitting for two supernaturals.


It's very strange being back once more in America; it's almost the same as it was before. It's me who has changed beyond all recognition and not the world of man and mortality. The government may be different, but not the people, no they are much as they were. It's bittersweet returning to Washington and Arizona, showing Galen places I went to or houses I lived in. But knowing my family are gone, gone before their time is the hardest part.

Jasper and Galen have a meeting with the Quileutes today since we're already here, but I don't feel the need to join them. They too are part of my distant past and anything we had in common is long gone and can never be resurrected. I'm happy to enjoy the company of my sister Didyme, she has come a long way since she was freed from her personal hell. Balancing Jasper, as Alice never did or never tried too. He's much more relaxed and at peace with himself, it's a change for the better.

Charlotte too has blossomed having a sister and friend by her side, something she lacked for many years. Peter, of course, is as irreverent as ever and is happy to poke fun at everyone no matter who you are, he's a little crazy. Bur to me they are my family, a real family. Not disparate souls pretending to be united, in the world of the humans.

I am happy with where my life has led me, I would never really been happy as a Cullen, I see that now. It was a very narrow view of the vampire world and they place far too many constraints on themselves in their bid to be more humanlike. It's insanity to have immortality but live like a mortal. What's the point? No wonder they went off the rails constantly fighting their own nature. Trapping themselves in a self-destructive bubble that was neither one thing or the other.

Lately, I've had a longing to do something constructive, so on our return I think I might give Marcus a hand in the Volterra archives. I've missed books and feel the need to immerse myself once again in their glory. Emmett and Rose will be heading to America and Carlisle is to busy with his research, so hopefully Marcus could use a hand.

Galen's happy about it as he too wishes to spend time with Marcus; they are starting talks about dividing Europe between them. Him to the East and us to the West. That's what I love so much about Galen; he's not a greedy man. He neither wants nor needs it all, just what he can manage. I can see we are all on the right path, sure there may be a few bumps or curves thrown our way.

But nothing insurmountable, because we know we have time and the patience to sort everything out. As long as we keep moving forward with the world we will survive as a race. It's the stagnating that kills you, you suffocate in your own indifference. We should learn from the past, be it human or vampire and never make the same mistakes. That's where the Romanians and the Volturi failed, they fell prey to the sin of arrogance and believed themselves invulnerable, but no one is!

We are leaving for the Library tomorrow, I want them to meet Galen. But I'm sad that so many of them are no longer there. Charlene and Judson are gone, so to is my dear friend Jenkins. Flynn is no longer the Librarian, more a consultant now with Eve still by his side. But although the people have changed the Library is still the same, it is the beating heart of our world and always will be. Yes, these ten years have wrought many changes and not just for us.

That is the downside to immortality, you live on while your friends and loved ones pass on. But maybe, just maybe they go to another plane of existence and are not really gone at all, I'd like to think so and that one day we will meet again. Because, once upon a time I didn't believe in vampires or werewolves. Didn't think magic was real and I was proven wrong, so who can say there is not an afterlife? Not me that's for sure!

Be – don't try to become. Osho