Sunset Chapter 10: (Theory) I don't have a restaurant named after me, so I get Chinese takeout instead
"So," I ask with a mouthful of chicken lo mein, "what was it you guys wanted to tell me?"
I was sitting in the back of Jasper's – well Carlisle's – car, a bag of Chinese takeout on the floor near my feet. Both vampires had lied, saying they had eaten already, but still bought way more food than I knew what to do with. Dad, Bella, and I would be eating leftovers for the rest of the week at this rate.
While Alice ran in to get our order, Jasper had told me that there was something important they wanted to share with me. I really wasn't looking forwards to the upcoming talk about vampires and all that jazz, but it was high time that we got this all out into the air.
Alice was watching me from the other side of the backseat, both of us facing each other. I was leaning against the door, making sure I had a good angle to see the both of them. Jasper had twisted himself around to be able to look at the both of us. His position honestly looked uncomfortable and I felt better knowing that it wouldn't leave any lasting effects to his back or neck.
Alice looked like she was trying to stare into my soul the way her golden eyes focused on me. Jasper was looking back and forth between the two of us, waiting for Alice to make the first move. I ate more noodles, my slurping breaking the silence.
"I'm trying to figure out what your response will be first," Alice admitted after a moment, "Your reactions are sometimes not what I expect."
I nodded. "Yeah I get that. I can be a bit wild in my choices. But I think I already know what this is about."
Alice and Jasper seemed to tense but relaxed as I continued.
"Yep, and really I don't mind. I know it's different, but I understand the chance you guys are taking, trusting me like this. I know not to tell anyone and technically, you guys didn't tell me, I found out from someone else, so you can't be punished right? Though they would try, I bet. And I understand Bella, but I still don't understand why you guys would include me in this – what's with those looks?"
As I was talking Alice seemed to go from understanding to confused. Jasper looked like he wanted to laugh, a small smirk appearing.
"No, please, go on," Jasper laughed, "Keep telling us about the thing that is completely not what we were going to tell you."
"Wait, you – we weren't talking about the same thing then?" My face reddened in embarrassment and I fought to keep it down. Alice shook her head while Jasper attempted to hold back his laughter.
"No, honey, we wanted to tell you that we liked you."
"What?" I asked, dropping my chopsticks into the takeout box, barely able to catch the carton in time.
Alice nodded, grabbing my now empty hand with her cold one.
"We were hoping to do this at another time, but with what happened tonight, we thought now might be best. We really like you Emma."
"What?" I repeated mindlessly, too busy mentally reevaluating everything I've ever done. "But you two are dating – I mean, I like you both – I mean, what? What?"
"Emma, we've talked it out and we both want to be with you, together, while also being with each other." Alice went on to explain how she and Jasper had talked about dating me before they approached me, both in agreement. I think Jasper was tempering my reaction because there was no way I should have been as calm as I was.
"This was in no way what I thought we were going to talk about tonight."
"And what did you think we were going to say?" Alice asks gently.
"Well," I said, the words out of my mouth before I even made the decision to say them, "I thought you were going to tell me that your family was a coven of vegetarian vampires. Not your undying – ha – love for me."
If I wasn't so shocked at myself and the bombshell I had gotten and just given, I would have laughed at their expressions. As it was, I don't think I will ever see a vampire as shocked and panicked as Alice and Jasper do right now.
Alice let out a fake laugh, too obvious even to me. She seemed to be blown away about how I knew without letting her know I knew, muttering to herself about what she missed. Jasper looked worried and intrigued.
"I don't know if I should be impressed or not. How long have you known? What gave it away?" He asked.
I was glad they both decided to go ahead and accept I was in the know. I didn't want us to do the stupid game where I force them to acknowledge that I knew their secret.
"It's not your fault, Alice, there was no way you guys could have done anything different. I've had an idea since I first saw you guys, my first day at school. My dad and I have been going to First Beach since I was young, and I know almost all their stories. I was willing to leave well enough alone since I knew you guys weren't likely to do anything, being in school and all. Bella was the reason I was sure of it, she couldn't let it go. She came into my room one morning, sure that you guys were vampires and while I didn't agree, I didn't say anything against it."
"Wait, since the beginning?" Alice questioned, "And you still like us?"
I was hopeful they had missed that.
"Well, yeah, I mean you guys were nice to me even when you didn't have to be and your both, as I'm sure you know, very hot."
"So," Jasper continued, bringing us back to the original confession, "even though we are vampires, would you be willing to date us? We can't promise that everything will go perfect, of course, but we would love to try."
"Yeah, I would love to give us a chance," I finally agreed, attempting not to blush, "I never thought this would be an option, since I didn't want to break your relationship up. I am surprised that you guys just decided to go for it though. I know Edward is doing his 'I don't deserve you, I'm a monster" thing." I made sure to make my Edward voice as depressing as possible, throwing my arm over my heart in anguish.
"God, that's him alright," Alice laughed. "He wouldn't be able to accept wanting to be with Bella that easily without giving them both a hard time. Jasper and I get where he's coming from, but we really don't see a reason to stop ourselves from being happy with you." Alice shrugged in a 'what are you going to do' fashion.
"As long as you wanted this too, of course." Jasper added. "I mean, there is another reason we decided to go for it, but we might want to wait to tell you. We don't want to overload you with information too soon and this is something we can wait on."
"Alright, that's fine, there has been a good bit of revelations today on both sides," I decided. "Is there anything else that you guys think I should know immediately?"
"Well…" Alice started, "did Bella ever say anything about super powers when she was guessing what we were?"
Alice and Jasper continued to fill me in on all of the powers that vampires gained as they drove me home, making sure to cover their specialized powers and Edward's mind reading power. They described how Bella could keep Edward out of her mind, something I already knew. Turns out he could read my mind, but it was like static at times, just like my dad. Jasper's powers affected me normally and so did Alice's for the most part. I had nothing that stopped Alice from predicting my future, but I was pretty good at making choices that she wouldn't expect, throwing her off paths she thought I would take.
Alice informed me about their diet of animals, with Jasper being oddly quiet. I chose to ignore his silence, it was too soon to pry into his past and current struggle with blood.
This led to a talk about my scent and how it was different from a normal human's scent.
"So, I smell nice to you guys, but not in a 'I want to eat you' way? How does that work?" I asked, totally surprised. This was new for me.
"No clue, but we had assumed it had to do with the thing we are putting off talking about." Jasper said, bringing himself back into the conversation. "Then the others said that you smelt nice to them as well, so we took that off the table. It's almost like you are the opposite of your sister, with her having an extremely powerful scent to vampires. While we struggle to be around her, you are easy to be around even when compared to any other human."
"Interesting." I muttered as I opened my fortune cookie. I half expected some great bit of wisdom that would somehow fit in perfectly to my current situation.
'He who throws dirt is losing ground.'
I laughed, pleasantly surprised. This one was going on the fridge.
Me: I want to start an Undertale story!
Also Me: Please finish this chapter, people want more, why aren't you writing!?
Now the trio is officially together and Emma is "properly" informed of things. My brain was like, "Have a confession of things the others don't expect. All three have shocked Pikachu faces" and I love the idea so much I tried it.
Was looking for a random fortune and struck gold. I loved this fortune so much I had to add it here.