Disclaimer: I don't own Total Drama.

AN: Thanks to Beta done by AnnoyingAlarmClock. Thanks to Knifez, Guest, TheCoyler and Qazse, for the reviews. Stay safe.

"Last time on Total Drama Island," came the voice of Chris returning to action. "Yours truly, was off hosting a swanky awards ceremony gig, and I left my buddy Chef in charge. And man, he went brutal on our campers. Not only did he leave them deserted in the forest, but left them with Sasquatch. They ran here, they ran there, they ran into a cave full of bats. Noah and Gwen schemed a plan to win. However, Tyler was actually good for once and scored a win, and it was Gwen that found herself walking the Dock of Shame. Now we have only three gluttons for punishment in our awesome Semifinal. Don't believe me? Then I TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU, to watch this episode of TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND!"

*** Intro ***

It was a relatively sunny and peaceful morning in Camp Wawanakwa. Everything was calm until the intercom came to life, starling the nearby animals as the voice of Chris McLean rang throughout the camp.

"Campers! Welcome to the semifinals. Today we're rewarding our challengers with an all you can eat pancakes!" The camera switched to inside the Mess Hall where Chef, looking grumpy as always, had a stack of pancakes sitting on a plate nearby and was currently flipping one with a spatula. "That's right! Genuine food byproducts served with fresh ingredients relatively close to their expiration dates."

As Chef continued flipping his pancakes, he eventually flipped it too hard, causing it to stick to the ceiling. The large man grabbed a shovel and scraped it from the ceiling.

*** Confessionals: Noah, Bridgette, and Tyler ***

Noah was the first to make his confessional, looking at the camera with his arms folded and a stern expression. "It's been nothing but endless pain and agony all summer. Can't wait for this to all be over. Without Gwen this place just got way worse. Kinda funny how things work out, huh? I mean if you told me before all this that I would have a romantic relationship with a goth girl my eyes would've rolled into the back of my skull."

"So I actually made it to the final three," Bridgette smiled, petting her bunny. "Just goes to show you what good attitude and teamwork can get you. Now here we are, just inches away to the end."

"Thinking about it seems like a dream," Tyler was the third and final camper to get a turn in the confessional. "It just seems like it was just yesterday when all this started. Now here I am in the Final THREE DUDES. I wish Bridgette well, and Noah too. They're both awesome friends."

*** Mess Hall ***

Inside the regular moldy, bug and rodent infested Mess Hall, the final three were lined up single file to receive a helping of pancakes from Chef. They seemed to be fresh at first glance, but on closer observation had layers of sawdust and fingernails.

Tyler stood at the front of the line, shooting a disgusted look seeing the grime covered pancakes. "Well so much for getting my hopes up. Yo Chef? I think this one dropped on the floor can I have..." The Jock stopped himself as he saw Chef was right in his face.

"ARE YOU INSULTING MY COOKING?!" Chef towered over Tyler, causing him to cower in fear.

"Not at all," Tyler quickly replied before running over to the table.

The other two groaned, and cringed in disgust.

"You think that at least by now we'd get something good." Noah moaned, as he saw Chef use the same spatula he used to flip the pancakes as a makeshift back scratcher.

"If you maggots don't SHUT UP and STOP insulting my cooking, y'all can forget about my all you eat pancakes," Chef yelled, causing the entire mess hall to shake.

"No, anything but that." Noah replied with sarcasm and Chef tossed a stack of pancakes onto his tray in frustration.

"Thanks..." Noah replied coldly and bitterly looking down at his grimy pancakes and cringing in disgust, "They look good enough to kill someone." The bookworm stopped himself as he looked up to see Chef face to face with him, staring daggers into his eyes and fuming with rage.

"Care to repeat that?!" Chef towered over Noah, making him cover back in fear.

"Not at all," Noah quickly replied before asking in a weak British tone, "Please Sir, may I have some more?"

Chef still gave him a very annoyed look and he picked up the entire table and swiftly poured the entirety of it on to Noah, burying him in pancakes, Noah groaned in pain. Bridgette watched the spectacle with wide eyes, scooting back a bit when Chef moved his glance over to her.

"I...I'll just have one please," She smiled, but backed away when Chef glared. She quickly joined the others at the table.

The final three sat together, and ate their breakfast. Bridgette cleared her throat, as Tyler and Noah looked at her. "Let's make a promise."

The two nodded, with Noah saying. "I'm listening."

"What kind of promise?" Tyler asked.

"That we do not let our respect for each other get in the way of competition. That we give it our all and not hold back. No hard feelings." Bridgette smiled and raised her glass, "May the best one win." The other two raised their glasses, with Tyler grinning.



*** Confessionals: Noah, Bridgette, and Tyler ***

Noah was once again in the confessional "Now, I'm not gonna be unrealistic here. I'm going into the final three at a disadvantage. Sure I get along with Bridgette and Tyler already. But they're tight, I won't deny that. But be assured, I won't drop out that easy."

Bridgette was up next and looked deep in thought, resting her hand on her shoulder. "Hmmm... the end is coming soon. I must admit, I respect the other two. Tyler may be clumsy as me but he has determination. As for Noah, he is a very smart player. But I can't lose my focus."

"I guess getting to here wasn't all easy," Tyler smiled, "Just two people left till the buzzer. My Coach didn't think I would make it but I'll show him." He paused, then smiled again. "Man, I can wait to see Lindsay again."

"If I can just think of a way to win immunity then I might have a change against Bridgette or Tyler in the final as they both have left feet." Noah said, then frowning. "I mean getting 3rd place is basically worse then getting last place."

"Truth be told I haven't really thought about what I'd do with the money. If I win. I think I'll use the money for animal shelters and orphanages." Bridgette said. "I could also use some money for college."

"I don't really know what I'd buy if I won," Tyler said, tapping his chin. "Maybe buy a membership for my local Y. Get in shape, get into the Olympics and show Coach that I'm a top athlete."

"When I win? I'm thinking of putting it towards collage." Noah said. "Overall, this place has been one big frustrating, stressful mess, and l'm gonna be glad when it's finally over. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I met Gwen. But a whole summer spent with Chris and Chef? And people wonder why I'm not a people person."

"It's been a long crazy 8 weeks, that's for sure. It definitely would cause anyone to snap" Bridgette smiled as she petted her bunny. "But I made good friends and we did have some good times together, so it wasn't all bad."

"I loved my time here." Tyler grinned." I got over my fear of chickens, I rocked some challenges, I managed to endure and survive, I got the sweetest babe ever." He blew a kiss to the camera. "It was awesome! I kinda feel bad for Noah and Bridgette, if I win it's a 50:50 that one of them goes home."

*** Amphitheater ***

The final three sat in a row of simple wooden chairs behind a table.

"Campers," Chris exclaimed, genuine excitement in his tone. "Welcome to the semifinal! I have..I mean the producers have ran out of fun ways to torture you... I mean challenge you."

Bridgette cut him off, sighing with relief and smiled at Tyler and Noah. "Thanks goodness."

"You say that like this is a bad thing." Noah replied, glancing at Chris.

"NO interruption!" Chris snapped, hating been interrupted. "Sooo...to make sure we have a challenge, we asked the eliminated campers if they had any ideas."

The final three exchanged looks of confusion and nervousness.

"Turns out they had lots. they provided us with the sickest, most twisted, and insane dares ever! In TDI's first version of " Chris standing next to a large wheel that had pictures of all the eliminated contestants on it, Katie and Sadie sharing a picture. In the middle was an oversized soda bottle intended for spinning. "Spin the bottle."

"Urrgghh. Really" Noah groaned, rolling his eyes already done with this. "Spin the bottle? Do we look like eleven years school girls having a slumber party?"

Tyler blinked, "we're not doing kissing dares are we? Because I don't want to do that to Lindsay. No offense you two."

Bridgette waved it off, "None taken." She then shivered. "I'm kinda more scared to see what Eva and Izzy came up with."

"Izzy?" Noah gulped, "Dear God we're not going to survive this."

Chris scowled, "Hey! No interrupting! Now the rules are simple. Each player will take a spin and the camper that you land on determines the dare that you'll perform. You can either accept the dare yourself and win a freebie," Chef was standing next to him holding out a plate of purple bottles. "or inflict the dare on another camper in hopes of getting them out"

Tyler was scratching his head in confusion. "And what happens if we don't do the dare?"

"Oh, not a good option," Chris replied with a grin, "Anyone who chickens out of their date will be eliminated immediately." He pointed his thumb over his shoulder, the camera panned to show the docks where the Boat of Losers was ready and waiting. "Do not pass go. Do not get marshmallow. Do not get to win $100,000!"

Chris now held a briefcase and opened it. Inside was none other than the prize money, as a reminder of what the final three were competing for. Chef grinned as he tried to make a grab for the money only for Chris to slam it shut on Chef's thumb. The large man cursed and sucked his sore thumb.

*** Confessional: Noah ***

"Dares?" Noah raised an eyebrow. "Okay with Chris you know what to expect. But with the rest?" He paused and looked worried. "Who knows what sick, twisted dangerous ideas they can think of."

*** Confessional: Bridgette ***

"Sudden death elimination?" Bridgette raised an eyebrow,"That makes things interesting. I just hope the dares aren't dangerous."

*** Confessional: Tyler ***

"Cool challenge, I totally have this," Tyler smiled and pointed both of his thumbs at himself. "Me and my team back home always play sick dares on each other. I got this in the bag." He jumped in joy only to bump his head on the ceiling of the confessional.

*** Amphitheater ***

"Okay, who's ready to humiliate themselves first?" Chris asked from behind his podium, with a clap of his hand. The other three looked on with wariness until Tyler stood up.

"I'll do it!"

"Love the enthusiasm!" Chris smiled, "Spin away."

Tyler nodded and gave the bottle a spin, he watched the rotation in what seemed to be nervousness that he was poorly trying to hide. Eventually, it came to a stop on Duncan. Chris pulled up a flash card to see what task would be assigned and couldn't help but chuckle.

*** Confessional: Chris ***

"Alright, so here's the deal. Chef and I have a bet going on the side. First one to puke has to pony up 100 bucks!"

*** Amphitheater ***

"Duncan's dare," Chris read, grinning as he looked up and at the final three. "Lick Chef's armpit."

The final three gasped. Even the big guy himself went wide eyed and looked around in a panic. "Lick my what now?"

"Tyler..." Chris continued, "Will you take the dare yourself to earn a freebie, OR dare one of the others instead."

"I'll do it!" Tyler replied, shocking everyone.

"It's your funeral." Chris smirked.

The athlete walked up to the burly man as Bridgette covered her eyes. "I can't watch this."

Noah's face turned green. "Good call." He responded, closing his eyes as well.

Chef was scowling and reluctantly held up his arm. Tyler held his nose at the smell, "OH GOD! That smells worse than the bathroom after Owen uses it!"

"That's just my natural musk!" The cook tried to defend. With grabbing a hold of his nose, and tightly closing his eyes. Tyler leaned in and... licked. The sight was enough to make Chris retech, but held his hand up to his mouth to stop himself from getting sick. Chef raised an eyebrow at the host. "You good?"

"Y-yeah, I'm good," he weakly replied.

"GAH BLAHH!" Tyler heaved a few times, splitting and rubbing his tongue trying to get taste off. He stood up, looking sick to his stomach."Can I throw up now?" Chris nodded and Tyler spilled his lunch right there.

"Dude not on my shoes!" Chris ran off to his trailer to change as the Chef glared at no one in particular.

"I feel violated." Chef remarked.

"YOU feel violated?" Tyler winced, holding his nose. "My mouth feels violated. There's something called deodorant!"

"I TOLD YOU THAT'S MY NATURAL MUSK!" Chef roared at the teens, as Chris returned and threw a bottle at Tyler knocking him on the head.

"Tyler wins the first freebie." Chris replied, visibly frowning and annoyed.

"OW!" The athlete rubbed his forehead, before returning to his seat, with Bridgette giving him a sympathetic look.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah...I can't feel my tongue anymore, is that normal?"

"Noah, it's your turn." Chris exclaimed, "Hopefully your pain will bring me joy over my lost shoes." he motioned at the wheel.

"Well I just hate to disappoint you," A very unamused Noah walked up and gave it a small spin, his eyes bulging at the bottle as it began to slow down and was slowly reaching Eva's face, before it thankfully past her and the bottle eventually came to a stop on Cody's picture. Noah sighed with relief, "Cody? What the worse thing he can do?"

"The Codemeister's dare." Chris read and grinned a little. "Drop a tray of ice into your underwear and let them melt."

"Cody, what the heck is wrong with you?!" Noah complained as Chef approached him with a bucket full of glimmering ice cubes. Noah took a deep breath before glancing at the other semifinalists. He knew he couldn't risk falling behind. He turned to the bucket and with a few deep breaths he took the bucket and poured it down his pants. It only took a few seconds for the cold to affect Noah, as Chris and Chef laughed and tossed the teen a freebie.

"With that Noah has earned a freebie," Chris grinned.

"Th-that...gr-...great." The teen teeth were chattering and he shivered before the water began to melt, Noah looked down to his shorts. "Can I change?"

"Nope..." Chris smiled, and turned to the next camper." Bridgette you're up next." The surfer walked up to the wheel with a scared expression as she started to pray for a good dare with bottle land on, with the bottle stopping on Katie and Sadie.

Chris read with a giggle, "Slap yourself three times as hard as you can." Bridgette grimaced and raised a hand up. She took a breath and quickly brought it to her face. After three hard slaps, both her cheeks were bright red, she collected her bottle, wincing in pain.

*** Confessional: Chris ***

Why aren't they trying to destroy each other? They're so nice to each other. I want conflict damn it!"

*** Amphitheater ***

"And with that ends round 1...and everyone has a freebie." Chris smiled. "Tyler, time for round two!" The Athlete gave the bottle a spin, not quite as enthusiastic as his first, as he hoped it wasn't something gross like his last dare. He gasped in fear as his hopes were of no use when the bottle came to a stop landing on Izzy.

"Please let it be something fun and safe." Tyler crossed his fingers.

"Ooooh, Izzy's dare is a fun one." Chris announced, making Tyler smile a little.


"Yep," Chris grinned with a chuckle. "Fun for me to watch. Izzy's dare is…. give a purple nurple to a sleeping bear,"

"That's It? Yeah, sure I'll do it." Tyler pumped his arms in the air, as the remaining two expressions turned into ones of surprise. The athlete took off towards a cave with a loud cheer before returning to the podium, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.. "Uh... what's a purple nurple?" Everyone facepalmed.

*** In The Woods ***

Tyler tiptoed up to a bear cave, his eyes bulging and his body shaking as he did so. "I got this, I got this," he mumbled to himself before making his way into the cave. "Okay... Mr. Bear. I'm just going to give you a little pinch. Please don't eat me."

Suddenly, the sound of fur ripping and a mighty roar came from the cave. Tyler ran out of it, screaming at the top of his lungs.

*** Amphitheater ***

Once Tyler had returned, his face had a large bruise, he was covered in mud, and he looked terrified. "And Tyler wins his second freebie." The host placed a freebie in front of him. "Noah. Come up down and spin for your torture."

The bookworm gave the bottle a spin, not so enthusiastic as the host was. The wheel landed on Owen.

"Owen's dare." Chris energetically pointed, "Eat a specially prepared mystery meat made by Chef." Chris paused for dramatic effect. "Without puking."

Noah turned pale at that and looked at the others. He knew he had to start acting fast if he wanted any chance of winning this. "As tempting as getting food poisoning is," Noah replied, earning a glare from Chef. "I'm gonna pick Bridgette."

Bridgette grimaced, and bit her lips. "I'm going to use my freebie."

*** Confessional: Chris ***

"Alright, now we're getting somewhere." He gave an evil smirk to the camera.

*** Amphitheater ***

Bridgette stepped up to the wheel and gave the bottle another spin. This one, came to a stop on Beth. "Re-chew a wad of Harold's used gum." Everyone gasped as Chef brought out a jar that had a nasty looking wad of pink gum inside. Bridgette looked like she was going to gag, and bit her lips. She remembered the promise she made that they all should try their best and not let personal feelings get in the way, she sighed with regret.

"Noah... I pick Noah."

Without a word Noah threw his freebie at Chris.

Chef shoved Bridgette away and Tyler took her spot and spun the bottle. It landed on a photo of a glaring Heather. Tyler gulped

"Eat a can of live worms." Chris winced a bit after reading that card. Tyler looked hesitant on what to do. "I'd like to point out that you not only have two freebies, but there's also the fact that no one else has any freebies."

The remaining two scowled, but Tyler smiled. True, buuuuut, it's a challenge. And I never back down from a challenge."

"You kids are gross." Chef glared

"Seriously?" Chris asked as Chef opened up a can and passed it to Tyler. He closed his eyes and started repeating to himself, "It's a double bacon cheeseburger, it's a double bacon cheeseburger. " He brought the can up to his mouth and tried to down the worms in one go. Chris was kneeling over and Chef's cheeks were bulging. But, they were just barely able to hold on as they watched Tyler winced and groan. But he continued trying to stuff the slimy nasty things down his throat and he forced himself to swallow with a pained look on his face. He groaned and held his stomach.

"Nicely down, Tyler," Chris said, shoeing him over to his seat. "Noa-"

The bookworm walked up before the host could even finish his name and spun the wheel until it landed on Ezekiel's picture. "Homeschool's dare is… eat your own toenail."

"Well seeing as he's your boyfriend." Noah grinned. and turn to Bridgette. "It's only fair that you do it."

The surfer gulped seeing as she had no freebies left and she was left with little to no chance but to do it. "Well I don't want to make him feel bad." She grimaced as she took off one of her sandals. Chef leaned down to clip one of her toenails and place it on a plate. The surfer put it in her mouth and ate it. Then soon she took her spot at the wheel and spun it.

This one, fittingly enough, came to a stop on Gwen. "Whoa, what are the odds of that?" The surfer asked.

"Don't know, don't care," Chris replied in an slightly annoyed tone. "Anyways, Gwen's dare is to watch a live footage of a cow giving birth."

"Well..." Bridgette smiled, putting a hand on her hips. "because she's your girlfriend it's only fair you do it."

"Why did I know that would come back to bite me in the butt?" Noah groaned, as Chef brought out a laptop and sat in front of Noah before pressing play on a remote.

The scene flashed forward a couple minutes to show Noah rocking back and forth with his eyes bulging. With that Tyler returned to the wheel.

What followed was a montage of the bottle landing on various campers to give the campers their dares. In the first clip the bottle landed on Lindsay, which forced Tyler to kiss a fish, after that was Trent's face which made Noah eat an entire egg, shell and all. Leshawna was next, which then showed Bridgette walking on a tightrope over shark infested waters. Eva's dare was next, which called for Tyler to wear a beard made of bees. Justin's dare required Noah to eat a beatle. Courtney's dare was last, which forced Bridgette to kiss Chef's dirty sock.

When everything was said and done, the final three were left with zero freebies, all looking in great pain but not given an inch.

"I can't believe no one has dropped out," Chris commented, flashing the final three an impressed grin.

The jock let out a cheer, "Yeah, I'm not going down without a fight!"

Noah stepped up to spin, he along with Bridgette and Tyler were clearly showing signs of agony and great pain, he gave the wheel push and it landed on Geoff.

"Drink powdered punch from the communal toilet," Chris winced a bit after reading that card.

Noah looked down at his feet, giving a sympathetic look of regret as he pointed to Tyler. "Tyler."

The perspective switched to show Tyler standing by a toilet. Chris was holding purple packets of powdered fruit punch, he poured the contents in and Chef handed Tyler a straw. He held the straw in his hand and looked at the toilet. He took a deep breath and took a sip, but once it reached his mouth he barfed all over the place. Chris and Chef watched in absolute honor and the host spilled his lunch, handing Chef his prize money.

"Sorry dude," Chris said, not looking sorry at all. "But dock of shame awaits."

Tyler didn't even respond to this, clutching his mouth in despair. "Sorry. But you still failed to complete the dare."

Tyler frowned, as Chef went to help the jock up. He stood up, shakily. "I...I...can get up myself," He gritted his teeth through pants of exhaustion.

The camera turned to the docks, where Tyler was walking towards the boat of losers before being greeted by his fellow campers.

Noah gave him a small grin, "You are... pretty okay."

The jock smiled and gave him a hug. "Thanks man."

Tyler then turned to Bridgette. She gave a shy smile, "Tyler.. sorry."

Tyler patted her on the shoulder, "It was you or me, that's just how things go. Plus BRONZE MEDAL! Whoa!"

Bridgette grinned and gave him a hug, "You're really a great guy."

Tyler just smirked and staggered to the boat with a wave.

Reaching the boat with the final two campers waving, Tyler sighed, but gave a big smile waving back. "Well, I lost. But I tell you what this was one of the best summer ever!."

Chris then turned to Bridgette and Noah. "Here's are FINAL TWO! Who will win? Turn in next time for THE FINAL OF TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND!"

Remaining Campers: Bridgette, Noah.

3rd Place Tyler

4th Place: Gwen

5th Place: Duncan

6th Place: Heather

7th Place: Izzy

8th Place: Katie

9th Place: Ezekiel

10th Place: Cody

11th Place: Geoff

12th Place: Trent

13th Place: Eva

14th Place: Lindsay

15th Place: DJ

16th Place: Owen

17th Place: Beth

Trent (Returned)

Duncan (Returned)

18th Place: Sadie

19th Place: LeShawna

20th Place: Justin

21st Place: Harold

22nd Place: Courtney

Honestly this was a little difficult to write as I didn't have an antagonist that could be used as a karma dare. I originally had Gwen as a finalist but I like writing Bridgette and Noah a little bit more. Owen's dare was going to take out Bridgette but I felt like it was too silly, then again she would go out and keep her morals and her beliefs strong. Again, as there was no antagonist I felt no one deserved to get their hair cut.

Just one more chapter to go.