Author's note: Hi hello fellow SVTFOE fans or interested individuals! I am so excited for the season 4 finale that is coming up tomorrow. Feeling inspired by the latest episodes that have been released over the last few weeks. I have come up with this story in mind. Please know that this is my first fanfic story and would kindly like to ask mercy to not roast me in the reviews.

Eclipsa's sister "Estella"

Hair Color: Mauve Ombre

Eye Color: Steel Blue Eyes

Hair Style: Intricate Braided Hair Up-Do

Skin Color: Pale

Cheek Emblem: Yellow Sun

Age: 20 [320 y.o. in the later series]

Height: 5'6"

I would like to point out for the ages in the next succeeding chapters:

Estella age: 4

Eclipsa age: 8

Solaria age: 34

Jushtin age: 37

How to read this fic:



SFX/Sound effects


Anything not stated above is the narrative

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Vs the Forces of Evil story and characters. All I own are my OC characters.

Prologue: My New Life

Rebirth, reincarnation, life's do-over, or the fault lies in Kami's truck-kun that must've steam rolled me over into this new journey. Call it what you must, but I never knew that my life would have ended up like many fanfic addicts wet dream.

Being reborn with complete set of memories, waiting for my new life to shine and make a glorious change to the multiverse…..Yeah right.

Despite pulling up many scenarios as to how this could've happened or how I am chosen for that matter.

It never really prepared me for the harsh reality of being a literal floating mass of consciousness in the ever-unchanging darkness that swallows me up whole.

"Oh come on! All I really wanted was to just watch the new episodes of SVTFOE season 3, how did just walking in a street empty of cars, make me a victim of Truck-kun?!"


It probably doesn't matter much at this point.

I might as well get used to living as a magical ball of mass across the unending cosmos peacefully.

However things never go much my way when my world suddenly rumbles like the earthquakes.

"WHOAA there, what's going on?!"

There was a disembodied voice up ahead of me.

"Come my qu- , -ou must push !"

Alarmed of the voice that came out of nowhere and the feeling being compressed like two walls attempting to squash me into oblivion, I struggled even harder to get the hell away from it.

I have to hustle hard to push this limp body of mine to MOVE anywhere from here.

"YOU THINK THAT I AM NOT TRYING?!" yelled another one, much more fierce than the first.

"meep" the first voice responded sheepishly.

Yikes, another one too!? I really have to move as much as this mass can.

"Ouhhh blasted child, please come out already!"

I stopped my struggling instantly. Child? Wait! What did that voice mean- Oh…Oh no…OH NO, no, no, no!

I no longer hear the other unintelligible murmurs as I drown myself in ice-cold panic.


A. freckin. baby.

Uh-uh no way.

I don't think I can handle much with being breastfed or… GASP* changing diapers for that matter. How do those other reincarnated characters do it? I can't be as ballsy as them.

"My liege I can see the baby's crowning, you must hasten to push just a little more!"

WHAT, I am totally not prepared to meet whoever my parents are.

In my fit of extreme panic, I didn't notice being grabbed by the doctor and was plunged into a world of blinding light.

AAAAAGH! my newborn eyes!

Giving my all, I tried to wave my newborn noodle arms around in trying to smack the possible giant with the big cold hands and several others that I think are wiping me down and attempting to swaddle me in a warm fleece like blanket.

I try to see my surroundings throughout this ordeal, but everything is a blur.

I'm blind, I can't see.

Hearing anything for that matter is near nigh impossible from the cheers and wails of the colorful blobs around me.

"OH that's it. There you go! That's my warrior princess for you," a voice that projected louder than the rowdy crowd's ear shattering cheer was unwelcomed to my new ears.

Huh who said that? With the high of the crowd's screams dying down. Trapped in the giants clutches I was angled towards a red blob mixed with pinks, gold and a small dash of green on it's side.

"Come to mother my dear" I don't know why but as the giant move to probably dispose me to my new mother arms. There is a sense of trepidation and I… my dismay whimpered pathetically.

"There, there your highness we shall reach your queen mother in no time" murmured the giant to me. You really think that accepting out right that I am just going to live like this, as a baby for the rest of my life, then you got another thing that you and I will figh-….. wait… did he just say queen mother?

In my confusion the exchanged has been done and I am now in my mother's arms. "Ahh, at last, now you are finally in my arms young one." Wow she smells good, like fresh roses that bloom in a garden.

Which embarrassingly came out as "abu-abububu". Stewing in embarrassment, I almost forgot about that small green blob on mother's side.

"Moder, moder I lant to awso see my sisduh too" a voice insisted in the green globs direction.

"Oh alright dear, but you must be quiet lest you startle her, here isn't she just simply marvelous"

Mother turned me around towards the green glob and it looks like I have a loud older sister. Go figures, since being loud seems to run into the family.

"OOOOH she sho CUDE and very pinku, moder" screamed the green glob into my poor eardrums. Whimpering (again) and making a fuss about it, mother simply calmed me down by gently rocking me. Which surprisingly calmed me down.

"Shhhh, there, there. I know my dear, so as the big sister now, you must look out for your sister and if you do a good job, maybe Mother will teach you a new spell okay?" whispered conspiratorially to my new sister.

"YES MODER, I LILL!" whispered – scream my adorable older sister. Huh spells? Maybe I am born into Harry Potter. Awesome not only am I princess but a magical princess to boot.

Watch out Voldemort, I am coming for you!


In reality my maniacal laugh came out as soft giggles and baby garbles.

"Aww see, she is delighted that you will look after her. Here you can hold on to her" mother said as she gently placed me into the tiny arms of my older sister.

"OOF!" my new sister apparently teetered a bit and find balance with a new weight in her arms.

"Ou are heby sisduh, but I wove yu bery much. I lill pwotect yu from anwy danguh." Feeling the warm squeeze and love overflowing from my sister, I already fell in love with her and I too would protect her from any dangers via by destruction with my wand and magic.

"Ehehe baba" I squirmed an arm out of the blanket to touch her cheek gently and I felt my sister's face move to a smile.

"Ahem, excuse me my queen, I apologize for disturbing you but may we ask as to what name shall you bestow upon the new princess?" Questioned the small blue blob.

Which I think may have been the doctor giant that carried me to mother.

"Come now let us pick out a name for this newest Butterfly in the family".

Aw shucks mother, calling me a butterfly. cute.

"Ahhhh I know, I shall name you Estella Butterfly!" mother said with glee as she looked towards us, from my peripheral view since the red blob moved to our direction.

"Doesn't that name sound good Eclipsa, Estella?." The red blob moved closer till I can make out a smile on her face.

"hoee" was my only dull response as the connection made like Thor's thunders strucking the mad titan Thanos.

"Excellent your majesty, I would like to announce that the newest princess of Mewni is Estella Butterfly!"


I am not in Harry Potter at all. This is even worst! I am in –

The crowd chanted in response "Long live Queen Solaria! Long live princess Eclipsa! Long live princess Estella! Long live the kingdom of Mewni!"


{4 years later… in the Sun Tower}

Getting used to this strange life as Estella Butterfly is entirely boring.

Despite the excitement that now I know what Queen Sola- I mean mother looks like and getting to see young Eclipsa. It's not all what it cracks up to be as a magical princess in this time, since all mother does is go off on a journey off the castle to who knows where.

Maybe fighting off some monsters in the Mewni villages that borders in the east for all I know.

Well wherever east is in this country, what's even more upsetting is that I can only meet my darling older sister Eclipsa occasionally, since we both have etiquette lessons and have different schedules throughout everyday of the week. Only at meal times we can meet, but that is far in between since I am the only one at times at the royal dinner table eating by myself, since mother and Eclipsa skip their meals or have it delivered to their respective rooms.

What of my life I knew so far was that I born on a day called the Sol festival. Which celebrates the sun for it's bountiful blessings for the Mewmans harvest, the light which brings fear to the dark forces and now the day of my birth.

Which was why during the day I was born that there was a large crowd of people settled around the castle in a festive manner. My new hair color now is a soft mauve in ombre shades for my long hair that ends up to my waist, but I like to keep it up in a braided up –do just to keep it to my shoulders. I am now blessed with steel blue eyes as opposed to my sister's purple color.

Lately my governess tends to always dressed me up in several dresses as she says that "I am too cute". Oh right my governess Lilla is a slim woman of her age of what looks like in her late thirties in human standards, with wavy brown locks tucked under her blue cone like hat, warm brown eyes and a cute mole under her chin. She is always dressed in a long - sleeved navy blue dress that reaches to the floor, like those medieval dresses in Shakespeare's time.

She has revealed to me before, though unaware of my consciousness as a babe that she too has two boys of her own, one who is training to be a knight's squire named Vio and the other just three years of age who is at her home village being taken care of by the grandparents.

It saddens me at times that she is always there taking care for me rather her own, but I will make it up to her once I grow up with power of my own to give her a proper vacation and compensation for her years of service.

Getting back on track I am 3rd in line to the succession of the throne in Mewni considering my uncle Jushtin Butterfly who is 1st in line, whom I have seen often since he would like to kidnapped me at the start of the day to go off to a party and introducing me to his friends from the neighbouring kingdoms as if I was his own, well we do have similar hair color it isn't far off.

Though mother often gets livid at him for making the whole castle go into a tizz over my absence since the royal staff spent the entire day at most looking for me, and my sister the 2nd in line since she is the oldest.

It is so surreal to have my own tower in this big castle, where my sister stays is called the Spades tower, though often Eclipsa insists on it being the Rose tower because of her favorite flower which you guessed it, a rose. Mine being called the Sun tower which is based on the day of my birth and on my cheek symbols.

Which is amazing to know that I do have a capability for magic since I have the cheek symbols too.

'Heck yeah, can't wait to unleash my awesomeness to this era of Butterflies!'

Even though we are just across from each other and a garden between us, we can't often go seek each other out, since our governess wouldn't allow it due to them jam packing our schedules full of non-sense.

My governess, Lilla is too happy that her charge is akin to a genius in picking up the academics, sewing, and language lessons although there were some mishaps with my singing and dancing lessons.

Not all of us could have Beyoncé level of singing. Plus I am only four, hopefully by my teens I can get at least a good singing voice to sing my favorite songs of my time. Which I sorely missed being played, since the only form of a radio here is the passing minstrels belting out ballads of heroes and singing praises of my mother's accomplishments.

It is funny to see at times how Lilla would just screech in horror and would discourage me about wanting how to cook, since that is the chef's job not a princess of the Kingdom of Mewni.

I can't help it, since I am craving for some earth food like pizza.

'Hmmmmmm pizza. How I miss thee'.

Plus there weren't even any magical lessons in this crazy thing, except probably for Eclipsa's schedule since she is currently training her magic with Glossaryck.

Which I thank Glob that he is completely indifferent towards me, only greeting me princess, every time me and Eclipsa have our lessons coincide together though that is rare.

Though at times I feel like he is just waiting for me to slip up about my reincarnation, if he even is aware of it. Considering how I keep getting a knowing stare from him, as if he knew my secrets.

Putting that aside I am also so, so, so very sick of hearing what perfect color to use for the celebration of some noble relative's birthday 'egg shell or ecru?' - whatever!, what dress to wear on a proper outing, how to greet the other kings and queens of the other kingdoms and more.

The only fun thing I can get out from these lessons is how to speak Pigeon and Demon speech fluently, which is very useful when there are royal visits from any of their kingdoms.

Since mother and Eclipsa have yet to fully master it, well with mother still being iffy towards the Lucitors for being demons which is like a monster for her and the Pigeons with their distaste for Mewmans. My sister on the other hand stating that she has no use for it and would rather focus on spell work, I was the one assigned to be the one despite being only four years old to greet the royals in their tongue.

Looking back, I can only remember tidbits of what went down in Star Vs. The Forces of Evil series up to season 2, though.

The canon timeline that I know of is super way off, it is completely useless here.

All I can recall is the terror that is Toffee, a septarian bent on destroying magic and the pointless villain Ludo Avarius with his small monster army who ALWAYS wanted Star's wand.

But lets be honest I wouldn't even dare cross Toffee in a fight, because of his far superior high spec intellect, fighting prowess, and not to mention his high regeneration rate. He might as well be classified as SSS super villain.

Although, he does really look good in a suit and tie and has a smooth velvety voice that lulls you in on his charms.

'HAAA, Toffee'


Uggggh, I cant think of him in that light or else I will be futureEclipsa!, who fell for her monster love and got crystallized for it. If only our mother knew that both of her daughters like a monster. We will be slashed and hacked down by her mighty sword.

On that note, maybe I can save my sister from her fate of being crystallized for leaving the kingdom to wed a monster.

Yeah my knowledge isn't totally useless after all.

And maybe…just maybe, I can tweak the future where she can have her happily ever after with the equivalent of her own prince of darkness. Well being a Queen of Darkness has to come from somewhere besides dabbling in dark magic. Which I should probably look out for, in any case she might go too far or even let her teach me some...for self - defense, I mean. A-hem.

With a plan in mind forging a new path where monsters and Mewmans can co-exist peacefully is not that far off.

But to get there, I need to become stronger physically, sharpen my blade, up my magic training, and develop cunningness when facing off the High Magical Commission and as well as mother should she not agree.

I don't need to worry about anything! With optimism on my side nothing can go wrong.

{The Next Day}

"Lilla?" I asked hesitantly.

"What is it that you need my princess?" said Lilla as she put down her embroidery wheel.

"I..I…..I would like to request an audience with my mother"

"Whatever for?"

"About some important matters about my lessons."

"Is there something wrong with the current tutors? Should I search for suitable ones for you?" said Lilla worriedly.

"No, Lilla though I appreciate the thought about it, I would just like to talk with mother. It has been some time since I have seen her." I said slowly as I bowed my head with pinprick tears in my eyes for her to see.

"Oh! That's what you mean," said Lilla as she hugged me into her warm embrace, "As you wish my princess, I will go in post haste to get your audience with the Queen"

"Thank you Lilla, you are the best!"

Phew. That went better than I expected.

As Lilla left to do as I told, I contemplated on what to exactly ask of mother.

I can't simply say outright about asking her for assistance in my training. It will also set a bad reputation amongst the knight's squires, if I also openly asked to be trained under a knight.

Uggh societal rules.

Before I can think further on what else to say, there was a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see it was Lilla with a grin on her posh face.

"Oh princess, the queen has just returned from her expedition and welcomes you to have an audience with her. Isn't it exhilarating to meet her after all this time?" Lilla squealed excitedly.

While I was filled with dread.

'I completely didn't think these things through. Were my thoughts as we exited my room to walked towards the throne room in the main castle'.

I can't help but look around the halls and still be amazed by the magic that breathes in the air with the lights filtering through the high ceiling windows, the tasteful décor of paintings, tapestries, portraits of famous Mewmans (though I wished it could talk and move like in Harry Potter), and plant life found in every corner.

Completely distracted in awe of the amazing details that were put into the castle, I almost bumped into Lilla as she paused in front the huge double doors to the throne room.

"Announcing the presence of Princess Estella and her governess Lilla".

As the doors slowly opened I looked in and saw where my mother stood in her whole armor dress glory with all of her fourteen knights which seven stood on each side of the room.

My governess gave me a little push and with confidence befitting a daughter of the monster carver and a sister to the future queen of darkness, I moved with fluidity and surety as I walked up with my chin held high, straighten back and hands in front of me clasped together towards my mother's throne.

Though I never questioned it, I never asked anybody around me as to who my father was or why I have not seen him around.

It simply escaped my mind since the Butterfly family in the Mewni kingdom was more monarchial than patriarchal.

So basically males have less worth than females amongst the royals. In which I can see why Uncle Jushtin would rather party out than to stay at the palace to endure being belittled by the court ladies and other nobles for being a lesser Butterfly.

With those thoughts floating around my head, I stopped and curtsied in front of my mother. "My queen mother, I have become before you to request a favor from you".

It is in common court manners to not raise their head from a curtsy or bow unless acknowledged by the queen.

"Ahh my darling star!" said my mother as she stood up to come down upon the steps to stop in front of me.

"Come now, you may raise your head. You are my youngest daughter, though it delights me to see that you have superbly learned your etiquette lessons well. You need not be formal with your own mother." Said mother kindly as she put her hand on my chin to raise it gently to see her eye to eye.

"Yes, mother" I whispered awe.

"That is good. Now, tell me what is your request?"

After being able to get this far, I swallowed up my nervousness and asked,

"I wish to TRAIN to be a splendid warrior like you, Mother!"

Woohoo! That's end of chapter 1! Hope you enjoy on Estella's take on her new life in Mewni. Will she take down the path that is destined for greatness? or Will the power of canon magic ripped her off into the dark abyss? Stay tuned for more chapters! Thank you!