Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY or any of its anything! It all belongs to Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum!


"Hey Dad, look what I drew!" Said the happy voice of a six year old Jaune Arc as he ran up to his Father while waving a paper in his right hand. Julius Arc was watching television while sitting on their home couch prior to his son's arrival.

Jaune's father chuckled as he saw his son run up to him when he entered the living room, turning off the tv so he can give the boy his undivided attention. "Ah Jaune, what masterpiece did you manage to draw up this time, my dear boy?" Inquired the bearded blonde father amusingly as he placed the remote down on the coffee table in front of him before he lifted Jaune up to bring his bottom over his left thigh when he came close enough.

"This one!" Jaune replied as he turned the picture around to show Julius his latest work.

Since Jaune was just a child, The picture was what one expected a child's drawing to be as it was a bit messily done. However, that did not mean that Julius couldn't see what his son had envisioned the image to be.

"My my, would you look at that! It's beautiful, Jaune! I think this may be your best work yet! Oh, your Mothers and Sisters will absolutely love this when they see it, I bet!" Julius complimented chipperly as he took the paper gently out Jaune's small hands to get a closer look.

"I hope so." Jaune replied in a hope fueled voice.

The picture was what appeared to be a portrait, of sorts, of the whole Arc family on it. Colored at the top half of the image's background was the blue sky that had some clouds drawn at some areas and there were a couple of two curve birds placed beside the yellow sun that the boy had put at the top left corner. At the bottom half, there was a clear, green-grass field with some flowers sticking out of the ground here and there. Then at the very left end of the drawn field was a tree that had a few apples attached to it. Then at the center of it were the seventeen subjects of the drawing.

Jaune had drawn him and his seven sisters as small stick figures while he had done up their single father and eight mothers as slightly taller stick figures. The children were all holding hands in front of their parents with stick Jaune in the middle while said parents did the same behind them with Julius in the middle of his wives. They were all drawn with a pair of dotted eyes and a happy thin smile curved on their round heads. The fifteen stick blonde females all wore white dresses while stick Jaune wore a white tee shirt and shorts. Meanwhile, stick Julius was wearing a similar colored tee shirt and pants.

Julius grinned as he proceeded to admire the family picture that his son had made, he swears that his drawing abilities was getting better and better the more he kept at it, which made him very much proud to have Jaune as his son. However, a few moments into his admiring gaze, Julius couldn't help but begin to wonder..

"Hey, Jaune?"

"Yeah, dad."

"Tell me, do you plan to have a family as big as ours one day when you're older?" He questioned as he looked to his only son curiously while putting aside his drawing.

"Mm-mm!" Jaune shook his head in denial as he smiled at his Father.

Julius smally frowned at that response as he gave the boy a bit of disappointed stare. But Jaune was not done speaking yet as what he had gone on to say next would immediately rid his old man of his worries and have him grinning once again. His proudness for Jaune increasing as part of his reaction.

"I plan to have an even bigger family than ours!" Jaune cheered as he threw his hands up in the air briefly.

"Is that so? And how exactly do you plan to do that, my son? I'm curious." Julius scoffed in amusement as he scooted Jaune more up his lap.

"Easy, I'm gonna get me a whole bunch of girlfriends when I'm older and make them all my wives! and then one day, we're all going to have lots of babies and raise them all together!" The boy answered with a beaming expression.

When he was finished, Julius chuckled loudly as he nodded his head in approval. "That is exactly what I like to hear, my boy. Talk of wanting to uphold the legacy of all Arc men! And boy, from the sounds of it, you are really trying to surpass me."

"Mhm! I'm gonna be the 'Harem King of Remnant'!" Jaune said proudly as he pumped a fist in the air.

The Father and Son duo shared a brief fit of light laughter before Julius spoke up again. "Well if that is the case, I sure do hope that you plan to add Pyrrha to your future harem there. I know for a fact that she likes you a lot. Also, her parents really won't stop badgering me and your Mothers about getting you two in an arranged marriage." He pointed out the last sentence with an exasperated sigh.

"Pyrrha likes me?" Jaune inquired as he looked at Julius in surprise. It was a look that earned him a nervous sweat drop from his old man.

'Geez, the boy talks about forming a harem of his own, yet he can't tell whether or not a girl likes him. Ah well, he is still young, after all. He'll come to understand a maiden's heart eventually.' Julius thought as he recovered a second later. "That's right, some might even say that she loves you. Do you perhaps feel the same way about her?" He quirked a brow.

Little Jaune pressed a finger to his chin as he looked up slightly in thought. "Well, she is my best friend.. and I guess I do kind of like her." He then smiled fondly as he looked down to his lap, his mind flashing images of his adorable red haired best friend. "She is always so nice to everyone she talks to, lots of fun to play with at school.. and she is always there to help cheer me up whenever I'm sad.." Julius smirked as he recognized the look that was on his offspring's face.

'Yup, he likes her!' His mind dinged as he stifled a chuckle, thinking that his son got his first future wife in the bag whether he realized it or not. He then left the topic at that as he would rather leave the fate of his son's wondrous future in his own hands. "Well there is no pressure there, son. I just thought I should ask." He uttered while maintaining his smirk and tapping the boy's shoulder. "Anyway, since you intend on becoming the 'Harem King of Remnant'. I'm expecting you to keep your word and give me and your Mothers a ton of grandchildren, you hear me?" He said humorously.

Regaining his composure, Jaune flashed his Dad a smirk of his own as he nodded confidentally. "I will, Dad. I promise!"

"Good, and since you're making promises. I want you to make just one more for me."

"Um, okay.. What is it, Dad?" The boy asked.

Julius took a deep breath before he proceeded to give the child a choice. "Whoever the ladies are that you do end up marrying in the future. You gotta promise me that you'll always love and cherish those ladies with all of your heart. Also, be sure that they do end up loving you back, because if there is one thing that we Arc men don't do, it's that we don't end up with women who aren't our soulmates. Can you promise me that, Jaune?"

Jaune didn't need to be told that as he already knew the way of all Arc men despite his young age. He scoffed as he once again gave his Father a confident nod. "Of course, Dad. I cross my heart that I'll always love my wives and treat them like Queens." He vowed as he supported his words with the mentioned gesture over the left side of his chest.

"Now that's my boy!" The two then laughed together as the glad Father started to lightly ruffle the boy's hair.

Come a few seconds later, they were forced to cease their laughter when they heard the front door open and the familiar female voice of one of Jaune's Mothers was heard yelling for the both of them.

"Jaune! Darling! Come help us get the groceries please! We're having tacos tonight~!" The woman sing-songed.

Upon hearing that, a Jaune shaped cloud of dust was suddenly left over Julius' lap for a moment. When it had cleared, Jaune himself was nowhere to be seen. The revelation made Julius look side to side in bewilderment. "Where in the world did he-"

"Tacooooos!" Jaune could all of a sudden be heard yelling from outside.

The Father then rolled his eyes with a small grin as he shook his head when hearing his boy. "I should've known.." He whispered in amusement to himself as he then stood up from the couch while emitting a groan before he went out to help his family bring in the contents of their shopping trip.

Back to the present..

Jaune had just finished playing the precious memory of him and his late Father in his head as he was currently doing up the tie of his Beacon Academy uniform in front of a full body mirror with a small smile on his lips.

'I'll never forget the talk I had with Dad that day. It's a conversation that I will always remember and hold dear to my heart. Even though he is no longer with us..' He displayed a frown as he turned his eyes to the right to look at the two framed photos that were standing atop of his dresser beside the mirror.

The photo on the left was of his little self in the middle of the rather large and happy Arc family when he was younger.. and his Father was still alive. It was back in the better days before his Father's untimely passing had occured a few years ago. Him and his sisters were just ten years old at the time, and to lose him so suddenly.. It hurt them for quite a long while, as it should. They did eventually recover and move on from his death, but not doing so by forgetting about him, of course. They couldn't forget about their awesome and one of a kind Father even if they wanted to. What was the cause of his death one may ask. Well, the answer to that was rather simple, as it was an unexpected fatal disease. Typical, right? He knows.

Now, as for the photo on the right.. well that'll be mentioned again in just a little bit.

'I intend to keep the promises that I made to him.'

After he was successfully done fixing up his tie, Jaune moved to stand in front of the family photo before picking it up caringly and he looked down at his old man in it with his smile having returned. "I'll be a good man that you can always be proud of Pops.. I promise you that as of today." After saying that, he took a long minute to remember the fun memories he had with his Dad while gazing at the man himself adoringly. When the minute was up, he took a breath as he then put the photo back on the dresser.

"And you don't ever have to worry about me not wanting to be a good man.." He then shot a glance at the other photo with his smile changing into a grin. His right hand moving to gently caress the glass of the picture's frame for a few seconds. "because it's all thanks to them... that I want to be the best man I could possibly be.." With that last soft spoken comment, he pulled his hand back as he turned around to walk over to his bed to grab his book bag that rested on top of it before making his way to the door. Not wanting to waste another second as it was now about that time where he needed to get to class. Unless he wanted to face the consequences of being late, which he really didn't.

In the other picture frame was a photo of Jaune.. however, just like in the other one, he wasn't alone in it. He was far from being alone as one can be as a matter of fact, as surrounding his smiling teen self and being as close to him as they can possibly get were twenty six females. Twenty five of them were girls around his age of seventeen and just one of them was a woman who looked to be in her mid twenties and she was standing at the far right of the large group of youngsters. This particular photo was also one that he would often admire from time to time; hence the frame.

It was of him and his silly group of classmates who all had their own distinct quirks, personalities and interests posing for a class photo with their teacher standing along side them.

Now, he had never made this fact known to anyone as of yet, but to him.. this was a photo of him.. and his wives to be..

Aaah shit, here we go again! XD For those who follow me and know how many stories I have done up until this point.. Yes, I know, I know. What the hell am I doing? I come back after a few weeks of being inactive and I write up yet another damn story to get in the way of my others ones. I'm sorryyy! But with this one, I just.. God, I couldn't help myself again. As for why I was gone for awhile, I'll be honest that I was going through some sudden bad cases of writer's block. It's baffling even to me as I thought I knew what I wanted to write for some of my other stories. But I would end up suddenly wanting to rewrite some details about the update chapters, which would ultimately lead me to becoming an indecisive mess and I would drive myself fucking nuts. It was really just a damn frustrating cycle for awhile. However, I think I'm beginning to get over it now and my visions are slowly becoming clear once more. So hopefully I'll be back on the writing grind soon enough. Oh, and thank you for your patience!

After I recently watched a rather.. *clears throat* "special" anime series, I just had to make this story and put my own twist on the silly idea that series had going for it. If you know what the "special" series that I'm talking about is judging by this prologue. XD Good on ya! I would reward you with a cookie.. but unfortunately, my fatass has gone on and ate them all. I apologize.

For those who followed my original version of 'The Stranded', you all would know that I always intended to do a nonsensical RWBY story where lemons were the main focus. You would also know that I tried to do just that with the story before I decided to take it seriously.

Speaking of taking stories seriously! DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT! do that for this one. XD Because I think I can promise you that you will be disappointed if you do. I mean, the title alone really should be enough to tell you of the ridiculousness that's about to ensue. Or who knows, I may surprise you with some of the ideas that I got in mind. But! the point is that this is just another silly large harem lemon story for me to have fun with and indulge myself in writing the beautiful art that is smut. So if stories like these don't interest you, or if they annoy you, you can turn back now and save your sanity. If you do decide to stay. Well great! I'm not gonna complain!

Okiedokie, I think I said all I needed to say on those topics. Now, it's about time that we got to the most important aspect of this story, and that is... ZEH HAREM!

The Harem!

The Classmates:

- Ruby Rose

- Weiss Schnee

- Blake Belladonna

- Yang Xiao Long

- Nora Valkyrie

- Pyrrha Nikos

- Lie Rin ( Fem Ren )

- Cinder Fall

- Emerald Sustrai

- Neo ( or Neo Politan for this story )

- Coco Adel

- Velvet Scarlatina

- Penny Polendina

- Ceil Soleil

- Arslan Altan

- Reese Chloris

- Nebula Violette

- Dew Gayl

- Gwen Darcy

- Octavia Ember

- Melanie and Miltia Malachite

- Ilia Amitola

- May Zedong

- Neon Katt

The Faculty:

- Glynda Goodwitch ( Homeroom Teacher )

- Winter Schnee ( Teacher's Assistant )

- Raven Branwen ( Nurse )

- Vernal ( Nurse's Assistant )

- Willow Schnee ( Principal )

- Sienna Khan ( Phys Ed. Teacher )

The Others?: ( Don't know what to call this category of ladies. XD )

- Kali Belladonna

- Summer Rose

- Amber

- Salem

And there you have it! Basically every female character in the show that I know of is in here. XD Again, don't try to make sense of this, cause you'll only stress yourself out. Just relax and have fun with it. Lol Now, I haven't been able to give Season 6 a watch yet, so I don't know if there are any new girls that have been introduced into the show. So I'm sorry if there are ones you like that aren't in the list.

Actually, I look back on it now and I heard of one new female character who was introduced in Season 6, and she's one of Jaune's sisters if I remember hearing correctly? I forget her name, but yeah, that's really all I know regarding new characters.

Alrighty, now I'm really done saying all I needed to say. So with that, I hope you at least somewhat enjoyed this prologue and look forward to what's to come for this story! I'll leave you all be now, thanks for reading and have a good weekend!

Follow and Favourite if you would be so kind! And please be sure to leave a review to let me know what you think of the chapter! It is always greatly appreciated to know your guys' thoughts and opinions! Whether they be compliments or concerns.

Until next chapter ladies and gentlemen, deuces!