Note: I was asked by two readers to write a full story of the victorian au prompt from marichat may 2019. So, here it is. This took a lot... of research. I know other eras, but not this one that well. lol I hope you enjoy it. :)
Adrien ran his hands along the ornate fireplace that was made of white marble. He held one hand behind his back and peered down at the lack of dust on his fingertips. He had come to visit his betrothed. A woman that he didn't want to marry, but she had chosen him since they were small children. He sighed as he heard the sound of her black boots on the tile.
"I hope you weren't waiting long for me. My parlour maid took her time." Chloe glared at the woman beside her.
Adrien smiled and walked over, taking her hand in his with a bow. "No matter. It didn't feel long at all." He pressed his lips to her white gloved hand and she laughed. Adrien hated how it sounded forced and perfectly placed.
Chloe peered from his feet to his head as she assessed what he was wearing. He wore brown spats, black wool trousers, a white shirt, a white brocade waistcoat with emerald accents, and a grey frock coat. His clothing was form fitting and she focused on the emerald cravat that was neatly tied around his neck and tucked into his waistcoat.
"You look handsome this evening. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Chloe smirked up at him as he placed both of his hands behind his back.
He took in her vibrant yellow gown. How the corset hugged her torso and accentuated her figure. Her skirt flowed out around her hips as she walked around the room. She ran her fingers along the grand piano and turned to look at him. "You didn't come here to talk to daddy, did you?"
"I wanted to speak with you about our nuptials." Adrien swallowed hard as he fidgeted his hands in front of his hips.
"What is there to discuss? We set the date. Your family is happy and mine. What more is there to discuss?" Chloe scoffed as she brushed her skirt down.
"Nothing. I'm just excited is all." Adrien awkwardly smiled at her. "Nino has planned to take me out this evening. I thought I would just let you know that I will be out late."
"You don't have to tell me your whereabouts, Adrien. I trust you." Chloe walked over and touched his chest with her hands. His heart sped up as he felt the pressure of her palms against him.
"G-good. That's perfect." Adrien began to back away from her to leave the chateau.
"You will be there at the dinner tomorrow, will you not?" Chloe watched him blush and clear his throat.
"Of course. I'll have my driver bring me." Adrien nodded as he left the room.
Adrien couldn't get himself to tell her where Nino was taking him. He didn't want to hurt her and he felt like it would if she knew. Adrien sighed and stepped out onto the street. He peered up to see his carriage and driver waiting for him.
Adrien grabbed onto the back of the seat and hoisted himself up and into the carriage. He sat down and arranged his clothing to be more comfortable. "Let's go home."
The driver nodded and whipped the reigns in his hands, sending the horses moving.
Adrien leaned against the back of the seat and stressed out about where Nino was taking him. He had tried to protest, but his friend wouldn't take no for an answer. He worried his bottom lip as they pulled into his father's chateau.
Adrien stepped out of the carriage and made his way into the house. He walked up the massive staircase and into his bedroom. It was filled with old paintings of his late mother and a four poster bed sat in the middle of it. Rows upon rows of books sat in bookshelves that reached the ceiling. An ornate black writing desk sat against one of the walls. He sighed and went to put on the costume that Nino had suggested he buy. He found it to be ridiculous, but he also understood it. He didn't want an Agreste to be found in a bordel. Not when he was marrying an equally famous woman. It would be an unnecessary scandal that his father wouldn't approve of.
He opened his boudoir and pulled out his ensemble. He sighed and set the outfit on his bed. Adrien slipped off his coat and laid it neatly on his bed. He then began to undo the buttons on his waistcoat and shrugged it off. Adrien placed it beside his coat and slipped his tan braces off his shoulders. He began to unbutton his trousers, taking his time. Adrien wanted to stall as much as possible. He slipped his spats off and stepped out of his pants.
Adrien stood in his undergarments and white shirt as he picked up his black trousers that had grey pinstripes going down them. Adrien unbuttoned them and slipped them on. He slipped the braces over his shoulders and began to tuck his shirt in when a knock came to his door.
"Monsieur Lahiff is here for you." His father's parlour maid spoke through his door and Adrien rolled his eyes.
"I'll be down in a moment!" Adrien finished buttoning his trousers and picked up the dark gray waistcoat. He slipped it onto his shoulders and buttoned it. Adrien then grabbed his black and emerald striped cravat and walked over to his floor length mirror. He slipped it around his neck and began to tie it and tuck it into his waistcoat. Adrien adjusted it with trembling fingers. He was so nervous and nothing about tonight's plans sat right in his stomach.
He took a deep breath and walked over to slip on his black frock coat. Adrien slipped on his black spats and grabbed the black ornate mask that was laying on his writing desk. It was all black with elaborate silver accents. He sighed and licked his lips as he fixed his hair and picked up the mask. He walked over to the mirror and placed it over his eyes. He peered through the mask as he tied the black silk ribbon behind his head. Adrien brushed down his coat, grabbing the lapels to pose in the mirror. He shook his head at himself and grabbed his black top hat on the way out.
He walked down the staircase to find Nino dressed in a pair of black trousers, an elaborate emerald waistcoat with a wine hued cravat, and a black frock coat. He wore spats and an emerald and gold mask. A top hat sat in his hands as he waited for his best friend.
"Are you ready for the time of your life?" Nino smiled at him and Adrien chuckled.
He hit his friend on the back and shook his head. "I'm not sure I will ever be ready for such an endeavor."
"By the time we step foot inside? You will be, my friend." Nino winked at him and Adrien laughed harder.
"Okay. Well, it's getting to be a late hour. Shall we?" Adrien gestured for him to step foot out of the chateau first.
Nino placed his hat on his head and Adrien did the same as they made their way to the carriage that Nino had brought with him.
"Have you got your name picked out?" Nino grabbed the back of the seat and hoisted himself up into the seating area.
"I have. Chat Noir, a famous Prince from a country far away. And you?" Adrien smirked as he sat down across from Nino.
"Carapace, a rich man from another country." Nino smiled and tipped his hat.
Adrien chuckled as the carriage took off. "And how often does Carapace go for a walk down the Red Light District?"
Nino gasped at his best friend. "I beg your pardon! I only venture down there… twice a week."
Adrien burst out laughing and hit his thigh with his hand. "That's decently often, Nino."
"Alright, how often do you go?" Nino challenged him and watched Adrien cross his arms over his chest.
"I have never been there. I do frequent bath houses with my father for business meetings and such." Adrien shrugged and Nino burst out laughing.
"This is nothing like a bath house. You're in for a real treat." Nino smirked as the carriage stopped at the end of a long street.
"This is as far as I go, Monsieurs." The driver peered back at them and they got out of the carriage.
Nino paid the man and Adrien peered around them. He had never been to the Red Light District. It wasn't an area that his father would approve of. Some of the most notorious bordels existed on the street. Women stood outside buildings, smoking cigarettes and giggling with one another. Some tried to coax him inside and he nervously declined as he continued to walk.
Each building was elaborate in it's design and showcased the theme from the outside. The one that stood out the most was the Moulin Rouge. He thought that was where Nino was going to be taking him, until they walked past it.
"Are we not going to-?" Adrien gestured to the Red Windmill and Nino shook his head.
"No, we're gonna go to a place that is even better, my friend." Nino adjusted his emerald mask as they continued to walk.
Adrien continued to turn down women as they passed them. "I didn't realize so many women…" He awkwardly smiled and turned down another one that ran her fingers along his coat.
"Yeah, well some have to make their life work somehow. Most women do work, Chat." Nino winked at him and stopped in front of an ornate building. "Here it is. I present to you, Chat Noir, la coccinelle d' amour. The most luxurious bordel in the city of love."
Adrien slowly peered up at the tall building with parted lips. A black sign with the title of the place sat above the front door. It was luxurious even from the outside. He swallowed hard and took off his hat as they walked inside.
The double doors opened up to a massive foyer. A crystal chandelier hung above them, catching the candlelight and sparking it along the ground.
Adrien was no stranger to lavish places, but this one had to top any that he had stepped foot in. He marveled at the extravagant paintings and took in the crown molding that ran along the edge of the ceiling. Every inch was gilded in rich gold. The crushed velvet chairs were a rich burgundy. The flooring was a deep maple wood.
Adrien adjusted his black frock coat. When he pictured a bordel in his head, it never looked this magnificent. He always imagined these places to be dingy and dark. That was how his father had always painted them as he had warned him of such places. This place was a work of art and there was enough to keep you entertained for hours.
Women of all shapes and sizes walked, drank spirits, sat, smoked, and laughed together in front of them. Some wore dresses, while others lounged around nude with only a drapery of linen around their shoulders and hips. Adrien's eyes wandered from one beautiful woman to the next until they stopped on one in particular.
She had dark hair that was piled on top of her head in a messy bun. It was held together with a rose gold cherry blossom hair pin. She had painted her cheeks to make them appear rouged. Her white corset and silk dress caught his attention. He found himself peering from her matching white boots to her dreamy expression.
He watched her laugh and it echoed like a unrequited love song. One that reached out to him and resonated with his soul. His heart pounded in his chest and Nino shook him by the shoulder to bring him back to reality.
"Which girl?" An older woman with red hair and a magenta bustle dress demanded as she peered at Adrien. He could only assume she was the Madame who ran the place.
"The girl in white with dark hair and the most poetic bluebell hued eyes." Adrien tried to be discreet by lowering his voice, but his lost gaze gave him away as he kept his eyes trained on the woman in white.
"I'm afraid she is taken by someone tonight." The woman sighed as she gestured over to her.
Adrien pulled money from a bag that hung on his hip. "What if I offered you twice the amount?" He smirked at the Madame and held out a large amount.
"That still wouldn't be enough to cancel her previous engagement." Madame pushed his hand away.
Adrien sighed and pulled out another bag, dumping more into his hand. "And now?"
The Madame's eyes widened at the ridiculous amount in his hand. "She means that much to you?"
Nino touched his shoulder to get him to stop. "Chat, are you sure about that?"
"I'll quadruple it, if this does not suffice for such a beautiful woman." Adrien's gaze fell back to the woman in white, who was busy smoking opium with another woman. He watched her lay out on a beautifully crafted chaise lounge. "Please." He reached to pull more and the Madame stopped him.
She took his money, filled a coin purse, and tucked it back into her bosom. "Seems like she's finally free…" The woman peered over her shoulder with a serious expression. "Marinette! You have company!"
Adrien swallowed hard and flinched at how serious she sounded. The Madame's voice came out so cold and it shocked him that the woman in white was willing to be treated that way.
"Yes, Madame!" Marinette put the pipe down onto the wooden tray and walked over to them, sliding one of her straps down her shoulder as she swayed her hips. She was clearly putting on a show for him and his stomach suddenly felt sick.
"This is…" The Madame stared at the masked man with a unamused expression. She had seen enough of this in her time. Men coming in with disguises to hide their true identity.
"Chat Noir." Chat bowed and took Marinette's hand to kiss along her knuckles. He peered over her hand with a warm smile. "Pleased to meet you."
Marinette got lost in his peridot eyes and her lips parted as her cheeks flushed more than they were from her recent makeup application. She shook herself out of it with a smile and fluttered her eyelashes. "Well aren't you a pretty stray. How about I take you in from the rain, pussy cat." She wrapped her fingers around his black and emerald cravat, leading him to her room.
Chat peered over his shoulder at Carapace, who was too busy paying for a woman with two toned hair and beautifully tanned skin to care. Chat's heart pounded in his chest as he realized that he may not be ready for such an endeavor. "On second thought…" Chat raised his index finger in the air as they reached a hallway filled with scantily clad women. Some of the women were only wearing silk undergarments with dainty garter belts that were hooked onto thigh highs. He swallowed hard as the woman pulling him along giggled.
Marinette opened the door to her room and smiled back at him, over her shoulder. "First time, handsome?"
Chat blushed and swallowed hard, tugging on his cravat with a trembling hand. "Here yes- I mean a place like this. It's not like I frequent whor- I mean…" He nervously rubbed the back of his neck and peered away from her with a cringe.
"It's okay…" Marinette ran her hand along a beautiful four poster canopy bed with lavish white silk sheets. "You can call it what it is."
"Please forgive me, mademoiselle." Chat swallowed hard and stumbled as he became flustered by her.
"It's really okay. I'm used to being called many things. Naturally." Marinette sighed as she sat on the bed. She ran her hand along the white sheets as she shrugged. "Shall we begin?"
Chat watched her from across the room as she began to undo her corset, untying and loosening it with ease. His lips parted as he watched her peer at him through her dark lashes. He worried his hat in his hands; before, he sat it on a black ornate table made of paper mache with painted roses and abalone shells. She dropped the corset to the floor and let her hair down from it's updo by pulling the hairpin from it. Her hair cascaded down her back and Chat peered away from her with a blush.
"Don't be shy." Marinette stood up and walked towards him in her silk dress. She grabbed the hem of her dress and slowly pulled the skirt up her thighs, catching his gaze. "Don't you want to make love to me?"
Chat took a deep breath as she revealed the dark curls between her thighs and his cock twitched. "I- I only found you to be beautiful."
"They all say that, pussy cat." Marinette walked towards him and he backed up until his back hit the door. She ran her hand down his chest and cupped him through his trousers. "I can tell you want me."
Chat tried to catch his breath as she caressed him through his pants. He took her hand off of him and held it away by her wrist. "Stop putting on an act, please. I know you don't want to do this."
Marinette's mouth fell open and her arm went limp in his grasp. "What?" She was dumbfounded by his words.
"I know you're not normally like this." Chat swallowed hard and let her wrist go.
Marinette ripped her wrist away from him. "You do not know me, Monsieur. Now, what is it that your wildest fantasies enjoy, hm? A temptress perhaps?" She ran her index finger down the buttons on his waistcoat. "Maybe an angel? I can be anything your deepest, darkest, thoughts desire." She leaned into him with a smoldering expression and his eyes widened.
He gently pushed her away so that he could escape from her clutches. "I- I do want you. You are a very enchanting woman, but-" His gaze fell to her neck, where he caught a hint of the truth behind her act. He touched her face and moved her hair to the side, running his fingers along day old bruises. She winced at the slight pressure he put on her old wounds. "- not like them. They hurt you. Treat you like you are a whore to be made use of. Like you are merely a woman to be had. An object of infatuation. Yet you sit here and deal with it. You smoke your opium to numb the pain that each man gives you. I refuse to be one of them. To hurt you. I merely want to talk with you. If something comes of this, that's fine too. But I refuse to make you service me for my own greed."
Marinette lost her words as she got lost in his sad emerald eyes. "Who are you?"
"Just a man that is a hopeless romantic, who got carried away by too many fairy tales." Chat sighed as he watched her walk over to sit on the bed. She placed her hands on her skirt and played with the thin fabric.
"I wasn't always like this. This- this hopeless girl stuck in a sinful place. A place with a facade to make it look fun when it is anything but." She became sad and then softly chuckled with a smile as she peered at him when he sat down beside her. "I guess… for some naive reason… I thought a prince would come to rescue me. You know… like all those fairy tales that you read as a little girl? I know it's probably idiotic to think that way. It's silly little girl dreams, isn't it?"
Chat sighed and took her hand, pressing the back of her knuckles against his lips. "Of course not. I completely understand." Chat smirked and nuzzled her hand to his soft cheek.
"I'm surprised that Madame let you pay for me." Marinette dropped the skirt of her dress and he jumped in shock.
"Why would you say that?" Chat was taken aback by her comment. "Did it have anything to do with the man that paid for you before me?"
Marinette worried her bottom lip for a moment. "It doesn't matter. I am not to talk about my clients." She peered away and Chat touched her bruises again.
"Does he do this to you?" He watched her cover her neck with her hand.
"Many men pay to do what they want with me. Some are kind, while others are not." Marinette sighed and brushed her hair to cover her wounds again. "Anyway, shall I give you what you paid for? A gentleman like you deserves to be treated like a king." She slowly pushed one of her sleeves off of her shoulder.
Chat sighed and pulled her sleeve back up onto her shoulder, causing her to pause again. "Stop putting on an act. I didn't pay to sleep with you. I paid to have a moment to speak with you. My best friend brought me here to relax and live a little bit. One last night of debauchery before I am wed to a woman that I do not love." Chat gripped the sheets in his fists and stared down at his lap.
"No fairy tale endings for you either, hm?" Marinette shyly smiled at him and he chuckled as he leaned back on his palms, crossing one ankle over the other.
"Guess not. I never thought about that. I have spent my whole life under my father's constant gaze. I do not know how else to act if not to only please him. To put a smile on his face since mother died." Chat sighed as he peered up at the mirrors on the gold ceiling.
"You're like a caged bird too?" Marinette swallowed hard as her gaze trailed down his body and back up to his eyes.
Chat chuckled and brushed his hair from his eyes. "You could say that, yes."
Marinette nodded and stood up from the lavish bed. She grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it over her head. Chat opened his mouth to speak and she shook her head. "Let me. I want to. I do not care about the money. I wish to be loved. To be held by a man, who actually cares for me. I want to know what that feels like. What romance novels speak of."
"I-" Chat swallowed hard as he noticed how the dim light of the oil lamp made her arousal shine. How it made her skin glow and become ethereal. "I can't do that for you."
Marinette popped one of the garter belt clasps free and it sprang from her white thigh high stocking. She walked closer to him and placed her knee between his thighs on the bed. Chat's eyes fell on her creamy breasts and rouged nipples. His gaze trailed down her taut stomach and he reached up to graze his fingers along bruises on her hips. "I don't want to hurt you. Not like them." Chat softly spoke as his eyes ran up to her pain filled ones.
"You're not like them. You came in here and refused my act. You pushed my sleeves back up and refused my service, yet you paid for me. Double the amount. I can not let that go. I want to do this for you. Let me, please." Marinette wrapped her fingers around his cravat and gently undid it. She pushed him back onto the bed and he peered at her with widened eyes.
Chat watched her slowly unbutton his waistcoat and push it open. Marinette straddled his hips and slowly undid his white linen shirt, revealing his chest one button at a time.
"Marinette?" Chat tried to protest even though his cock betrayed him with how it hardened for her touch. She spread his shirt open and pressed soft kisses to his muscular chest, leaving lipstick marks behind. "Wait." He pulled a piece of cloth from his pocket with a monogrammed A on it. Marinette's eyes widened as he touched her chin to make her peer up at him. He sat up and gently brushed the lipstick from her soft lips. Her eyes gathered tears as he began to remove her makeup.
"What are you doing?" Marinette was shocked at how he gently began to remove the products that were hiding her natural beauty.
"If you want me to make love to you. I only wish to see the real beauty beneath the facade." Chat warmly smiled as he removed the last of her eyeshadow. "Absolutely stunning." He rubbed her chin with his thumb and she blushed as he took in the black eye that graced her right eye. "Yet so broken. Why do you let men do this to you?" His heart ached for her as she turned away to hide in her hair.
"I told you. Men come from far and wide to pay Madame to do their wildest fantasies with me. How am I to say no?" Marinette pressed her lips together and pushed him back onto his elbows.
Chat watched her go back to kissing down his stomach to the buttons on his pants. "You deserve so much more than this life."
"Yeah well, I do not have much choice in the matter. Now, shh… let me service you." She undid his pants and hooked her fingers into the waistband to pull them down. Chat pushed his braces off his shoulders and lifted his hips to help her remove his trousers and undergarments at the same time. Her gaze followed the soft blonde hair that trailed down to the curls above his hard cock. She ran her fingers through it and his breathing picked up as he flexed his cock, watching her. "You're beautiful." She ran her fingers along the underside of his cock and wrapped her hand around it.
He groaned and moved his hips as she ran her hand up his smooth shaft. "You really do not have to do this for me. I really did not pay for this."
"Shh…" Marinette ran her hand up and down his length, causing his cock to spill precum.
He groaned as she dipped down to run her tongue along his swollen head. Chat groaned and tilted his head back as she wrapped her lips around it, running her hand up and down in time with her mouth. He dipped his fingers into her hair and groaned as he watched her work him with her hand and mouth. She pulled down with her hand and slowly ran her tongue around his swollen tip, causing him to hiss with pleasure. "Ah… Marinette."
Marinette let him go from her mouth and began to move her hand in a faster rhythm. She watched his thighs twitch as he grew closer. Watched how his hands fell to the sheets and scrunched them up in his fists. How he watched her with heavily lidded eyes and parted lips as his cheeks flushed with desperation. She let him go and he caught his breath as she crawled up his body to straddle his hips with her thighs.
He peered up at her with love filled eyes as she ran her hand along his cock and slid down onto his length. Her walls clenched around him as she slowly took him all of the way into her warmth. Chat gasped and clutched her thigh as she rolled her hips, rising and falling onto him.
He shook his head and gently grabbed her hand to pull her down against his body. Chat rolled her onto her back and she peered up at him with her legs wrapped around his hips. She was in awe of him as he slowly moved within her, running his fingers up into her soft hair. He peered at her with a soft expression as he pumped in and out of her. She searched his emerald eyes as he softly moaned. Marinette arched her back and rolled her hips with him as he gently closed his eyes to get lost within her.
Marinette watched him slowly open his eyes and lean down to capture her lips with his own. She gasped in surprise. Most of her clients didn't kiss her. They would never dream of that. They were there to take warmth within her sex, not make romantic advances.
He ran one of his hands down her arm and grabbed her hand. He brought it beside her head and ran his nails along her palm to intertwine his soft fingers with hers.
Marinette parted her lips against his as she got lost in him. He ran his tongue along hers and her heart exploded as they felt as though they had become one person. She had never felt this way. Had never experienced so much emotion as she did right then.
He slowly rolled his hips and she moaned against his passionate kiss. Marinette felt truly loved. Like she meant something to someone. Like she was special beyond her nationality and service. That she was more than a whore. She was Marinette Dupain- Cheng, daughter of two hardworking bakers. "Chat?" Marinette gasped when he broke the kiss to trail them down her soft neck.
"Hm?" He hummed against her dewy skin as he moved faster within her.
"I'm sorry if I made you feel as though you must do this." Marinette became worried that she had forced him to do what he was doing.
Chat stopped moving and peered down at her with a warm smile as he tried to catch his breath, flexing his cock within her wet sex. "Nothing you have done was forceful to me."
Marinette nodded and licked her lips as he began to move within her again. "Thank you."
Chat stopped again and stared at her with a confused expression. "Why are you thanking me when I should be the one doing such things to you?"
"Because you are being so nice to me." Marinette felt tears fall from her eyes and Chat pulled out of her to roll onto his side and hold her against his body.
"Wait, but- What about-" Marinette panicked as he held her tighter, running his fingers through her hair. "But you didn't-"
Chat shook his head and brushed her hair from her face. "It does not matter." He pulled his pants back up and sat up to remove his coat. Chat wrapped it around her body and she pulled it close to herself. "What matters is that you are happy."
"How can I be happy in a place like this?" Marinette began to weep and Chat pulled her close.
"One day, I shall save you from here." Chat kissed the top of her head.
A knock sounded on the door and the Madame's voice came through it. "You're next engagement is here, Marinette."
Chat touched her face. "Keep the frock coat. I'll be back for it. Trust me, my love." He pressed a kiss to her lips and stood up to button his pants, after buttoning and tucking in his shirt. He fastened his waistcoat and tied his cravat around his neck, tucking it back in.
"But you need to wear your coat out in the city. You can't go out like that." Marinette was horrified that he would break society rules for her.
"It'll be okay. I'm donning a mask. No one will know who I am." Chat winked at her as he opened her door to leave with his hat in his hands. He nodded to the Madame as he put the hat back on his head.
He grabbed Nino and pulled him to the front doors. "I wasn't done with Rena." He tried to argue and go back in.
Adrien shook his head and kept him moving. "We'll return for another night of debauchery."
"What?" Nino thought he was hearing things. "I'm sorry, but can you repeat that?"
"You very well know what words passed my lips. Now, let's get in the carriage and go. I have seen enough for the evening." Adrien yanked him further down the street.
Eventually they slowed down and Nino began to talk with his hands behind his back. "So… how was your night? Enjoy yourself?"
"More than I bargained for." Adrien sighed as he adjusted his hat.
"Oh?" Nino smirked over at him and Adrien rolled his eyes. "The woman in white as good as she is beautiful?"
"A woman is not just about her beauty. Her personality and soul matters too, Carapace." Adrien winked at him and he groaned.
"You and your flowery words." Nino snorted and stopped at the end of the street.
"Flowery words can take you places unlike your hands." Adrien raised an eyebrow at him and watched Nino become serious.
"Pardonne-moi. I happen to care very much about a woman's personality. Even more than you. I can use poetic words and bat my eyelashes just like you!" Nino crossed his arms over his chest and pointed at his friend.
"Nino… I do not bat my eyelashes." Adrien leaned into him and dramatically blinked his eyes at him.
"I saw how you looked at that girl." Nino burst out laughing and waited for an empty carriage to come by.
"That girl has a name, Nino." Adrien became dazed as he remembered her and how she looked like a goddess as she rode him. "Marinette…"
Nino laughed as he waved down a carriage. "You are in love, my friend. I would say she has you wrapped around her finger and signing paperwork."
"She was… like a goddess. Her skin… it glowed in the low lights. She was- is-" He got lost in his thoughts and memories and Nino laughed at him as he hoisted himself up into the seating area.
"That amazing, huh? So, amazing that you forgot your frock coat." Nino laughed as he watched Adrien struggle to focus enough to get into the carriage.
"I did not forget it, Nino. I left it with Mademoiselle Marinette." Adrien climbed in and sat across from him.
"Uh-huh and did you ever pause to wonder if her real name is even Marinette? Those women make up names for themselves all the time." Nino challenged his best friend.
"I know it to be so." Adrien began to question whether Marinette really was her name. He peered up at la tour eiffel as they rode past it. "Do you ever ponder?"
"Hm?" Nino stared at his friend with a raised eyebrow. "How do you mean?"
"We live in the city of love. La ville d' amour, Nino." Adrien sighed as he kept his gaze locked on the tower.
"And?" Nino could care less about the title of their city. He never saw the point in that title. It seemed childish and unrealistic.
"I spend my nights contemplating love. A great love that I have read in so many novels, Nino. A love that can only be told about in stories. I want that. Crave it. Why should only fictional characters have that satisfaction?" Adrien stared at his best friend, who was busy laughing at him.
"You kind Monsieur… let that whore get to your head." Nino laughed harder as he looked out at the Notre Dame.
"Did I? She was more than a- you know. She was a woman. Elegant and beautiful. An angel." Adrien rested his elbow on the side of the carriage and rested his cheek on it. "You would understand if you met her."
"I have met with many whores, my friend. She put on an act and you, my naive friend, fell for it." Nino shook his head and Adrien glared at him.
"You are wrong. She tried to put on an act, but I saw through it and asked for her to cease." Adrien became serious and Nino raised his hands in the air.
"Alright. Alright. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But just know that woman like her? Their kind? They tend to say whatever you want them to to make certain that you get your money's worth. The Madame is in control. Has them locked up in extravagant gilded cages and makes them sing like canaries. You may think that you have met the real Marinette, but you probably only got a piece of her. If any at all. I'm just telling you to be careful." Nino sighed as he watched his friend's shoulders slump.
One of the songs I wrote to:
Birdie by Avril Lavigne