"Heroes, please save our world." called out a priestess
See, this is why I can never sleep after watching an anime. I am Daymond Sanctum, Alpha OverSeer and OverSeer of the Platinum Sanctum. What happened this time. me and my loyal, fair and beautiful Queen Mefmera were watching a show called 'The Rising Of The Shield Hero.' We fell asleep after some time and when I awoke, low and behold, I was now in Naofumi's place as the Shield Hero, with Itsuki, Ren and Motoyasu around me. I could also sense that all thoe aboard 'The Absolution' and the ship itself were transported here as well. I sighed in releif at knowing I wasn't alone here. After a somewhat short conversation with me and the other 3, the king called for us.
"Future heroes, I am King Aultcray Melromarc XXXII and I am the king of this country."
We all did a slight bow before he spoke again.
"Now then, would our champions please introduce themselves?" he asked
I already knew what was coming so I stepped forward first.
"Daymond Sanctum." I said as I stepped back and notice a slight grunt of displeasure from the king.
'This guys either barely trying to hide his disdain or he is a terrible actor.'
"I'm Itsuki Kawasumi. I'm 17 years old and a high school student."
"Ren Amaki, 16 years old, high school student."
"I'm Motoyasu Kitamura, 21 years old and a college student."
'Why in the hell are they saying their education levels? Also, how old am I now? Well I no longer age so it doesn't really matter.'
After we all introduced ourselves we were given a short and rather sloppy explaination of how things worked in this world and the waves that have been appearing everywhere. Once the 3 of us were escorted to another room I closed my eyes and began communicating with Mefmera.
-que Elsword music: Eves slow theme
'Mera, can you hear me?'
'Yes dear, it happened again didn't it.'
'Seem's like it. At least I didn't end up back with Myusca, Vinum and Nemea.'
'Dear, you really need to practice maintaining control while you are sleeping.'
'I am aware of that.'
'What do you plan on doing?'
'Well, we're already here so might as well go through with it. Besides, I want to try something out here and turn this shield into an ultimate weapon.'
Ultimate weapon? are you going to try and create the Omni Shield?'
'You'll see once we get further into the story.'
'Dear, are you going to try to stop the rape accusation?'
'Can I ask why not?'
'I want things to be more interesting. Plus, it'll be wroth it to see the looks on those 2 royal pains faces when I turn the shield into the strongest weapon in this worlds history. Also, I would like for you to join me Mera'
'I see, when would you like me to join you?'
'After I pick up Raphtalia. I would like you to be like a motherly figure to her.'
'I gladly accept that role. until then, be careful dear.'
'Oh and before I forget, bring Lucianna with you.'
'why Lucianna? Is there something there that can help improve her potions and elixirs?'
'Yes, she can use the ingredients here to perfect her potion's. Also, I will need Taeo and Tina to come as well.'
'They are already getting ready. I figured you would want them the moment you mentioned making this world's ultimate weapon.'
'You read me like a book.'
'Tehe, I should also inform you dear, the ship is under water.'
'Great, let's keep it there. Where are you all anyway?'
'2'000 feet under the ocean.'
'Good thing the ship is indestructible.'
'Okay, I must go now. I will see you soon, my Queen.'
'Yes, take care my king.'
-End music-
We ended the telepathic comms. and I made my way back to the other 3 heroes where we discussed a few small things in which I nearly fell asleep from out of boredom. We merely discussed things like how this felt like a game and how I had the weakest weapon.
'For now that is.'
A fewe minutes later we were escorted to the dining hall and afterwards, were given beds to sleep in for the night.
'And so it begins.'
"I hope this provides some entertainment." spoke the gem on my left hand.
"I'm sure it will, as long as we don't break it." I replied
"We'll see, good night partner."
"Pleasant dreams, Dynastix." I said as I closed my eyes
-Next Morning-
We all gathered back in the throne room to meet our companions. I already knew how this was going to go down, but still held a neutral face.
"Hey Motoyasu, wanna make a wager?" I asked
"Huh, what kind of wager?" he asked
"I'll wager a dinner tonight that you get all females in your party." I said as I put my hand out for a handshake.
He looked at me and smiled as he shook my hand.
"I'll take that bet, I mean there's no way anyone can get that kind of luck." he said
I merely smiled before the king began to speak.
"Brave heroes, today you will receive your companions who shall assist you during your endeavors as well as you monthly funding's. Each warrior has selected the hero of their choosing to accompany. Now brave warriors, please enter."
At this, a group of 12 adventurer's entered the room. Once inside, each adventurer gravitated towards their chosen hero. Needless to say, no one joined me, which caused the king to smile. I slightly scuffed at this until Motoyasu noticed that all his companions were female before he turned towards me and a wide smirk came across my face.
"That'll be one lobster dinner for tonight, thank you." I said, causing his party to look on confused as he laughed sheepishly.
"Are you being serious right now?" questioned a shocked Itsuki.
"You do realize you have no partners right?" questioned Ren
'That's what you guys think. I actually have a whole army backing me.' I thought with a smirk.
"Yea, but I saw this coming lightyears away." I said nonchalantly.
"Well even I couldn't have foreseen this turn of events." said Aultcray as one of his advisors whispered something in his ear.
'This guy really is full of it.'
"I have also just been informed that the Shield Hero knows nothing of our world." said the king.
This brought a smirk to my face as the other 3 heroes were surprised at the fact someone was listening to our conversation last night.
"Do you have anything to say Shield Hero?" questioned the king.
"Two things actually. One, I wish to know the source of this rumor because it is obviously false, otherwise I wouldn't know about Demi-humans." I replied
The king raised his eyebrow at this as gossip went around the room.
"Two, in response to the fact that I have no companions I request additional funds for equipment and recruiting purposes. This will be of help until I am able to find at least one companion." I said
The king stroked his beard as if he was considering it.
"Very well, in response to the Shield Hero's party situation, the Shield Hero shall be given an extra 400 silver to assist him."
I smirked at this until I heard that one voice I didn't want to hear.
"Excuse me you highness, I would like to join the Shield Hero's party." spoke a female voice.
"Greaaaat." I said sarcastically, but softly enough so no one else could hear me.
Myne Sophia, also known as Malty Melromarc. The moment I saw her on the show I had already thought something was wrong. Think about it. Why would someone leave the supposedly strongest hero to join with the one who has almost no attack? Especially someone like her. No matter how you look at it, it was suspicious.
'I don't like this girl.'
'Neither do I Dynastix."
"Hey, are you sure about this?" asked Motoyasu
"Yes, the Shield Hero needs a companion to help him fight. I am fine with being his partner." she said as she smiled at me.
This however, had no effect on me. Firstly, 2 of my 5 primary wives are Tamamo, the nine tailed kitsune and Alma Elma, the queen of the succubus. Secondly, I was trapped in Succubus Prison and had to survive Myusca, Nemea and Vinum. I also managed to take down the pure white devil in that world after my power had returned from using revelations of infinity. After all that, you think I'd be fazed by something like this? If it's not Mefmera the answer is...
I merely sighed before extending my hand for a handshake.
"Welcome aboard." I said as she took my hand
"Glade to be working with you." she replied.
As we left the palace and proceeded through town I looked around and took notice that she was occasionally trying to flirt with me. Now if I didn't go through a lot of women before this then I would have went with it but after a while it just gets old. Not to mention the fact that I know I'm being deceived. We eventually arrive at the blacksmiths shop. As we entered I took notice of the gear he had already created. It wasn't bad, but nowhere near the level of Taeo and Tina's equipment.
'He could learn a lot from those two. I might have to introduce them.'
After a few moments, Ernhart came out of the back room.
"Welcome you adventurer's to my shop. What can I do for you folks?" he asked
"Yes, I am just starting out so I am in need of armor. I would like for each piece to be resistant against a different element and light enough to were I can still maneuver around fairly quick." I replied
Myne and Ernhart looked at me with slight surprise. They have no idea I'm just using this until Taeo and Tina come around here. He looked ready to also show me a weapon but I stopped him.
"No point in getting a weapon here, I cant use it thanks to this shield." I said as I held up the shield.
"Oh, so your the Shield Hero?" he questioned.
"Yea, not a good position to be in trust me." I replied
He merely nodded as I turned towards Myne.
"Myne, is there something in here you would recommend?" I asked my partner.
Myne then told me to wait for a minute as she went further into the shop. Once she was out of sight I motioned for the blacksmith to come closer.
"Does that girl look familiar to you?" I questioned
"Not entirely. I do get the feeling that I've seen her before but in my line of work I see a lot of people kid."
"I see, anyway something about this girl doesn't seem right and it is bothering me. You can call it paranoia but I think she's trying to set me up." I said.
"What exactly makes you say that?" he asked
I explained in short detail what I could but he still had a questioning look. Before I could say anymore, Myne returned with a sword and a rather expensive looking chain mail. I merely sighed before paying for everything, her claiming the sword was for herself, before leaving a bag with a note on it on the counter. As he was going to stop us I stopped him and using my eyes, told him 'read the note'. Fortunately I had chosen to leave my actual weapons on the ship. Not that it matters since I could summon them instantly to my exact location. Although, I highly doubt that I would actually need them. After leaving the blacksmiths we proceeded to the fields.
'Time for some exercise.' I thought as I stretched.
"Are you sure you want to go at this one alone Sir Shield Hero?" asked Myne
"Positive, I did study Brazilian Jujitsu a while back, as well as other forms of martial arts." I replied
"Oh, so you are more of a brawler type, but what is Brazilian Jujitsu?" she questioned
At that moment we noticed a pack of balloon monsters coming at us.
"Just watch." I said as I cracked my knuckles
Needles to say, I made short work of the entire pack. The entire pack tried biting me but with a few well timed and well placed punches and kicks they dropped like flies in a wild fire.
'Wow this is pathetic. I don't even need to channel energy into my attacks.'
Myne was watching the scene with surprise in her eyes. I could tell she wasn't expecting this as I could practically see the multitude of thoughts going through her head.
'So far so good.'
We continued going for a while and it didn't take long at all for me to reach level 10 thanks to me using acceleration to speed up the growth of the shield. Even Myne was flabbergasted at how fast I was leveling. I even took out a pack of wolves to finish the day. Once that was finished we made our way back to the city and checked into an Inn. Once situated we ordered some food for dinner as she read the map of Melromarc to me. She explained the layout of the fields that we were in, as well as some nearby villages and dungeons.
'Everything seems so simplistic.'
I then saw as I began eating, Myne pull out a bottle of wine.
'And so the plot has come to its climax.'
'Sir Daymond!'
On impulse, I jumped from my seat at the sudden voice in my head.
"PALLANUS!" I said loudly
Everyone in the dining area was now staring at me and Myne was looking at me with some concern.
"Umm, are you okay Sir Shield Hero?" she asked
"Yea, I'm fine, please excuse me for a bit." I said as I drank what was left of my water and dashed out behind the Inn. Once I was sure it was clear I sighed and started a telepathic link with Pallanus.
'Pallanus, was that you?'
'Yes sir'
Pallanus, the former leader of the Dark Knights from 7 Knights. She is now one of my 5 generals that lead my fighting forces. Her skills with a sword and powers are amazing to say the least and she is a brilliant tactician. I offered her to be one of my Queens to rule over Anterivias alongside myself, Mefmera, Tamamo and Alma Elma, but she refused stating that her place was on the battlefield.
'Sir, I have received word from Queen Mefmera about what has happened. I have traveled to this location aboard 'The Zion' star ship accompanied by 'The Mateese' and 'The Scion', all which are maintain position in the stratosphere.'
'So the entire mobile division is here then?'
'Yes also, we received an unexpected visitor.'
'A visitor! Who?'
'Umm...Valze, sir.'
A the mention of Valze's name my face turned blue.
'Umm...do you mean...that Valze?'
'Yes sir...that Valze.'
'Yes sir?'
'Go to standby, and keep Valze under watch.'
'Yes sir.'
'I will contact you again when the time comes.'
'Yes sir.'
I ended the communication and face palmed.
"Valze! why her? Why couldn't it have been anyone else? Even Myusca, no Levia would have been better then her." I said to myself before making my way back inside the Inn.
"Sorry about that, I had a little something to take care of." I said to Myne as I took my seat again.
"Something personal I assume?" she asked, earning a nod from me.
"That's fine, would you care for some wine?" she offered
"No offense to you, but after a small incident with a friend of mine (I'm talking about you Alma Elma.) I no longer accept alcohol from anyone except a select few." I stated
"This seemed to pique her interest.
"Would you mind telling me what happened?" she asked
"Nothing too big. She spiked my drink, I drunk it like a fool, blacked out and woke up the next morning with her hugging me in front of her body, both of us naked and the entire cities power was out for the whole day." I answered
'I still can't believe she became one of my wives just from that. I knew I should have kept my anti alcohol defense up around her. Speaking of, how did she even know I was vulnerable that day?'
After I finished my little tale I caught a quick glimpse of a smirk on Myne's face. She must have seen that I noticed it because she quickly switched back to her fake self.
"So you don't trust me then?" she asked
I turned absolutely serious to answer her question.
"No I don't. Not to that extent. I've just met you today so I know very little about you but there are already things I can tell about from being around you today. Think of today as part of a test." I said
She looked at me with slight surprise as I continued to look her in the eyes. She had definitely been rattled a bit from what I had just said.
"What are some things that you have noticed about me?" she asked
I merely smiled at that before standing un and finishing my last glass of water.
"I'll tell you tomorrow for your final evaluation. Well, I'm tunring in for the night, I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I paid the fee and proceeded to my room. Myne wished me 'sweet dreams' and as she did I sensed a wicked smirk on her face from behind. I also noticed Motoyasu, Itsuki and Ren entering the Inn but I choose to ignore all of that. There was only one thing on my mind right now. As i reached my room I sighed as i put down my belongings and moved a dresser in front of the door.
'Time to drop the act Malty, and once you do I'm done being nice.'
I then sat down on the bed and hid the rest of the money I had in the shield. As I was preparing to sleep I decided to do one more telepathic call.
'Are you awake honey?'
'Yes, I'm in the hot spring.'
I blushed as I pictured Mefmera in the hot springs.
'Umm dear, I can see your thoughts like this.'
'It's fine dear. We are each others first after all.'
My face turned a crimson mask remembering our first time before we married.
'oh...oh my...darling...that's really graphic.'
'S-sorry, anyway, it starts tomorrow.'
'Do you still wish for me to join you after you and Raphtalia have bonded some?'
'Yes, also I plan to have Pallanus lead the sky dragon battalion into the coming wave battle.'
'Why Pallanus and not Granberia?'
'I want Raphtalia to train under both of them but just Pallanus for now. she can learn the basics from her and use them to improve her chances of learning to fully control Granberia's techniques. I could teach them to her myself but I am hoping she, Filo, Fitoria and others will join us on Anterivias.'
'I see, very well, I shall contact Pallanus and Granberia to inform them now.'
'Thank you hun, also...how is Valze?'
'Dear...she has destroyed 2 energy siphons and put 30% of the thunder horse battalion in emergency care.'
I face palmed at this.
'Is that the reason I couldn't reach Issei or Vali?'
'Yes, they have restrained her but they are trying to fix the damage already done. Rias and the others are helping as well.'
'Good to know. I will see you soon my dear.'
'I am looking forward to it dear. Our first adventure together since MGQ.'
'Yes, my love and Queen.'
'Yes, my love and King.'
We ended our call and I sighed as my heart began to swell at the thought of us traveling together again. I wasn't even worried about what I knew was coming. All I could think about was my adventure with Mefmera. I fell asleep into a blissful dream of me, Raphtalia, Filo, Atla, Fitoria and Mefmera all enjoying a picnic in the grassfields.
Hey folks, I am back ftm. I am still really busy so I don't know when I'll be able to do this again so please be patient wit me. I will add a new chapter to MGQ and BTA as soon as I can. I have already completed chapter 2 of this story and will post it possibly sometime next week due to time constraints.
Also, I do not own Rising Of The Shield Hero or its characters. I due own Daymond, Tina and Taeo however.
Daymond Sanctum signing out.