It's been two days since Deeks' confession. Two days days since Nell started to think about her plan. And today she found it. She just needed to be with Deeks alone for a moment and she'd be good.

Nell had called Kensi this morning, advertising her friend of her visit later today. She had been pleased to learn from her friend that she would be alone with the detective, Kensi leaving in the afternoon.

During this time, Deeks was replaying all the moments between Kensi and him since his reawakening in his head. Because, no matter how much she denied it, Kensi Blye kissed him back earlier with passion, but it wasn't what made Deeks confused. No, it was the feeling of familiarity when her lips touched his. He knows that their job must have obliged them to kiss undercover before, but it was more than that ; it was too familiar. he felt like he already knew her lips by heart and loved it.

But why would she lies? That was the famous question that the detective had been replaying in reboot over and over without finding an answer. If they were in love, why would she be lying about this? She should be happy about his recovery. She should be happy that he hadn't forgot her. She should be in his arms right now, never leaving them again. So why was his partner gone leaving him alone with his thoughts? Now thinking so much about his beautiful partner ( and maybe lover ) made Deeks ache for her. If she is not my girlfriend, then shes must have been really important to me, because she's always on my mind. Maybe best friend?, thought Deeks.

Exhausted by all the thinking of the last hour, the LAPD liaison decided to go to sleep. But his little redhead friend had other plans for him. Nell's gentle knocks on the door woke him up. Can I come in?, asked the analyst unsure if Deeks remembered her. Of course, come in, Nell, replied the detective still clouded by sleep.

I'm happy to see you. How could I forget my favorite redhead on earth?, Deeks said playfully to his friend when she was seated beside his bed a few seconds later. I'm happy to see you too, Deeks. I missed you a lot, I was so worried. I'm okay now, almost remember everything.

Really?, retorted Nell surprised by this revelation. Did Kensi change her plan? Did she tell him everything?

Yeah, I remember the team with Sam and Callen, Eric and you upstairs, Hetty our boss and... Kensi, my partner, continued the blond man. Your partner... , insisted the analyst. Yeah, only my partner. Why?, Deeks asked curious. Damn it, Kensi! What did you tell him?

Actually, Deeks... , started Nell.

I'm coming!, Kensi said loudly getting up to answer the door, leaving her couch and ice cream for later.

Mom? What are... come in, the federal agent invited, when the surprise of seeing her mom subsisted.

The brunette led her mom to the kitchen table, where both women sat with a new coffee in hand.

How are you doing, sweetie?, started Julia. I'm good, answered Kensi, conscious of her messy hair and red eyes telling otherwise.

Really, because you seem a bit... shaken, wondered Miss. Feldman. Is it Deeks? Kensi didn't answer looking everywhere, but at her mother. She was obviously avoiding Julia's eyes.

What are you afraid of, baby girl? I already know your secret. You really thought that me and Nell would let you destroy everything you have in this life, the thing making you the happiest?, thought Julia.

Baby?, Kensi's mother called. The federal agent finally looked up, but where she thought would have been concern in her mother's, instead was understanding. Kensi supported Julia's gaze during about a minute, before letting the first tears fall.

How do you know?, asked Kensi in a broken voice. Nell, simply retorted her mom. The tall brunette exhaled deeply letting her know her displeasure. Kensi, what are you doing? Why are you doing that?

Because I love him, mom, murmured Kensi defeated. Miss. Feldman said nothing, letting her daughter continue. I love him so much, it hurts, mom. Every time I close my eyes and imagine a future without him, I cry in pain. Do you think I do it, because I'm heartless?

No baby, I am just wondering why you would do this to him if you say that you love Deeks so much? Because i don't have any other choices, mom! He was going to end us, mom. He called off her engagement before our last mission. All I'm doing is letting him go without the pain of our break-up. He won't remember me and our dreams. He won't remember all the promised I made him and then called off. He won't remember all the things that I refused him, things he deserves more than anything.

Baby..., Julia whispered taking her shaking daughter in her arms. I understand your reasons baby, but it's not strong enough to beat all the other reasons to tell him everything. The connection you have with Martin is so deep, baby girl. You two went through difficult situations before already, Martin and you can figure it out.

But what if we can't, mom? I don't want to see him walk away from me if we are not able to talk or can't find a solution. I'd rather go blind than see him walk away from me.

Julia let her daughter cry in her arms and waited till she pulled herself together and dried her tears before telling her where Nell was and why.

Baby, I have something to tell you...

I'm sorry, Deeks, finished Nell. The LAPD detective stayed frozen in his bed, shook to his core.

Engaged. It was way more than a girlfriend/boyfriend thing. They were engaged. And Martin Deeks knew that if he had asked Kensi Marie Blye to marry him, it was because he had knew that she was the one for him.

Why?, asked Deeks. Hum..., Nell wasn't following him.

Why did she do that? Why did she lie to me, repeated Deeks a trace of anger in his voice. Why, if she loved me, would she pretend that there had never been an us before?

She was protecting you and... herself, responded Nell softly.

Protecting me?, shouted Deeks, showing how much the turn of events was affecting him. How was she protecting me exactly? Because to me its seems like she wanted to dump me and grasped the occasion given to her, continued the detective. And that thought hurts even more than thinking they had never been in a relationship before.

How could you think that?, asked Kensi erupting in his room with her mom behind her. Julia and Nell exchanged an accomplice look an a small smile, both women proud of their stratagem.

How could you think for a minute, for a second, that I don't love you?, repeated Kensi louder this time, tears purling at her eyes. Deeks didn't answer, too angry to answer.

Because I love you so much Martin Deeks that every time I think of you with another woman, happy and in love, a woman who isn't me, a woman who hasn't let the best man in her life go, I am sick.

Then why, Kensi?, asked Deeks. Because you're not making any sense right now.

You called off our wedding, Deeks. You broke up with me, because I wasn't enough for you. Why would I want you to remember everything?, asked Kensi crying, fearing of seeing him walk away for good now that he knew all the story.

I called off the wedding, because we needed to talk before tying the knot. I wasn't breaking up with you, Kensi. I needed you too much to leave you. You were my life, damn it!

You used the past tense, the brunette said brokenly crying harder when Deeks finished. This is over.

I don't know what I should be thinking right now, Kens. You were ready to let me go without fighting for me. What does that tell me?

I never wanted to let you go, Deeks.

Do you still want to marry me, Kens?, Deeks asked, having the need to know.

Of course, Martin Deeks. I'd marry you now if you'd tell me that you still want me, immediately answered Kensi knowing that her answer was important.

Are you willing to talk with me and figure out how we are going to make it work?


Then it's not over. There's still hope that we can make it through, Kensi. I don't want to lose you, Deeks finished.

And I don't want to lose you.

I love you. I love you.


The end?