Percy's POV:

Welp, this stinks.

Still strapped to the hospital bed thing, I look around. "Well I can't go and see your stupid director while stuck here, can I."

Spangles speaks up, "Right, well we can't just take off the restraints and walk you to our director with nothing. Sorry, but we must follow protocol." He turns towards doctor dude before continuing, "Banner, I'll keep him still, take off the straps and put on the handcuffs."

Well this is pleasant. Notice the sarcasm.

I'm quite literally in a bind. No seriously, the weirdos have me handcuffed and are flanking me as they guide me to a cordial chat with their 'director'. The worst part is, however, has nothing to do with me being kidnapped. Annabeth is going to kill me.

I've gone missing quite enough in her opinion, though I've said it's not as bad as it could've been (she punched me for saying that, and it hurt a lot), and we have a date tonight. We were going to go walking around Central Park after a delectable dinner at Chili's (I'm a high school junior, Chili's is the best I can afford). Then we were planning to study for my Algebra test tomorrow because the gods know I can't do math for the life of me. Sadly though, I have a feeling that won't be happening tonight.

Tin Can Man jolts me out of my thoughts. "Hey kid, you're awfully calm for someone in your position. What are you thinking about?"

Me being me, I snarkily retort, "Well wouldn't you like to know?"

I guess the walking Tin Can is snarky as well as he replies, "Yes, yes I would. Do tell."

"Uuggghhh. Fine. I was just thinking about how you idiots are making me miss my date tonight. Thanks a lot, my girlfriend will kill me for missing it."

A few people laughed a bit and I swear I heard the Spider Dude chuckle when I mumble "and I really need to study for my test tomorrow" although I doubt anyone else heard.

"Okay," Spangles says, "here we are."

We all walk into this one room where a bald dude with an eyepatch sits somewhat menacingly at the head of a nice looking table. And I mean a really nice looking table. He excuses all but six of my escorts and practically orders the rest of us to sit down. I notice that those that remain are the doctor dude, the arrow dude, tin can, the redhead, medieval man, and spangles. Yup, totally pleasant (again, notice the sarcasm).

"Mr. Jackson," Pirate Guy starts, "do you know why you're here?"

"That must be the most stupid question I've ever heard, at least from a one eyed wonder." At this, tin can man chuckles. "No one has told me what the flippity flap is going on. Please make it quick, I have a date tonight and my girlfriend is not one to get angry." Seriously though, Annabeth is scary when she's mad, I'd rather not make her angry again.

Pirate Guy slams a rather large file on the table. "You are here, Mr. Jackson, because of this." He opens the file, not the first page, but somewhere in the middle, and slides it over to me. Of course, I can't pull it closer to me to get a better look because my hands are still cuffed behind my back, but I can still see the page it's opened on. There are several blurry pictures of me in varying places, but it's not too blurry for me to be identified.

The One-Eyed Wonder continues, "Now as you see here, Jackson, these are images of you at the scenes of several mysterious incidents. This picture here, The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. Witnesses had varying replies, some saying your pet dog had run off and you were trying to catch it, a few others said it was a massive lion, and you were fighting it. The security footage is just as unreliable. The security guards working at the Smithsonian reviewed the footage several times, and they each saw one of the two previously stated situations." Then, he pointed at another picture on the page. "This parking lot was destroyed by yet another mysterious circumstance, which you were also present at. We are lucky the office building situated by the parking lot had one security camera left intact, or we wouldn't have this fine image of you at the scene." He pointed at yet another picture, and to avoid saying anything I'll regret, I keep quiet. "Westover Hall. Do you remember what occurred there? You, and two as of right now unidentified and unsuspected companions snuck into a school dance, according to witnesses and surveillance cameras, but your departure led to the disappearance of two students and a teacher, as well as a suspected death of one of your companions. These other pictures, as well as the countless files and witness reports put you at the scene of several very suspicious incidents."

He paused, obviously waiting for me to explain. However, before I could come up with an explanation, Tin Can Man, although no longer a Tin Can (maybe I'll call him Epic Facial Hair Man, haven't decided yet. I'll just stick to Tin Can for now) spoke up. "Okay Nick, what's going on here? You get Legolas and Natasha over there to kidnap a kid probably no older than 15." I scoff and quietly say, "I'm 17", but Tin Can continues without a pause, "The kid's a minor, and you bring him here for what, no one can agree on what happened whenever he's around? Most likely, the kid has just been in the wrong place at the wrong time, or some people are simply delusional. You can't arrest a minor because you're paranoid! Explain." The doctor dude from earlier looks like he wants to intervene, but is too nervous to, and the others - the redhead,

arrow guy, spangles, and medieval man - simply look intrigued, wanting the same answers as Tin Can.

One-Eyed Wonder, referred to by the tin can as Nick, begins his explanation, a really boring one at that, although I pay attention because I want to know why I'm here too, "This kid is Perseus Achilles Jackson. Suspect of 47 incidents recorded by surveillance cameras, including murder, damage of public property, damage of private property, travelling without proper documentation, kidnapping, participating in a public shoot out, involved in several explosions, and thievery. He has also been reported missing at least three times, has been reportedly kidnapped, been the focus of a nationwide manhunt, and has been proclaimed dead at least once. Every time we have found sufficient evidence to apprehend him, despite his being a minor, the evidence is manipulated, despite only my most trusted agents being allowed to handle it, and it being under constant surveillance. I have sent out several agents to confront Mr. Jackson before, but they all return without remembering where they were going in the first place. Because of this, I have reason to suspect that Mr. Jackson here is highly dangerous and should be apprehended immediately. I sent Barton and Romanoff to capture him for questioning so we can get answers and determine what should be done in this situation."

Okay, so I can guess that Eyepatch man is a government dude, maybe a secret agent government dude (that would actually be so cool if I'm being honest) and I'm here because the Mist wasn't able to fully erase all of my monster and deity mishaps. So that's one thing explained, but not everything. "So, eyepatch man, pirate guy, one-eyed wonder," this earns yet another small chuckle/snort from tin can, "sorry, I didn't catch your name, or any of yours to be honest. You brought me here to question me, right? What time is it? I'm supposed to meet Annabeth at 7 for our date tonight, and last time I was late, she didn't talk to me for half of the entire date, so can you please get questioning so I can leave? Also, these handcuffs are really uncomfortable, I can't even lean back because that's where you've conveniently handcuffed me. Can you at least handcuff me with my hands in the front?"

Pirate guy nods almost indiscreetly, and arrow guy, who has the keys to my handcuff, approaches me, saying, "No funny business kid. It'll only bring you more trouble." I nod, silently pondering what he means by more trouble. He holds my wrist tightly, so I won't be able to run off, and unlocks my handcuffs, before pulling my hands to the front and handcuffing them again. "Thanks." I say as I lean back comfortably against the chair. I know there was literally no reason for me to thank him, as he was still keeping me captive, but what can I say, I'm a nice guy (if you ignore me killing monsters and turning down gods every other day).

That exchange happens within probably no more than 20 seconds, and Eyepatch man starts talking nearly immediately, "I do not believe that you will be going on that date tonight Mr. Jackson. I am Director Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D., and those two," he points at the arrow guy and redhead who kidnapped me earlier, "are my best agents, Agent Barton, and Agent Romanoff." He points at each in turn while introducing the two names. I do a little, awkward handcuff wave,

accompanied by a "Hey." Director Fury, as he called himself, continues, "They are members of the Avengers, as are those four." The Fury guy sits back and lets them introduce themselves.

Tin can man steps forward first, rather pompously, if I'm being honest and introduces himself, "I'm honestly quite surprised that you have no idea who I am, but I'm Tony Stark, genius, billionaire, no-longer-playboy, philanthropist, and Iron Man." I reply, somewhat enthusiastically, as he seems more laid back than the others whom I have interacted with so far, "So when you're in that cool metal suit you're called Iron Man and not Tin Can Man? That's kind of what I've been calling you in my head, because I had no idea who you were, but that's totally epic. What can you do in that suit? It looks super high techy. Can it fly? I bet it can fly."

Spangles cut me off before I can continue ranting, and also probably to stop an equally long response from Tin Can, sorry, Tony Stark, who looked like he was about to cut in as well, "Hello, my name is Steve Rogers, but many people refer to me as Captain America. You seem like a good kid, but orders are orders. Sorry kid." I reply easily, realizing that I've heard about him somewhere, "Nah, it's fine. I think I have heard about you though. My mom bought me a few comic books once years ago, but because I'm dyslexic, I never got much into them. Like, I get why my mom thought I'd like them because there's a lot of pictures, but it would've been cooler if I could actually get some more context out of the comics without having to read it, so I never really bothered with them too much after reading them once. I would've simply never read them, but we never had much money, mostly because my old step dad Gabe spent a lot playing poker, but I did read them because my mom worked harder so she could earn the extra money to get the comic books for my birthday. Sorry, what was I talking about again?" I got caught up in rambling again, and I forgot what I was trying to lead up to. Spangles clears his throat and tells me, "You said something about you having heard about me somewhere before?" That clarified it for me. "Yeah, that's right, so as I was trying to say, one of those comic books was about you. I think." After a moment, Steve Rogers, as he introduced himself, says a quick, "Right." before allowing the medieval man to introduce himself.

"Hello son of Jack. I am Thor, son of Odin, prince of Asgard and the God of Thunder." His voice is very powerful as he speaks. I reply, "So you're a god?" Ugh. I can't believe there are more gods of thunder, one is enough, although this one seems better than Zeus. I hear thunder rumble in the distance at that thought. "Also, I am not the son of Jack. I don't even know a Jack. My step dad is called Paul." Tony Stark interrupts, "I thought you said your step dad was named Gabe." I forgot I said that. "Yeah, but my mom realized he was terrible and abusive, so she remarried and moved to a better apartment. My new step dad is named Paul and now I have a baby sister!" I reply with a huge grin on my face. Out of all of the people in the world that make me the happiest, it's Annabeth, my Mom, Paul, and Estelle. Thor asks me a question, which the other's seem interested in too, "You said you've had two step dads. What happened to your father and where is he?" I grimace, I was hoping no one would ask, "He went missing at sea before I was born. I've never met him." Luckily I had already had a good excuse from the years I actually believed it, so I didn't have to come up with another terrible excuse (I've never been known to come up with good excuses). No one spoke up, so I turned to the doctor dude and asked, "So I now know all of them, but who are you?"

"Um, I'm Doctor Bruce Banner. May I ask you something quickly, I'm just curious about something." I reply, "Well, seeing as I'm handcuffed and your director over there wants me to participate in an interrogation, I don't see any point in denying your request. Go right ahead." The doctor dude, Bruce Banner, who is actually a doctor (I guessed right I guess) seemed timid, but I don't think it's just because of me, he just seems like an all around nervous guy, like that one kid in every class who's super smart, but too nervous to raise their hand or talk to their neighbors when the teacher instructs the class to do so. Anyways, he starts talking again after I gave him permission to ask me a question (although I really don't think I have much of a choice with that Director Fury observing these exchanges). "Well, Perseus," he starts, using my first name, probably to seem more friendly, but I cut him off, "It's just Percy, I really don't like being called Perseus." He nods and continues, "Percy, you seem to be very jittery, tapping your foot like that," I quickly look down and realize that I am tapping my foot, I didn't even realize I was doing it. He continues, "you seem to ramble a lot and forget the topic when you do, and I've noticed you become unfocused several times before returning your focus to the conversation. I'm sorry if this seems intrusive, but have you been diagnosed with any attention disorders?"

Before I can reply that, yes, I have ADHD, the director dude replies for me, "Mr. Jackson has Dyslexia, as he has already stated, as well as ADHD and a recently diagnosed PTSD, according to his medical records." I am shocked, "Hey, isn't it illegal to look at someone's medical records without consent? Like yeah, I know I'm a minor, but shouldn't you at least get consent from my mom or step dad? What ever happened to doctor-patient confidentiality?" The director gives me a cold glare before responding, "Under normal circumstances, yes. But as the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., I have access to confidential documents such as those provided by your therapist under situations which I deem necessary."

The therapist that he is referring to, a fourth generation legacy of Apollo (my mom forced me to go ever since I got back from the Giant War), would never give up my diagnosis to anyone without permission, so I believe that the director dude probably had his computer hacked (yeah, technology is dangerous, but my therapist is a fourth generation, and while he doesn't have to record anything I tell him, he is supposed to record any diagnosis his patients have or whatever so if needs be, it can be sent to approved people or other doctors, as I understand it). "That is still an invasion of privacy! Only my mom and step dad know about my PTSD! I haven't even told my girlfriend! Out of all of the people in the world, someone that I have never met before today is not someone I'd want snooping through my private life!" I scoot down in my chair and brood, grumpily.

The director dude does not seem happy with my outburst and tells me, "I can do as I please if the person is found suspect of as many crimes as you are." Without looking away from me, he barks, "Romanoff, escort Mr. Jackson to the interrogation room. I want some answers. Now." And with that, he walks out of the room. The air in the room is tense, as the Avenger people I

had just been introduced to stood there awkwardly. The redheaded Agent Romanoff stands up, and without a word, she follows her director's instructions and grabs my arm, pulling me out the door. I do, however, say a quick, "Bye!" right as I am pulled out of the room full of silent, self-proclaimed superheroes.

I am pulled (by pull, I mean she was holding on to my arm and not letting go as she walked quickly) down several hallways, despite me telling the redhead that I can walk for myself. I'm just lucky that the director dude let me have my arms handcuffed in front of me, because this would be so much more uncomfortable if I had to walk with my arms behind me. Finally, after what feels like 5 minutes because it probably was, she pulls me into a stereotypical interrogation room, from the table (with the thing to handcuff) me to the one-way mirror. She briskly attaches my handcuffs to the table and pushes me down onto the chair, and walks out.

There's a clock on the wall to the left of me and looking at it, I see that it's about 11:35. The arrow I was shot with probably had me out for a few more hours than I originally thought. I bang my head on the table and just sit there, annoyed that these people made me miss my date. Is this what Poseidon was talking about when he told me that this will be a rough time for me? Or is this just the beginning?

A/N Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm terrible for updating over half a year after my last update, but in my defense, I'm lazy, depressed, and I lacked motivation. Sorry for the cheesy ending, and for the entire chapter being cheesy. I will attempt to update more, but that's sadly not a promise. However, it is more likely because I'm ignoring my schoolwork. But anyways, this chapter is barely three thousand words so please accept that as an apology.