Just a heads up, I have never written anything outside of boring essays. I will try to keep all of my chapters at a 1000 word minimum, not including any author's note I end up making. If I do have an author's note, it will be bold. It won't be necessary to read it unless you want to. I will not ever use a curse word (unless if you count 'demigod curse words' or words like 'crap') and this story is only rated T because it's better safe than sorry. If you have any ideas, I'll read them, but don't be upset if I don't use it because this is my story. I'm sorry if you don't enjoy my story whether it be because of grammar mistakes, bad plot, incorrect usage of the characters, etc. I'd love to hear ideas on how I can improve. Hope you enjoy!

Percy's POV

Percy was having a normal day when everything went to crap.

School had just ended and Paul offered to give Percy a ride home. Deciding that it was a nice day to walk home, he declined. Percy was walking along the Hudson River on his way home taking the long route, when all of a sudden his senses alerted in the way that only occurs when he's about to be attacked.

Under the guise of taking a break, Percy sat on a bench with his back to the river and surveyed the area.

In the corner of his eye he saw a tall, brown haired man on a nearby bench pretending to read a newspaper. However, he hasn't flipped the page once in the few minutes Percy's been there and he's way to stiff, only his eyes appear to be moving. Note that his eyes almost never brushed the page, although from Percy's point of view, he couldn't tell.

About twenty yards away from both the strange man and Percy stood a redhead doing some stretching. She was in running clothes, her short red hair tied up in a short ponytail. Anyone else would think she was preparing for a run, but Percy knew better. All his years of having to detect monsters before they revealed themselves has shown Percy the best ways to determine if someone or something was in disguise.

Percy stood up and slung his backpack onto his shoulders after determining that these were the only two watching him. Just about five seconds after he stood up, the redhead stepped onto the sidewalk by the river, doing a runner's typical last minute stretching. Percy walked past the man on the bench and was about 20 feet away when he heard the crinkle of paper being put down. And while no normal mortal would be able to pick it up, he heard both people's footsteps walking towards him. Yeah, they were definitely following him.

Percy knew he couldn't go home until he lost them, so in his head he mapped out the route he would take, while turning away from the river. He got to the alley behind the grocery store he was planning to lead them to and now here we are.

Percy stopped halfway through the alley and turned around to see his two stalkers standing at the entrance. "Perseus Jackson" the redhead said, "you are coming with us."

Percy smirked. "Are you sure about that? I've dealt with far greater than you. And seriously, if you guys were trying to follow me, you didn't do it that subtly." He chuckles to himself at their slightly shocked expressions. "Wait, you thought that I didn't notice you?"

The brunette stepped forward slightly holding a bow with an already notched arrow. Where did that come from? "You don't need to know anything. I'll repeat, you, Perseus Jackson are coming with us."

Percy displayed his best lopsided grin and said, "First of all, my name is Percy. Secondly, I'm not coming with you."

With that, Percy chucked his heavy backpack at the brunette and took off running.

The redhead smiled to herself. Percy had run farther into the alley, which is a dead end by the way. "Come on Clint. He can't get far."

The alley was narrow, which the redhead and Clint, Percy figured his name was, thought would make it easier to detain the teen. What they didn't know was that Percy was good at parkour. He was halfway up the alley when Clint shot him.

The arrow seemed to be designed to make someone pass out because Percy was starting to get drowsy. Being a demigod has its perks, Percy thought, I probably would be unconscious if it weren't for my godlike stamina.

But the arrow made his climb up the alley slower, giving the brunette dude another chance to shoot him. This time, he felt his entire body become drowsy and he had trouble keeping his eyes open. He fell about fifteen feet onto his head and then he was out cold.

Natasha's POV

Natasha had never see someone need two of Clint's sedation arrows, or whatever stupid name he calls them, to be knocked unconscious. And the boy probably would've needed a third shot if he didn't fall straight on his head.

Natasha and Clint both ran up to Percy (that's what he told them he goes by) and we're relieved to feel a pulse. A fall on your head like that would've killed anybody, and while Clint and Natasha are assassins, they both have aversions to killing children, whether it be an accident or not. That and Fury wants the kid alive. Not to mention that Clint had children of his own, some close to Percy's age.

Clint offered to go get the van and bring it around, so I stayed out with Percy. As I waited, I gently took the arrows off of the boy. Luckily, the arrows just had a substance allowing it to stick to the target coating the tip and had a little needle sticking out to sedate the target. If Clint used his normal arrows, Percy would have large gashes in his side and leg and Nat would have to at least patch it up.

Why would Fury want a teenager? Usually, all my targets were adults who ran illegal drug businesses or something, so why a kid? Natasha knew that she would do her job no matter how averse she was to it, but she really didn't want to inflict any harm on the young boy. Especially one with such a haunted look in his eyes.

She was so lost in thought that Natasha didn't notice that the van had been pulled up and Clint was standing behind her. That was even more strange because she was never caught off guard.

"Natasha. Don't just sit there. are you going to help me carry him in or what?" Clint's voice had a tinge of annoyance.

Natasha sighed in exasperation and grabbed Percy's legs while Clint grabbed the arms. Together they pulled him into the back seat of the van and drove off.