STORY TITLE: A Secret Worth Keeping

PART: 01 of ?
AUTHOR: Red Jacobson ( )
DISTRIBUTION: My Yahoo Group, , HP FanFiction Archive, Archive of Our Own, Hentai-Foundry, Questionable Questing
DISCLAIMER: None of the Characters You Recognize belong to me, they all belong to JK Rowling and her publishers.
SUMMARY: Post War, Harry Potter is a Diplomat for the Ministry. He's also a man with a dirty little secret, he's having an affair with the mother of his best friend!

FEEDBACK: Of course! It Makes Me Write Faster
RELATIONSHIPS: Harry/Alice Longbottom
SPOILERS: None, if you don't know how the Harry Potter story goes by now, why are you reading this story? Extremely AU, Neville is the Boy Who Lived, and Harry was raised by Sirius and Remus.
WARNINGS: If You've ever read any of my stories, you know what to expect, Oral, anal, Femme-slash, dom/sub, multiple partners, and Femme-cest.

AUTHORS NOTES: This is a story that's been bugging me for a little while, and a pairing I've never written before. Some of you may wonder, if Neville is the Boy Who Lived, how is Alice still alive? Don't worry, all will be revealed!

Ministry of Magic


May 12th, 2006

8:00 pm

The dinner was over, finally, and Harry sat back in his seat, wiping his face with the cloth napkin from his lap. He really wasn't all that interested in being here, but with it being a celebration of the Battle of Hogwarts where Neville finally sent Tom Riddle to hell, and he managed to end all three Lestrange's, he was obligated to be there. If he'd been thinking at the time, he could have scheduled his mission to the Veela Enclave so that he would still be in France when the Ministry held the celebration of their cowardice while he and Neville had led the students against Voldemort!

Unfortunately, some of his thoughts must have shown on his face because he felt Hermione's glare from across the table. Looking up, he could see exactly what she was thinking, because he and Ron had been on the receiving end of several of her rants on the subject, but she was a better politician than he was, and kept a politely interested smile on her face as the first of the endless line of speakers stepped up to the podium.

In his defense though, Harry did have a lot on his mind, not to mention suffering from travel lag after the last several weeks dealing with the Veela. Lifting his glass of wine, he let his eyes roam around the room, seeing who was there that had actually been useful when it came to the sharp edge of things. Of course, Sirius was there, with his latest girlfriend, Harry couldn't remember her name at the moment, but she probably wouldn't be around long enough for it to matter anyway.

It'd been the same way ever since he could remember when he was four or five growing up with Uncle Paddy and Uncle Moony, but at least Moony had finally settled down with Tonks, and those two were on the third year of their honeymoon! The two of them had been instrumental at the final battle, keeping Lucius occupied so that Ron could kill Nagini while Hermione helped him take out all three of the Lestrange's.

There were a few others from the battle scattered around the room, Daphne and Pansy, who had rallied the Slytherins to fight Snape were sitting together, as always. Squinting slightly, Harry could make out the glamour covering Pansy's collar, but nobody else seemed to notice.

Seeing that Neville was approaching the podium, Harry sat up straight in his seat. He knew that his near brother would be hating to give a speech as much as he would, but Neville accepted it with more grace than he would. As Neville started speaking, Harry's eyes slid, almost involuntarily, to the couple who were seated at the Head Table, watching their son intently. Frank and Alice looked the way they always did in public, Frank sitting straight in his chair, his awards gleaming on his Auror dress robes, while Alice sat beside him, her Healer robes immaculate, a serene smile on her face.

Neville was looking out over the room as he acknowledged the dignitaries in the room, and his eyes met Harry's, giving a slight nod of recognition, a shared bond that didn't need words.

"And I'd also like to recognize someone who isn't here with us, but it was her sacrifice that directly led to the initial downfall of Tom Riddle back on Halloween of 1981. I'm referring of course, to my grandmother, Augusta Longbottom. My parents were out that night, taking the fight to the Death Eaters, and my grandmother offered to protect me since it was known that both Harry and I were targets of the madman. We all know what happened that night, I've carried the scar and the unfortunate title of 'the Boy Who Lived' ever since. I would like all of you to raise your glass in a toast to the woman who gave her life to save us all. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, Augusta Longbottom!"

The entire crowd called out "Augusta Longbottom" as they raised their glasses in a salute, before taking a drink. Harry saw that Frank while trying to appear stoic, was struggling with his emotions, and Alice was quietly supporting him. It seemed strange to see Alice looking so perfect when it was less than three hours before that the two of them had been fucking like animals all through his office!


Harry bit back a yawn as he stepped into the Atrium from the Portkey arrival area, Tonks right beside him. He shook his head at the woman, she'd been grousing non-stop about being away from her husband, and he finally just looked at her and said, "Tonks, I don't get why you are complaining. You've only been away for a maximum of six hours, just long enough to take the Portkey to the Paris Embassy to meet me, have a cup or two of coffee while I finished up my paperwork, and now we are back in England. You'd think you'd been with me the entire month that I was gone, not just a couple of hours!"

"Yeah, but Remus and I are still in the honeymoon stage, and it's been hours since we shagged." She grumbled quietly, aware that they weren't alone. "It wouldn't have been so bad if you'd dragged me into the ladies' for a quickie, but you couldn't even help a girl out that much, selfish bastard!"

Harry snorted, "You lost the bet, Tonks and you know it. You and Remus both agreed to the terms, and there wasn't room, or time, for me to tie you up and enjoy myself. If you had been sensible and arrived yesterday, there was plenty of room in my hotel to give you what you want, but you lost out. Now, quit your bitching, your husband is less than a minute away, go bother him!"

Casting a quick notice me not around the two of them, Harry reached out and slapped Tonks' shapely arse to send her scurrying on her way.

Harry smirked as he watched her, knowing that Remus would have her bent over the desk in her office before they even said hello! Tonks had to have the highest sex drive of any woman he'd ever encountered, it even strained Moony's stamina as a werewolf. But they managed to find a solution, as he was well aware.

He put the memories of the times the pinkette stripped down and got on her knees in front of him, with Moony laughing and cheering her on, out of his mind. It wouldn't be a good idea to meet with Kingsley with a tent pole sticking out of his robes, the Minister would not be amused!


Harry managed to keep from swearing until he had left the office, but he would happily have turned Kingsley's office blue with his language! He'd really wanted to get home and shower and relax before having to come back for the damned celebration tonight! But no, the bastard (and honestly, he was turning out to be almost as bad as Fudge, just less corrupt!) wanted to look good in front of the Wizengamot meeting tomorrow afternoon, so he had to finish the report and have it on the Minister's desk by noon tomorrow. Buggering arsehole! Things would be so much more pleasant if he'd been the one to catch Tommy's curse instead of Slughorn. At least Sluggy was a decent teacher and served a useful purpose!

He was heading for his office when he stopped, "Shite! Tonks still has some of the data I need for the report. Hopefully she and Moony are taking a break."

Turning around, he headed for the lift, still cursing the Minister under his breath. Not for the first time he envied Neville. Neville had taken the smart path and stayed out of politics, taking over for Professor Sprout when she retired. If Harry wasn't so damned good at his job, and not wanting Kingsley to put one of his flunkies into the position, he'd have taken Minerva's offer to teach DADA years ago!

Getting off the lift, he totally missed the speculative glance from Lavender Brown, who had just stepped out of her office in the Education Department. It wouldn't have surprised him if he had noticed it though, he and Lavender had enjoyed a rather torrid relationship for a few months during their Fifth year, and she'd told him that she was open to a friendly relationship if he was interested. There was a time that he might have taken her up on it, she was extremely uninhibited, and didn't think that a shag equaled a betrothal, but ever since he'd met his 'lovely little secret' as she called it, he didn't have the time for more than a casual fling.

It was funny, he really hadn't been looking for anything ongoing, just dating now and then to keep himself occupied until Luna finished her world safari with her father. It was Luna who insisted that he take lovers while she was gone because she expected him to find all kinds of new things for the two of them to enjoy when she finally got back. They'd already explored all the usual fun things, including one night when Luna demonstrated her appreciation to Fleur for taking his virginity. Fleur had been very happy to accept Luna's gratitude, and Harry certainly enjoyed watching the two of them!

Of course, being Luna, she insisted that they invite the lovely Veela back several times, because he and Fleur had been together quite a few times, as she provided him an education in pleasing a woman that all of his partners had been thankful for. Luna just happened to be the only one who wanted to know who his teacher was. It was too bad that Fleur had fallen for Bill Weasley and decided to end their occasional trysts, and Luna had been disappointed too.

It was not long after Fleur had broken things off that Luna had told him of her decision to go with Xeno on his safari. She had been worried about her father for some time, the stretch in Azkaban when he was imprisoned by the Death Eaters had broken him, and he had become obsessed with finding the Crumple-Horned Snorkack before he died. It was hard to hear, but Harry could understand wanting time with her father. He had very few memories of James, his father had died not long after the Lestrange's and Barty Crouch had attacked their cottage in Godric's Hollow.

Fortunately, he'd been able to call Sirius and Remus before he died, and they arrived in time to defeat the four of them. He still missed his parents, but Paddy and Moony had told him enough stories and shown him so many memories that it felt like he really knew them as people.

Shaking his head, Harry paused at the slightly open door to Tonks' outer office. That was surprising, even as randy as the woman was, she's still Head Auror, and would be more security conscious. Pushing the door completely open, he wasn't surprised to see the room was empty, but then he heard the two of them through the closed door to her private office. Shutting the outer door loudly, he called out, "Don't worry, it's just me!"

Remus froze, buried deep in her belly when they heard the door to the outer office slam. Tonks swore, reaching for her robes that were laying on the side of the desk and Remus fumbled with his trousers, pulling out of her. But then she heard a very familiar voice calling out, "Don't worry, it's just me!" The two of them relaxed, and Remus slid back inside her, his cock scratching the itch that had been building since she left home that morning! The door in front of them opened slowly, and Harry stuck his head in, "Sorry to bother you, but Kingsley really wants my report on the Veela negotiation first thing in the morning, and Tonks was carrying some of the files."

Glancing at the two of them, he smirked, "Growing your tits, Tonks? I should have known Moony had a thing for large pale globes!"

Remus laughed, and Tonks said, "You should know, Wonder Boy, you never complained about having them wrapped around your todger as I gave you a knobber. Speaking of, want to join in? I've got two open holes just waiting for you."

Remus added, "It'll be fun, it's been a while since we made a Tonks sandwich. You can still tie her up and play with her the next time it's just the two of you."

Harry looked tempted, but shook his head, "Not this time, sorry. If I took you up on it, I'd never get that damned report finished in time." Finding the file he was looking for, he opened it and looked through the pages, giving a quick nod.

As Remus slammed into her, he said, "By the way, Harry, did my whore of a wife manage to get you to fuck her while she was gone? She was bitching about you turning her down, but I'd hate to think she was losing her touch, I might have to trade in her on a fresher model."

Tonks growled, "Fresher model? Just you wait, Lupin! I'm going to give you a silver enema and then buy myself a young stud, maybe he'd be able to keep up with me!"

Harry laughed, the two of them never changed. "Sorry Moony, but she was telling the truth. I really didn't have the time to fuck her properly, and you know I hate to leave a job half done. I certainly proved that the night we all picked up those three strippers in London, didn't I?"

Remus chuckled, "That you did, Harry, that you did. That was a fun night, too bad they were too worn out to want a repeat visit."

Picking up the file, he shrunk it down and put it in his pocket and headed toward the door, before pausing and turning around,

"By the way Tonks, His Royal Baldness wants the two of us in his office on Friday morning to go over the security arrangements for the Bulgarian's visit next month."

Tonks groaned, "Oh fuck, Moony! Right there!" Lifting her face she said quirked an eyebrow at him, "His Royal Baldness? Am I detecting the slightest discontent with our Maximum Leader there, Wonder Boy?"

He laughed, "Let's just say if Kingsley, Snape, and Umbridge were drowning and I could only save one of them, I'd be wondering what sort of sandwich to have for lunch instead."

She laughed, before she grunted, "Damn it Moony, I told you to trim your nails before fingering my arse, that hurt!"

Moony muttered an apology, and Tonks said, "Yeah, he's been getting on my tits, and not in a good way lately too. Thinking about making a move for the big chair? You know you have the support of a lot of the families."

Harry shook his head, "I'm still about 10 years too young to really think about it, but we could talk to Sirius about going for it, or even Frank Longbottom, they've got the respect of the older families, and with Neville and I backing them, could possibly get things moving. But that's a conversation for when we're all fully dressed. I'll let you get back to what you were doing."

"Yeah, thanks for that, Wonder Boy! Damn it, Moony, quit screwing around back there, if you're going to bugger me, then shove that bastard up my fucking arse!"

Harry laughed and turned toward the door, before grinning wickedly and turning around.

Reaching the desk in two strides, his hands grabbed Tonks by the spiky pink hair and pulled her face up, his lips claiming her passionately, making her moan against him. She jerked back against Remus as Harry used his free hand to slap her tits, knowing just how much that turned her on. Tonks broke from the kiss to stare at him with fire in her eyes, "You bastard! You know what that does to me," she panted, before moaning again as Remus buried himself in her arse.

Remus smirked over her, and said, "You sure you don't want her mouth? She can do a lot more than just moan!"

Harry laughed, "Not this time, but if you want to stop by for dinner on Saturday we can enjoy your wife for pudding!"

Tonks gasped out, "Oh hell yeah! That's a date!"

Harry smirked, knowing that Tonks would be practically bouncing off the walls until the weekend, it's what made teasing her so much fun. And he knew exactly what would get her even more worked up. Glancing around the room, he found what he was looking for, and with a wandless summoning charm (one of the few wandless spells he'd bothered to master), the knickers were in his hand. Casually folding them, he saw that Tonks was too distracted to notice, but Remus was grinning merrily at him.

Moving closer to the desk, he said, "It's always a date with you Tonks, I don't know why you even bother wearing clothes most of the time."

She looked up at him, her mouth opening to make a smart remark, when Harry shoved the soaked cloth into her mouth, making her eyes widen in surprise. "By the way, Nymphadora, you talk too much!"

Remus was having a hard time concentrating on what he was doing he was laughing so hard, and Harry knew she would already be planning her revenge for the 'Nymphadora' so he turned back toward the door, before calling out,

"Oh, and Moony? You might want to think about shutting and locking your outer door, next time it might not be me."

Remus drew in a breath, stopping his laughter, before calling, "Why do you think I left it open?"

And on a wave of Remus' laughter and Tonks moaning, Harry stepped out of the office, shutting and locking the doors behind him.

He briefly considered heading back home to get cleaned up, but he always kept a set of fresh robes in his office and could use the shower there. If people complained about it at the ceremony, he'd tell them to blame Kingsley. Anything he could do to inconvenience the arse would be good in his book. The sad thing was, he'd actually once respected the man, he'd seemed to be an excellent Minister for the first year or so, but then, things changed. He snorted, if he hadn't killed Lucius himself, and seen Ginny blast Draco to bits, he'd think that Malfoy was pulling his old tricks.

He froze, was that what was going on? Did one of the old families have something on Kingsley? Or was it a matter of simple bribery? Either way, it needed to be looked into, very carefully. He didn't like to think that Kingsley was on the take, but he'd seen it happen too many times, hell, he'd been offered bribes, both money and women far more times than he wanted to think about! He'd turned them down, of course, and once he'd actually had to show the fool exactly why he'd been at Neville's right hand when he killed Voldemort!

Harry smirked, remembering that he'd ended up seducing the idiot's daughter before he left, and she went to the German Aurors to give evidence of the man's corruption. He still sees her on the rare occasion when he has to visit Berlin.

Approaching the door to his office, he paused, the door was ajar! He knew that it was always locked when he was traveling, and very few people had access. He'd just left two of them shagging in her office, so he doubted it would be them. Luna would have told him if she was coming back to England so that only left one possibility.

Smiling widely, he slipped through the gap in the door and closed it behind him quietly. Passing his assistant's desk, the quill and ink set is moved just slightly off center, and his smile gets even wider, knowing that she's waiting for him. Although he does frown briefly, realizing that she must really be getting close to the edge, as long as he'd been away. Hopefully she found a way to get some form of relief while he was gone, otherwise, she'll practically be out of her mind with need!

Walking over to the bookshelf by the door, he tapped his wand on the back of the top shelf, opening the hidden entrance. Pulling out the stamina potion, because he would need it to make sure he was able to satisfy her after so long apart, he gulps the potion down quickly. At least this one doesn't have a horrid taste like most of Pepper-Up Poppy's did in school!

Setting the potion vial back into its' slot, he nods, seeing it automatically refilling and the top being sealed again, before closing the panel and tapping it again to make it disappear. Wouldn't do to have Penelope wondering why he needed a cache of potions in the office after all!

Pointing his wand at the outer walls and door of the office, he casts the strongest privacy and silencing charms he knew, because it was going to get loud in a few minutes! Letting the wand return to his holster, he gripped the handle on the door to his private office and turned it firmly, the noise alerting her that he was coming in if she wasn't already aware.

Stepping through the door, he had time to see the crisp white dress uniform of a healer hanging from the coat rack before she moved in front of him. He smiled happily, closing the door behind him. Alice was standing before him, her body barely covered by a common robe, but open enough to see her nude body, her nipples almost painfully tight, her pussy completely shaved the way he preferred her, and her lips already swollen and ready for him! Looking up at her face, he felt a twinge of pity at the need he saw and didn't bother with greeting her.

Reaching out, he brushed the robe away from her body, saying "I know what you need, Alice, so get to work!"

She was kneeling in front of him almost before the words left his mouth, and her hands were fumbling with his zipper. She managed to get his trousers open, and her hands were trembling as she fished his hard cock out of his pants. Alice gave a happy sigh and opened her mouth, taking him all the way inside her. She was too pent up for the usual preliminaries, and Harry knew it.

Speaking firmly, he said, "I want you to finger yourself, Alice, get your pussy wet for me while I tell you about what happened on my trip. You know I was in France, in the Veela enclave. But what you didn't know was why I was there. One of their potions mistresses, an absolutely gorgeous woman named Amelie, had developed a potion that the Head of St Mungo's, your boss, felt would combine well with a couple of the experimental potions that the hospital had developed. He was very anxious to get a sample of the potion, and Kingsley apparently owes the man some favors, so I was sent to get a sample. I wonder if your boss asked for me because he knows how often you're on your knees in front of me, sucking my cock like a Knockturn Alley whore?"

Alice pulled her mouth away, and moaned, "He wouldn't care, he's a pillow biter! Wouldn't be able to handle a sexy whore like me even if I let him touch me! Now shut up about that arse, tell me about the Veela? Did you fuck her?" Harry was amazed she was able to form coherent sentences, she had nearly her entire hand inside her, pumping furiously, but he continued his story.

"Did I fuck her? What do you think? Of course, I did! She practically demanded it as part of the negotiations. Said that several other Ministries wanted to get their hands on her creation, but she would only release to somebody who could completely satisfy her. Fortunately, she wasn't the first or even the second Veela I'd been with, you know about Fleur of course, but there was also her younger sister that wanted to find out just why Fleur was always walking funny after a date with me. Fleur was in the room watching and fingering herself as I deflowered Gabrielle on her 18th birthday. Would you believe she actually came when I got her innocent little sister to hold open her arse and beg me to bugger her, just like you do? And then, when I went to take a shower to rinse off, Fleur actually got into bed with her sister and started licking the mixture of my cum and Gabrielle's pussy juices right from the source!

Needless to say, one night turned into an entire weekend!"

Harry could tell that Alice had been having several mini orgasms from hearing the story, she always liked it when he told her about his adventures, said it added to the thrill, knowing that he was so wanted as a lover! Wanting to keep things going, he continued, "It turns out that Amelie was friends with Gabrielle, and once she heard that I was the one coming over to do the negotiation, she started making her plans..."

He was getting close to cumming already, it was only his occlumency training that let him keep his voice steady as he told Alice the story, but the pressure was building, and he growled out, "You're about to make me cum, Alice, doing such a good job sucking my cock like my personal whore! Does it excite you knowing that I fuck all these women and still come back to you? I'm going back to the Veela Enclave in a few months, maybe I'll ask your boss if I can take you with me? I'd love to watch you with your tongue in Amelie's pussy while I bugger you cross-eyed, that way Amelie can see just what a whore you are, and she can decide if she wants to be my whore as well! Would you like that, having a sister whore to share your bed when I was busy? And maybe I'll let Neville and Susan have her, while we watch from behind the mirror in their bedroom. Wouldn't that be fun? I'll be shagging you while we watch your son and daughter-in-law enjoy a Veela in their bed!"

Alice was sucking him feverishly, her tongue working the shaft as she took him deep into her mouth. He felt the pressure building in his balls, and he managed to gasp, "As soon as I start cumming, you can cum as well Alice!"

That was all the warning he gave her, as his balls tightened and he swelled in her mouth, the first burst hitting the back of her throat and she started swallowing. She pulled back so just the head was in her mouth and started shuddering as the massive orgasm she'd been craving finally hit! Alice managed to stay upright as the last blast landed in her open mouth, but she was barely aware. Harry could see that she was miles away, the pleasure overwhelming her as the need was finally satisfied.

Knowing that she would still need more, he mentally blessed whoever developed the stamina potion, because he was getting hard again. Lifting the senseless woman to her feet, he guided her over to his desk, and with practiced moves soon had her legs spread and tied to the feet of the desk, her hands tied behind her back.

By the time he had Alice secured, she was aware of her surroundings, and managed to say, "Oh fuck! That was amazing, but I need more, Harry! Fuck me, fuck me like you fucked your Veela whore! Fill my cunt with your cock, make me forget I'm married!"

He didn't bother answering her, knowing that she really did love Frank, it was only the damned curse that made her seek him out, but he was still going to give her what she needed. Stepping behind her, he rubbed the head of his cock against the wide open lips and making her moan, "Please Harry, don't tease me, fuck me, fuck your personal whore!"

SLAP! She jerked against the bonds as his hand landed on her meaty arse cheeks, "Don't worry, Alice, I'm going to fuck you, but you're looking far too pale, I think you need to be warmed up a bit!"

She cried out happily as he plunged into her pussy, his rough hands spanking her arse with each stroke. "Yes! Yes! Spank my arse, I love you treating me like the whore I am! But I'm only your whore unless you want to give me to your friends? Bring your friends over one night when my husband is away, I'll fuck all of them while Neville and Susan watch, and if you want me to I'll even suck my son's cock! I'll lick Susan's pussy and arse to get her ready for you to have while Neville buggers me, and I'll enjoy it because it's what a whore does for her master!"

He frowned, she really must have been desperate for her to be talking about having sex with Neville! There had to be a way to at least ease the effects of that damned curse, maybe the potion he'd brought back? Pushing the thought aside, he really needed to concentrate on Alice. Wanting to keep her fantasies going, he said,

"I know you'd do anything for me, and I'd love to watch you with your tongue in Susan, and I'm sure Neville would love to watch it too. But it's going to be my friend Remus' birthday soon, and he and his wife always enjoy playing with new women, you know his wife, don't you? Tonks? She works with Frank, and Remus and I fuck her all the time, she loves it when we take her pussy and arse at the same time. I'd make you walk into their living room, as naked as you are now, with just a ribbon around her throat and hanging between your tits, saying "Happy Birthday Remus, enjoy the whore! Signed Harry"

"You'd be on your knees before you could blink, your tongue licking Tonks' freshly fucked pussy while Remus showed you the benefits of werewolf stamina! I'd be there too, buggering Tonks just the way she loves while you are licking her, and then Remus would get your arse stretched out to take him. Tonks says he's almost as good at fucking a whore's arse as I am!"

Alice lifted her head up and screamed as she spasmed against him, her pussy clenching as she climaxed, her juices splashing his trousers as they flowed freely around his cock. She wasn't talking anymore, just making incoherent noises as he kept pumping into her, his pace slowing as she enjoyed the sensations.

When she started making recognizable sounds again, he leaned over her, "Did you enjoy that, my little whore? I love watching you when you cum, and so do some of my other lovers, because I've got cameras all over my office and they are filming us, and I let Fleur and her sister watch when they visit. They both really want to get you in bed with them, Fleur says you are almost randy enough to be a Veela, and they both think you are really sexy! Would you like that? Would you like me to invite them over the next time we rent a hotel room in London? But I'll make sure to use the silencing charms this time, the management didn't appreciate hearing how much you were enjoying me fucking you, although the desk clerk did when she came up after her shift."

He could feel her climaxing steadily, especially because he knew she remembered the desk clerk. That had been the first time they had another girl in bed with them, but it wasn't even close to the last! Always muggle girls though, bedding a witch would make things too complicated to keep things secret.

He could tell that she was getting tired and knew she needed one more thing to truly be satisfied, so he slipped his wand into his hand, and, placing the tip at her arse, cast the preparation spell, making Alice lift up her head and growl, "Yes! Oh yes! Shag my arse, I need to feel your cock taking my filthy hole! You're the only man I've ever let take me there, I never even gave my husband permission. But you don't need permission, my arse is yours whenever you want it!"

Pulling out of her pussy, he shifted position so that his cock was at her rosebud, now stretched and ready for him, and pressed forward, the muscle snapping closed around the head as he penetrated her. She grunted as he moved deeper, her growls deeper as she lost the ability to speak. He started spanking her again, his free hand grabbing the bonds holding her hands behind her, and lifted her up off the desk so she was almost standing as he filled her arse.

He groaned at the heat and tightness of her bum, all his concentration on stroking into her now wasn't the time for stories anyway. They'd served their purpose, and he could always continue them the next time. Harry reached around and started fingering Alice's soaking pussy as he buggered her, wanting to make sure she reached her peak as he flooded her.

There was no more talking, the only sounds were of flesh slapping flesh and the growls and groans of the two of them as Harry plundered her arse, and Alice started gasping and crying out as his fingers and cock pushed her inexorably up the mountain of pleasure that she was climbing. Harry kept stroking her, driving her closer and closer to the edge, as his own orgasm was rushing toward him. Using his thumb he found her clit and started rubbing firmly, just as he buried himself inside her, his cock swelling within her tight tunnel as his climax hit him forcefully.

The combination of Harry's cock in her arse, and his fingers and thumb touching her was all it took as the power of the orgasm felt like it blew the top of her head off! She collapsed against him, her head hanging down as tears of relief flowed down her face, her entire body quaking as the bursts of pleasure hit every nerve in her body, until she couldn't feel anything but bliss, that slowly faded away, leaving behind a smile that would take hours to disappear.

Harry was panting with exertion as he slid his softening cock from her rear, and, releasing Alice from the bonds, helped her to stand. Once she was on her feet, she turned to him, beaming. Wrapping her arms around him she kissed him passionately, before saying, "Fuck, I needed that, it's been far too long!"

He gave a tired chuckle, "I could tell, but trust me, the pleasure was all mine!" Checking the time, he swore, "Crap! We only have about an hour before we have to be in the Ballroom. Want to join me in the shower? I can wash your back."

Alice giggled lightly and nodded, leaning on him as they headed into the shower room. As they stepped under the water, she grinned up at him, "So, how much of those stories were real, and how much did you make up?"

He laughs, "Does it matter? They worked, didn't they?"

She snorts a laugh, "Oh boy, did they ever! Now I can put on my public face and sit quietly next to Frank and not want to climb the walls."

Harry says, "You know, it's not positive, there's still a lot of research that needs doing, but I was thinking that the potion I brought back might help to break the curse you and Frank are under. I was thinking about it earlier, but I could tell you needed this far more than a conversation."

Alice nodded, "I was at the point I could barely think straight this morning, even the substitutes weren't helping, so I wouldn't have been able to understand even if you'd said anything. Not that I didn't enjoy myself anyway!"

They are still laughing as they started cleaning each other, barely finishing in time to be presentable for the ceremony.

End Flashback

Neville said, "But I'm sure you're tired of hearing my voice, and I need to grab a drink myself, so I'm going to turn you over to the man who was at my side the entire time, when he wasn't spending time with his many lady friends, that is. Harry? Come on up, Harry, it's no good shaking your fist at me, I did win the bet after all!"

On a wave of laughter Harry made his way to the podium, he says, "I'll get you for this, Neville! I don't know how, or when, but I will have my revenge!"

The audience laughed again, and Harry turned toward them, a slight smile on his face, "As usual, I'm backing Neville up, it's been that way since our first ride on the Hogwarts Express, when Trevor, as was his habit, decided to make like Charles Bronson and tried for A Great Escape." There was laughter from some of the audience but the rest just looked confused, "Anyway, while the two of us were searching the train, we met a couple of other first years, who were in the middle of an argument. Little did I know at the time that Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger-Weasley would be the best friends Neville and I would ever have. Although they're still arguing..."

"And finally, I'd like to thank you for coming and remember to tip your servers and bartenders. The dancing will start shortly, and, as a special treat, we've arranged to bring the Hobgoblins out of retirement just for this celebration. So, if you can keep the turnips in your pockets, I'm sure Stubby would appreciate it!"

Harry walked off the stage as the musicians started setting up, and stopped to say hello to Frank and Alice and the others at the head table, as well as giving Neville a mock glare, making Susan laugh. Neville just smirked, "I told you that you didn't want to make that bet, but you believed Ron and not me about the odds on the Cannons' game. I offered to take your money, but you chose the forfeit, so don't complain to me!"

Harry gave a rueful grin, "I know, I knew it was a stupid bet when I first made it, but, in my defense, I was drinking that night."

Frank and Alice had been watching with interested smiles on their faces, and Frank said, "So, what would Harry have gotten if he had won the bet?"

Harry and Susan laughed as Neville groaned theatrically, "Trust me, you don't want to know. I'll just say, Madame Puddifoot's, tap dancing and lederhosen, and leave it at that, okay?"

Frank stared at them, obviously boggled, while Alice laughed lightly, shaking her head. Turning to Susan, she said, "After all those speeches, I need to hit the ladies, care to join me?"

Grinning, Susan got up and followed her mother-in-law, leaving her husband chatting and joking with his father and his best friend. She didn't even notice that Alice had brushed suspiciously close to Harry as they walked out.

Harry noticed, and, when he was back in his office finishing Kingsley's report, he slipped the envelope from his pocket. There were several pictures inside, and a note attached to the top one "See what I had to make do with while you were gone?"

Several minutes later, he sat back, shaking his head, "I didn't even know that they grew cucumbers that size!"

End of Chapter One

Just A Quick Note to the readers. I'm sure that some of you may be concerned by the use of the word 'whore' throughout the scene with Alice. As I'm hoping you've noticed, there is far more going on there than just an affair between the two of them, and Alice really enjoyed the way he treated her, including the name calling. There will be answers forthcoming in future chapters. In the meantime, I don't want you to be thinking that Harry is the type to casually refer to his partners as such.