Just so you know I do not own any of this blah blah yadda yadda. I am writing for the fun of it. I will try to update regularly but there are other fics that I will be uploading here as well. So whichever one I feel like writing will get updated first.

Also, I would like to point out that I plan to keep any bashing to a minimum as its just not my style. With that said any Sasuke fans will feel woefully disappointed. Sorry, the story is called Naruto not Sasuke so he will drop to the background for the most part. Naruto is a gamer and as such Sasuke could never hope to keep up.

Chapter 1

"Oi! Ero-Sennin wake up!" Naruto shouted practically at the top of his lungs.

Jiraiya cracked his eyes open only to wince at the flood of afternoon light coming through their hotel window. Jiraiya knew it would be annoying traveling with the gaki again but this was ridiculous. They were only a day out of Konoha.

"Gaki, it is too damn early for this, what is it?"

"Early? Ero-Sennin its afternoon." Naruto whined in that tone that really grated on the Toad Sage's nerves. "We haven't even started training yet!" His whining quickly changed to yelling probably already forgetting why he woke his master up in the first place.

Jiraiya grunted in annoyance he knew agreeing to this three-year training trip was a bad idea. "Yeah like I said it's too damn early. You know I was out late gathering information."

"You mean boozing and getting turned down by women." Naruto crossed his arms and looked down at the older man with a rare frown.

"You wouldn't understand gaki you're still practically in your nappies. And I was the one turning them down. I can't exactly bring them here after all."

"Sure, whatever, like you could pick someone up, old man."

Naruto's annoying-ness prevailed and the famous Toad Sage had given up all hope on going back to sleep. After rolling off the bed he looked at the sake bottle cradled lovingly against his chest. He proceeded to take a swig only to find it empty so he dropped it on the floor in disgust.

"Remember this gaki, in our world chatting up ladies of the night and collecting valuable information are one and the same. Now, why did you pull me out of my wonderful slumber? And give me that bottle of sake by feet."

Naruto tossed the bottle over to his master only for Jiraiya to toss it over his shoulder once he felt that it was empty. "Err...yeah I think I am under a genjutsu or something."

While Naruto looked uneasy at this proclamation, Jiraiya, on the other hand, went on high alert. "Why do you think that, gaki?" Jiraiya said slowly.

"Well, you know those computers that have at the Academy Library and in the T&I department?"

"Yes, I know of them. Though I am not sure why you know there are computers in T&I but carry on."

Naruto looked away sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. "You know when you click on something and a screen pops up?" Naruto took a breath and charged on without waiting for an acknowledgment. "Well, that's what I am seeing in my vision since I woke up."

Wait. What?

It took a moment for Jiraiya's mind to register what he just heard. "Have you tried to dispel it?" Naruto gave him an emphatic nod in response. "Well try again. This time put everything you got into it."

Naruto made the sign with a look of utter concentration on his face. "Kai!"

Fuck. That was all Jiraiya could think when the Uzumaki chakra washed over him. There was nothing else like Uzumaki chakra, it's depth, quality and richness could not be replicated by any other clans. What he just felt would have made the sensor clans wet themselves in pleasure or blinded any Hyuuga with their pervy eyes. That shit was going to be felt for miles and all genjutsu in this village is going to collapse. The brothels are going to be pissed. They had better leave before sundown but first.

"Well? Did that fix it?"

"No." Naruto was staring somewhere off to the right as he spoke. "It even gave me a notification that all genjutsu in the area have been dispelled." Yep, that settled it they better blow this popsicle stand. "And that I used 3500 chakra points to do it."

Shit by the sage. Jiraiya did not know how much 3500 chakra points was but it sounds like way too much and would kill any normal shinobi. Three words kept repeating in Jiraiya's mind Chakra Control Exercise.

"Oh, this might help." Naruto's words drew the Toad sage out of his stupor.

You have been invited to the team Orange Ramen 4 Life.

Accept Y/N

"Orange Ramen? Ok. Sure." Jiraiya said as he tucked a kunai back into his sleeve. He did not jump or scream. No one saw or heard it so there is no proof.

Welcome to the Game "Naruto"!

Jiraiya the Gallant has accepted your invite.

"Gaki I ask again. Orange Ramen?"

"I couldn't decide which one to use so I chose both. It's perfect right?"

"No." Jiraiya deadpanned. "Change it now."

Naruto's shoulders dropped. "Fine. Fine. So are we sure this isn't just some genjutsu?" His question was met with silence. Jiraiya just sat there looking stupid waving his hands in front of his face. Naruto was positive he did not look like that at all. Which reminded him of something. "Oi! Ero-Sennin!" Still nothing. So Naruto kicked the old man's shin. "Make sure to go through the tutorial."

There was a look of recognition on the old man's face but no verbal response. Naruto had gone through the tutorial before he even woke up the old toad. He was quite proud of his set up, transparent notifications, health and chakra bars in the upper left. He even got the thought control so no measly hand swipes for him. It was not until two hours later when he threw his scrolls and his precious gama-chan in his inventory that he realized this might be a trap or a genjutsu. But once it hit him he was fast to act attempting to dispel it and waking up Ero-Sennin.

Now on to a new team name. Naruto navigated the menu.

Team Ramen Food of the Gods


"No." Ero-Sennin did not even look at him.

Team Dattebayo



The Orange Flash and the old toad.

Yep, that's the one.

Jiraiya coughed like he swallowed something wrong. "No. Try again."

Team Prankster God and the boring old man.

Oh, that's good.


Team Ero-Sennin and the young boy.

Too much? Naruto could barely keep the smirk off his face but he was not a ninja for nothing.

"Damn it Gaki! That's it make me team leader." Jiraiya shouted then he grumbled, "should have been the first thing you did."

Promote Jiraiya the Gallant to Team Leader?

Accept Y/N

Naruto sighed. "Yes."

+1 Intellect and +1 Wisdom for making the correct choice.

Team name changed to The Most Handsome and Intelligent Jiraiya and his lowly apprentice.

"Oi! That's not cool, dattebayo!" Naruto shouted he knew he should have stayed team leader.

"Fine. I will change it gaki but this is it." Jiraiya harrumphed as he flicked through the menu. Naruto snickered at how stupid the old toad looked.

Team name changed to Team Endurance.

"Ero-Sensei, not that I am complaining but why?"

"Naruto, what is your nindo?" Jiraiya asked in all seriousness.

There was a fire in the boy's eyes. He did not care why his master asked. It could have been the millionth time but he would not say it with any less conviction. You do not grow up like Naruto did without being made of sterner stuff. His words, his nindo is written into the core of his soul. "I Never Back Down. I Never Give Up and I never go back on my word."

"Alright, Alright. No need to shout there midget. It's not like there is a woman bouncing her breast off your face." And just like that, the moment was killed and Naruto deflated. Despite what Jiraiya said he liked what he saw in the blonde boy that reminded so much of his previous apprentice. Well, the gaki could stand to be quieter and less annoying but he had to get something from his mother after all. Jiraiya would never admit but sometimes he found it hard to even look at the boy without having some dust fly into his eyes. His spy network was always a good excuse to run from those feeling but you would not understand if you never lost a son.

Jiraiya rubbed the speck of dust from his eyes and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Gaki," Jiraiya said pulling Naruto from his dejected stupor. "You may have heard me say this when we were battling Orochimaru. The most important thing for a Shinobi is the spirit and will to never give up. A real ninja is one who endures no matter what gets thrown at him. That is what truly matters to a shinobi, not the number of jutsu you possess. All you need is guts. Come what may, all bad fortune is conquered by endurance. I see that in you and I am honored to be your master."

Naruto sniffed and rubbed the dust from his eyes. "Thanks, Jiraiya Sensei. That means a lot to me and I am glad to be your apprentice despite you being a pervy old man."

"Jiraiya Sensei." The Toad Sage hummed in appreciation completely ignoring the end of Naruto's statement. "Hmm, I think I like that."

"Don't get used to it Ero-Sennin."

Master and Apprentice System Activated.

All Experience, Stats, and Skills gained at an increased rate for all parties involved.

Okay so maybe it was worth it. Naruto decided to see what the stats of an "S" class Shinobi looked like.

Observe. It was one of the skills he gained in the tutorial and from the practically giddy face of the toad sage, Ero-Sennin had gotten it too.


Name Jiraiya the Gallant

Titles: "Jonin, The Toad Sage, Densetsu no Sannin, Ero-Sennin"

Level: 93 Class: Shinobi

Experience: 112345/379440

HP: 6324 CP: 10263

Strength: 651 Attack PWR: 7207.50

Agility: 372 Crit Chance: 6.75%

Intellect: 383 HP Regen: 691.32 /hour

Wisdom: 465 Chakra Regen: 572.74 /30 mins

Stamina: 558 Stam Regen: 768.13 /hour


Mind: 82% Nature: 66%

Acid: 33% Shadow: 39%

Fire: 74% Poison: 52%

Cold: 45% Illness: 17%

Water: 81% Lightning: 22%

Blunt: 58%

Release Affinity

Wind: 33% Earth:91%

Fire: 61% Water:67%

Lightning:48% Medical: 15%

Mud: 53% Nature: 66%

Yin: 12% Yang: 32%

The results left naruto utterly devastated. Compared to his own stats he was nothing but a weak and pathetic child.


Name Naruto Uzumaki

Titles: "Genin, Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tailed Fox, #1 Knucklehead Ninja, Demon Child"

Level: 24 Class: Shinobi

Experience: 9659/ 31680

HP: 1920 CP: 20732

Strength: 53 Attack PWR: 112.90

Agility: 83 Crit Chance: 3.19%

Intellect: 22** HP Regen: 50.70 /5 mins

Wisdom: 26** Chakra Regen: 255.90 /30 secs

Stamina: 240 Stam Regen: 70.42 /min

Attribute Points: 25


Mind: 50% Wind: 9%

Fire: 5% Lightning: 2%

Water: 1% Shadow: 1%

Physical:15% Poison: 48%

Cold: 3% Illness: 100%

Release Affinity

Wind 0% Earth: 0%

Fire: 0% Water: 0%

Lightning: 0% Medical: 0%

Yin**: 0% Yang: 41%

"Kid you need some work," were Ero-Sennin's first words in the last hour. "But it's not terrible and your passives are just stupid."

"Old toad you calling me stupid!" Naruto jumped up from his seat raising his arm to make for a punch.

"Yes," Jiraiya spoke with that one raised eyebrow mocking the boy. "Now settle your tits and check your skills page.

"Yeah fine. Hey, what does this mean Uzumaki Clan?"

Uzumaki Clan: Clan is known for their high-quality chakra, longevity, Fuinjutsu and their kinky chains.

- Increased Stat Regen.

- +5 Stamina with every level gained.

- An innate understanding of Fuinjutsu.

- Fuinjutsu Learned at an Increased Rate

- Bloodline (Locked)

Jiraiya tisked, "I was hoping you missed that but we will talk about it later. I want you to look at the Jinchuriki bit."

"I see it what is so special about that?" Naruto said without keeping the annoyance out of his voice. He could not believe that Ero-Sennin refused to answer his question.

Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tailed Fox
You got an Angry fox in your gut. Good luck with that. Comes with terrible pay but the benefits are great!
- Increased Stat Regen.
- +5 Chakra Points /per day
- Health and Chakra Regen no longer suspended while in combat.
- Chakra Regen no longer interrupted while casting.

- +5 Stamina with every level gained.

- -1000 Reputation to Villagers who do not acknowledge you

- Empath Ability Unlocked
- Hidden Trait Minimum Level requirement not met

"Kid, if you don't see what I see then you are a bit on the slow side of things." Jiraiya took a breath to not yell at the gaki. He is just a child despite the headband, he told himself.


"But you do some to have a reason for that as well," Jiraiya stated while deep in thought.

Chakra Imbalance: Your Yin Chakra is stunted due to Yang heavy Uzumaki Chakra and Yang Kyuubi Chakra

- Genjutsu and Medical chakra is impossible

- Causes Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity

- Decreases all Sensor Abilities

- Yin intensive jutsu learned at a Decreased Rate

- Chakra Control is learned at a Decreased Rate

"A Chakra Imbalance, huh, that explains a lot." The toad sage mumbled to himself. "I wonder why it was never detected. We could have fixed that when you were younger." Jiraiya pushed the darker thoughts to the back of his mind as to why Naruto was never healed. "Well, you're not a lost cause I am sure I will think of something."

"What?" Naruto looked up at the Ero-Sennin in confusion.

"Nothing. Nothing. Like I said earlier you're not terrible in fact you are probably above average nowadays. But whatever this game system is it changes things for both of us."

"What do you mean? It looks cool and all but I have never had time or money to play games. Not that they would sell them to me anyway."

Jiraiya narrowed his eyes at that last comment he would come back to it later. There were more important matters right now. "True video games are more of a civilian thing in the big villages or the capital. I have played a couple of times during boring big name escort missions. You said you went through the tutorial, right?"

After receiving a nod from Naruto the Ero-Sennin continued. "Well as you know you can place attribute points into different stats depending on what build you want. But this is real life you can gain those stats by training or reading or whatever. That also applies to me. Gaki there is a reason you don't see the old dogs like me or Princess Tsunade at the training grounds. At this point in my life, I cannot get any stronger or gain any more chakra or hell even learn some new jutsu. All I can do is not deteriorate. But this game you invited me to changes that, I can do all those things and more now. Even if I don't have attribute points I can get stronger or smarter. I can master the things I gave up on mastering!" By the time Jiraiya had finished his rant, he had been pacing back and forth in their small hotel room.

The moment he stopped he pointed at the gobsmacked orange clad ninja. "And you! You are going to be the strongest shinobi since the gods damn Sage. No! You will be stronger! I will see to that!"

"Yeah, Dattebayo! Let's go train!" Naruto shouted with fire in his eyes and hot blood pumping through his veins. If he did not know any better he would say even the Kyuubi was pumping his fist in the air and roaring with excitement.

"No." Ero-Sennin stopped him flat.

"No?" Naruto weakly repeated.

"No. We need to first get the hell out of here. There are going to be some pissed off ugly ladies of the night hunting us down." Jiraiya said in complete seriousness.

"What? Why?"

"When you did your genjutsu release you probably destroyed whatever seals they use to henge themselves. I know those seals aren't cheap because I am the one who creates them."

"Then why don't you just give them some new ones free of charge." Naruto looked at his master completely at a loss as to why this was a problem.

"Are you crazy? That's just bad business. Seriously gaki free of charge, I really ended up with a dumb one this time. Hurry up and pack your stuff."

"Sheesh, I was just suggesting you cheap ass perv," Naruto mumbled as he threw his stuff into his inventory.

They made their quick evacuation of the town with no one the wiser. Jiraiya had not planned on coming back here for three years so they should have forgotten about all the damage that had been done by then.

"We're going tree running gaki. So up into the trees. You can think of it as training." Ero-Sennin stated as they reached the end of the village.

"Yea, training in running away." Naruto quickly made his way into the surrounding forest. While running through the trees Naruto gained a Running and Jumping skill. He had thought he would have already had those on his skill list but he noticed that he did not have any ordinary skills listed. It looks like those skills will just be added as he does them. The fact that he figured that out gave him an Intellect point. He was not going to complain about the system giving him free points. He gained an Agility point and some Chakra Control experience by the time they came to a clearing to rest for the night. It was the longest he had ever used the tree walking exercise but he did not feel tired at all.

"Hey, Ero-Sennin I have been wondering are we going to tell Baa-chan?"

"I have been thinking about that too," Jiraiya stated as he sat on a log he found somewhere. He used a small fire jutsu to set a small pile of wood alight for the night. "I think we are going to keep this to ourselves for now. You know what they say about secrets. They only stay secrets if you do not tell anyone. We will only tell her when we see her in person."

"Why the secrecy? She's the Hokage we can trust her, right?"

"Of course you can gaki but she is not the one I am worried about. You would definitely be recalled back to the village. That means no training trip and the nosy old fogies would try to the game system for their benefit."

"Old fogy like you?" Naruto meant it as a joke but the look on his master's face made him recoil away.

"No. If they find this game, your game, you will no longer have control over it. To them, it will just be a tool. A tool for the village to train who they select. You would lose everything. Do not lump me in with them gaki."

"Sorry," Naruto grumbled. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"I know but this is very serious and there is so much we do not know about the game. Gaki get some rest."

Naruto moved off to set up his tent before he froze. "Ero-Sennin, do you see that yellow light?" Naruto pointed through the trees.

"You're just seeing things gaki. Remember that fog you thought was a ghost yesterday?"

Naruto ducked into the forest instead of arguing. If Ero-Sennin is not going pay attention he was going to check it out. The light was not that far from their camp. He circled it just to check if there were any traps around it.

"Well, it just looks like a glowing triangle."

"Gaki, that's a pyramid. How are you ever going to learn Fuinjutsu if you don't know geometry or math? What the hell are they teaching at the academy?" Jiraiya spoke as landed next to Naruto.

"Damn it Ero-Sennin you almost gave me a heart attack! What the hell?"

"Gotta keep you on your toes gaki. It's part of my job as your master. So what do you think it is?"

"It's gotta be something with the game. I have never seen anything like this before." Naruto took a few steps closer but stopped as the object got brighter."

Historical Battle Instance found!

Historical Battle Instance

The start of a Legend.

Before he was known as the God of Shinobi master of all five elements he was just Chunin Sarutobi. Separated from his team, Chunin Sarutobi stumbled upon an invasion force of mercenary, samurai and ninja. The force was lead by a single A ranked Shinobi. It planned to strike at a distracted Konoha that was busy with the first Shinobi war.

Using stealth, traps and deception Chunin Sarutobi harried the force for over five days. He struck down the A ranked missing-nin on the final day ending the invasion.


Destroy invasion force by killing them all or removing their leader.

Mercenary 0/200

Genin 0/100

Chunin 0/34

Jonin 0/1

Secure Intel that another hidden village is behind the attack.


10000 XP

50000 Ryo

Choice of Hiruzen Sarutobi's personal Jutsu


All team members can enter but only Naruto can participate.

Instance resets after five days.

Cannot escape instance once final battle begins.

"Yea…I need to sleep on this," there was a serious eye twitch going on as the toad sage spoke. He did not think he could take any more in a single day. But he apparently was the only one who felt this way.

"WHAT? Are you serious, dattebayo? This is like the best thing ever." Naruto's hands waved around furiously as if that would lend weight to his point.

"Shut it gaki. We're going to bed."

"Aww man,". Naruto said as he turned to follow the did old toad back to camp. "I still have a question before we sleep though. I was checking my skill list again and some of them say Yang variant on it. What is a Yang variant?"

Ero-Sennin stopped in his tracks apparently to check Naruto's skill list. Naruto started to feel disgusted as a perverted smile slowly formed on his sensei's face. "Oh this is too good," Ero-Sennin said through a perverted giggle. A book suddenly appeared in his hand. "Perfect research material right here. The gaki is going to be a gold mine."

Name: Oiroke no jutsu (Yang variant)

Experience: 52/100
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: S
Description: One of Naruto's own original techniques. Basically, it's henge no jutsu, but the user would transform into a beautiful woman. This technique has been known to cause nose bleeds. Even the Third Hokage was defeated by it. This is a Yang Variant. Unknowingly Naruto channels an extreme amount of Yang Chakra into jutsu causing a real physical change.