Chapter 14: The worst of the worst

Balto woke up with the cold air touching his fur. Balto took in a deep breath before standing up. "I wonder where Thomas is?" Balto thought to himself. "Maybe he's with Jenna," Balto thought as he stood up and stretched. "I should figure out a way to get Daniel home," Balto said to himself as he walked off his boat.

He took a few steps in snow then he just headed to town. "Wow its really quiet here" he keep going to town when snow started to feel incredible deeply. "Woah that's weird.." He managed to reach town just to find out that its even more quiet.

This was strange for the young hybrid because the town was always filled with people and dogs a like. "This is strange," Balto said to himself. Balto walked along down the street hoping to see someone if not anyone.

"Its quiet... too quiet" Balto said to himself then he saw a German Shepherd running fast to alley but there were no way to chase him. When he looked from behind corner the GShep was gone. "What?" Balto shake his head and headed to Dallas house.

Balto heads to Dallas house. "Dallas?" Balto called out as he walks up to the house. There was no answer. "Dallas are you home? I need to talk to you!" Balto called out again. The door to Dallas house suddenly opened. Balto took a deep breath before walking inside.

"Dallas?" Balto said as he slowly went inside. Dallas was sitting there with hes back to Balto. "Where is Daniel? Answer now!" Dallas was still sitting there in front of fireplace without any words.

Dallas still did not look Balto. Balto growled at Dallas. "I want to see my son now!" Balto barked. Dallas still did not look at Balto "Dallas!" Balto shouted as he took a step closer to Dallas. But the room seemed to move farther away from Dallas and Balto felt dizzy from the room moving.

"What is going on?!" Balto said to himself. "This cant be real!" Balto started running in direction of Dallas but the faster he run, the faster Dallas were getting farther away. "Oh my God, this cant be real!" As Balto keep running the room seemed to fall apart.

Balto kept running as fast he could but it just wasn't enough. Balto then fell down into a dark abyss as everything finally fell apart. Suddenly Balto hit some water at the bottom of the abyss. Balto tried to swim up to get some air burn was stop by something pulling him back down in the dark water.

Balto tried to swim up but he couldn't, then he just closed hes eyes. When he opened them he was on floor right behind Dallas who kept looking into fire in fireplace. The room was dark everything seem different, there wasn't anything behind windows just a dark void. Balto looked again at Dallas he was right in distance to touch him with paw.

Balto touched Dallas with his paw. "Dallas?" Balto said as he turned Dallas around. "Oh my god," Balto said as he turned Dallas around. Dallas eyes were black with his jaw torn. "THE KIDS MINE!" Dallas screamed still with his eyes black.

Balto fell to hes back and started backing. "Whats going on?!" Dallas keep going to backing Balto. "Kid is mine Balto" Dallas said with werid voice. "No stop this Dallas!" Balto said scared. "Kid is mine..." Dallas said with even more werid voice.

"No, he's my son not yours!" Balto shouted as he backed into a wall. Suddenly the fire in the fireplace grew as Dallas got closer to Balto. "You'll never be the father he needs!" Dallas said in a raspy voice. "That's not true!" Balto shot back. "I can be everything he needs!" Dallas said still with his raspy voice.

The fire started to spread all around. "Dallas what happened to you? Cant you see this all?" Balto asked scared like never before. "Hes mu kid and now hes pure German Shepherd not a mutt like you" Dallas said in demonic voice.

"No! He'll never be like you!" Balto shouted Dallas growled with he sharp teeth now showing at Balto. "Your wrong, he'll never love you ever again now that he's with me!" Dallas shouted with his demonic voice.

As flames took all the room Dallas started to getting bigger and bigger. "What the hell is going on here?" Balto said scared as never before, Dallas eyes started to glow red. "Hes mine and you can't do anything about it!" Dallas launched in demonic way.

"No, no, no! He wants me as his father I know he does!" Balto said now putting his paws over his head and crying. "He wants you dead!" Dallas shouted in his large demonic voice. Dallas then opens his month now getting ready to eat Balto whole.

"Noooo ahhhhhh" Balto screamed as Dallas eat him. "No no no... Dallass.. noo Daniel.." Balto mumbles. "Dad... dad wake up!" Thomas shouted.

Balto jerked awake with tears in his eyes. Balto looked around the room and then looked down at Thomas. "Oh, it was only a dream," Balto said laying back down. "What kind of dream did you have?" Thomas asked concerned for his father.

A nightmare the worst of the worst...

To be continued...Kodiwolf321 A/N: hey guys we're back! Hope you enjoyed this chapter it was really fun to make hope your all staying safe out there! See you in the next chapter!SharicGShep A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this one after a long break xD Sorry for me not being as active here as i used to be but i lost my writing mood somewhere. Ill try to keep bringing new content here. And as Kodiwolf did say stay safe.P.S spoiler: im not dead yet xDD