The smell of horse shit permeated every bumping inch of the carriage ride North and the echo of thousands of marching feet had become more familiar to him than the music of any of the musicians that had frequented the halls of Casterly Rock. The constant bouncing made Tyrion's joints ache in protest, but it was still preferable to making the journey on horseback. Making the journey on horseback would have been sufficient to make him wish for death. As it was, the journey was simply unpleasant.
Though he didn't say so, Tyrion gauged from the Spider's expression that the eunuch's opinion of their travel conditions was inline with his own. As they jostled down the well worn rode to Winterfell, Varys watched the view beyond the carriage with a pinched expression of distaste. He serves the realm, Tyrion surmised, but he prefers to do so from a luxurious distance.
"You should consider yourself lucky. At least your balls won't freeze off."
Varys was not riled by the comment as Tyrion hoped, he looked rather exasperated.
"You take great offense at dwarf jokes, but love telling eunuch jokes." Varys said. "Why is that?"
Tyrion did his best not to smirk. "Because I have balls, and you don't."
I'm considering rewriting Season 8. I'll start with Episode 1 (which I don't intend to change much) and as we go on, I will shift the story in the ways I think would have made for the series finale we deserved. I don't know who would be interested in this, but if you are, let me know! While I'm no GRR Martian, I'd like to do my part to salvage the character development that seems to have been forgotten this season.
Please review.