Lincoln and Carlota were out in the middle of the jungle, where Carlota was showing Lincoln where to find special blueberries that only grew on that island. "They say that eating one is enough to make you three times stronger," she said.

"Seriously? That sounds awesome. Could you lift me up so I can go pick some?"

"Okay, but be careful." The giant girl hoisted her little friend into the tree.

There were dozens of berries and each one was almost twice as big as his head. He grabbed onto one with both hands and pulled with all his might, but it was being really stubborn. He decided to find out if what Carlota had told him was true, so he took a large juicy bite out of it and pulled again. This time, the berry came off much easier. "Holy cow! It worked!" he exclaimed.

Lincoln also saw several large pink and yellow lilies growing on the tree and decided to pick one for Carlota. He looked around and picked off the most perfect one he could find, then went to show it to her.

"Those blueberries are too big for me to carry more than one by myself, but I did find something else," he said, showing Carlota the flower. "For you, m'lady."

Carlota gasped at the flower's beauty. She reached up and pulled him down from the tree, holding him in her hand. "Hope you're not allergic to this one," Lincoln said. Carlota took the flower from Lincoln's hand and smelled its sweet fragrance.

"Oh, Lincoln. It's beautiful. Thank you," she said before placing it gently in her hair. She smiled at him and thanked him with a gentle, giant-sized kiss on his head, making him blush hotter than a chili pepper.

Lincoln sat on the cave floor by the fire enjoying a piece of Carlota's delicious roasted megalo-dodo. Both of them had had a long day of fun, so they were both pretty tired, but they couldn't go to bed without having dinner first. Lincoln felt the thundering vibrations of Carlota's giant footsteps as she came over to sit next to him. However, he wasn't too tired to notice the unusual dark shadow looming over him. He looked up and saw Carlota's enormous truck-sized butt hovering right above him. He gulped hard as he prayed that it wasn't about to do what he suspected it was. But of course, it did just that. Carlota's butt extended itself and began descending upon the tiny teen, threatening to crush him under its massive weight.

He just barely managed to jump out of the way just in time before becoming a flat seat cushion for the world's largest bottom, which landed with an earth-shaking BOOM!

Carlota noticed her tiny friend panting and shaking with fear. "Lincoln, what's wrong?" she asked.

"What's wrong?! You almost sat on me! That's what's wrong!" he yelled at her.

She gasped. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I'm so tired, I didn't even see you there! Ugh, it's these stupid hips. I can't see a thing around them. They totally create a blind spot. I promise I'll be more careful from now on."

"Me too. From now on, I'll be sure to stay out of your blind spot."

It was late, so after Carlota and Lincoln had a good laugh about their little incident, they decided to get ready for bed. "Hey Carlota," Lincoln said. "Can I sleep with you in your bed tonight?"

The girl was surprised by the suggestion. "Oh, um, are you sure? After I just came so close to sitting on you?"

"Don't worry about that. I trust you. Besides, I'll make sure to stay in your line of sight this time."

"Well, alright. Guess we can give it a shot." Carlota sat on her bed, lowered her hand down, let Lincoln climb on and set him down on the pillow next to her.

"I just feel really safe when I'm around you."

"That's so sweet." The giant girl laid down next to her tiny friend and got comfortable. "Lincoln, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Don't you miss your family back home?"

"Honestly… not really. In fact, they're the whole reason I'm here in the first place."

"What do you mean?"

"My family never really supported me or understood me, so I ran away from home. I wanted to start a new life all on my own, all the way across the sea. Never expected to end up here." Lincoln turned to Carlota and smiled. "Glad I did, though."

Carlota smiled and blushed, but then turned sad. "It's kinda sad, though. I mean, I'd give anything to see my family again."

"Then they must've been a lot better than mine. Anyway, we have each other now. That's something, right?"

She smiled again. "Yeah. I guess it is. Good night, Lincoln."

"Good night, Carlota." Lincoln closed his eyes, about to drift off to sleep.

Lincoln woke up next to a very pale-looking Carlota. Her eyes and her nose were all red and puffy and she was sweating, which made Lincoln start to worry. "Are you okay, Carlota?" he asked. "You look kinda sickly."

"I feel kinda sickly, too. Would you be a dear and check my forehead for me?" she said in a very stuffy-sounding voice. Lincoln climbed up and placed both hands on Carlota's forehead. As expected, she was burning up. It was like touching a hot car.

"You've definitely got a fever. Stuffy nose, cold sweat. All the textbook symptoms of a common cold," Lincoln diagnosed.

"Ugh, great. This is just what I need today. I…. I…. Ah…"

Lincoln realized that his giant friend was about to sneeze, so he ran and took cover under the pillow. He knew it was a bad idea to be around when a giant sneezed.

"Ah… Ah-CHOO!"

The force of the sneeze rattled the entire cave. Once Lincoln was sure that it was safe, he climbed back out to check on his friend. "Gesundheit."

"Thanks," she replied with a sniff. "Lincoln, I need you to do something for me."

"What is it?"

"There's an old natural remedy for a cold. I need you to make it for me."

"You actually have a cure for the common cold?"


"That's amazing! People back home would pay top dollar for that. Just tell me what I need to make it."

"Wait. What am I thinking? I'd have to send you out into the jungle to get it. I can't let you go out there all alone."

"Carlota, please. I really wanna help you get better. I promise I'll be super careful. Please tell me the ingredients."

Carlota thought for a moment until finally, she decided to let Lincoln go. "Alright. Listen carefully. On the far side of the lake, there's a tunnel that leads to an underground cavern. Inside that cavern is a tiny stream that flows into a bunch of little pools. And in those pools, you'll find a special blue algae. That algae is the cure. You'll need to bring as much of it back with you as you can carry. Understand?"

"I got it. Don't worry, Carlota. I'm gonna get that algae for you and be back in a flash. You'll see. Nothing is gonna get in my way."

"Good luck, Lincoln." Carlota watched as her little human friend left the cave to carry out his noble mission. Even if he didn't come back with the algae, she just prayed that he would come back alive. Then she felt another tickle in her nose and sneezed again, causing another earthquake.

"Just hang in there! You'll be all better in no time!" Lincoln called back before racing off alone into the dense and mysterious jungle. All for the sake of helping his only friend.