AN: It's been a long time since I've written fanfiction, but I love the Lucifer Netflix Show [screw you Fox] so much that I just had to write my ideas! The first chapter is pretty long, and I apologize for that, but I wanted to get most of the character introductions done. Plus the first chapter follows S2 Ep4: Lady Parts. Please leave a review!

Updated March 14, 2020 - Grammer

Spotify Playlist: playlist/6UtbKY3ENfzrDYoubKnBN9?si=uiS6DWLKRMSYMh8dVT5ngg / Or just search AZookiex3 and look for "A Devil's Love"!

***As of March 15, 2020, after Chapter 9: Can You Hear Me, I will no longer update "A Devil's Love" on this site. The reason being this site does not approve of second-person [you] stories. This story will be up for as long as the site allows. If you wish to continue reading past Chapter 9, please search AZookiex3 on AO3 or Wattpad, and you can search AZritesx3 on Tumblr. There is much more to this story, and I hope you continue to read!***

"Ladies and Gentlemen! We have arrived at our destination at the Los Angeles International Airport. We hope you enjoyed your flight and hope you ride with us again!" A smack to your chest wakes you from a deep slumber.

"Ms. Earth! We've landed. Can we please hurry off this plane?" your assistant, Alice Green, pleads to you.

"Geez, Ali," you groan while stretching in your very comfy first-class seat, "The whole reason I got us first class was so you'd be more comfortable."

"Over 6 hours, Ms."

You yawn, "Alright, alright. Let's get off. I'm eager to go too, actually." You give Alice the shooing motion and she's more than happy to oblige.

After grabbing your luggage from the always too fast conveyor belt, you treat Alice to the most elegant airport food you can imagine: McDonald's. As she went to town on her banquet you call a cab to pick you up in thirty minutes, then stare at a blank text message screen.

"You ok?" Alice asks after swallowing a mouth full of chicken nuggets.

"You know, it amazes me how you can eat like a potbelly pig and still be a size three," Alice raises an eyebrow at you while stuffing more in her mouth. You sigh, "Should I text her now? Or just surprise her at work?"

"You've told me before that she usually doesn't like to be interrupted when on duty."

"Yeah, you're right." You start to form a devilish grin on your face and place your phone back in your purse, "Her job it is then!"

"Seriously, Detective! Name three friends you could have drinks with right now," Lucifer Morningstar pokes at Detective Chloe Decker.

"Well, I can't name three," replies Chloe rolling her eyes, "I can name one, but she's on the other side of the country." She pulls the car up to the crime scene and parks.

"Wait, you actually have a friend?" Lucifer smiles cockily. Chloe gives him an annoyance stare then gets out of the car, walking quickly inside the crime circle.

"Well, you need to make more friends! Especially since now I know it seems you're capable of doing so." Lucifer, very easily with his long legs, strides right next to her, "Stress is a terrible ager, Detective. Go to a bar, get drunk, and talk about your woes to the patrons! I promise it'll make you feel better."

"Talk about my impending divorce and possible homelessness with an eight-year-old daughter to complete strangers? Yeah. Sounds super relaxing."

"Doesn't it?" Lucifer smiles that grin again and Chloe responds with a pissed-off expression. Thankfully, Detective Dan Espinoza cuts in with the crime details.

"We've got a young female. COD unknown." Dan looks back and forth between Lucifer and Chloe before settling on her.


"None," Dan says with a sigh, "No personal belongings. Only thing of note is a triangular ink stamp on the inside of her wrist."

"Oh wait, I think I can actually help here!" Lucifer stops the men carrying the woman's body and points to the stamp, "This is a very common thing you'd see at a nightclub. You know," Lucifer looks at Chloe and raises his brows, "where people go to have fun."

"And then get killed. Yeah, mhm." Chloe shakes her head at her partner.

"Well, that part usually doesn't happen." Lucifer pulls his phone out, all attention now on the tiny device.

"We did find an abandoned vehicle registered as an Uber." Dan steps in, "No driver."

Chloe nods in thought, then grabs Lucifer's phone and starts searching, "I was searching safe nightclubs for you Detective! Other than my own, of course."

"Uber IDs are usually linked to the driver's phone," Chloe says, ignoring Lucifer, "not the car, and now we've got his number...Looks like our guy is on the corner of Crescent & Third."

"Impressive." Lucifer smiles down at his partner.

"Yeah, it's called police work," Chloe replies, hiding a smile as she hands him back his phone.

Lucifer places the phone in front of his mouth, "Let's solve a murder!" "I can assist you with that." "Ha! You have to love these things!"

"Lucifer-" but before Chloe could scold him one of the K9s on scene starts to bark. The three of them look over in that direction and see an officer having trouble controlling the dog.

"I thought those things were supposed to be trained." Lucifer cringes.

"That's Buster. Just turned a year old and still training." Dan answers. The poor officer can't control Buster any longer, and the dog snaps free and runs to an approaching party.

"Oh my-" Chloe's eyes go wide.

"Well hey there little guy!" You smile as Buster jumps on you and licks your face. Alice smiles and softly laughs, "You completely ruined my cover, dude! I was planning on sneaking up on my old BFF." Buster whines softly, "Aw, it's not a problem bud. Now go back to your officer." You point towards the officer, who looks completely embarrassed, and Buster follows your command.

You look to Chloe, smile and wave, "Hey Chlo-Chlo! Long time no see, huh?"

"Earth?!" Chloe gets the biggest smile on her face and rushes over to you. The two of you have what looks to be the biggest, and tightest, hug in the world.

"Well I'll be damned," Dan says softly, then smiles and walks towards the trio of women. Leaving behind a very confused Devil.

"What are you doing here, Earth?!" Chloe smiles and holds onto your hands.

"Business over in New York is in good hands now. So I figured, why not open up a vet on the other side of the country too?" You smile and squeeze Chloe's hands, "Plus I get to be back home, work on my K9s again, oh yeah! And be with my BFF." Chloe smiles and embraces you once more.

"Hey, Earth," Dan comes up and holds out his hand, "It's good to see you back."

"Daniel," you accept his handshake and respond coolly, "You're lucky you brought Trixie into the world. Otherwise, I'd be living up to the threat I gave you at the wedding."


Lucifer coughs.

"Oh, right," Chloe composes herself, "Earth, this is Lucifer Morningstar the LAPD civilian consultant."

"And her partner," Lucifer smiles at you and holds out his hand.

"Ah, so your the weirdo who thinks he's the Devil!" You smile back and accept his handshake, "Chloe's told me a lot about you. All bad things, I promise."

"Is that so?" Lucifer's smile grows, "Well I wish I could say the same about you my dear, but I'm afraid the Detective has never mentioned you. Well," Lucifer side glances to Chloe, "not until the ride over here."

"Perfect timing then," you reply, "and I'm not surprised she hasn't talked about me. She's very hush-hush about her childhood."

"Yes, I've noticed that."

"Earth!" Chloe eagerly moves the conversation in another direction, "Who's your friend?"

"This is my rising prodigy and assistant, Alice Green!" You properly introduce her to everyone.

"It's nice to meet you all!" Alice shakes everyone's hand, lingering longer on Lucifer.

"Nice to meet you too, darling." Lucifer smiles seductively at your assistant, and you can see her blush.

"So!" You clap your hands together loudly, knocking Alice out of her daze, "I just came to say I'm back. Go on, go back to your investigation." You make the shooing motion once more, "We're going to head to our hotel and get some rest. Going back in time is sooo draining. Text me when you're done and free to hang out, Chloe!" You wave your goodbyes then push Alice back to the cab.

"Well, Detective," Lucifer smiles down at her, "Looks like you've got no excuse now not to go have fun."

"Looks like it." Chloe smiles back.

The music's popping in Lux. People dancing, talking, and making-out all around the place. Everyone looks to be having the time of their life.

All except for a certain Detective who has yet to de-stress.

"...there was tissue damage to Daria's stomach lining caused by liquid nitrogen, the stuff that makes those fancy cocktails smoke. It's probably how she ingested the poison-"

"Amazing work as always Detective," Lucifer interrupts her, "but you just made my trio sha-bang run away." Lucifer looks longingly at the trio of beautiful women who are no longer in his arms.

"Second," Chloe continues like she hasn't even heard him, "I assumed that Daria was at a club on Gower and we found an abandoned building on the corner. The place looked like it had a party recently." Chloe moves over to one of the small tables by the bar as she talks, looking over the paperwork.

"Fascinating," Lucifer says sarcastically, following her.

"I was wondering if you could make some phone calls to help me out?" Chloe looks to Lucifer, "You know, since you seem to have your fingers on the pulse."

"I'd much rather be pulsing-"

"I know that hood." Mazikeen Smith, Lucifer's demon bodyguard, was listening in from the bar, "There's a great tiki bar across the street from that building. I know the bartender." Maze downs her drink.

"I'm not surprised." Chloe shakes her head.

"Let's go have a drink there. Ask about the dead girls." Maze pushes.

"That sounds like a very good lead, Detective!" Lucifer's smile practically covers his entire face.

"Did I just hear you guys talk about that tiki bar on Gower?" Ella Lopez, an LAPD forensic scientist, comes back from dehydrating in the bathroom, "I love their pina coladas!"

"See that Detective?" Lucifer smiles at Chloe as he takes a swing of a drink a waiter just gave him, "Why don't you text that lovely friend of yours too?"

"Got to say, I'm surprised you guys didn't realize that this was Chloe's idea of a 'girls night'." You sit next to Maze and Ella, who Chloe briefly introduced you to before she ran off to ask questions of the patrons about her case.

Maze's eye roll was practically a growl, and Ella just smiles and shrugs her shoulders while she finishes her second pina colada.

"Well, I did manage to gain some new info." Chloe finally returns to the bar and sits next to you. She opens up her case file and starts to go through the papers again, "The bartender said something was going on in that building. I put a call in for a warrant to the judge. Just waiting to hear back."

"Great," Maze forces a smile and shoves Chloe's abandoned drink into her hand, "have a drink!"

"Uh, no. I think I'm going to call it a night," Chloe starts to pack up her paperwork, but you grab her left wrist to stop her.

"But I just got here!"

"Sorry, Earth...look we can-"

"Hey ladies." Dr. Linda Martin, the Devil's therapist, gives a concerned smile as she sits next to Chloe.

"Linda?" Chloe looks shocked, "What are you doing here?"

"Maze texted me saying it's girls night." Chloe looks over at Maze who just shrugs and motions again to the abandoned drink.

"Sorry Linda, but-"

"Oh no no no, now I'm stepping in!" You snap and Chloe looks at you, "Look Chloe, you've done all you can for tonight, and I know you've got a lot on your mind right now. Your weird partner is right." You put a hand on Chloe's shoulder and squeeze, "You need to have fun and relax."

"I agree." Linda nods and you two formally introduce each other while Maze and Ella both share their agreement. Defeated, Chloe sighs, sits down, and slowly starts to sip her drink.

For a first night out since being back in LA, you aren't surprised that it turned into a bar fight. First it started slow, with the group sharing something about themselves or what was on their mind, and that seemed to make Chloe more comfortable. Then two drinks became four, and you find yourself singing terrible karaoke with the girls even though you only drank water. Maze tried to make you drink and you responded with, "You're here to get Chloe drunk, not me. I saw that phone picture to him." Which seemed to shut her up, but she glared at you the rest of the night.

The fight broke loose when the Detective in Chloe came back in full force. She noticed some slum of a guy with the same triangular stamp on the wrist and brought him over to question with Ella. Then, the slum's girlfriend comes up and just punches Chloe. You and Maze didn't stand for that and started fighting the people in the bar, while Linda hid under the bar table and Ella splashed water on people. When everything finally calmed down Maze stopped glaring at you and instead gave you a look of approval for your fighting skills.

Chloe got even more info on her case from the slum. He said the place he got the stamp was a sex club party that always moves to different places each night.

As the group dispersed, Chloe stops you and says she will text you to meet at her mom's when she's officially over with the case.

"I can't believe it was all a setup!" Chloe complains while she pours you and her a glass of water. You take a sip of the water and continue to listen to her ranting, "'You need to go make friends, Detective'," Chloe mocks Lucifer's voice, "'Go get drunk and forget about your woes'," Chloe sighs and slumps into the couch next to you, "Now, thanks to that drunkenness, I'm going to have Maze as a roommate."

"I don't think it's so bad."

"You've only known Maze for a night, and you can basically grasp her personality from that."

"Aw, come on Chlo!" You nudge her leg with your own, "Yeah she seems kind of...scary, but she's an amazing fighter. Good protection for you and Trixie," you take another sip of water, "and besides," you wrap an arm around Chloe's shoulder, "Lucifer may have set it up, but you did have fun and de-stressed right?"

Chloe sighs and lays her head on your shoulder, "Yeah, I did."

"See?" You smile and rest your head on hers, "And now you have a good group of girls to have drinks with on your own. You know…" You swirl your water in the glass, "I was scared when you told me about your new partner. I thought, 'How could a guy who calls himself the Devil be good for my Chlo?'" You sit up and look Chloe in the eyes, "But I think...he's actually a good guy. A nice guy."

"Yeah," Chloe smiles warmly at you, "he is."

"Good." You cough, "So," you place your water on the coffee table, "is it more than just partnership?" You wiggle your eyebrows.

Chloe laughs at you and smacks your arm, "No! Absolutely not!" You both have a good laugh before settling down.

You two talk for an hour before Chloe informs you she has to go pick up Trixie from school. You both say your goodbyes at the door, but Chloe stops you:

"Hey, Earth?" She looks and sounds concerned.

"Yeah?" You look back at her through the doorway.

"You sure you'll be alright coming back here? I mean…"

"Don't worry, Chloe." You give her a reassuring smile, "I've dealt with my demons."

"Okay, good, but you know if you ever need someone to talk to come to me." Chloe smiles then looks like a light bulb clicked on in her head, "Or if you need a new therapist, I do recommend Linda. It may not seem like she's good since she's his therapist and he still insists on being the 'Devil', but she has helped Lucifer with other problems."

"Thanks, Chlo. I'll think about it." You smile and wave before you head to your rental and she to her own car.

"Yeah," you say to yourself as you start up the engine, "it's good to be back."