Sheep in the Big Nowhere

Chapter 3 Serious Security

By: Major144

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. This is just a story for fun.

The next day was a real scorcher in The Big City, with record temperatures. General Specific, Private Public, and a few troopers were waiting outside the airport looking out for Sheep and Farmer John. The general was taking a sip of water from a large 10 ounce water bottle, when one of the troopers said they saw Sheep and Farmer John head into the airport.

"We have them now boys." Said General Specific as he rushed into the airport.

General Specific looked around the airport and saw Sheep and Farmer John going through security. He got into the line and shoved his way to the front. Sheep and Farmer John exited the security checkout and General Specific was fixing to follow them, when a TSA agent stopped him.

"No more then 3 ounces of liquid." Said the agent pointing to the general's water bottle.

General Specific gritted his teeth in annoyance and quickly threw the bottle into a nearby trashcan. He went through the metal detector and it beeped loudly. General Specific quickly went through again and the machine beeped again. He was starting to lose his patience and his targets were getting farther away. General Specific quickly decided it would just be simpler to strip down. He removed everything except for his boxer shorts and a white tank top. People began to shout and scream as General Specific began to run in Sheep and Farmer John's direction. General Specific didn't get too far, when a security guard hit him with a taser causing him to fall to the ground. He was then picked up by security and dragged away, as Sheep and Farmer John boarded their plane, completely unaware of the security incident.

"Well that's another failure." Said Private Public as he and the troopers went to bail General Specific out.

To be continued.