a/n: I shouldn't be writing this. It's a bad idea. I have other projects. But I love drabble collections so much. Oops.

disclaimer: I don't own AnE/Blue Exorcist.

Yukio's brow twitched in annoyance. He'd been facing the chalkboard for the past few minutes during his lecture, and when he finally turned around, the first thing he noticed was that his twin brother was snoozing quite contently at his desk. He'd probably been asleep for the past ten or twenty minutes.

While Yukio had long grown accustomed to his brother taking naps during school hours, it did not mean that he was not irritated by it. He knew well that Rin was dead serious about being an exorcist—but right now, it seemed Rin wasn't so determined to follow through with that promise. Being an exorcist meant more than just swinging his sword around. He'd have to study, too.

It'd be exceedingly difficult for Rin to study when he used the majority of his classes to catch up on sleep.

Lips pursed in a thin line, Yukio closed the book in his hand rather loudly, briskly walking up to Rin's seat with every intention of slamming it on his desk to snap him out of slumber.

Then, from her seat next to him, Shiemi murmured, "Yuki-chan… wait."

He paused obediently, giving her a quizzical look. "What?"

She was leaning closer to Rin, listening intently. "I think… he's purring."

"No way." That was Shima, whose eyes had widened in disbelief and curiosity. He'd shot up from his seat and wasted no time in seeing if what Shiemi had said was true. Knelt down next to Rin before he said, "Holy hell, you're right. He's like a cat."

Suguro stood up, the ever-present scowl on his face. "Have you two lost your minds? I bet he's not actually—"

He stopped when he neared Rin, and the doubtful expression was wiped clean from his face as he was quickly proved wrong. Yukio, now, looked down at his sleeping brother, just as curious as his students. Gently, he lowered his book and focused in the silence to hear what they heard.

Indeed, very softly, Rin was purring. A low, rumbling sound, not unlike a feline; and despite the attention he was receiving from his classmates (Kamiki and Miwa were now coming to see for themselves what all the commotion was about) and younger brother, Rin did not stir from his nap. The sound seemed to grow louder now that they were all quiet.

"Well. Isn't that something?" Suguro muttered under his breath.

Yukio's lips twitched with a small, fond smile, having abandoned his agitation for amazement at this new discovery. "You're full of surprises, aren't you, Nii-san?"