Sesshomaru brought his hand to his forehead as he tried to block out the noises of table-saws and hammers. He didn't know why he was doing this. He had hired a small construction company to build a new structure at the forefront of his property. That it was a Miko's shrine and he a demon, he was convinced he was insane at this point. Yet, he felt like he hadn't thought so clearly in a long time.
One of the workers was blaring music from a stereo, it had been what woke him. Sesshomaru backed up and slid his front door shut. Even though he could still hear the noises, it was muffled at least. He decided to go to his bedroom where he knew he had a bottle of sake somewhere.
He reached the room and found the bottle on his desk that was situated lowly, to the ground. He unscrewed the cap and brought it to his lips, but that's when his cell phone started vibrating in his back pocket. It was the cheapest you could get, a pre-paid phone, because he really only used it as a way to communicate when really need be.
He put the bottle back down on his desk before reaching into his pocket. He pulled the phone out and looked at the caller identification.
He lips turned upwards, ever so slightly, when he saw it was her. He pressed the button that had a tiny green phone on it. Then he brought it up to his ear.
"Hey." Her voice was low, like she had been crying recently. A frown found his face.
"Hey," he answered back.
"Are you free tonight?" She asked. He paused a moment before answering.
"Yes," He told her.
"Can I come over?" She asked as she sounded like she was trying to get a hold of herself. He blinked as he thought. He couldn't let her come over, not yet, not while it was still under construction.
"My house is being bug-bombed, you can't..." He began, but she interrupted him.
"What's going on? There's a bunch of construction workers in front of your house." Kagome stated, confusion etching into her voice. Sesshomaru held back a sigh.
"You're already here?" He questioned, slightly annoyed.
"Mhmm, I'm sorry, I called right when I was almost here," Kagome admitted before she spoke again.
"So your not even here then?" She asked. He didn't say anything. What could he say? He was caught in what he had thought would be a little white lie.
"Because your house is being bug-bombed?" She asked.
"No..." He answered.
"It's not being bug-bombed," Sesshomaru admitted. Kagome didn't speak for a moment, he imagined she was probably angry with him for lying.
"Then why did you say that?" She asked him.
"I didn't want you to know about the construction job going on."
"Why would I care about it?" She questioned quickly after.
"Because it's for you." He said. Again, she went silent.
"Sesshomaru, I..." she began.
"No. Don't say anything yet. I didn't plan for this to be a phone conversation." Sesshomaru was getting very frustrated at this point. Why did she have to find out about it this way?
"Let's talk in person, your here, right?" He asked.
"Yeah. Um, I'm gonna pull in now then, your gonna have to open the gate." She stated.
"Of course." He said before he hung up, without a word more.
Jy is so oud soos ek
"So, you're building me a new shrine?" Kagome questioned slowly, tasting the words in her mouth.
"Yes. I just..." Sesshomaru looked downwards.
"I know you always wanted to marry Inuyasha." He finally stated. Kagome frowned at him.
"I..." She began
"No, let me finish." Sesshomaru spoke out. He closed his eyes and tried to think.
"I know I'm not Inuyasha, I know that we were once enemies, but..." He said.
"Are you asking me to marry you Sesshomaru-Sama?" Kagome questioned. Sesshomaru opened his eyes and stared at her.
"Do you really want me like that? All of me?" She asked as she came forward, she brushed her hands down his silky sleeping robe.
"Would it please you, my lord, to have me in your bed every night? To have me by your side, til death do we part?" She began the question coyly, but then her voice became deadly serious. Sesshomaru nodded as he captured one of her hands with his own. He brought it to his cheek where he greedily felt her touch.
"Yes, that is what I want Miko-Sama. I don't want to waste another moment without you." He admitted. Kagome leaned her head against him. He didn't see the somber look that came across her face, but he heard it in her voice.
"You know that I will age and you won't? I'll grow wrinkly and you will stay the same..." Kagome whispered out. It was the thought that made her keep some distance from the demon lord.
"Yes, but I'd stay by your side until the end," Sesshomaru told her. Kagome pulled back and gave him a meek smile.
"You say you want me, but you have never touched me. A kiss here and there, but I always thought it was because it was all a game." She said. His face was hardened as he pulled back to stare at her.
"I respect you Kagome. I hate many humans, you know how I am..." He said. Kagome gazed at him for a long moment.
"I'm a human." Her brown eyes seemed to stare sternly into his soul. He could feel the heat of her gaze, she did not like when he said such things. He brought up his hand and placed it lightly on her shoulder.
"I have no one else but you, Miko. I know you, you know I know you. I'm not sure if I can ever make you truly happy, but I will always comfort you." He explained. Kagome frowned at him as she averted her gaze.
"Sesshomaru, I barely see you... You never call me or come by. I call you and come over and then we just play these stupid games. Then you keep asking me to live here and I can't accept that offer because I have a responsibility to my family and my shrine," Kagome began. Sesshomaru tried to open his mouth to speak, but Kagome brought her index finger forward as a motion for him to stay quiet. She wasn't done.
"I didn't come for games today," She stated.
"I need help, like serious help right now, I don't know anyone with money other than you," Kagome stated. She looked down, her teeth were clenched. She was obviously ashamed of asking him for a 'loan'.
"Kagome, I will give you everything I have if you would be mine," Sesshomaru told her.
"No, don't do that to me!" She bit out as tears formed in her eyes. His lips turned downwards.
"I will pay you for your services of our 'games,' if that is what you so desire." His voice became increasingly cold as he spoke. She cast a venomous glare at him.
"You can't loan me two-thousand dollars to get my family in an apartment? They have nowhere else to go. I have the math..." She pulled a small notebook out of a satchel she had.
"Of how long it will take me to pay you back, it's estimated about only three months, not too long at all," Kagome explained.
"I just got some new jobs and I was asking this as a favor to a good friend because I'm too far gone from this world. I don't have anyone else either, Sesshomaru." Kagome told him.
"Please!" She added.
Sesshomaru took a few steps backward, so that he was not close to her at all anymore.
"Why are you moving your family to a new apartment?" Sesshomaru asked. Kagome brought her hand up to her lips and bit on her thumbnail for a moment before she brought her arm back down.
"The shrine was condemned, I got the notice today." She told him. He just stared at her, saying nothing. He thought hard about what she was telling him, he wondered how she felt with so much going on.
"Then why? Why won't you come and live here?" He questioned. She shook her head.
"You don't even know me!" She exclaimed.
"You know what I want you to know." She added.
"Do you think you know me, Miko?" He asked her.
"I know I don't." She rebuked.
"We barely know each other and you're asking me to marry you. What do you think this is? Because I don't know." She told him. Sesshomaru was taken aback as he took in her words, although he did not show it on his face.
"I thought we were something more than this, but I see that I was very wrong." He stated. Kagome shook her head.
"No, don't say that. I want you Sesshomaru." She said. He was deeply confused at this point.
"I'm not going to confuse lust with love, I could list everything that attracts me to you, but I am many things that you hate. I will never make you happy either." Kagome explained her reasoning.
"But you're wrong." He said. Kagome shook her head in disagreement.
"I'm not a demon anymore and your not a human." He said. She gazed at him, her eyes widened a little because she was curious about what he would say.
"You are a Miko, a graceful, mystical Miko. When you wear your robes, you do it with an ancient dignity, I have seen you when you do your duties. You have seen with your own eyes what others haven't. Not now at least. You are all that's left of such truly graceful creatures. They exist now still, but not like you." He said.
"And I'm a drunk, I care about nothing until you're there. I've been frozen, stuck forever. When your around, I want to live life." He pressed his lips together when he finished. Kagome bit her lower lip and brought her hands up to hold her forearms, closer towards her elbows.
"I can't." She said.
"Is it because of Inuyasha?" He questioned because he could think of nothing else. Kagome turned her head.
"No, it's about my pride and your pride. Who are we? A demon and a Miko..." She shook her head.
"It could be a kink. We could play that as a game." Sesshomaru told her.
"Sesshomaru, I've had to take up two jobs, I'm in serious debt, I don't have time anymore," Kagome stated.
"Well then Miko, take out your phone and call them up and quit." He rebuked. She shook her head.
"Sesshomaru, I have to take care of my family." She stated with a fire in her voice.
"Miko, have you not seen this place? I have more than one building, I can accommodate more than just you. I can give your family a good life as well as you. I'm building a shrine for you. I know it is not near the well, but I think it is time for you to move on from it. It will probably be destroyed anyway." Sesshomaru said. Kagome was stunned silent for a moment. He was offering to move her family here too? She couldn't think right. She surely must have been misunderstanding him. However, it was his last words that twisted unending emotion from her.
"Do you think it will be the end of all magic? When they destroy the well?" Kagome questioned. Sesshomaru held a stern look to his face, his lips were pressed downwards and crease lines formed on his forehead.
"Won't it end when we end rather?" Sesshomaru asked. Kagome looked downwards.
"You really make this feel like a feudal marriage arrangement, you know?" Kagome reasoned.
"You don't like what I've proposed?" He questioned.
"If you're going to help me, then let's take things slow. Do we have to go so fast? Let's be together for a while before we get married. Seriously, I will accept your offer to live here, but I don't want to marry you for a bribery." She told him. Sesshomaru stared at her long and hard.
"I will take care of you if you will take care of me." She added in a soft voice. His hard gaze began to melt away and he stepped towards her.
"Well then, it's settled." He said.
"I will prepare accordingly and make arrangements for your family to stay at a hotel until the renovations are done." He stated. Kagome shook her head.
"Wait," She began.
"Miko, I'm taking care of you and your interests." Sesshomaru explained. Kagome met his eyes with her own. Her gaze was intense, serious as ever.
"We can try then... I guess." She said. Sesshomaru barely smirked at his victory, but he was happy.
Kayo ay kasing luma ko
Kagome pushed the piece of chicken around on her plate, her skin was perspiring as she was very nervous. Sesshomaru finally looked up at her.
"Okay Miko, what is wrong with you lately?" He finally questioned. For the past two days, she had acted increasingly weirder and weirder.
She shook her head, denying the allegation.
"Tell me." He stated once more as he grabbed her hand to get her to pay more attention to him.
"Are you finally having second thoughts about all of this?" He asked her. It had been only three months of her living here. This past week, she had been acting so strangely. She acted cold and harsh and wanted nothing to do with the demon lord. She seemed uninterested with just about everything. She frowned at him before she snatched her hand away.
"You always hated Inuyasha." She finally said, sorrow filled her voice. Sesshomaru's lips quivered downwards only slightly.
"He was reckless and foolish, he was never there when things mattered the most." Sesshomaru scoffed before he looked away from her. It had been a long time since they had spoken of Inuyasha.
"And because he is a hanyou, you hated that. You always hated that." She seemed miserable at her revelation. Sesshomaru shook his head slightly.
"Does it matter anymore, Kagome?" He questioned. He knew he had long changed since then. He now brought a Miko to his bed and entertained her family as honored, cherished guests with a more permanent stay than usual.
"Yes! It does to me!" Kagome muttered out, her tone heightening as she said it. Sesshomaru squinted his eyes.
"Where is this coming from?" He asked her. Kagome frowned at him and crossed her arms over her chest.
"I don't know if I can do this anymore. We just play around, pretend to be people we aren't anymore. We pretend to be in a world that no longer exists. I can't anymore." She stated. Sesshomaru's heart picked up in pace and agony soured his stomach. His eyes were wide with trepidation as he stared at her.
"Kagome, please, there has to be a better reason than that... Pretending was your idea." He stated. Kagome frowned at him.
"I do love you." She admitted, yet she was unable to look into his eyes.
"And I you." He replied as he tried to grab her hand again, but she pulled it away. He shook his head with worry. What was going on in there? In her mind?
"Are you that content on leaving me without a real explanation?" He finally asked. Her eyes stared at him, ripped through him. He could dive down into the ocean depths and he was sure he would still feel her gaze.
She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.
"I can't be with someone who hates hanyou... With someone that would call a hanyou a half-breed or mistreat it for what it is... So I can't anymore." Kagome said. Sesshomaru squinted his eyes, completely confused. He didn't understand why hanyous mattered at all. Then it hit him like a sizable chunk of hail.
He had sent the table flying to the side, scaring Kagome enough to jump with a start and scoot back a little. Even so, he didn't let it hit her in any way, shape, or form. He crawled towards her, a smile gracing his face.
He brought his nose down to her stomach before she could protest and when he pulled away, a big smile was plastered to his lips.
He gazed into her confused eyes. He was, of course, amazed. He was quick to press a kiss to her lips, over and over again. She had protested at first, but she gave into his touch easily. Deep down, she wanted him to hold her so badly, and tell her everything would be alright.
He nudged her down slowly until she laid back. She ran her fingers through stray strands of his hair.
He pressed kiss after kiss to her, first to her lips, then to the side of her mouth. He kissed her cheeks and her brows before he finally brought his nose to hers.
"We shall have a child then, my Kagome." He told her. She stared into his eyes, confusion laced in them as she tried to study him.
"I have wanted this for many, many years. I am unbelievably happy that you shall be the mother of my children. I can think of no one better." He whispered. A look of surprise made its way onto her face.
"No, but it will be a hanyou," Kagome explained. Sesshomaru brushed that aside.
"There are no more demons Kagome... If I were to have children with anyone, it would be you. You are the only one I care to share any of my life with at this point." He said. Kagome stared at him for a long moment.
"So, it's definite though? Were you able to smell it?" She asked. Sesshomaru nodded.
"It is still so new, but yes, I can smell her." He said. Kagome shook her head with a strange gaze at him.
"Her? I thought the sex of the child wasn't determined until way later?" She questioned. Sesshomaru held his finger up to shush her, he was unable to keep a smile off his face.
"A demon can hope, right?" He asked. Kagome's lips turned upwards and more upwards, she could contain it no more.
She had gone through scenario after scenario in her head of how this would go.
She had been positive he would throw her out. She was positive he would hate her for it.
She wondered when she had let her fear get a hold of her.
"So you want a girl?" She questioned. He nodded desperately. Kagome smirked.
"I hope it is a boy."
Du bist so alt wie ich
He wasn't home, again. She sat up in the living room on a ton of pillows with Rin snuggly in her arms. She had just finished burping her and after, she had fallen to sleep quickly. Instead of putting her back in her crib like Kagome ought to, she sat there as despair flooded her veins. Tears threatened to leave her eyes and she bit her lip. She should have known things would turn out this way. She wondered when he would be back. It was already one in the morning.
It was with a frown that she stood up with Rin tightly in her arms. She left the living room to go down the hallway until she made it to the nursery. She laid her child down and made sure to pull the side of the crib up. She was about to go to bed herself, but then she heard it. The jingling of keys and the sound of footsteps, they were the sure sign ways that she knew he was home. She held her breath as she headed back to the living room. When she reached it, he had come in already. He faced away from her, locking the door.
"Sesshomaru?" She began loudly enough, yet he didn't respond. Instead, he didn't move a muscle, he froze at the sound of her voice.
"Where have you been?" She asked. He slowly turned around. His eyes scanned her, he only found disappointment. He watched her sniff the air and her face grew sour.
"You've been drinking again, haven't you!?" She bit out. A sigh made its way out of him as he became clearly irritable.
"Kagome." He said her name in an attempt to calm her.
"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up! Who the hell do you think I am!?" She sounded so angry, her voice was like steam hissing out of a hot pipe.
"Kagome, I don't —." He tried to say.
"You don't want to argue tonight? Is that what you're going to say? I'm done. I'm done with this!" Kagome said hotly.
"Don't —." He tried to say. She took a few steps forward and pressed a pointed finger at his chest.
"We're not going to argue anymore because we're not going to be together anymore." She stated. His eyes became empty at that.
"You told me you'd quit. Instead, you're gone all fucking night! Where have you been!?" Tears of frustration leaked from her eyes. He blinked slowly, his reactions dulled by the massive amount of alcohol he'd taken in.
"Please Kagome, we can fix this." He tried to say. He had never realized how serious this was to her. They'd talked a few times, but with Rin taking up all of Kagome's time, he felt lonely. He didn't know how to fix that.
"We? Did you say WE? How dare you even say that Sesshomaru! What WE is there? You're never here for there to even be an US!" Her words cut him worse than the poison that had long resided in his claws.
"Please Kagome." He came forward and tried to wrap his arms around her. She was quick to break free and retreat across the room.
"I'm getting my family out of here and I'm taking Rin." She stated. He shook his head slowly.
"No." He began.
"Like she even knows who you are, it's not like you're ever there," Kagome muttered. He brought his hand to his head. He couldn't think straight and all of this was happening so quickly.
"Don't try to contact me." She said. His eyes widened at that.
"No, if you're going to leave, your going to let me see Rin." He stated. He wouldn't be banished from his own child's life.
"Fine, you can see Rin, but that's it, do you understand?" She asked. His heart was breaking. Did she really not want him anymore. The look in her eyes was more than enough proof.
"Now do I need to sleep on the couch or are you going to?" She questioned. He stared at her for a long moment.
"I will." He finally said. Her eyes were like fire on him, it scared him. She could be terrifying at times. She turned around and stomped off to the hallway. He stood there for a moment. He began to the kitchen and began rifling through cabinets. There had to be something somewhere that he could drink. Eventually, he found something. In the cabinet to the right of the sink, he found an old bottle of sake. He pulled it out and uncapped it. He brought it to his lips and took a swig. Then another and another and then finally, he threw it against the ceramic floor. Glass shattered and alcohol sloshed against the floor. He slid down to his bottom with his knees up, his back against the wall. His face was red with anger, not at her, but at himself.
"What was that?" Her voice was accompanied by her quick footsteps. When she reached the archway, he spoke up.
"Don't come in here, there's glass." He stated. She stood there, staring at him and then the mess on the floor.
"So you drink more." She muttered. Her voice had become venomous, her body was tense as she clenched her hands into fists.
"No... Yes... I can't stop..." He put his head in his hand in agony. His pain became visibly apparent as he shook with upset. Kagome shifted her weight from one foot to the other as she watched him.
"I'm up all night and all day with Rin. You don't help me. I thought things would be different." Her voice was shaky.
"I thought so too." He admitted, still not looking at her.
"What do you want me to do Sesshomaru? This doesn't make me happy." She admitted. He tilted his head upwards slightly and gazed at her with half-lidded eyes.
"Tell me what to do to fix this." He muttered. She stood there staring at him. She was deadly silent and he took it as further rejection, so he hid his eyes away once again.
"Starting tomorrow, you stay home and we go through the whole house and throw out all of the bottles." She bit out.
"You stay home and help me with Rin and I'll do my best to support you with quitting." She finally said. He looked back up to her, surprised that she was giving him another chance.
"No more disappearing, no more lies, no more drinking." She stated. He nodded his agreement.
"Promise me." She said weakly.
"I promise." He answered her request. She scrutinized him with her eyes for a moment.
"So, lets clean this up and go to bed then." She muttered as she began to tiptoe through the kitchen towards the broom.
"Shit!" She muttered when she was halfway there and she quickly brought up her foot and held it. He was by her side in no time. He scooped her up in his arm and was quick to bring her out of the room. He brought her to their bedroom and turned on the light before he laid her upon their futon.
"Let me see." He said. She frowned as she propped up her foot for him. He gazed at it, a shard of glass was lodged into the bottom of her foot, slick with blood.
"This is going to hurt." He stated. She nodded.
"Just do it already." She said. He brought his hand up and dug his claws into her skin. He watched her silently writhe as she held her breath. He was as quick as he could be, pinching the glass between his claws before he pulled it out. He gazed at the sliver for a second before his eyes went to her. She stared back at him, there was desperation on her face. His heart thundered against his ribcage and he knew that this was his moment to reconcile with her. He crawled closer to her on his knees before he lowered himself over her, supporting himself with his one arm.
"I'm sorry." He stated and he gazed into her brown eyes with serious gold ones.
"Shut up and kiss me already." She muttered and he wasted no time in responding. He pressed a fervent kiss to her lips. One after another, each kiss was filled with heat. Fire sparked between them, a new desperation. Both had envisioned their life without the other and that heartbreak fueled a whole new type of desire. Kagome clenched his sake-scented hoodie with her hands and he growled in anticipation of her need.
"Let me get on top." She stated as she pushed him to the side. He rolled from his side to his back easily for her to straddle him. She pressed her own line of kisses from the side of his mouth to his neck with ferocity and he found her hair with his hand.
"I don't want you to leave." He finally said. She pulled back, sitting up.
"I don't want to either." She admitted.
Kua koroheketia koe me ahau
A/N: Alright, so I know this story is kind of wacky with its time skips, but people seemed to want more of this and I'm doing my best to acquiesce. This is what came out and try number three, the first two attempts were horrible. I know that this needs more chapters to wrap it all up if I'm putting this in. I hope this was good enough to go after the first chapter, I am really worried I can't hold a candle to it.
THANK YOU so much to everyone that favorited and followed this story. You guys along with my wonderful reviewers are the reason I decided to write more of this. Anyways, onto review replies.
To Rain Saint: Thank you so much! I'm definitely trying to relate all of the good stuff. I don't know exactly what will happen now, it keeps coming out x-men-ish when I try to go further into Sesshomaru's backstory of what happened in the next chapter, but I will keep working on it until it is the best it can possibly be. Thank you so much for your compliments.
To Mikansakuraangel: Thank you for reviewing and here is more. C:
To InuDemoness1525: Thank you for your review. I really enjoyed it, less than three(If I type in less than three, it always delete the less than sign). They will reconcile their feelings over time, I will try to show the more emotional, better parts and of course, painful, upsetting parts of their relationship. Again, thank you so much and there will be even more to come now.
To Estefania: Well, I have decided to go on, and hopefully they will eventually rediscover themselves. Mating in this story does not work in such a way that it would give Kagome eternal life, I like it as another obstacle that they must overcome, however, the key word here is overcome. Anyways, thank you so much for reviewing and I hope this chapter was good. I had to google translate your review, so I may have not understood correctly or gotten it somewhat wrong. I also will be putting this back through google translate, so forgive me if something comes out wrong or if something sounds offensive because I only wish to send out love to my wonderful and beautiful reviewers. Thank you so much again.
Bueno, he decidido continuar, y espero que eventualmente se redescubren a sí mismos. El apareamiento en esta historia no funciona de tal manera que le daría a la vida eterna de Kagome, me gusta como otro obstáculo que deben superar, sin embargo, la palabra clave aquí es superada. De todos modos, muchas gracias por la revisión y espero que este capítulo haya sido bueno. Tuve que traducir su opinión de Google, por lo que puede que no haya entendido correctamente o que haya sido un poco mal. También pondré esto de vuelta a través de google translate, así que perdóname si algo sale mal o si algo suena ofensivo porque solo deseo enviar amor a mis maravillosos y hermosos críticos. Muchas gracias de nuevo.