Child Abuse National Hotline:

hotline/ (link in my bio) or call 1(800) 4-A-Child or 1(800) 422-445. If yourself or someone you know is getting abuse at home, please ask for help or go to the hotline. You matter and you shouldn't go through this alone or feel like you need to. Please talk to someone. This hotline is confidential to all calls. I love you all.

A/N: We will be taking a break from Peter's POV and his mother. I will get to Tony's POV later on the story but I want the other Avengers to have a chapter. So, this chapter will be Steve's POV. Also, I have been currently obsessing with Stony (Tony x Steve), so this story will have slightly of that. A little bit of gayness always makes me happy. This story needs a little light.

Song for this Chapter: Through Glass by Stone Sour. I highly recommend to listen to the songs for each chapter to get the feeling for the story.

Disclaimer: I do not owe any of the Marvel characters.

Chapter 3: Through Glass

It was 1:39am when Steve Rogers finished his patrols around Queens. It was ten minutes before two a.m. when he found none other than Peter Parker, passed out on the cold, hard ground with puffy eyes and dry blood on his back. Steve wasn't exactly sure what had happened, but seeing the young boy in his sleepwear and not his suit would mean it wasn't something good.

Steve frowned, feeling his blood simmer at the sight of Peter looking so broken, and lifeless. The small voice in the back of his mind had some very detailed ideas on what might have happened. But of course, he couldn't assume the worst. He couldn't jump to conclusions. Right when Steve was about to shake the sleeping figure, loud laughter caught his attention. Scanning the street, his eyes found a couple that seemed to have gone a few rounds at a bar.

The woman shouted loudly to the male next to her, "I'm so glad that fucking parasite is gone! He was so fucking annoying. You see the way he cried when I kick him out? Fucking disgusting."

Her childish giggling echoed down the alleyway. The man beside her laughed along with her, and pulled her in the opposite direction of the two heroes. Steve glared at the couple and shook his head. People only grew nastier these days. He thought it would get better than in the 40's but it hasn't. He witnessed too many awful things in his past life and this lifetime. Steve looks down at the boy and felt his face soften. He went to his knees next to Peter and gently start to shake him to wake up. Peter moans painfully, but still didn't fully wake up.

"Peter? It's time to wake up, son. You can't sleep here."

Peter groaned softly, but didn't wake up from his sleep. Steve sighted and bent down to cradle the teen in his arms. He took a second to think on where to go because clearly he is listening to his gut to not take Peter home. He had a bad feeling that made Steve to assume on what really happen. His heart tightened at the thought of his favorite teenager going through something that he went through in the past. He shook his head, not really wanting to think of the monsters of his past. Steve looked down at the boy and pressed his lips together. Peter was shivering and burrowing himself deeper into Steve, trying to absorb the super soldiers warmth. Without a second thought, Steve took Peter to the only place on Earth where he would be one-hundred-percent safe. The Stark Tower.

It took awhile for Steve to make it to the tower, but he knew that he would need to take Peter to Tony. He also knew that Tony would panic when Steve told him how he found Peter. He wasn't really ready to have that talk with the genius. When Steve entered the building and pressed the elevator button for Tony's floor, his mouth went dry while his brain exploded with scenarios. His heart beating so quickly, it was as if it were battling with his ribcage. Is it possible that Peter is being abused? He thought to himself.

The Captain hadn't met Peter's parents yet, but it was no secret that Peter didn't really get along with his father. The thought of a parent hitting a child made his blood bubble in his veins with rage. Steve exited the elevator doors when they arrived at their destination. With Peter clinging into him, and whimpering in his sleep, his grip tightened. Every fiber in his being wanted to hold him, and protect him from the world forever.

"FRIDAY? Is Tony home?"

"Yes, Captain Rogers. Would you like me to tell him that you are here?"

"Yes, that would be great. Can you send him up here? Tell him that it's important, but don't tell him that I have Peter."

"Yes, Captain."

Steve sighed as he looked down. Peter was holding onto Steve tightly like he was his lifeline. God, he really hopes that his gut isn't right on this. Steve heard the sound of shoes walking behind him and knew that the panic was near.

"Steve? What's so important that you would need to be here at three in the morning? I already ate if that's what you are going to…" Tony stopped in mid-sentence when he saw Peter sleeping in his partner's arms. His eyes widened when he saw the blood stains in his white shirt. The puffiness on Peter's face made everything worse for Tony.

Steve had turned around fully and study Tony's reaction. He gulped and quickly went forward when he saw the panic in his eyes.

"Sh! Tony, calm down. You don't need to wake up, Peter. He needs to sleep. Let me put him in his room and we talk about this, okay?" The gentle whisper seemed to calm the billionaire, but only a little. Tony managed nod in response, but didn't speak a word as he lead Steve towards Peter's room.

As soon as Steve closed the door after laying Peter down, he faced Tony and lead him to the living room. They needed distance from the spidey-senses Peter had so they wouldn't wake him up with the conversation about to be had. Steve felt his heart lurch at the thought of telling Tony what he thought had happened with the youngest member of their avenger family. He sat down and glanced at his partner. Tony had an impatient, angry look on his face and he refused to sit down. Normally, Steve would find that look cute, thinking of him as a hissing, spitting kitten; but this was different.

"What the hell happened to him, Steve? Why the fuck is Peter here? Not to mention there is blood on him, his blood!" Tony paced the hardwood floor beneath his feet, demanding answers. Steve flinches at his partner's tone of voice. His blue eyes stares at the glaring brown ones and he sighed softly as he stood up to take a step closer to the other man. Steve place his hands on Tony's shoulders gently.

"I don't know what happen, Tony. I was patrolling around Queens and found him like that. He was in front of his apartment, I assume. All I saw was dry blood. His suit was nowhere to be found and his eyes were puffy from what I think were tears. Tony, that's all I know. I didn't know where to take him and I know how much he means to you. You are like a father figure to this boy." He took a breath to prepare himself. "Tony... I have some thoughts on what could have happened to him. They're extreme and I don't want to jump ahead until he wakes up, but…" He drew out.

"But you don't think this is a Spiderman thing." His lover answered for him.

Tony stared into the blue eyes and bit his lower lip. Steve felt his heart drop when he saw the brokeness behind those beautiful orbs. Steve loved this man and would do anything to not see that expression on his face ever again. He knew that Tony saw Peter as a son, just like Steve himself. Imagining Peter being hurt gutted the both of them.

"What did you think happened, Steve? He is strong enough to defend himself. It had to be someone he knew."

Steve closed his eyes and sat back down, bringing Tony to sit down with him. "I think that it was someone close to him… I think it's one of his parents, Tony. I could see that someone is abusing him. I believe it has been happening for a while now, but I could be wrong. Totally wrong. Let's just let him tell us, okay?"

Tony head snapped up in anger. "You think his parents are abusing him? His mother is a sweetheart… but if it's anyone.. it could be his father. He is a real fucking ass… Fuck! When I get my hands on him.."

Steve grabbed Tony's hand and moved closer to him, "I know. I know this is a heartbreaking and infuriating thing, but we can't jump to conclusions. I could honestly be wrong. God, I hope that I am wrong. We can't ask him right away and we can't push him to talk to us. He might lie and will try to be distant with us if he knew that we are thinking like this and if it is happening to him." He lowered his voice to the man and looked deep into those big, shimmering brown eyes. Beneath the glossy texture, Steve could see that Tony was still pissed off at the thought of someone hurting Peter. Hell, Steve was just as furious, if not completely driven with rage.

Tony sighed as he tried to calm himself down in Steve's touch. His fingers tightened around Steve's as he spoke. "He is staying here tonight and we will look after him. We will start asking slowly and try not to push him. We will look for anymore injuries and we will visit his parents tomorrow."

The soldier nodded and felt uneasy for some reason. He looked at Peter and saw himself in him. Steve went through a lot of stuff before the war. Most stuff that no one really knew but Bucky. He hadn't told Tony about his own family history and all he wanted to do is spill his heart out. He looked down at their hands and bit his lower lip. He kept picturing his parents and blood on his hands. Steve shook his head and looked up at worried Tony.

"You okay?"

Steve nodded as he buried his face into Tony's neck. Trying to find some comfort from his lover. Tony looked down at him and kissed his head. "I'm worried, Tony. I know I said to wait, but what if we are too late if we do? I know how Peter must have been feeling… I also know that he won't say anything because that's what I did.." Steve whispered softly at the last part, hoping that Tony didn't hear it to question it, man was he wrong.

"What do you mean, babe?" Tony pulled him away slightly to look into his icy-blue eyes, only to find them watery. Tony's heart- or what was left of it -ache at the sight. He wiped the tears that fell from Steve's face. The other man shook his head and pulled away completely. He stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Steve was finding it hard to breathe. He closes his eyes and focus on his breathing as Tony slowly followed behind him. He clearly didn't want to talk about it and Tony understood that.

"I think we should keep Peter away from his parents. At least for a few days." Tony said gently as he touched his shoulder.

Steve snapped his head, "That's a bad idea, Tony! If his parents are abusing him, it would only get worse if he went missing! He need to stick with the plan!"

Tony face began to harden and his blood started to boil, "That's exactly it, Steve! He isn't safe with them! Look at him, there was blood and he wasn't wearing his suit! You are right, this wasn't a Spiderman fight! How could you just say that?!"

Steve glared at him as he hand was gripping onto the wooden table, feeling it break. "We don't have proof, Tony! We can't assume and just take him away just because we FEEL like it! He hasn't told us anything. We will ask him and if he says it, we will take action! We can't push him and make him lose trust with us. He needs to trust us! Don't be an insensitive asshole!" He snapped at him, but his eyes widened when his words finally set in. He looked into Tony's eyes and saw them flash hurt before glazing over into cold. Tony became silent and turned his back at his lover. "I want you to leave."


"I SAID GET OUT, STEVE!" He snapped, but still wasn't looking at him. Tony walked out of the room and went down to his lab. Leaving a very heartbroken Steve behind. Neither of them noticed that a boy was listening to the whole fight.

Peter quickly went back to his room, making an escape to the nearest window.

It was his fault. Everything was his fault.

A/N: I am soo sorry for the late chapter.. I was half way done with this chapter when I stop writing for Two months.. anyways. I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter. Please leave a review.

and can we all be grateful for one of my favorite people for editing this whole story so far? She makes my mess of a writing into art. Follow her on Instagram to thank her, aadhiradubs.