Chapter 1: The Beginning

Alex scrambled around for the last of what casings were left in her jacket pocket. She could feel the cool metal casings slipping between her fingertips as they shook. Rubble fell onto her helmet from above, dust getting swept into her face, and sounds of screams in her ears. Her gun is sitting next to her, waiting for the right moment to be used in saving an innocent's life.

Alex heard explosions getting closer, making her pull her gun to her chest, ready for what might happen. She peeked her head around the corner to observe what was happening on the other side, when seeing it was clear she motioned for the citizens to move along, finding safety on the other side of the road.

Alex stands up, crouching down as she follows the group of people with her gun at the ready. As she reaches the other side of the road by the building with the rest of the people, a cry comes from where they had just been. Standing there was a little girl, maybe seven or eight with tears staining her face. Alex looked both ways from her crouching position behind the building, motioning her over after seeing it was clear.

The girl was halfway across when Alex first heard the ticking, trying to react as fast as she could before-

Waking up with sweat dripping from her forehead, Alex gasps for air with her hands at her throat. She hadn't been sleeping well since the accident happened, keeping her awake most nights until she just passed out.

Alex was flown in after being medically announced as stable back to the United States, taking care of her in a hospital on base. Everything smelled of that medical bleach they used to clean the rooms, making her eyes sting everytime she blinked. A tube went from her arm and into the IV that was connected to her as if an extra limb for the last week.

Alex was about to doze off again, but instead came a light knock on the hospital room door, waking her up again.

"Hello, Captain Vause. My name is Doctor Cooper and I have been taking care of you the last few days while you have been out." At that Alex lets her confusion show in her face, wondering what has been going on. "Since coming back to the States you have been in a medically induced coma until your injuries have had a little bit of time to heal. You weren't getting enough rest to let the body go through the natural course of healing, so we stepped in and helped that process go smoother." His voice was deep, but no sympathy crossed it, like he had been saying this type of thing every day of his life.

"When can I get out of here?" Alex was barely able to get out with hoe rough her throat felt. He handed her a glass of water with a straw as he looked down at her to answer.

"Well, you took some pretty big shrapnel pieces into your body, but the wounds look good. I say we get you up and moving with some physical therapy, get your legs back, and you should be able to get back out there soon." At this he smiles and puts her chart back on the end of her bed before leaving the room.

Alex had been sleeping on and off all day, waking up from the sounds of explosions and falling asleep when her eyes couldn't stay open any longer. A light knock eventually came from the door again, but instead of the wide-set doctor, her Colonel came through the curtain.

"Sir-" Alex tries to get up from the bed but is restricted by the pain in her side.

"No need, Captain." Colonel Hopp set his hat on the table in the corner before pulling a chair next the the side of her hospital bed. He took the chart off of the end and flipped through it, looking at her sternly. "That was a pretty big explosion you made it through there Vause. How are you feeling?" His greenish-blue eyes looked into hers, but without the sternness that was in them the rest of the times they have talked.

"Sore, but ready to get back on the team." She smiled up at him weakly knowing she was not getting out of bed soon enough to her liking.

"About that Captain," He leans back in his chair, his fingers playing with one another. "You have always been a fighter, but right now the military needs you to be a 'rester'."

"What do you mean, Sir?" She sits up a little straighter at this, looking for the answer in his eyes.

"What I mean is, we are putting you on medical leave. You are injured and you saw half of your team get blown up, you need a break."

Alex felt her heart sink at this, she wanted to go back to working. She figured she would have to sit for a couple weeks, do physical therapy, but not medical leave.

"You will still get paid during your medical leave, but we don't want you to be on base. I have decided that you need to leave and get fresh air from here. You have been through three tours with no break, you need this." With that he stood up, grabbed his hat and left the room, with no more words said.

Alex laid her head back against the pillow, looking up at the ceiling with one thought going on in her head.

What now?