As all of you requested, HERE IT IS!

Rest assured I'll be continuing this fic from here on out. I can't promise when the next chapter is going to be but hopefully soon.

WARNING: This chapter may be a little boring to some because it's that transition phase on any time travel/isekai story of the MC realizing that they're in a different era/place.

Daiki (だいき) means "The noble one; filled with radiance and light".

"You may leave now."

Cold, piercing onyx eyes stared down on the shivering forms kneeling before him. Elders, the head, and their heiress, were as pale as snow under Madara's gaze. This second rate clan is not even worthy to be stared down by the sharingan.

"P-P-Pardon us, U-Uchiha-sama. We w-will take our leave now," beads of sweat rolled down the middle-aged man as he bowed as low as he could before him. To which Madara kept his steely gaze on them particularly on their clan heiress.

The paint on her face could not even mask the anger that flushed her face a deep red from the tips of her ears to the brazen display of cleavage. At least she saved herself some face by not looking at him and just dutifully followed after her father and elders; whose fast paces might as well be running.

By all accounts, Madara would have the right (and power) to execute every single member of that clan- a clan that does not even have an ounce of shinobi blood in them but had the gall of causing this fiasco. Not only did they took advantage of being under the Uchiha clan's protection but they also had the audacity to walk around the compound as if they owned the place already while a handful of his trusted clansmen investigated. Even though he knew very well that their claims were nothing but pure lies, Madara decided to go along with the charade.

After all there was a saying that goes, 'The bigger they are, the harder they fall'.

And by not killing them, granted them a fate worse than death in the eyes of society. A clan shunned and gravely humiliated, especially by one of the most powerful in all the Land of Fire, it wouldn't surprise him if in a few months' time, word will travel to his clan that they began taking their own lives from all the shame. After all, with the scandal they've caused, no one, not even poor merchants would associate with them.

Once they were finally gone from his line of sight, Madara stood from his cushion seat atop the dais. His eyes shifted towards the young Uchiha still on his knees and head bowed down both from fear and respect.

"He's a Half, but brother… he'll die at this rate." Were the words of his brother the night they came to them. Which was why Madara was compelled to give the boy a choice in secret. Now that he's made a decision, he'll have to relinquish everything else and nurture his Uchiha blood and serve the clan. That's the least he could do for sparing his life.

It was a pity, really. A half-blooded Uchiha brought upon their doorstep from a non-shinobi clan claiming to be his son.


It was appalling how dimwitted that clan was. Though they were right that the boy was indeed an Uchiha, but even a blind can tell that the boy was far from being his flesh and blood. After the investigation, Madara learned that their clansmen that impregnated the heiress was drugged into doing so and was killed shortly after in one of the skirmishes against the Senju. Madara knew it to be staged since the beginning, for no self-righteous Uchiha would ever lay with a woman outside the clan. Especially not to someone so… shameless. It's also not a matter of being sure Madara didn't impregnate the woman (he didn't even touch her even when she was throwing herself at him years ago when he hosted that Spring Feast and invited members of the Uchiha faction, as drunk as he was) Madara and even Izuna just knew; and their words alone are more than enough to their people.

Well, word of that clan's acts would reach the nearby villages soon, and once the gossip spreads to the trading market, it'll be all over for them.

Madara gave the nearest guard a silent order and he took the boy away to his new home. Madara knew just the perfect couple to raise him like their own. With his word as law, the half-blood is just as good as a pureblooded Uchiha henceforth. If the boy didn't accept his offer, then he would be rotting at the side of the road by the hands of his own mother and grandfather for failing to buy their way into the Uchiha clan.

It had been at least a decade since Tajima passed on the title to Madara as the new clan head. A grave injury to his legs and overstraining of his sharingan was slowly eating away his father's strength, but being the prideful man that he was, Tajima would rather pass on the gunbai to his heir on his own two feet first rather than the clan elders. Now he retired himself to his late wife's villa near the estate playing shogi against them during their occasional visits. Word would reach them later that Hashirama became the head of the Senju just as soon after him.

"Izuna," he called after his younger brother once he reached the estate's garden. Their mother's garden.

Izuna turned and gave him one of his smiles he reserved only to his family. Oftentimes, when he's not helping Madara with clan duties, he would spend most of his time training. Only at the most opportune, rarest moments would the younger Uchiha brother sheath his sword and pick up a scroll to read with a fresh hot cup of tea beside him.

"Brother, I take it things went well?" he asked as Madara sat on the opposite side of the small wooden tray and poured tea on the extra cup.

"You could have joined me in there earlier."

Izuna snorted, "No thanks. As much as I'm tempted to burn their faces, as your dutiful brother, I decided to spare you the headache of the aftermath."

Madara let out a chuckle as he raised his cup to his lips, "Well, that would still have been an amusing sight."

A peaceful silence fell upon them after that. With only the rustle of leaves and the tinkle of the wind chimes overhead, one wouldn't think that they were still in the brink of war.

"I had a dream last night," Madara started. His eyes fixed on the flock of birds that passed on the clear blue sky.

Izuna nearly choked on his tea at his brother's sudden conversation starter. A hint of concern glazed over his surprised eyes. After all, Madara only had nightmares for as long as he could remember, but those night terrors hadn't once visited his older brother after he went to battle for the third time.

"What is it about?" he asked.

Madara kept his gaze upwards, "I was standing in a glade. It was in the middle of spring, I can tell, but there was a falcon perched atop a cherry blossom tree. It was staring at me, and for the longest time that's all we've done. Just stare at each other. When I finally decided to approach the tree, it flew over to my shoulder and then I woke up."

"That's… very weird. For one thing, falcons don't nest in cherry blossom trees," Izuna commented lamely while Madara just nodded, "Do you think it means something? Shouldn't you consult this to our soothsayer?"

He shook his head, "No, I don't want to dwell on this as much. Besides, what would that dream even mean anyway? Good harvests for the spring, maybe. But the falcon? It was probably just my fatigue manifesting in my dreams, telling me to relax."

"Well, I can agree to that. You do need rest, Madara. At least a good night's sleep."

"Which is why I am going to make the most of this armistice as much as I can. I have already sent groups to the villages and to the trading market. We must resupply as much as we can before the Senju. We won't know how long they can hold themselves from betraying this momentary peace."

Izuna punched his palm in determination, "You're right, brother. At least in this clear weather, our clansmen could reach Trader's Point faster than them."

Indeed, with such clear clouds and bright blue sky, no one would think otherwise. However that evening, a raging storm suddenly hit the entirety of the Land of Fire.

As if foreshadowing that a big change is about to happen.

Hayato watched on in awe as his father wiped the sweat that fell from the sides of her face as she leant her tired body on his larger frame. While he already had a fair understanding on what just happened, he couldn't quite say the same thing about his little brother. Poor Daiki, barely the age of three, held onto him for dear life all throughout the process. Thrice he tried to get the toddler out to another part of the house where their mother's screams wouldn't be heard, and thrice his brother looked at him offendedly with a puffed cheeks before he shook his head whilst pressed under his arm.

"Well done, my wife," his father whispered to his mother's ear, "well done."

Even though tired, his pink-haired mother's smile was wide with pride and full of unbridled happiness as she stared down at the babe wrapped around in Uchiha colors. From his side, Daiki stood and padded around the newly changed sheets to their father's side.

"Can't see!" he whined as he craned his neck up with tippy toes.

His father let out an amused chortle before he scooped his little brother up with one arm, as his other was cradled at his mother's waist. Daiki latched onto Madara's neck instantly as he looked at their new sibling for the first time.

"So small!" he commented. His large dark eyes were full of curiosity and marvel.

Sakura tittered at his little brother before her bright green eyes finally settled on him.

"Come Hayato, don't you want to see your new -?"

Hayato blinked rapidly at that. What did his mother say? Nonetheless he scooted closer to his mother's side. His eyes shifted at his family staring adoringly at the new baby cradled on his mother's chest.

"What are you going to call it?" he asked.

"Not it, Hayato," his mother chided him lightly with a laugh and turned her gaze at the ceiling. She hummed, "I think I will name -, -."

Hayato jerked his head. What?

"-! What a marvelous name, my love," the grin on his father's face reached from ear to ear as he openly kissed his wife.

"-! -!" Daiki cheered on.

Whilst they cheered, Hayato's brows furrowed deeply on what just happened. It's as if all sounds drowned out at the mere mention of his new sibling's name.

"What did you say?" he whispered to himself.

With one daring move, Hayato stood and peered over his new sibling. Yet his blood ran cold at what he saw- or lack thereof. For he could not make out any eyes, lips, or even a nose. In fact, aside from the newborn's flushed skin, his new sibling had no face at all.


"-Turns out that the cries came from a burning tree that was probably struck by lightning. I followed it and saw the hollowed part of its trunk," she then turned to him and locked her eyes with his, "And that's where I found you."

There was a small groan that left his slightly parted lips when he regained consciousness. Like the times he had worn himself out from training and studying, Hayato would wake up the next morning extremely groggy with muscles feeling like they were made of lead.

During these moments, he would wake up sometime almost noon. Totally missing breakfast but close enough for lunch. In his bleary vision, for a moment he saw his room. The same, gray painted walls he helped his mother paint with- free from any posters; instead scrolls of his calligraphy saying 'Perseverance', 'Hard work', and other virtues hung on the four walls. There was even that single dresser he had next to the nightstand by his bed. One would say his room was too barren even for a pre-teen boy like him if not for the fact that he had two floor-to-ceiling bookshelves of books and scrolls of varying subjects. Some who could no longer fit had to be sorted on the floor.

A phantom scent of something frying caught his nose and Hayato realized this as his mother preparing him brunch. Sun beams seeped through the large, open, curtained window that allowed him to hear the chirping of robins outside their apartment. With a lazy stretch of his limbs, Hayato pushed himself off the bed and padded his way to the door that was left slightly ajar. He'll make his bed later.

"Good morning, mom," he said like clockwork once he opened the door further, yet what he saw on the other side had frozen him in place. Onyx eyes widened exponentially at what he saw.

Instead of the kitchen connected to the dining and sitting room where he expected his pink-haired mother to turn and smile at him with a 'Good morning' in return, he only saw a small glade lined with large, thick, towering trees. The tank top and shorts he always slept in became his full shinobi wardrobe. Lastly, the door he thought he was holding onto was only just rough bark, and the place he woke up on he thought to be his room, was actually the large hollow of a tree.

A shot of panic struck him with the speed and intensity as a lightning bolt and his feet took a step back just as his mind retraced its own steps of the earliest memory he could remember.

He was at home, with his mother, in that humble apartment of theirs, and she… she confessed to him the truth. The great conundrum of his existence, and how she swore she would still love him as her own even if… even if…

He's the son of Uchiha Madara.

Hayato stopped and looked down when he stepped on something like a pebble. Then again, pebbles don't make the clanging sound of chains. In the heart of the hollow he apparently slept in, he saw the two items his mother gave him. The only two objects which solely belonged to him that proved his existence.

The dark cloth that bore the gunbai of the Uchiha clan was in mint condition, almost as good as new.

Don't Forget.

He pulled it to close to his chest.

Then his eyes fell on the golden locket carved with the uchiwa fan.

Don't Forget.

He brought it close to his eyes, the golden chains slipped off his fingers.

Don't Forget.

There was a seal inscribed there-

Don't Forget. Don't Forget.

-a fuinjutsu that will respond only to him-

Don't Forget. Don't Forget. Don't Forget.

-there's a family picture inside…

Don't Forget…

Don't Forget.

Don't Forget. Don't Forget. Don't Forget. Don't Forget. Don't Forget. Don't Forget. Don't Forget. Don't Forget. Don't ForgetDon'tForgetDon'tForgetDon'tForgetDon'tForgetDon'tForget.


A toothy grin split across Hayato's face, "I did it… I can't believe it worked… I'm back…. I'm really back-! Wait…" the momentary euphoria left him as soon as it came, and his heart felt tight and heavy all of a sudden till his eyes turned glassy and tears cascaded down his cheeks, "w-what am so happy about again?"

The way he cried big, fat tears over reasons unknown and confusing, was a startling juxtaposition of the cheerful songbirds and the sunny spring weather.

For he doesn't know exactly why, just that he does, Hayato knew (felt) that he lost something very important.


It took him a while to finally will his tears away, and another to find the strength the stand on his feet again. The locket, which for some reason he couldn't open no matter how much he tried, was tucked away safely around his neck, under his shirt and over his heart. While the dark cloth that was his first and only clue of this seemingly nonexistent mission, he folded into a scarf to hide the lower half of his face.

Hayato is still confused, very, very much so, but he had this feeling stirring up inside him like a turbulent hive of bees. Nagging and persistent. That everything that was happening is right. That the world could never be more right than it is now, and if memory served him right, the first thing his mother ever taught him as a shinobi was to trust his gut. Even though he felt as if he had been thrusted into an S-rank mission without a single description given to him or what even the purpose of his mission was.

As much as it gave him a headache whenever he tried to find reason, no matter how it frightened him, he won't let this hazy spectrum of cluelessness deter him.

If it's important, he's sure that he will remember it eventually. That's what he convinced himself with as he donned on his cloak, internally appreciating his mother that she always nagged him to bring a scroll of necessities for emergencies, and exited the tree which he realized was the only tree in the glade that was charred to charcoal black.

His mother… if only there was a way to contact her, even for just a second. Just to say goodbye. He suddenly departed without so much a word. No doubt she would worry herself to death for it. But how can he exactly pass on a message through time? It was already a great gamble on his part to come back a hundred and twenty years into the past.

How did he know that? Hayato wasn't sure, in fact that's what's frustrating him to the degree he might lose his temper. He knows that he's in the past, in the Warring States Era specifically. He knows that and would even bet his life on it. But to know why? No, he doesn't have an answer. He only has a feeling. When he woke up, all these information suddenly came to him like a tidal wave. Even information that he shouldn't have known before, like the secrets of the sharingan, the events of that occurred in the establishment of the villages no history book would know, and even about the Biju…

Hayato knows, he just doesn't know why.

However in this haze of uncertainty, if there's one thing Hayato was really certain of, it's that he needs to survive, and he can't do that if he remained huddled into a ball crying and feeling sorry for himself inside a charred tree.

He'll have all the time to miss his mother once he's secured himself in this unknown world, in this dangerous time.

It was by fortune that he immediately came across a dirt road when he left the forest. The path was paved with years of carts, cattle, horses, and feet, passing by. Reasonably, he followed it and soon came across a sign. The crooked post nailed with carved planks read Trader's Point heading to the rest of the way.

The sun was at its peak when he finally arrived at his destination. Trader's Point certainly lived up to its name alone. It could almost be mistaken as a town instead of one giant marketplace for merchants to sell off their wares and trade with passing travelers. Though there were shops and stalls that were still closed even at this time of day, Hayato suspected it to be due to the storm that hit the area not too long ago. He knew this because the glade he woke up on was littered with broken branches and leaves.

This place would've been a staple in the history of commerce if it wasn't ripped apart due to territorial disputes upon the establishment of the villages.

Beneath his hood, Hayato's cheeks enflamed when his stomach growled in obvious hunger. Water and a ration bar could only do so much to stave off his hunger when he woke up, and though he could always hunt for something, since he's in this kind of place already he might as well find himself some real cooked food.

But first, he needs money. Because he highly doubts the slips and coins he has in his pockets would be worth anything in this era.

"Excuse me," Hayato began with a slight tip of his head as he approached a nearby stall.

The old man who had been cajoling passersby to check the weapons he proudly gathered from around the world in his travels, gave Hayato a wary arch of his brow, "What is it?"

"I was wondering if I could sell you something of mine."

He crossed his arms and huffed indignantly, "I ain't making deals to no-faces."

His dialect and vocabulary drew Hayato off a bit but after an awkward silence, he at least understood enough to pull back down his hood, reluctantly.

The old man's eyes widened exponentially in recognition at his face, making Hayato wince internally. Was it really that obvious even with only the upper half of his face exposed? If people from the future recognized him resembling a man of infamy in the past, what greater consequence would be there from people who are actually from the past?

At that thought, Hayato mentally kicked himself and was ready to bolt away until the old man's face split into a grin.

"Why if it isn't one of my best customers! Ya Uchiha really are something. Though I dun think I have seen yer face before. Ya out on yer first errand for ye clan?"

"Oh uh, yes! I am," he piped sheepishly. He wasn't too sure what happened just now. The old man recognized him as an Uchiha but at least not Madara's younger version. He'll just have to play for now.

The old man tilted his head questionably, "But why're ye selling to me? Aren't ya here to check on me goods fer delivery?"

Oh, so the old man assumed that huh? Well, as a purebred shinobi clan, it makes sense that the Uchiha had to obtain their supplies and weapons from a third party.

"No, no, I'm just here on a separate errand. Somebody else will come to check in later." Hopefully.

"Well alright, what do ya have fer me then?"

Hayato reached for one of the pouches strapped to his hip, making sure that the old man wouldn't see underneath his cloak. He wasn't sure the old man would react kindly at his unusual clothing.

"Here," he said as he placed two of his kunai. It won't be much but he hopes that it would be enough to at least buy him a rice ball for his stomach. Selling his blanket and locket is absolutely out of the question even though it would certainly heave a hefty price in the market, and he most certainly wouldn't trade the other set of kunai he has tucked away in his storage scroll. His mother gave him that set.

As expected, the old man's jolly expression changed as his eyes turned towards his items. His browed furrowed and almost miffed. However that instantly changed when the vendor's eyes widened exponentially and his jaw fell as low as it could.

"T-This kunai!" he gasped, "Why- Why I have never seen like it!"

Hayato reared his head back at the suddenness. What?

"Look at the details," the old man marveled as he picked up one and gently turned it over and around with gentle hands, "very, very fine work. Never have I ever seen such a well-crafted weapon! Boy, why would you sell this to humble ol' me? This is a masterpiece! Tell me! Who is the master blacksmith that did this?!"

Hayato blinked his coal eyes in confusion at his statement. A masterpiece? This? Back at home, it was the most common and cheapest kunai anybody with a shinobi license could buy. Though, if he thought about it carefully, he supposed the old man's reaction does have a bit of sense. If he looked at the other weapons he's selling in his stall, compared to his kunai, they're more dull, rugged, and even slightly asymmetrical. Over the next hundred years, he supposed that weapons making has also evolved in leaps and bounds. It's a trade secret between him and Aunt Tenten that he could buy weapons off of her shop either for free or by half the price. He supposed that being his mother's son does grant him more perks than he realized.

Damn. Just thinking about it made him miss his mother again. He wouldn't openly admit it but could anyone blame him for being a momma's boy? What would his father say? He'd either be really amused or really horrified. That'll make quite a sight.

He cleared his throat, and patted himself on the back for sounding so natural and passive, "That's a secret. Will you buy it or not?"

The old man nodded his head eagerly like a child as he clutched the weapons close to himself. Hayato briefly wondered if this exposure to futuristic innovation would one day bite him in the ass. Even for something insignificant as a trade-off.

"Yes! Yes! Very much so! Here ye are!"

Hayato nearly jumped as the old man all-too-eagerly dropped six strings full to brim with gold coins and another bag which he assumed as the bigger plaques of currency in this era. He figured that the price would be impressive from the man's expression but to think it would come by this much?

"I-Is something wrong, lad? Ain't 'is enough fer ye? 'cause I can pay for more if ya just let me-!"

"No, no need," the Uchiha lightly shook his head. The old man's desperation was too much for him. Though he could understand where he's coming from. If he were to discover something new and innovative that would bring him hordes of fame and customers in the near future, he would also try to acquire the piece of commodity the best he could. In this era, since the old man is obviously not a blacksmith and mostly travels, his occupation involves greatly in agency. He would travel around places and form business with promising blacksmiths to sell off their goods to clans- shinobi clans. Blacksmiths who can't leave their kiln can gain profit while agents could have their share and form close relations with clans, thus granting them something similar to immunity from the war.

At least, that's what he remembered from history books.

"I was just testing if you really know the value of what I'm selling you here," Hayato added as he quickly but discreetly gathered his earnings. It wouldn't do well for him if people saw him owning so much cash. Though he has the confidence in his abilities, he doesn't really want to cause any trouble. Especially since he still doesn't know what's going on.

After his surprising but otherwise greatly successful transaction, Hayato made a quick turn to a reclusive alley to store his money in the storage scroll while replacing his coin pouch with the old currency. Then he began his search for something to quench his stomach. The heavy bag jiggling full of coins by his hip beneath his cloak gave him enough incentive to splurge. Unfortunately in this era, there's not much option for him in regards to commercial food. He's not much of a fan of sushi but at this point he could eat anything. Also, he can't believe he's actually happy to see the existence of ramen stalls in this time.


Stomach full and with a contented smile on his face, Hayato decided to walk around the rest of what Trader's Point has to offer as he walked some of the food he just ate. Along his search for delicacies, Hayato overheard many stories and gossips, but most commonly about the war between the shinobi clans.

The Uchiha versus the Senju.

Most expressed their relief that those two major powers decided to form an armistice, but it still doesn't put the people at ease since they don't know how long this temporary peace would last. For all they know, the fights would resume even in their sleep. Hayato also heard about the so-called 'Demon Territory' and how another body was found floating downstream from that unholy mountain.

This topic couldn't bring him anymore confusion. After all, he's never heard or even read about the Demon Territory even on the oldest scroll he read at the Uchiha shrine. Does such a place really exist? If so, then the most logical explanation why historians didn't write an account about it was because the place is too insignificant to be mentioned. Nevertheless, that place must be quite significant during this time because everywhere he went, people talked about or made mention about it just as often as the war.

From what he gathered, this Demon Territory is a mountain not far from Trader's Point that's supposed to be littered with the most malevolent of spirits and home of the supernatural and paranormal. That just by the sight of the mountain could bring any lesser man to his knees from the sheer power and terror that mountain exuded. Many people died and have gotten lost in that place with some of the dead floating down the river as cold as ice and sheer terror frozen in their faces. They also said that children often got lost in that place and never came back. Presumably eaten by the spirits and monsters that resided there.

Hayato knows full well that the supernatural exist. His mother fought a self-proclaimed goddess after all. What was that alien's name again? He's not so sure about spirits and ghosts, but demons? As far as he knows, the only creatures people have labeled as demons are the Tailed Beasts…

As the young Uchiha walked down the path, getting closer to where he started from, Hayato made quick stop when he noticed a food stall selling charcoal-broiled eel. As much as he wanted to eat rice balls right now, he doesn't have much of a choice since rice is a pretty special commodity during the Warring States Era. The food was also not that impressive. But he didn't realize how hungry and thirsty he really was when he finally started eating; and with that, he's willing to eat even bland and unimpressive peddler's food just to fill up his stomach.

As Hayato continued to chew on the eel meat, he noticed a pair of kids peering at him from behind a wagon not far from where he stood. Both the boy and the girl have curiosity written all over their faces as they continued to stare at him. The genuity of it caught him not in an unpleasant way but one that made him curious about them too.

Hayato tipped his head at them, and the children gasped. Probably because they realized they were caught staring and shrunk further behind the wagon. A smile graced under the cloth that covered the lower half of his face and quickly ordered two more skewers from the vendor. At least in this era, the vendors are willing to serve him as long as he can pay.

He trudged up to the wagon, and with a careful approach, stretched the eel skewers towards their direction.

"Here," he said, and when the boy and girl continued to stare at him, Hayato coaxed more, "Go on. Take it."

It was the girl who gave in first and plucked the sticks from his hand. She wordlessly gave the other to the boy and with a bit of hesitance, accepted it and took a bite. The way their faces brightened made Hayato's smile widen.

They reminded him of his siblings…

However that halcyon moment came to an abrupt stop when he heard shouts coming towards his direction.

Hayato barely registered the face of the vendor whom he sold his kunai to when he saw the other two figures beside him.

Pictures and stories couldn't even do justice compared to the real thing. For standing before him was his own father, Uchiha Madara.

Anytime and Hayato thought that it would've been a great opportunity to finally reconcile and, hopefully, find the answer to his questions. But as he stared back at his father's steel gaze and swirling red eyes, Hayato did what any sane person would do when faced with a force he cannot hope to match.

He bolted.


'Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!' Hayato cursed repeatedly in his mind as he continued to pump chakra in his legs.

He couldn't even tell anymore how long he had been running nor where he is because at this point, getting as far away from his father and uncle was his only option.

Even if he wanted to confront them, how in the world can he do that if their killing intent rolled off of them in waves! Damn, was impersonating as an Uchiha punishable by death?

But he is an Uchiha. A Half but an Uchiha nonetheless.

Maybe he could-?

A fireball barely graced his side and caught the tips of his robe as Hayato sharply rolled to the side, making him lose his footing and send him tumbling down; breaking through the tree lines.

When he stood up, he realized that he was cornered. Between his father and uncle and the cliff below that was just one foot away from his downfall.

Can he fight them off? Absolutely not! For whatever reason, his chakra pathways became disoriented when he woke up and still not fully recovered. Picking a fight with these two would only label him as a threat and he highly doubts that they would be merciful on someone that's a slim threat to his life.

"You," his father spoke up. His voice deep and brimming with authority, "Speak. Who are you?"


"You do realize, that you are breaking the laws of the universe by doing this, don't you?"

Hayato scoffed at the wizened Uzumaki elder, "Those laws have already been broken the moment that fake god Kaguya came to this world."

It felt like a bolt of lightning struck his head, and just like that, by some weird divine intervention, Hayato lost all cognitive responses with a snap of a finger. His mind went completely blank and he barely registered his father reach towards him before he was hurling himself backwards onto the Cliffside.

In the void of his sub consciousness, Hayato heard the soft humming of a familiar voice. a voice he knew too well to miss. Followed by something cool and damp over his forehead, Hayato was suddenly reminded of the time he got sick as a kid and his mother stayed beside him till he got better.

His mother…

Hayato groaned, "M-Mom?"

"There, there now," he heard her chide softly, "It's okay. Relax. You're safe now."

He nodded dumbly, "I had the craziest dream. I couldn't understand anything at all. It's like I can't even tell which is real anymore."

"Well, you certainly went through quite a fall. If the children didn't inform me earlier, you would've been in a worse condition. But as I said, you don't have to be afraid. Even though it is called the Demon Territory, no one will harm you here in my home."

"Demon Territory?"

Hayato's eyes snapped wide open as the words registered in his head. His body sprung up like a spring and his jaw went slack at the sight of the person before him.


Clad in delicate silk kimono, the young woman with pink hair and green eyes tipped her head at him confusedly with a polite smile on her face.

I apologize. I rushed the end bits.
