A/N: Hey! So, uh, I'm going through a OPM phase right now. XD Season 2 really made me love Metal Bat and his sister Zenko, so I decided to write some one-shots about them. Why not? XD There'll be other heroes in here too, of course. Most of the one-shots will be cute stuff. Idk we'll see how this goes.

Just a note, I haven't read the manga or webcomic, so if I get a fact wrong, forgive me lol. I personally am not going to read the manga/webcomic as it will spoil the anime for me, and I want to enjoy it. Though I have seen some things...

Well anyway despite all that, I hope you enjoy this!

Having an older brother as a Class S hero, as all things did, had its ups and downs.

Zenko knew that better than anyone. Not a day went by at school where people gawked at her, their mouths hanging open like they were pretending to be zombies.

"She's Metal Bat's little brother," they whispered. "The sister of a Class S hero!"

At first, Zenko didn't mind it. She was getting attention from students and teachers alike. Everyone wanted to be her friend.

And then she realised they didn't want to actually be friends, they only saw a chance to get popular through her.

Zenko hated it. She'd made 'friends' in the past, who'd begged her to let them meet Metal Bat. She'd obliged, thinking that's what friends did for each other. After they'd gotten his autograph and taken a few pictures, they'd ditched her.

It got so bad to a point Zenko had to ask her brother specifically not to wear his superhero costume when he came to pick her up from school, just so the crowds of fan boys and girls didn't clog up traffic.

Zenko didn't want to be known as 'Metal Bat's little sister', she wanted to be known as Zenko.


As usual, class was painfully boring.

Zenko was a diligent worker who did do her homework, but there were some classes she could not stand. Such as maths, for instance.

The teacher droned on and on about perpendicular angles or other such mathematical nonsense and Zenko couldn't care less. Or understand, for that matter. She copied whatever numbers were on the board, not knowing what any of them meant.

Well, she was much better than her brother when he was at school. He got terrible grades and was in detention half the time, either for starting a fight or yelling at the teacher. It was easy to assume he could be called a 'trouble student'.

The teachers were relieved his sister wasn't so aggressive.

The teacher said something or other about a group project, making Zenko groan. She hated group projects, mainly because she ended up doing all the work, or was constantly pestered with questions about her brother. They seemed to act like she bragged about him 24/7.

She rarely even talked about him, let alone brag. Why couldn't they leave her alone?

She already saw a mob of kids walking over to her. She glanced around for any other kids who didn't have a group, and spotted a young girl sitting by herself in the corner of the classroom. She looked like she was dreading this lesson even more than Zenko herself.


"I've already got a partner," Zenko told the mob. She pointed to the girl in the corner. "Right over there."

The kids looked stunned. Before they could say anything else, Zenko walked over to the girl in the corner. The girl looked up, surprised that someone actually wanted to commune with her.

"Hey, we're partners now," Zenko said.

"Okay…" the girl replied, her voice just above a whisper. She had pretty blue eyes, and curly brown hair that was almost light enough to be blonde. A pale red streak went through it. It was tied into a high ponytail with a little red poppy. Her face was covered in freckles.

"What's your name?" Zenko asked her. "Are you good at maths?"

"Poppy," the girl answered. She stared at her small hands. "And, I, um… not really."

"'Tis fine," Zenko replied, sitting in the seat next to her. Poppy fiddled with the strands of her long, curly hair. She noticed Poppy's notebook was covered in doodles of various things, mainly flowers. They were all incredibly detailed.

"Do you draw?" Zenko asked.

"Sometimes," Poppy answered, timidly, like talking tired her. "I'm not very good at it."

"What are you talking about?" Zenko asked. "Those drawings are awesome!"

Poppy flushed. "They're just doodles."

"Then I wanna see your good drawings," Zenko said. "I bet they'd be amazing!"

Poppy's face had gone a deep crimson. "Um… sure, if you want… I'll bring my drawing book tomorrow."

Zenko nodded. "Can't wait! Anyway, we should get started on the project."

Throughout the lesson, Zenko learned that Poppy was also not a maths genius. She wasn't very good at writing and reading, either. However, working together seemed to solve the problem, and the project was well-underway. And plus, Poppy really knew how to make the project look pretty.

After class, Zenko decided to invite Poppy to play with her during lunch. Turns out, Poppy had no one else to play with, so she accepted. Poppy was a quiet but kind person, Zenko came to learn. She was fun to play with, and she had a big imagination.

Best of all, she treated Zenko like a normal person. She never asked about Metal Bat, just about Zenko herself. She was one of the few people at school that Zenko was starting to respect.

Then, the two got into a conversation about the end of the school day.

"Who picks you up after school?" Zenko asked.

"Usually my parents," Poppy said, then added quietly, "if they feel like it."

"If they... feel like it?" Zenko asked.

"My sister sometimes picks me up," Poppy continued. Zenko noticed a strange, cold look came over Poppy's face for a brief moment.

"You have a sister?" Zenko asked.

Poppy nodded.

"Is she nice?" Zenko asked.

"Not really." Poppy said, an edge of hurt in her voice. She cleared her throat. "Who picks you up, Zenko?"

"Oh, usually my grandpa," Zenko replied. "Though, sometimes my brother does, too."

"That's nice," Poppy said, looking away for a moment. "Do you and your brother do anything together?"

Zenko nodded. "He takes me shopping. He also buys me ice-cream, since my grandparents won't let me have it." She scowled at the thought of how much healthy food her grandparents made her eat. Nothing but veggies and lean meat. Disgusting. They didn't take her shopping, either.

"That's… nice," Poppy replied, her voice cracking. She reminded Zenko of a radio: sometimes she was full of energy, but other times you could barely understand her. She stared at her hands, biting her lip.

"Can I tell you a secret, Zenko?" Poppy asked.

Zenko leaned forward. "Sure, what is it?"

"My sister is in the hero association as well," Poppy whispered.

"Really?" Zenko asked, eyes wide. "What hero is she?"

"Her name is Lily of the Three Section Staff," Poppy replied. "She's the Blizzard of Hell's personal assistant." She sighed. "She's not an S-Class hero. She's just some low rank B-Class hero, but… I still don't want people to... compare me to her."

"Yeah," Zenko nodded. "I hate it when people compare me to my brother. Don't they know I'm stronger?" She grinned, flipping her hair.

Poppy chuckled.

"It's not funny," Zenko said, narrowing her eyes. "I actually am stronger than him. If he picks me up after school today, I'll show you."

Poppy raised her brow at Zenko's seriousness. Needless to say, she was hoping Metal Bat would show himself so Poppy could see Zenko kick his butt.

After school, both girls got lucky.

Badd was waiting outside the school gates as he always did when picking up his sister. He tried to pick her up as much as he physically could. Seeing her whole face light up with joy and surprise when she ran towards him at the end of the school day was the stuff he lived for.

From what she'd said about school, she didn't have many friends. Why, Badd didn't know. She was an amazing girl - she should've been queen of the school! Badd didn't want her to be lonely, definitely not. He was tempted to go up and threaten her entire class to be her friends, but realised she wouldn't want that. She'd want to make friends by herself.

So it was a pleasant surprise when he saw Zenko talking to another young girl her age as they approached the school gates. They were smiling at each other, like good friends would. Badd folded his arms, leaning against the school gate, as he always did when picking up his sister. The pose had become recognisable for her. He was wearing casual clothes and his hair wasn't in its pompadour, at the request of his sister. While he found the mob of children asking for his autograph endearing, it quite upset his sister, and adorable young fans aside, he didn't want her to be upset.

He still had his metal bat attached to his hip, though.

Zenko grinned wide when she saw him, and grabbed the arm of her friend. She dragged the young girl towards her brother.

"We got lucky!" Zenko told her friend. "He came!"

"Lucky, eh?" Badd asked, raising his brow. "Who's your new friend, sis?"

The friend immediately flushed under his gaze.

"This is Poppy," Zenko said. "She's a bit shy, but she's really nice. Say hi, Poppy."

"Hi," Poppy said, her voice so quiet Badd had to strain his ears to hear it.

"And this is my big brother, Badd," Zenko told Poppy, "but you probably know him as Metal Bat. Say hi, Badd."

"Hi, Badd," Badd replied.

Zenko slapped him.

"Okay okay!" Badd waved his arms. "Nice to meet you, Poppy."

Poppy nodded. The poppy on her head seemed to flower a little more.

"Anyway, so I was going to prove to Poppy that I'm stronger than you." Zenko said.

Badd actually looked nervous for a moment, though Poppy guessed he might've been putting up that expression for his sister's sake.

"Sis," he said. "You know that I-"

Zenko then proceeded to knee him in the guts, making him fall over.

"Wow," Poppy said, amazed. "You are stronger!"

"So strong…" Badd muttered, rolling around on the floor. "So proud…"

"Come on bro, get up," Zenko said, but not rudely. "You're embarrassing me!"

Zenko helped her brother get up.

"Dummy," she chided. She then proceeded to give him a big hug. Poppy didn't show it, but she suddenly found it harder to smile. Zenko was lucky to have an older sibling who actually cared about her.

Speaking of older siblings, she saw her older sister Lily standing a few meters away, hurriedly chatting to someone on the phone. Probably Fubuki.

Poppy frowned. She couldn't remember a time where Lily wasn't on the phone.

"Poppy?" Zenko asked, catching Poppy out of her thoughts.

"Oh, sorry," Poppy said, quietly. "My sister is here. I should go."

"Your sister?" Zenko asked, excited. "Can I meet her?"

"Um… sure," Poppy said, trying to keep up her smile.

Zenko noticed Poppy was leading her over to a smartly-dressed teen girl on the phone. Those business clothes sure did look expensive. The teenager had long, black hair tied back with a lily flower. A bright blue streak ran through her hair. In her free hand was a blue three-section staff. Zenko realised the girl was familiar from somewhere after all. She'd definitely seen her around the Blizzard of Hell.

From a distance, Poppy didn't look anything like her sister. Lily had dark hair and pale skin, while Poppy had brown-blonde hair and freckles.

When they stood together, however, they looked much more similar: same hairstyle, adjourned with flowers. They also had the same eyes.

"Sister," Poppy said, tugging on her sister's jacket.

"Just a minute," Lily said, raising her finger. "Yeah, so, I'll be there at 5 tonight. Yes. I can handle it. You can never have too many jobs."

Zenko and Poppy awkwardly waited for Lily to finish her phone call. After what seemed like forever, she finally did.

"We're meeting Fubuki in twenty minutes," Lily told her sister. She checked her watch. "We're already behind schedule, so we have to leave now."

"But sister!" Poppy argued. "I wanted to introduce you to my new friend!"

Lily briefly glanced over Zenko, like she was something silly a little kid had found and was showing their parents. "That's lovely, Poppy. Nice to meet you. Now if you excuse us, we have to go."

Poppy looked like she wanted to argue more, but her sister was already dragging her away.

Zenko just watched. It wasn't like her to be so quiet.

"Your friend seems nice," Badd told her.

"She is," Zenko replied. She paused for another moment, then stared at her hands. "Come on, bro. Let's go to the mall."

A/N: Well, I hope you liked that. This won't be the last we see of Poppy and her sister. More will be revealed about their relationship.

Also, it was a toss-up between having Metal Bat raise Zenko by himself, or have guardians do it. I decided that having Badd raise Zenko by himself seemed a little too, uh, on the nose. So she has her strict grandparents taking care of her instead, while Badd is the one that takes her out and spoils her. I feel it fits the story more too, since Badd has to go to school as well lol.

Well, that's all for today! Thank you for reading. :)