Hey guys! I am putting this author's note up because I am super close to getting this story posted. I'm thinking sometime within a month or so; I want to have five chapters finished and I have almost three completed chapters right now. I am going on vacation with my family next month for a week to the beach, and will bring my laptop but I am not sure how much writing I will get done.

Now on to the note. This story is based on my Sparia wedding one-shot, in the PLL one- & two-shots story. It is not necessary to read that one-shot before this story, however, the one-shot does give a short overview and will let you know about what I am going to do with this story.

This is going to begin as a young!Sparia friendship story. Spencer and Aria are 11 and in the sixth grade. There are several things different between this story and the show. It will also have similarities to my Little Liars story. I don't want to give away certain things but I will say this…

Everyone will eventually be in this story. They, beside the main girls, are:

Jason - Alison's big brother
Melissa - Spencer's big sister
Mike - Aria's little brother
Girl Dilaurentis – Jason's little sister and Ali's twin sister
Extra siblings/family/friends, etc.

Things that will stay the same (between young!Liars stories):

Haleb & Emaya – Toby and Caleb are one year older
Samara/Zoie, Maya/Charlotte
Samara shows up but does not date Emily

Jason and Melissa are the older siblings, now 6 years older, not 2
Alison has a twin sister
Emily may have other siblings
Caleb gets adopted, has three siblings – Nicole, Avery "Ava", & Michael

Alison does not go missing
Mona does not go missing during Thanksgiving
Mona will be put into Radley
Emily is not put in the hospital
No Charles/CeCe, Dollhouse Ian, Dr. Sullivan, etc. crap

Wayne does not die
Mel and Wren stay together
Emily comes out to the girls

***more to come

Things that are different (between young!Liars stories):

Alison has more siblings than her twin sister and Jason
Mel and Spencer will have more siblings

No Spoby
No Ezria
No Paily

Sparia meets first in sixth-grade, then the other girls later
Spencer's parents are…decent
Spencer's mom has siblings

Ashley/Tom do not split
Ella and Byron split up - Alison and Aria know about Meredith

***more to come

Now on to the important part. I have decided to make this an ~A-free story because I am unable to incorporate the messages in with this story – I can't do certain texts, i.e. ones pertaining to Ezria, Ashely stealing money from the bank, Alison going missing, etc.

I will have Mona cyberstalk them, and do something that will be revenge for Alison bullying her at a younger age. Mona will stalk her and the girls, messaging them threatening things, calling with hang-ups, etc. She will be sent to Radley, where she will receive proper help and treatment, but will not escape.

Please follow this story if you are interesting in reading. Any questions, requests, etc., please leave them in the reviews or PM. :) Within a month or so, the first chapter should be up! Thank you for reading, and I am looking forward to doing this story!

Also, I want to give a shoutout to Momma Duck. They requested the Sparia Wedding one-shot, and that was the inspiration for this Sparia/Haleb/Emison multi-chap story. So thank you a lot! I know, without a doubt, this story would not exist without that requested one-shot. :)