Crossover Jurassic park ch 2

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

9:31 AM

There he sat for the last hour looking at the paperwork for his bank account information and noticed that someone was ether paying for his ante and uncle to abuse him or they were steeling form him or just his uncle was or the person that was taking it out was steeling it. Sighing he said, "who was in charge of the potter account?"

The goblin blinked and said, " I have been in charge of the account for 200 years why?"

He looked up and said, "because ether you or someone else gave my family money to abuse me or they did not know that they were or they and my famuly were steling from me." he then thought about the different business he owned and said, " the list of business's I have shares in, which of them are doing well and which are not?"

The change in topic threw the goblin as the goblin looked at the investments and frowned and said, "the only one that even has any income coming in is a muggle compony called Ingen. While that is good the problem is that the money is not enough to have the vaults continuously loosing money. We will have to make new investments as well as find out how this even happened in the first place. Because only a potter can change any of the investments, no guardian may change any of the investments at all."

He looked at the goblin and said, "find out but only collect the evidence for now and make a false file showing the decline in funds and when we have enough evidence to put even a king away for life then we bring them down and don't only check my vault because if mine is like this than they may have tried it with others as well."

With a grim face the goblin nodded and said, "I will tell my king so that he will know as well so that if I am silenced the goblin nation will continued to look into it."

He nodded and said very well but can I ask that you set up a way for me to speack to you without the use of owls, nothing agents them but we need to have a way to send me my true bank statements without razing any suspicion at all."

The goblin looked thoughtful before standing and walking to his door and opening it and speaking to one of the two guards whaching as one ran off quickly. After five minutes the guard came back with two books which were handed to the accountant before returning to his post. The accountant quickly shut the door and walked over and said, "we rarely use these now in days but back before there were quick ways to travel between home and the bank we gave these to noble houses to contact the head of house about the state of the house vaults. We can look to see if you have inherited any other houses but the consequences will depend on the house. We will also see if you have any existing soul bonds as well. This will allow you to meat and decide if they will be in your life after that."

He thought about it before saying, "what will the consequences be if I do this and can you check for any and all possible blocks and or spells and potions on or in me as well?"

The goblin thought about it and said, "we might be able to do so but I will have to check with my king."

He nodded and said, "we can speak again tomorrow so that you can also start looking into other things as well as speak to your king but before I go do the potters have any other homes that I can stay in?" sadly the goblin shook his had no after looking in the file. with that harry left the bank to stay the night at the leaky cauldron.